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Remake Changeling into Shapeshifter

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 1:26 am
by Zaffre
Basically Chameleon Projector: The Game.

The shapeshifter can transform into to anything around them (that you can pick up). You would be able to do this in the 'Shapeshifter' tab which would have all the items that you can turn into within a certain radius. You can also shift into other humans etc but maybe for balancing reasons you have to either extract their DNA changing style or inject it via DNA injector from Genetics (and you could store say 5 humans to turn to at any time). For weapons your arms could transform into something that you have picked up like an axe, knife or crowbar (which could also function as a crowbar). Only melee weapons should be allowed and have a max of 3 weapons you can store at any one time?

Shapeshifting would cost energy which would regenerate over time. Changing into a human would cost the most, then changing into anything else costing less and shifting weapons even less.

Objectives would be pretty much the same as traitor but maybe you could have 'Extract X organ from Y' or something. You could shift your weapons to be surgical tools to do it.

To make it more interesting / make it a bit more like ling you could choose starting loadouts like: Toolbox loadout which allows you to shift your arms into all the tools + 3 other, Surgical which would be for surgical tools, one for buffs which would make your energy regen faster or have a bigger energy pool etc.

What do you guys think? Is it even plausible? How would you balance it? Most importantly, will it be fun?

Re: Remake Changeling into Shapeshifter

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 2:03 am
by Xhuis
The morph is already very much like this.

Re: Remake Changeling into Shapeshifter

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 4:10 am
by Scott
Changeling needs to be made into clothesling.

Re: Remake Changeling into Shapeshifter

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 12:32 pm
by Phalanx300
Make it into The Thing or Mush or something. That way:

* People aren't taken out of the round anymore.
* It instills fear and paranoia, as no one can be trusted. You know, the entire goal of the antag which doesn't exist anymore. Freezing Spiderbreeders aren't scary.

Re: Remake Changeling into Shapeshifter

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 4:54 pm
by Deitus
Xhuis wrote:The morph is already very much like this.
agreed, but morph seems to happen very little compared to lings. what's the chance ratio for them anyway?

Re: Remake Changeling into Shapeshifter

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 9:37 pm
by Not-Dorsidarf
Deitus wrote:
Xhuis wrote:The morph is already very much like this.
agreed, but morph seems to happen very little compared to lings. what's the chance ratio for them anyway?
I think the event is weight 30, minimum time half an hour.

Lings should work more like morphs.

Re: Remake Changeling into Shapeshifter

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 11:57 pm
by Incomptinence
If changelings were just flat out replaced with equivalent numbers of morphs now that would be a wild ride.