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Better Hallucinations

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 10:26 pm
by Scones
Seriously our current ones are shitty, all they do is:
- Create phantom sounds
- Create phantom items on your person
- Create mobs that punch you into holocrit

They should be doing things like:
- Making you see people as monsters/animals
- Hearing people talking distorted/different language
- Make believable sounds; the main issue with the current ones is that they're right on top of you and are incredibly loud, so they'll never actually deceive you into thinking something is happening
- Make you say weird shit

They just don't feel trippy enough as-is. I'm not sure how some of these could be implemented (Seeing people as different races), but I know things like hearing could just change your languages var for the duration of the hallucination

Re: Better Hallucinations

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 10:34 pm
by EndgamerAzari
Auditory hallucinations ideas:

Someone thumping on a window/banging on a grille
Sound of an e-sword being turned on
That little electric buzz you hear when someone hacks/emags a machine/door
Airlock opening
Distant explosion
Glass breaking
Proximity alarm beep/countdown tick
Hollow thunk ala fire extinguisher to the head

EDIT: how could I forget BWOINK

Re: Better Hallucinations

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 10:39 pm
by Incomptinence
Swapping appearances of people in your vision.
Making you gasp, hey you aren't well you know.
Messing with the RED SCREEN SO REEEL without holocrit.

Re: Better Hallucinations

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 12:57 am
by Remie Richards
The Emergency shuttle call message can already be completely faked by Hallucinations, making you believe it has docked, sound effects and all, you missed that.

As for Azari's point:
* Explosion noise -- Already happens (3 possible sounds, Explosion1 and 2.ogg and explosionfar.ogg)
* Glass breaking -- Already happens (3 possible sounds, Glassbr1 2 and 3 .ogg)
* Door opening sounds -- Already happens (2 possible sounds, airlock.ogg, windoor.ogg)
* Esword sound -- Not quite the same, but gunshots and taser noises are already made (Gunshot.ogg, Taser.ogg)

Found this in the initial port of hallucinations/dreams from Bay12:

Code: Select all



		mocktxt = ""

		var/possible_txt = list("Launch Escape Pods","Self-Destruct Sequence","\[Swipe ID\]","De-Monkify",\
		"Reticulate Splines","Plasma","Open Valve","Lockdown","Nerf Airflow","Kill Traitor","Nihilism",\
		"OBJECTION!","Arrest Stephen Bowman","Engage Anti-Trenna Defenses","Increase Captain IQ","Retrieve Arms",\
		"Play Charades","Oxygen","Inject BeAcOs","Ninja Lizards","Limit Break","Build Sentry")

				var/mid_txt = pick(mid_txts)
				mocktxt += mid_txt
				mid_txts -= mid_txt


			var/button = pick(buttons)

			var/button_txt = pick(possible_txt)

			mocktxt += "<a href='?src=\ref[src];[button]'>[button_txt]</a><br>"

			buttons -= button
			possible_txt -= button_txt

	return start_txt + mocktxt + end_txt + "</TT></BODY></HTML>"
Which would have replaced a few popup windows in the game with gibberish buttons+text, the text here is mainly references.

Re: Better Hallucinations

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 1:35 am
by Celdur
Well, if anything gets changed, nothing should make it completely obvious that you are drugged from the get go.
At least not with low doses.
I actually get fooled sometimes when I get the shuttle message or some dude starts swinging at me.
Until the point where there's suddenly 2 of them, and I'm holding a C4 and there is a hole into space out of nowhere.
Having everyone be animal freak monsters right away would kinda do away with that paranoid feeling.

Re: Better Hallucinations

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 1:39 am
by AdenAbrafo
It would be cool if someone coded hallucinations that weren't even directed at the person hallucinating such as a gang of assistants beating the Captain or a bunch of space carp chasing a clown.
Instead of having it make people talk distorted it should just make them say different prewritten phrases.

The hallucinations where people spawn on top of you and deal stamina damage to you is bad and should go though.

Re: Better Hallucinations

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 2:36 am
by Scones
Esword is a good sound to add to the rotation.

It could be varying levels of tripping

Uncanny valley -> direction very clear hallucinations -> OH SHIT NIGGA THE FLOORS ARE SPINNING

Re: Better Hallucinations

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 2:45 am
by invisty
You tripped!

I'm sorry, please don't hurt me. I thought it was funny.

Re: Better Hallucinations

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 3:08 am
by Wyzack
I was just thinking this the other day. We should draw heavily from the final level of hotline Miami 2. Everything changes colors, people look like xenos, get attacked by imaginary hive bots that explode into colors. Make dropping acid a fun activity

Re: Better Hallucinations

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 3:22 am
by Scones
Lifeweb hallucinations do all of the suggested things and more

They make you sputter weird indistinct shit as well

"I must die, but I am already dead..."

also they have some scary af sounds

Re: Better Hallucinations

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 1:45 pm
by Rhisereld
I'd like to see hallucinations be more convincing. The first time fools you, but after that you never really have to sit back and really think about whether you're hallucinating or not.

Re: Better Hallucinations

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 2:41 pm
by EndgamerAzari
>almost all my suggestions are already in the game

It's been awhile since I've tripped balls, apparently.

Re: Better Hallucinations

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 4:04 am
by Stan_Studnick
I think the hallucinations should be situational and input specific, a changeling's hallucination sting able to be dialed to cause a specific type of hallucination would be great. I'd like to see people lose their shit for no reason because they're hallucinating terrible things because a changeling wants to sow discord, and then later the changeling stings a target and then attacks them shortly after while their victim screams for help with the carp that's gnawing his legs off.

I'd also like nightmare mode that scares the bejeesus out of you with screen-fill terror but when I suggested it in OOC apparently it was too scary for Basil's population I guess.