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MedicalHUDs Reeeeeeework??

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 2:28 am
by Cobby
Medical Huds should reflect what's on medical records.

Icons that show the physical description of a patient, the mental description, etc.

In fact, I wouldn't mind MedHUDS only reflecting what's on the records since we already have things like the health analyzer that better tell you how to heal someone than "this man hurt" or " this man crit " or " this man gud " [similar to how secHUDs don't tell you who the antags/criminals are without someone setting them in the records].


+ Gives Medical Records Viability and use besides RP fluff people don't use
+ Allows you to call phoebe "sexually active" so other medical doctors can quietly laugh to themselves.
+ Gives Medical Doctors something to do/have fun with when traitors have emagged their steal objective and currently hiding in the locker.

+/- Changes the flow of Medical

- Could act as a pseudo sechud
- Anti-QoL feature [although if you have one of these you probably have access to a health analyzer that can also be made in the lathe].
- Allows you to call Phoebe "pure"

Re: MedicalHUDs Reeeeeeework??

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 3:05 am
by Super Aggro Crag
i use the medical records to insinuate miku frost suffers from overactive glands

Re: MedicalHUDs Reeeeeeework??

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 4:43 am
by PKPenguin321
>not using medical records to give the captain a terminal case of micropenis

Re: MedicalHUDs Reeeeeeework??

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 6:03 am
by TechnoAlchemist
Super Aggro Crag wrote:i use the medical records to insinuate miku frost suffers from overactive glands

Re: MedicalHUDs Reeeeeeework??

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 7:39 am
by Davidchan
People barely use sec records as is. 'Is he set to arrest, brig him and spend the next 20 minutes finding out what his crime was.'

Re: MedicalHUDs Reeeeeeework??

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 4:56 pm
by Cheimon
The medihud is a triage tool. The records are there to talk about fingerprints, blood type, and age. What the hell is the point of a hud that tells me information I basically never need to look up, and why would you want to replace a useful tool with it?

Re: MedicalHUDs Reeeeeeework??

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 6:21 pm
by Cobby
Cheimon wrote:The medihud is a triage tool. The records are there to talk about fingerprints, blood type, and age. What the hell is the point of a hud that tells me information I basically never need to look up, and why would you want to replace a useful tool with it?
Because there's a tool [the health analyzer] that does the same exact thing, but better. The health analyzer is more widely available as well and can be mass printed from the autolathe.
The Handheld crew monitor does this better as well, even giving the location of said individual if they've maxed their sensors. There are still ways to tell if someone is hurt from a distance, it's just not as visually apparent.

I'm hoping that we will end up giving medical records a function instead of gathering dust round after round. Making it more easily viewable [at the cost of not being able to see the estimated health of someone across the room from you] will hopefully give people an incentive to use it for SOMETHING.
Davidchan wrote:People barely use sec records as is. 'Is he set to arrest, brig him and spend the next 20 minutes finding out what his crime was.'
We can only lead the horse to the water.

If people aren't taking advantage of the tools then what can I say?

Again, we could meet halfway and have both a health bar AND medical record icons + detailed medical report when examining individuals with the huds. I just think giving the medrecords some love is a much needed feature.

Re: MedicalHUDs Reeeeeeework??

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 10:11 pm
by Super Aggro Crag
da medihud exists so you can walk through a hallway and see if that guy lying on the ground is dying, or just slipped on a peel at a glance

that way u don't have to constantly chase everyone clicking them with your scanner

Re: MedicalHUDs Reeeeeeework??

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 10:45 pm
by Xhagi
I use to use the medical records to change Pheobe's gender to male and throw copies of it at her.

Other than humourous moments like that it lacks any real use and probably shouldn't be forced on people. At the least don't change medihuds completely because their current function as finding who's the most critical is needed.

Maybe make it so when you have notes on your medical record there's an icon and when you examine them the note pops up with everything else. That way the medbay can laugh at the Captain's micropenis note everytime they see him.

Re: MedicalHUDs Reeeeeeework??

Posted: Sun May 08, 2016 12:37 am
by Cheimon
How does the health analyser "do it better"? The medihud allows you to look at a room, and instantly sort out who's dead, who's injured, who's in high crit, who's in low crit, and who's just lightly injured at a glance. With the health scanner, you get more detailed information but you have to chase down each person individually and click them, and you have to scan them again to get an update on their general condition.

They're just not the same. They don't do the same thing. The health scanner is for treatment. The medihud is for triage. It's a useful and powerful tool.