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"new department and well alot". But shortened and readable/ part 2

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2021 2:59 am
by Highway Routine
Part 2 because i wrote too much shit and now have to shorten it into easy-to-read parts.

Anyway lets carry on. Now because we have a new department we have to have much more new shit for it, Like the new ores and chems. which for the ore includes: Tin, silicon, lithium, titanium, tellurium and about most things in this wiki page: for chems same thing.

Also as balance for the factory you have to roleplay aliens: fireteam. and if the main station blows up due to unfortunate events, everyone on the other station lives but marooned.
And as even more fucking balancing, there is a new event that results in living ore getting though the filter, which sounds and is bad, and any products said ore has been integrated into they gain control of. They can even talk to each other via WI-FI.

Yeah thats another big thing, WI-FI. So basically, in each room there has to be a router and if it goes out, things like cargo bus goes dead. But also it adds more stuff. things like MOOZ, chatrooms and online games (you can see where this is going), and also in-game wiki access, and BAYE (EBAY) which makes in person trading viable. and donations to departments are also viable.

Back to the fucking DOI, the industrialist gets more factorio-like because now they have robo factory arms, and they get a new machine, the fusioner, it does what it says. It fuses things together, they can also fuse ores and mats. Examples are magnesium plastic, basically bottle bomb... a plastic bottle that can be turned into a bomb when heated to above 100F or 150F, or napalmic thermite, which if used with plastic results in a bad time... yeah... haha..

NEW BORG: industrialist borg: These borgs have most thing all people of the DOI have. although there is a catch, They can only be spawned at the beginning or be made into one. the reason for this is because we don't want a department solely run by... borgs... (thats a good idea)

Nanites they are back! well not as whatever they were like last time. they are only used for building factories and scanning wide areas for ores. The way is this balanced is a long story. But you know this post: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=24991? kinda something like that. Like how factorio makes it so that research is a thing you have to craft (Science packs) basically you start off with some base tech, and then as you grow more powerful you can make more science to make more research... and on and on.

then the new traitor role: the activist, is just like it sounds it hates the DOI and will purposely want to sabotage them. like by stealing the HOI's shit which includes the bluespace generator key, because when something breaks physics, it probably bluespace and also balancing because it takes alot of power to break physics. that's it goodbye because i need to keep it short and readable.

Re: "new department and well alot". But shortened and readable/ part 2

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2021 8:59 am
by Rohen_Tahir
Like the new ores and chems. Tin, silicon, lithium, titanium, tellurium and about most things in this wiki page:
Have you considered playing GregTech New Horizons instead?