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Antivaccine - against accidental cure

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2022 8:41 am
by MrNihil
So I have been thinking.
You are working on some cool virus. Its really cool (just for you, everybody else don't give a shit about your symptoms, nerd). Then you look at its resistance stat. Or not. It was alcohol and you went to take a shot after a good day's work. You are now immune to your self-resp_with_some_extra_shit_disease_final_neutered.
Next time you want to switch viruses, because you made a cool healing, but somebody left the airlock open and they now need self-resp because NT haven't left an instruction how to use internals. Unless its more transmittable, you will have a hard time.

But wait! What if you could kill your immune system? A new chemical that purges immunities at a cost of some cellular/toxin damage? Or maybe an anti-vaccine that purges that one selected immunity?
Then we can talk business!

Good things: You can infect yourself again after accidental immunity. You can switch viruses without fear that you wont be able to go back!
Bad things: You can lose immunity to bad stuff too!

This is a boost to virology where if you fuck up and get immune to your good-virus you are forced to make a new one (and it wont be as good as original) to use it again. 30 minutes wasted. Also sometimes we have 2-3 viruses and you decide you no longer need self-resp but want to heal brain traumas, then switch to some nocturnal healing because you are a maint junkie. You cant juggle viruses.
Genetics can pop you 1u mutadone and fun begins anew. Viro does not forgive errors.

I thought about a chemical that gives you cellular damage (since there are rare situations you ever get it, and fits as it damages your body) and/or organ damage for an increased chance of immunity purge (starting at 5%/tick and increasing in time, so we have random damage and its not a free respec like this lazy mutadone).
Alternative is pandemic anti-vaccine printing, that removes that one particular immunity. Working like vaccine, but the other way around - easier to code and no punishment for virus-respec. After you give a blood sample with immunity you could switch modes between making vaccine and making anti-vaccine.

Its rather small change, but I dare say it would make virology a much more interesting job then just to rush starlight self-resp and calling it a day.

Re: Antivaccine - against accidental cure

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2022 4:21 pm
by Farquaar
If you don't want your supervirus getting cured, just increase its resistance with some harmful symptoms :^)

Re: Antivaccine - against accidental cure

Posted: Fri May 13, 2022 6:35 pm
by RikuTheKiller
Actually I like the idea of an anti-vaccine. Similarly to the vaccine it could just immediately act the moment it's injected. All it would do is just delete your current immunities. (Honestly don't see a way this could be weaponized apart from like, putting 50/50 in a syringe gun. So no, no chance of it being that overpowered.

Re: Antivaccine - against accidental cure

Posted: Fri May 13, 2022 9:11 pm
by blackdav123
If you dont want your supervirus getting cured give it 2 stealth and make 5 of the virus with one symptom different so all of them can fuck up crew at the same time, infecting someone the instant they manage to cure one of them.