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Blood Brother replacement

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 8:16 pm
by cocothegogo
as blood brother has been disables we should bring back a gamemode from a while ago I used to like called double agent where traitors need to kill each others, i think it would work really well in dynamic mode

Re: Blood Brother replacement

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 8:18 pm
by Misdoubtful
I honestly kinda liked Internal Affairs Agents. It felt really nice on paper of being high octane traitor vs traitor.

(This also might be better suited to policy discussion its still codified but out of date a bit)

Re: Blood Brother replacement

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 8:29 pm
by Nabski
Internal Affairs had the issues of having special interactions with rule four of antags can do whatever they want
Not being run often enough for people to know that special interaction.

Double Agents removal was tragic. The person removing it claimed "it is too chaotic and people are just murderboning everywhere" while in the same week rolling a double agent then teaming up and murderboning.

Re: Blood Brother replacement

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2021 6:01 am
by cacogen
Double Agents removal was tragic. The person removing it claimed "it is too chaotic and people are just murderboning everywhere" while in the same week rolling a double agent then teaming up and murderboning.
My assumption quite baselessly is that it was that imsex guy

Also everything good gets removed by idiots for poor reasons

Re: Blood Brother replacement

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2021 7:53 am
by NecromancerAnne
cacogen wrote:
Double Agents removal was tragic. The person removing it claimed "it is too chaotic and people are just murderboning everywhere" while in the same week rolling a double agent then teaming up and murderboning.
My assumption quite baselessly is that it was that imsex guy
That is indeed pretty baseless, since I think imsex had just moved to tg at that point from Paradise. From what I could tell from github it only got rebranded into Internal Affairs Agent and has been disabled for most of this time.

IAA did have pretty fundamental issues as a game mode however given what I've played of it. It's largely a zero interaction with the rest of the crew besides colleterial, since all your objectives are focused on the other traitors, who you have direct pinpointers towards. There are tools in the traitor arsenal that are fairly useless for IAA but since they share an uplink, you get a lot of redundant trap equipment. And most importantly, the whole 'full antag' thing. Flavour text be damned.

Either one agent goes postal to end the round ASAP, or the agents merk each other out of sight and the round enters murderbone mode anyway with the now potentially geared up final agent being a martyr or just given the murderbone pass.

This is basically the same thing that happened to Hiveminds and Mutineers, by the way. Antag vs. Antag has historically had some issues, beyond the internal problems of the mode.

Re: Blood Brother replacement

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2021 3:22 pm
by cocothegogo
just fix double agent so that occasionally some of the ts have objectives to kill crew mates IE

say there is 10 agents which all have kill objectives 2 out of the 10 would just have crewmate kills so you cant just automatically assume its da

i think this was already a thing in the gamemode sorry I'm not a coder :brain:
Misdoubtful wrote:I honestly kinda liked Internal Affairs Agents. It felt really nice on paper of being high octane traitor vs traitor.

(This also might be better suited to policy discussion its still codified but out of date a bit)
sorry I never got to play that gamemode