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Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 11:13 am
by InsaneHyena
Rules: must be a single antag (no conversions) like traitor and changeling. Must not be too similiar to traitors and changelings or replicated by a single item from uplink. Must not be a side antag - either his own roundtype, or appearing in traitorling.

Myself, I think that magical niche can be filled. But how do we avoid new magical antag being too similiar to meme roundtype intentionally overpowered wizard?

Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 12:26 pm
by Lumbermancer

Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 12:53 am
by Screemonster
with the addition of dismemberment, a Jeepers Creepers style monster that shows up and will eat your fucking limbs

Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 1:45 am
by John_Oxford
Nanotrasen Infiltrator Round Type
You spawn as a assistant, and are given one silenced stetchkin with ap rounds, a emag disguised as your ID, and a xray, cns rebooter, revival and adrenal implant.
Along with a special implant, that is given by central command, along with orders to not kill anyone, or dip the station below 75 percent integrity, otherwise the implant will release 50 units of curare into your system, killing you immediately.
Your goal is to complete very specific traitor objectives like neutralizing potentionally rebelious heads that nanotrasen wants gone, or taking high value items to test the security of the station.
Or to neutralize all other on station syndicate agents.

Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 1:56 am
by Xhuis
I'm still keeping my promise to rework shadowling, so I've been thinking a lot about how I want to go about their update. I've been thinking about making a Dead By Daylight ripoff/inspired antagonist; powerful and can easily pick off lone people to drag into maintenance and perform horrible rituals on to gain more power or sacrifice them to an eldritch god; kind of like my original concept that involved them tearing apart and devouring people.
I can see this being either really cool or really bad.

Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 1:58 am
by DrPillzRedux
An antag based off the book "Needful Things", where some eldritch being disguised as a human sells or gives people things to cause chaos. It'd work as a single antag with a few powers who has people sign contracts, in turn giving those players random objectives aimed at making a big fucking mess of everything, and with it some gear for them. The antags are not on a team and can shoot each other.

Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 2:04 am
by TechnoAlchemist
guy with a gun

Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 2:07 am
by Zilenan91
The DbD killer thing sounds interesting. Not sure how you'll pull it off though.

Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 2:33 am
by Cayce
Space Bandit:

You're a lone outlaw with a small one man ship, a space suit, and a disguised bluespace backpack.
Your goal is to sneak onto the station to steal as many high value objects as possible. In your ship is a bluespace transmitter that you can use to sell your loot on the black market, in trade for telecrystals to buy other objects on the black market.

Your objectives are based around how many points worth of objects you sell for your mysterious backers (the syndicate), and sometimes specific things they want (the captain's gun, the nuke disc, the nuke, the CE's hardsuit, etc).

Randomly Spawning Objects: One of these would appear in your ship's locker, at random, to help you achieve your goals.
Chameleon Jumpsuit
Agent ID
Voice changer thing.


Multiple Space Bandits in one area, work together to invade the station.
Pretend to be a friendly space trader and use charisma to buy things from the station.

Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 3:02 am
by Pilgrim
Have a counterintelligence mode. 1 NT agent has successfully embedded with 3 (this scales at a 1:3 ratio durr) other Syndicate traitors, and his objective is to stop all other traitors from completing their objectives (which he does not know). Everyone starts with 20 TC and a syndicate uplink, and each has individual objectives -- but they are alerted by Syndicate Command that a traitor betraying the traitors is in their midst.

Because these antags spawn with communication instantly available, they are a very powerful force. However, the tension and paranoia caused by the fact everyone knows that someone is a NT agent means that internal squabbling or even paranoid infighting can ensue. Think the beginning of the Dark Knight where all the bank robbers are killing each other.

How this NT double agent will interact with security is a toughie, but because he's indistinguishable from a tator it's up to them if they want to trust him. I think it should be possible for the agent to interact with sec and cooperate, but it should be really risky on sec's part.

Also, make an Alien vs. Predator mode.predator is tasked with a tator objective in order to make the crew somewhat hostile to him.

Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 6:19 am
by IkeTG
Nanotrasen is behind on their space taxes and the syndicate run the largest repo business in the universe because reasons, so the syndicate send a repo man to repossess as much as possible from the station without being killed. The thing is that killing NT employees is a serious liability to the repo man because space law reasons so for every person killed is another sum of money detracted from the amount repo'd

Along with that, one of the objectives for the repo man is to hijack the escape shuttle and bring it to a space impound lot. The incentive of the crew is to keep the company vehicle from being stolen by syndicate scum

Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 9:07 am
by DemonFiren
Cure murderboner anyway because muh redtax.

Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 9:18 am
by kevinz000
John_Oxford wrote:Nanotrasen Infiltrator Round Type
You spawn as a assistant, and are given one silenced stetchkin with ap rounds, a emag disguised as your ID, and a xray, cns rebooter, revival and adrenal implant.
Along with a special implant, that is given by central command, along with orders to not kill anyone, or dip the station below 75 percent integrity, otherwise the implant will release 50 units of curare into your system, killing you immediately.
Your goal is to complete very specific traitor objectives like neutralizing potentionally rebelious heads that nanotrasen wants gone, or taking high value items to test the security of the station.
Or to neutralize all other on station syndicate agents.
Is it bad that I suddenly have an urge to make this..?

Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 9:53 am
by Reece
Spider RTS

Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 12:05 pm
by Comrade Leo
Serial Killer antag:

You are the SERIAL KILLER!
Objective #1: Kill 7 people
Objective #2: Take 7 trophies from your victims
Objective #3: Leave 7 Calling cards
Objective #4: Escape on shuttle or pod alive without being captured to continue your reign of terror.

Trophies are named body parts, such as collect 7 named appendixes or lungs or whatever. Calling cards are left to taunt the detective or security, on inspection by detective's scanner they offer random clues about who you are; Such as "You get a faint whiff of motor oil" (Indicating they might do an engineering job based job) or "You get a whiff of alcohol" (Indicating they may be part of the medical team or bartender). Detective/security must put together all the clues from the calling cards in order to catch the perp with reasonable suspicion. Serial killer doesn't get any special items, except a pda unlockable to spawn calling cards, which can be exchanged for the trophy from the body. Murderboning is discouraged as it's supposed to be a stealth antag as opposed to normal traitor. Game mode ties with Traitor like changeling does.

Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 3:09 pm
by Whoisthere


Buncha fucks get randomly chosen to be critters at roundstart, same ratio as tators. They are the sentient critters. They can use most things same way humans do but can't wear shit, and can't use guns, plus all items except for tiny ones have to be held by two hands.

The sentient critters can
a) eat
b) shit eggs
c) ventcrawl

They can eat anything, but organic crap gives them more points. Let's say they get 100 points per human (100/6 per limb or whatever), 50 per pet, 30 per monkey/goat/cow, 10 per chicken or any food item, 0.5 per any inorganic object.
50 points of food = 1 egg.

Egg matures in 1 byond minute and spawns an AI-controlled critter that can only attack with bite (15 brute) and feed. All feeding points that an AI critter gets are transferred to its parent.

Sentient critters can rally their children critters to follow them, and share a hivemind with other sentient critters. They can talk, and can be understood via universal translator.

They are also immune to atmos, I guess.

Or don't make them immune to atmos, but let them wear internals and survive pressure.

Also I guess when the critters eat enough humans (eating gibs, so you can't go back fuck you), either add more sentient critters from ghosts or send a pair of alien bounty hunters (who must have 80's hairstyles).

Also make crew capture critters for Major Victory. More critters captured and sent to Centcomm for whatever purpose -> more points the crew gets.

So they crew is supposed to kill the bounty hunters too.

Also you could buff them up and make more sentient creaters spawn with each clutch or every 5 dead humans or someshit.

Also they can shoot spikes or somesuch. Spikes embed because fuck you.

Also since they're covered in spikes attacking them with your fists or running over them embeds spikes in you.

Also they can move by rolling which increases their speed and makes them unstunnable but they can't change directions and they can't attack while in rolling mode.

Alternatively nerf critters to fuck and just make it a gamemode about herding them and trying to send them to centcomm while they break everything, bite everyone and eat all the raisins.

Also sentient critters can apparently sing? Which should be similar to ling's shriek?


Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 5:23 pm
by killerx09
Could always port yogstation borers. Either you get along with your new friend and gain superpowers, or you two have a non-lethal bitchfight inside the back of your head.

Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 7:33 pm
by Reece

Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 8:14 pm
by Armhulen
kevinz000 wrote:
John_Oxford wrote:Nanotrasen Infiltrator Round Type
You spawn as a assistant, and are given one silenced stetchkin with ap rounds, a emag disguised as your ID, and a xray, cns rebooter, revival and adrenal implant.
Along with a special implant, that is given by central command, along with orders to not kill anyone, or dip the station below 75 percent integrity, otherwise the implant will release 50 units of curare into your system, killing you immediately.
Your goal is to complete very specific traitor objectives like neutralizing potentionally rebelious heads that nanotrasen wants gone, or taking high value items to test the security of the station.
Or to neutralize all other on station syndicate agents.
Is it bad that I suddenly have an urge to make this..?
go mekhi go

coding inferno

Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 7:35 am
by Whoisthere
Reece wrote:Gremlins?
We can't have gremlins because they are occult and I don't want to see any more occult.

Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 9:31 am
by Ezel
The grinch

Must ruin fun

If poeple make the grinch happy his heart grows

Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 9:53 am
by DemonFiren
Thinking about malf AIs and how it's a shame there aren't more computer viruses on the station (that actually infect shit).

Mode: AI infiltration.
A rogue AI beamed itself off another station and has shunted into an APC here.
It can use the powernet to netcrawl in a fashion similar to ventcrawling and transmit itself to other APCs, at higher ranks SMES, then servers and finally the station AI itself (which is the goal if there is an AI. If not: being a mass upload to all station systems with pretty much the same effect.)
Infecting APCs grants the AI the ability to control all systems and cameras within its range, and perform certain special (malf) abilities.

The infiltrator hacks station power and later computer systems to gain processing capacity. It can only upload itself to one system at a time, and in order to cover its tracks automatically wipes all data after transmitting to another, meaning it'll have to rehack if it leaves a certain APC and wishes to return to it later (possibly on a shorter timer?)
Computers and servers can only be hacked from their connected APC.
Each hacked system grants a set amount of cycles depending on what type of system it is (computers and servers at a much higher rate than APCs) and how much power it draws normally - the more, the faster. SMES are an exception to this, see "Powers" below.
Cycles are expended for specific powers, both to buy and to use/maintain them.
The final objective, as mentioned, is to take-over the AI or brute-force all station systems, depending on whether there is an AI present. This will obviously cause a code delta alert and lock down the infiltrator, who expends all current processing power to guaranteed subversion and is expected to prepare accordingly during the quiet phase.

The only sign that the rogue AI is currently inhabiting a machine is its increased power draw, possibly with an interface hint for SMES. If you find a room with a crazy power drain: you found the infiltrating AI. Cut the cable so it can't escape.
The infiltrator is, however, only (pseudo-)invisible while idling in a system.
Using powers reveals it: APCs and computers bluescreen, SMES and servers flash their blinkenlights.
Hacking another system for the infiltrator to upload itself to in particular reveals both the machine carrying out the hack and its target.

Or rather, an assortment thereof.
Any power the infiltrator uses renders it incapable of action for a time proportional to the potency of the power used and also renders it visible (see section Stealth), much like a Revenant.
An infiltrator can initially only access APCs and use very weak powers (anything a normal AI can do, except limited to all machinery on the current APC.)
After it has gathered a sufficient number of cycles it can decompress part of its stored code to gain access to beefier systems, the higher the system rank the more cycles this decompression takes and the more time the process requires - during which the infiltrator is exposed.
At a high rank (server-level), the infiltrator gains the ability to initiate a (very obvious and slow) wireless transmission, ensuring that simply cutting off t-comms from the main loop is not a viable strategy.
At takeover-level the infiltrator may also be able to hack robots, after takeover cyborgs as well.
An infiltrator that has uploaded itself into an APC gains control over all systems within that APC's range, cameras included, but excluding locked console functions (T-comms, for instance, still has to be brute-forced manually.)
An infiltrator inside an SMES does not gain machine control, but retains access over the system it is uploaded into as and generates cycles at a more rapid rate.
An infiltrator inside a computer gains access to that computer, including the option to brute-force its systems: functionally a (possibly slower, more obvious) emag, and generates cycles at an increased power exchange ratio compared to APCs and SMES. Side effect: if you let an infiltrator into your security cameras then that infiltrator sees everything the AI sees and gains tracking/monitoring access. This is obviously very bad.
Finally, an infiltrator inside a server gains access to any machines connected to that server - resulting in havoc if one gets into telecomms.

Any system the infiltrator currently occupies is inaccessible to the AI.
However the AI is capable of brute-forcing the infiltrator's encryption, resulting in complete control and the option for deletion once complete.
Be aware that powering down a system the infiltrator occupies does not kill it - however it does "knock it out", prohibiting power usage and blinding it.
The infiltrator is very weak physically - deconstruct or destroy a device it occupies and it dies.

Antag starts inside an APC, hacks other APCs to move to via power network, eventually gets to hack SMES, computers, servers and finally all of the everything, gaining flashier powers in the process.
Antag starts off very stealthy, but maintaining silence becomes progressively harder until take-over, where going loud is unavoidable.
Antag's goal is to hack everything.
Antag can get fucked by AI backing him into a corner or by crew taking apart the machine it currently resides in.

Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 10:46 am
by Whoisthere
I like this a lot but it seems like it will be very easy to find an area with an abnormal power consumption via engie console, isolate it from power network and decon all machines inside.

Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 10:49 am
by imblyings
something based off not-genestealers(tm) would be cool

One genestealer prowls maint for unwitting targets and once it finds one, the genestealer converts it's victim into a second-generation genestealer, seeing as we can't really simulate the original off-spring method that genestealers(tm) use. The second-generation stealer has less frightening melee capabilities but the worst of it's mutations are hidden by things like firesuits, masks and gloves. The second-generation stealer can go on to convert it's own victims, who become third-generation stealers. These third-generation stealers also look a bit odd but outside of an odd speech impediment and discolouration of their skin tone, they look quite human.

Objectives may be to convert certain heads of staff or escape with a certain amount of genestealers to ensure the propagation of their species. Gameplay wise it might play out like shadowling, since the converters of the antag team must hide at the start due to not looking very human like. This would be boring by itself though.

First-generation genestealers and second-generation ones to a lesser extent, would be able to redeem anything biological for biomass. Biomass can be redeemed, probably through structures, for reinforcements of some horrible kind. Swarms of tiny murderous rippers, hulking warrior forms, terrifying monsters. Bio-reclamation pools, something between a open stomach and womb, could turn human, animal, or even botany sacrifices to these reinforcements. With biomass as a mechanic, objectives could also be expanded to saving x amount of biomass or saving enough biomass to create a specific thing.

not that I'm suggesting we fall afoul of gw's lawyers, not-genestealers(tm) and not-tyranids(tm) would just be a cool idea

Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 11:00 am
by DemonFiren
Whoisthere wrote:I like this a lot but it seems like it will be very easy to find an area with an abnormal power consumption via engie console, isolate it from power network and decon all machines inside.
That is correct.

The problem I see with my idea is that if we make idling in a system cost no power the damn thing is nearly impossible to detect.
If we make it cost power you only have to camp the engineering console. I suppose the list of APCs on that console is too damn long to make detection quick, though.

Ideas to solve that:
Idling is free, however power usage drains energy from a connected system instead of costing cycles, which are still required to unlock powers but are also generated at a lower rate for balance. If the lights suddenly go off in your room and your room only then you probably have an infiltrator in there.
Maybe it is also possible to grant infiltrators a weaker version of wireless transmission from the start or at SMES-level that requires copying a backup to a compatible machine that it can then remotely activate as soon as it detects it might be in jeopardy, at the cost of making that process briefly draw a lot of power (you are turning an APC/SMES/whatever into a secure transmission device on the fly, after all.) That allows infiltrators to juke out of the way without becoming completely invisible, as a lucky engineer could still spot the destination APC draining like crazy for a second.

Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 11:44 am
by DemonFiren
Okay, overhaul to make this thing worthy of a solo antag.

You draw a noticeable amount of power while in a system, but can almost immediately shunt to any APC or SMES you've hacked, provided it is connected. Hacked systems you are not occupying appear to function as normal. Wireless shunting is also possible, but takes a bit more time and a lot more power.
You receive a warning when the system you currently reside in has lost external power or a brute-forcing attempt is in progress.
APCs which are on a separate grid connected through an SMES you can obviously not hack until you've taken over that SMES - so no rushing the sat to shut down comms and the AI.
If you disable the AI's APC its fault-detection program will tell it that you're there.
Generally, if you disable power to anything you currently occupy you, well, disable yourself. Honk!
At Console-level you gain the ability to emag shit you're connected to, allowing you to frame the AI for bluescreened APCs and malfunctioning bots.
At Server-level, if you're in control of T-comms, you get what's essentially a voice changer. If you're in the PDA messenger it won't accept commands via messaging console anymore and only listens to you. Research server, well, eh, you get to delete tech at will.
The AI can brute-force systems you've hacked. If you're not in that system when the crack is started it is a very quick process (but you still receive an alert), if you are it's slow but will ggnore you once completed, being your cue to get the fuck out.
And yes, I know OP says "no conversion antags", but fuck it, this one's very limited: once you've transmitted yourself to the Cyborg Upload console you can start a very slow and obvious process that essentially emags cyborgs and grants you and any hacked borgs the ability to use the syndicate frequency to co-ordinate.
Try the same to the AI and it will immediately receive a warning, but once the hack is completed its lawset is replaced with a random preset. If that seems to weak perhaps it could be used to upload a freeform law.

Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 4:56 pm
by Armhulen
>traitors get caught right away, mulligan the evil AI

Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 5:08 pm
by Wyzack
imblyings wrote:something based off not-genestealers(tm) would be cool

One genestealer prowls maint for unwitting targets and once it finds one, the genestealer converts it's victim into a second-generation genestealer, seeing as we can't really simulate the original off-spring method that genestealers(tm) use. The second-generation stealer has less frightening melee capabilities but the worst of it's mutations are hidden by things like firesuits, masks and gloves. The second-generation stealer can go on to convert it's own victims, who become third-generation stealers. These third-generation stealers also look a bit odd but outside of an odd speech impediment and discolouration of their skin tone, they look quite human.

Objectives may be to convert certain heads of staff or escape with a certain amount of genestealers to ensure the propagation of their species. Gameplay wise it might play out like shadowling, since the converters of the antag team must hide at the start due to not looking very human like. This would be boring by itself though.

First-generation genestealers and second-generation ones to a lesser extent, would be able to redeem anything biological for biomass. Biomass can be redeemed, probably through structures, for reinforcements of some horrible kind. Swarms of tiny murderous rippers, hulking warrior forms, terrifying monsters. Bio-reclamation pools, something between a open stomach and womb, could turn human, animal, or even botany sacrifices to these reinforcements. With biomass as a mechanic, objectives could also be expanded to saving x amount of biomass or saving enough biomass to create a specific thing.

not that I'm suggesting we fall afoul of gw's lawyers, not-genestealers(tm) and not-tyranids(tm) would just be a cool idea

Maybe have the not-genestealer(tm) cult's endgame be to summon the 'nid host to devour the station. The humans will know the big invasion is coming but may or may not know who is infected and who they can trust. At that point the crew can still escape on the shuttle by holding off the swarm, but the remaining cultist can try and thwart them. Might be a nice hybrid of PvP/PvE, and makes room for lots more Inquisition memes

Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 5:34 pm
by DemonFiren
Armhulen wrote:>traitors get caught right away, mulligan the evil AI
If that happens jump to any of your hacked SMES. If you can't hack SMES yet you done fucked.
Alternatively: the system automatically notices a power drain spike and shuts off external connections (seriously, why does disabling external power in the interface not prevent an APC from draining), meaning the one room that's left lit up is the one you want to send the lynch squad to, and fast, before it shunts again.

Besides, that's more for datum antags than mulligan - this thing is planned as main antag like cult, nuke, wiz, etc.

Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 6:20 pm
by Armhulen
DemonFiren wrote:
Armhulen wrote:>traitors get caught right away, mulligan the evil AI
If that happens jump to any of your hacked SMES. If you can't hack SMES yet you done fucked.
Alternatively: the system automatically notices a power drain spike and shuts off external connections (seriously, why does disabling external power in the interface not prevent an APC from draining), meaning the one room that's left lit up is the one you want to send the lynch squad to, and fast, before it shunts again.

Besides, that's more for datum antags than mulligan - this thing is planned as main antag like cult, nuke, wiz, etc.
I don't know, I actually kinda like the idea of powersink fucking it up, but all of these are fair points

Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 10:43 pm
by Reece
Wyzack wrote:
imblyings wrote:something based off not-genestealers(tm) would be cool

One genestealer prowls maint for unwitting targets and once it finds one, the genestealer converts it's victim into a second-generation genestealer, seeing as we can't really simulate the original off-spring method that genestealers(tm) use. The second-generation stealer has less frightening melee capabilities but the worst of it's mutations are hidden by things like firesuits, masks and gloves. The second-generation stealer can go on to convert it's own victims, who become third-generation stealers. These third-generation stealers also look a bit odd but outside of an odd speech impediment and discolouration of their skin tone, they look quite human.

Objectives may be to convert certain heads of staff or escape with a certain amount of genestealers to ensure the propagation of their species. Gameplay wise it might play out like shadowling, since the converters of the antag team must hide at the start due to not looking very human like. This would be boring by itself though.

First-generation genestealers and second-generation ones to a lesser extent, would be able to redeem anything biological for biomass. Biomass can be redeemed, probably through structures, for reinforcements of some horrible kind. Swarms of tiny murderous rippers, hulking warrior forms, terrifying monsters. Bio-reclamation pools, something between a open stomach and womb, could turn human, animal, or even botany sacrifices to these reinforcements. With biomass as a mechanic, objectives could also be expanded to saving x amount of biomass or saving enough biomass to create a specific thing.

not that I'm suggesting we fall afoul of gw's lawyers, not-genestealers(tm) and not-tyranids(tm) would just be a cool idea

Maybe have the not-genestealer(tm) cult's endgame be to summon the 'nid host to devour the station. The humans will know the big invasion is coming but may or may not know who is infected and who they can trust. At that point the crew can still escape on the shuttle by holding off the swarm, but the remaining cultist can try and thwart them. Might be a nice hybrid of PvP/PvE, and makes room for lots more Inquisition memes
For deconverting them would genetics work thematically? You have to manipulate their DNA into being human and it isn't always 100%.

Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 11:13 pm
by Screemonster
if you're going alien bodyhorror genetic fuckery tyranid-style,



Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 11:19 pm
by Thunder11
Jojo mode:

Multiple stand users on the station, with objectives involving helping, hindering or killing other stand users
All stand users have an objective to avoid harming non stand users unless they insist on being involved
Stands get a big buff, and non stand users can no longer see them

Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 2:04 am
by One Seven One
Battle for the Greentext
Imagine Fate Zero: The gamemode

Now Imagine a stand that's given a human body, items, and maybe a few ablities.
Now they're all trying to kill each other for the magical greentext that will send a message to all admins currently on to grant any single wish that effects the current round or if none are present a small list of possible effects.

The servants would have different abilities for each
One could get stronger by sacrificing people
One could have control over any machine regardless of access
One might even be two weaker servants

Everyone considered a host should have some impact instead of just being a walking liability
Servants can't travel far from their host
Servants are given three spells uses that have different effects
These uses can be taken from other hosts as a way to encourage people finding and killing them.

These spells could be as simple as healing you, your servant, or both of you or maybe bigger like jaunting and allowing your servant to travel as far as they want for a time.

The goal is to be the last man standing and claim the magical greentext.
Use any means necessary wether its poisoning everyone on the station, hiding away and waiting to strike, or going loud and blitzing your targets
Maybe to discourage dragging the match out for hours on end the greentext should randomly spawn somewhere on the station with a message after 40 or so minutes.

Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 5:07 pm
by Armhulen
I like the idea of an antag like/not like the changeling in how he absorbs people but instead of becoming them or whatever, they're added to this mass of flesh where they can now pick up items and attack from the meat master like a tumor
only the original antag can move but the rest are the arms, eating genetically modified people adds the buff to the antag and stuff like that.
the more people the meat master absorbs the more deformed and disgusting he looks, it's perfect

Re: Let's brainstorm a new antag.

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 5:14 pm
by MrEousTranger
Armhulen wrote:I like the idea of an antag like/not like the changeling in how he absorbs people but instead of becoming them or whatever, they're added to this mass of flesh where they can now pick up items and attack from the meat master like a tumor
only the original antag can move but the rest are the arms, eating genetically modified people adds the buff to the antag and stuff like that.
the more people the meat master absorbs the more deformed and disgusting he looks, it's perfect
Like slither.
Creepy as shit picture