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Syndicate Support Cyborg

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 1:04 pm
by Steelpoint
Due to the recent proposed cost changes for the Nuke Op Assault Cyborg I thought up of a possible alternative cyborg that Ops might be able to buy.

Introduce the Hover Support Cyborg!

This Cyborg would be a very cheap player controlled Cyborg that acts in a support manner. So what does it bring to the table?
  • Cost: The Cyborg only costs around ten telecrystals, but can only be ordered once (if possible).
  • Storage: The Cyborg can hold double the inventory of a normal Human, however items must be manually stored inside the Cyborg, this lets the Borg act as a pack mule for the Ops equipment (For operational reasons it cannot hold a Nuclear Authentication Disk) The Borg can deposit any item at will as well as any Human can remove a item manually.
  • Health: The Cyborg has a two tier defence, it's main defence is a shield that surrounds it, the shield is rechargeable but only recharges after 30 seconds from any last damage sustained and has 100 effective health. The actual Cyborg has only 10 actual health.
  • Weapon: The Cyborg has no way to defend itself initally, however for a additional TC investment a weapon module can be purchased and installed. The borg can only hold one weapon module. For 5 TC's it can mount a Cyborg Sketchin, for 20 it can mount a semi-auto rifle akin to a C20r but minus the stamina damage. However mounting a weapon will reduce the speed of the Cyborg to that of walking around with magboots on and enabled, its up to the Ops to decide on speed over defence.
The main benefit of this Cyborg is its ability to hold gear and act as a cheap shield since its shield can block some attacks. Also it would be very cheap to buy.

Re: Syndicate Support Cyborg

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 1:14 pm
by onleavedontatme
I was prepared to groan at this when I saw "cyborg" but this has nothing at all to do with borgs and sounds pretty interesting.

Combat MULE.

Or get someone to sprite one of those weird 4 legged all terrain mulebots

Re: Syndicate Support Cyborg

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 1:16 pm
by Steelpoint
Combat Mule might be a better name.

I should note that both this Mule/Borg should not be able to interact with machinery or doors, if you want that pony up for a more expensive Cyborg. Also this unit should not be able to block movement, so you can still walk through it.

Re: Syndicate Support Cyborg

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 1:20 pm
by onleavedontatme
>I should note that both this Mule/Borg should not be able to interact with machinery

Yeah nothing to do with borgs code or function wise then.

This would be an easy to make simple animal. I was planning a similar player mule for lavaland eventually.

I got a zillion ideas/projects going on but if you get sprites I'll take a crack at it

Re: Syndicate Support Cyborg

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 1:31 pm
by Steelpoint
> me
> good sprites

Best I could do is a recolour of the stock Mule to look evil red, otherwise there's not much I can do.

Re: Syndicate Support Cyborg

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 1:42 pm
by Lo6a4evskiy
110 health backpack that isn't reliably on your back when you need it.


Re: Syndicate Support Cyborg

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 2:03 pm
by Steelpoint
A gimmick?

Or as a self-flying ammo box, it might also have a small weapon to contribute to the fight.

Its a small support asset that's meant to be cheap to get so its not big loss either way, it does not need to be overpowered.

Re: Syndicate Support Cyborg

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 2:14 pm
by Lo6a4evskiy
I'd say go full support drone (mule, borg, whatever) and add things like ammo resupply, medical assistance, may be some (de)construction and hacking capabilities. Different kinds of drones could be implemented. And they don't necessarily need to be cheap.

Re: Syndicate Support Cyborg

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 2:28 pm
by Steelpoint
Well the base Drone could be cheap but additional moduels could get more expensive, this would allow the Ops to customize their Drone on a round per round basis without having to start with a big up front investment.

Re: Syndicate Support Cyborg

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 2:45 pm
by Lo6a4evskiy
Not a bad idea. Make it happen.