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Post freeze content ideas.

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 1:25 pm
by J_Madison
Think Fireaxe and Sonic jackhammer combined, for operators and maybe sec. - Pneumatic Hamaxe.
Think C4, but riskier.
Requires two arms to use. Not for the scrawny.
Breaks down walls in two hits.
Breaks down R-walls one piece per hit.
Breaks down windows in one hit.
Smashes up APCs, cameras, computer screens.
It really hurts to be hit by this.

I came to this idea when people were talking about ways to breach into a room as Ops, and watching Rainbow Six Siege.
I think it'll be an interesting item, at the right price. The balance should be okay since it doesn't actually remove walls in one hit unlike the C4.

There was a request for conventional crossbows a while ago, and I think it would make interesting self-made weapons.

Crossbows (arbalest)
Embeds on hit.
Can be made with several (somewhat) difficult to get items.
Takes a while to load (it's a really heavy crossbow)

Chu-ko-nu (repeating crossbow)
Restricted/difficult to make.
Pumped like a shotgun
Can embed.

Slows you down when you ready it
Embeds on hit.
Not has strong as crossbow