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Chemistry is in a weird spot with access

Posted: Wed May 26, 2021 11:30 am
by hamurlik
Pharmancy has it's own access, which chemists and medical doctors have.
First off, why is pharmancy it's own access? Pharmancy is mostly used by either greytide or medical doctors, in which case why is it not just general medbay access?
Second, why do paramedics have no pharmancy access? They are basically just medical doctors with extra access so why not pharmancy?
Third, what job do chemists have in pharmancy? Doctors can just make their own chemicals, so chemist can only serve clown and greytide.
Fourth, the only thing that differentiates medical doctor with less access and a chemist is chemistry access, the plunging area. Plunging is what the chemists should be doing, it's what makes them unique. The rest crew will do themselves. So why not rename chemists to plungers? That would point the players in the right direction instead of giving them nothing to do. I imagine the only way to have fun as chemist is to be antag so you have instant access to bombs and poisons, but then again medical doctor has it too. Really, the best solution would be to merge all medical jobs into one (except paramedic) so virology, chemistry, pharmancy and medbay storage access, similar to how it is in science right now, you don't have toxinmen, nantiemen and xenobiology men, you just have scientist.

Re: Chemistry is in a weird spot with access

Posted: Wed May 26, 2021 1:23 pm
by BebeYoshi
I agree with the first point, chemistry should be all one access but I have a different idea on the solution, I think chemistry is designed to be done by two people, since the pumbling area is barely enough for one person (ever tried doing it with people you don't know? It will either just you guys making the same things or a dumb conflict) and one actually taking requests at pharmacy (some chems are harder to do/impossible with just pumbling) and remove medical doctors access from chemistry. It's very annyoing how no matter how many good chems you make medical doctors will just come at pharmacy and make it themselves when the chem fridge is FULL of them and no one checks it because they have access they don't care if you made them since they can just make it themselves. That's why someone dedicated to make requests is so important in that case, AND pumbling is usually just done at the first 20 minutes of the round then you have two dedicated chemist that are open for request/doing their own fun chems.

Re: Chemistry is in a weird spot with access

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 12:20 am
by Pandarsenic
Re: Paramedics

I thought Paramedics don't have any chem or pharmacy access, since their job is "unfuck the worst so people don't die on site then bring them back for proper treatment," at least in theory, and that MDs and Chemists have identical access (full run of chemistry, medbay general, surgery, etc.)?
BebeYoshi wrote:remove medical doctors access from chemistry. It's very annyoing how no matter how many good chems you make medical doctors will just come at pharmacy and make it themselves when the chem fridge is FULL of them and no one checks it because they have access they don't care if you made them since they can just make it themselves.
God yes please. Being a chemist and having Chemistry stormed by the Tide/MDs is incredibly obnoxious.

Bonus round: Make their shutter seal everything except the Smart Fridges and shit, including protecting them from medbay, so people have to actually get stuff from the chemists.