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Station goal Brainstorming thread.

Posted: Wed May 25, 2022 7:25 pm
by Itseasytosee2me
We have only had 3 station objectives for forever, one of which is much more underwhelming than the others.

Generally, they have the theme of needing some kind of construction, as well as some sort of interdepartmental work. Any ideas?

Re: Station goal Brainstorming thread.

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 11:46 pm
by celularLAmp
Expand the station or build a new part.

I wish the station goals rewarded you (at least the dna vault the bsa is a reward in it self)

Re: Station goal Brainstorming thread.

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2022 1:29 am
by Pandarsenic
Stations with the meteor shield goal should get increasingly vicious meteor waves unless they're built.

Re: Station goal Brainstorming thread.

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2022 4:11 am
by Farquaar
Idea: Hungry Space Anomaly
A harmonic, unstable, neutralizable gravitational anomaly (HUNGA) has materialized somewhere near the station. Science has to scan the HUNGA to determine what it wants to eat ("stabilizing items" that match its harmonic frequency). The list of objects it wants to eat is random, and can include foods/dishes/plants, liquids/chemicals, tech-gated objects, unique books (i.e. can't use the same book twice), large quantities of a particular mineral/alloy, rare organs or large numbers of common organs, animals (living or dead), etc.

The HUNGA grows over time. Feeding the black hole stabilizing items will shrink it, stop it from growing, and potentially even permanently neutralize it. Feeding the HUNGA non-stabilizing items or ignoring it for a long enough time will allow it to grow, potentially getting large enough to damage the station and eventually becoming a singulo that will ravage the station.

To fulfill the station objective, you must neutralize the HUNGA by dumping enough stabilizing items inside. To speed up delivery, crewmembers are encouraged to build a disposal or conveyor system to rapidly deliver stabilizing items to the HUNGA, though such a system would need to be guarded by security to prevent sabotage.

If the crew fails to stabilize the HUNGA, the station fails the objective. If the HUNGA grows into a singulo before the emergency shuttle leaves, the station critically fails the objective.

Regarding timescale, it is unlikely that the HUNGA will grow into a singulo over the course of a normal round without someone deliberately throwing mass into the it. However, on particularly long rounds it is possible that a singulo will form. To prevent situations where an empty station is held hostage by a runaway HUNGA singulo, Centcomm has set up an automatic signaller that automatically calls the shuttle when the singulo is formed- albeit a crappy one that only has room for the most expensive to replace crewmembers.

TL;DR - Command receives word of a black hole, crew finds the black hole and scans it, scavenger hunt for black hole food ensues

Re: Station goal Brainstorming thread.

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2022 8:03 pm
by celularLAmp
Pandarsenic wrote: Sat Jul 16, 2022 1:29 am Stations with the meteor shield goal should get increasingly vicious meteor waves unless they're built.

I thought they do or it's more likely to get meteors?

Re: Station goal Brainstorming thread.

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2022 8:56 pm
by Pandarsenic
celularLAmp wrote: Sat Jul 16, 2022 8:03 pm
Pandarsenic wrote: Sat Jul 16, 2022 1:29 am Stations with the meteor shield goal should get increasingly vicious meteor waves unless they're built.

I thought they do or it's more likely to get meteors?
I have never known this to be the case without admin intervention, so even if it is the case, it's not intrusive enough to properly encourage people (or make it something for antags to sabotage as a means of causing chaos).

Re: Station goal Brainstorming thread.

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2022 10:13 pm
by NoxVS
Pandarsenic wrote: Sat Jul 16, 2022 8:56 pm
celularLAmp wrote: Sat Jul 16, 2022 8:03 pm
Pandarsenic wrote: Sat Jul 16, 2022 1:29 am Stations with the meteor shield goal should get increasingly vicious meteor waves unless they're built.

I thought they do or it's more likely to get meteors?
I have never known this to be the case without admin intervention, so even if it is the case, it's not intrusive enough to properly encourage people (or make it something for antags to sabotage as a means of causing chaos).
It's less that the meteors aren't bad enough to encourage people to use meteor shields and more that meteor shields are the most mind numbingly boring objective and no one wants to do it.

Re: Station goal Brainstorming thread.

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2022 12:44 pm
by Capsandi
last thread about this

Re: Station goal Brainstorming thread.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2022 11:47 pm
by Kitfox
Farquaar wrote: Sat Jul 16, 2022 4:11 am
Idea: Hungry Space Anomaly
I like it.

Re: Station goal Brainstorming thread.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2022 4:09 pm
by tabbot
I was going to write a long bit about how station goals should probably replace/be integrated better with science but that's a discussion for another time.

  • Exotic Particle Collector
  • Superdeep Borehole/core sampler for a planetary station.
  • Very Complicated Portal; suitable for highpop only requires fully staffed engineering and science and command departments... Unlike a regular portal this one is like 10x10 has actual rotating bits and all sorts of weird fun potential... Requires certain materials, chemicals, etc. that must be gathered from the surface, or developed in toxicology...
  • Missile Defense System: NanonTransen has launched a missile, you have a in-game hour to build a suitable defense system (that will arrive on the first shuttle). The Missile is nuclear armed and will destroy the entire station, Nanotransen expects you to demonstrate competent leadership potential; -> this will depend on having a full crew that is actually capable of doing it's job and an admin or whatever that could assist whoever is captain or acting captain.
all of these are probably terrible.

Re: Station goal Brainstorming thread.

Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 7:35 pm
by Capsandi
Government Inspection
Centcomm inspections are all well and good - the only thing on the line is your job. When an inspector from the local authority arrives, it's a different story. Space station 13 needs to pass it's annual health and safety inspection by the end of the day, and if it fails to do so, NT will be hit with another (ultimately insignificant) fee for being in abeyance of regulations.
How do you simulate a pass/fail inspection without player bias? INSPECTOR AI
Summoned from a 'Government Correspondence Console'(because I'd hate to bloat the communications console any more than it already is), the inspector spawns on the arrivals shuttle holding their trusty clipboard that they write infractions down on. The inspector will choose 2 areas from different departments, as well as the bridge and bar to walk to. Along the way, they will stop to scan for any blood, trash, corpses, cant breathe, cant see, ect. If any are found, the inspector will say something to the tune of:
"THAT is going on MY report"
"Highly unusual for a safe working environment"
To conclude the inspection, the inspector will order a dish from the chef, which the crew will have a limited time to provide. If the inspector suffers damage during their inspection, they will subtract it from the score. If the inspector is killed, the inspection is failed. The inspector has no self-preservation instinct due to years of dull office work and will merely quip at you while you murder him for ordering fish sticks when there is no carp meat available.
To summon a new inspector costs a fee, and it is repeatable, even if you used the last inspector as a bag of fresh organs. The station merely needs to pass, which is a 60% overall. The score breakdown of the previous inspection is shown on the special console. Maybe you can even drug the inspector for a point bonus.
No clue what the reward is for doing it, but I think this is a nice goal idea which doesn't just boil down to "max out your department tech" while also involving all departments(the two random inspections are rerolled for every inspector)

Re: Station goal Brainstorming thread.

Posted: Sun May 19, 2024 10:14 pm
by kayozz
Build a satellite station from scratch with certain functions and synch it up to the main-station.
Kill X amount of fauna on lavaland/ice planet
Develop X amount of unique viruses / Genetic traits for archive
Collect X amount of Ore (not for research)
Acquire serious amounts of station power somehow on the grid
Make X amounts of credits
Protect the VIP/Undercover VIP all shift
Build a Zoo with X amounts of specific types of animals on display
Build a working stable Singuloth and a contained Tesla and hook both to the grid.
Some kind of Terraforming project that stops blizzards/lava land weather
Criminal Bounties - I.e in space there's wanted NPCs with a bounty on their head located on random ruins.
A Syndicate base ruin thingie spawns in space. It's reverse Nuke Ops, the crew need to destroy the Syndie base/recover an item, three Syndie need to defend it. Syndies can't leave their station.
Capture X amount of Xenos/Animals/Mobs somehow.

Re: Station goal Brainstorming thread.

Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 3:50 am
by norsvenska
particle accelerator/collider or adjacent. not quite sure what benefit it would give at the moment, possibly a way to produce anomaly cores for r&d. would be a circular structure surrounding the station and requires a lot of power to operate.

Re: Station goal Brainstorming thread.

Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 10:07 pm
by DaBoss
Some kind of power sink is a good idea. People have been complaining a lot about there not being a reason to upgrade the engine's output, an optional station objective is the perfect place to have the engies waste energy.

Re: Station goal Brainstorming thread.

Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 8:00 pm
by TheSmallBlue
To build a bit upon farquaar's idea:

Black Hole:
"As you well know by now, your station's explicit purpose is to conduct research on the black hole situated in your quadrant. See if you can contain it, and please, do not get sucked into it!"
Somewhere in space, in the same Z-level as the station, there's a black hole. It stays still in its place throughout the entire round, and it is not movable. It does, however, slowly grow in size over time. Anything that touches it will slooowly begin to be dragged to the middle of it, and if it reaches the center it gets destroyed. The idea is that the dragging is slow enough that the person/thing being dragged in could still be saved if rescued with a rope or by someone with equipment that counteracs the black hole's effect.
The black hole's growth can be stunted (and maybe even counteracted?) by feeding it power/electricity.
Basically, make Engineering build a room around the black hole that automatically feeds it power, thus making the black hole not eat the entire station. The overfeeding of the black hole could also have some positive effect but I didn't think that far

Re: Station goal Brainstorming thread.

Posted: Thu May 23, 2024 1:12 am
by Nabski
Talent Show
Put on a show on the stage. Requires building the stage, camera, and labeling 10 items as props. You must have at least X(where x is 15%-3/5/7) of the crew as acts and (3/5/7) judges. Winner gets their photo added to a thing in the library that shows the last bunch of winners.