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Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 11:26 pm
by Skorvold
All lizards spawn on the gulag with mining tools They are equipped with painful shock collars that can be activated by the Warden via the Prisoner Management Console. In some rounds, the mighty Lizardicus spawns with a hidden uplink and a deactivated shock collar. He possesses the ability to disable the other sub-humans shock collars.

The demographic for this idea is Security players. Liggers need not apply, as they most likely can't read anyway.

For those that can, please send all constructive idea criticism (hateful comments) to

Re: Oppression

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 11:56 pm
by lumipharon
didn't a PR for explosive collars or something just recently get merged?

Re: Oppression

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 11:59 pm
by TheNightingale
The shock (or explosive, that's fun as well) collars is a good idea, but only if we get T45/51b power armour too...

As for the rest, remember that time you armbladed yourself into critical?

Re: Oppression

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 12:16 am
by Xhuis
lumipharon wrote:didn't a PR for explosive collars or something just recently get merged?
Sorry, nope. Bomb collars just got closed, not merged. :X

Re: Oppression

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 3:26 am
by Scones
Xhuis wrote:
lumipharon wrote:didn't a PR for explosive collars or something just recently get merged?
Sorry, nope. Bomb collars just got closed, not merged. :X
Why Xhuis

I needed these

I trusted you

Re: Oppression

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 3:34 am
by invisty
CosmicScientist wrote:
At least give the gulag a departmental officer position, the first one that gets assigned so they can get their baton out to brain the slaves residents repeatedly.

You did mean they'd only be wearing shock collars and no headsets/backpacks/IDs/clothes except for cuffed orange shoes right? Because I think you can do one better and put a shackle on their ankle that is connected to a rusted chain that if they try to touch without gloves to either tug on them or remove them they get 5 brute on their hand and tetanus. The chain is connected to an anchor that causes 1 brute for every tick they try to walk further than there is slack in the chain. If they spend 5 seconds tugging at the end of their chain, they take 30 stamina damage but move the anchor by 1 tile. A sec officer has the ID access to unlock an anchor for movement that only causes stamina damage when tugged by the resident but if their ID is 5 tiles away from the anchor, it locks down and sends an electric shock for 20 burn to the resident if they try to move it again in the next ten seconds, this also stuns them.

If they are not on the gulag Z-level they should feel their shock collar vibrate and stun them. If they spend 10 more seconds off the Z-level they receive a stun and 10 burn. If they reach 15 seconds, a stun and a 15 burn. This increases every 5 seconds.

There should be a cafeteria for the residents, a trough built into the floor that a slurry feeds into every 10 minutes with low nutritional food with some of that junk food chem but also has an addiction quality too, not one which outpaces the "I don't want to eat junk food", just one which is slightly slower acting and results in shakes and coughs, making them drop their mining equipment.

After this, replace the brig or to a lesser extent perma with gulag and don't discourage killing new inmates for their clothes and any pizza slices that may or may not have found their way into their pockets and may or may not be poisoned with the common cold or any other disease although minor makes annoying messages pop up.
So basically the age old slave miner/migrants idea but with lizards instead?

I'd kinda prefer if we didn't have the lizards as a character option anyway, but at the same time I'd also prefer all the other snowflakey shit like pink hair to be removed.

Re: Oppression

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 8:39 am
by DemonFiren
Cue immediate deconstruction of mining comms, removal of all collars, lockering of all lizards, and an eerie silence as the security detail struggles not to waltz straight into the trap.

Knowing the robustness of the average greytider and stupidity of the average officer, this is going to tilt fast.

Re: Oppression

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 11:03 am
by Not-Dorsidarf
>removing bomb collars on the asteroid

>expecting security to not just tell the R&D staff that it's open season with maxcaps on anyone still on the roid

>Expecting anything other than flashbangs followed by immediate execution

Re: Oppression

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 11:34 am
by DemonFiren
>expecting R&D not to be staffed by traitors
>expecting the non-traitors not to lub lub their slimes
>expecting security to even think that far

Re: Oppression

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 1:07 pm
by DemonFiren
>expecting traitors not to murderbone security the moment they see they're occupied

Re: Oppression

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 3:40 pm
by MisterPerson
I believe this thread has run its course to completion