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Replace the arnory toolbox with a suspicious looking toolbox

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 12:21 am
by Slignerd
Not only does it fit in better with the black-and-red color scheme and looks cooler in general, it would also allow Science to get Illegal 2 up with Warden's permission, allowing for another symbiotic relation - if RnD gets an extra item from Security, they might have some cool mindshield pin guns to offer in return. :D

Re: Replace the arnory's toolbox with a suspicious looking t

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 12:22 am
by InsaneHyena
How about we don't buff science instead

Re: Replace the arnory toolbox with a suspicious looking too

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 12:53 am
by Falamazeer
The last thing we need is for you to have another reason to meander into secure security areas.
The shades were never the point
Though honestly it's not that bad of an idea. it does fit the color scheme of the hardsuits.

Re: Replace the arnory toolbox with a suspicious looking too

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 3:39 am
by Gamarr
Noooooooo. If you want a fancy toolbox, just remove airlock sprayers and implement new utility to spray cans that let them change airlocks and toolboxes color scheme with a coat of spraypaint.

Re: Replace the arnory toolbox with a suspicious looking too

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 4:56 am
by Davidchan
Science shouldn't be garunteed illegal tech everyround. Cancerous as the rnd overhaul was, this is not the way to remedy it.

Security doesn't need nor should have free insuls. Not only would this be a direct buff to the HoS it breaks the only reliable means a rogue AI has to temporarily shut down securtiy.

Security doesn't need round start hacking tools. Realistically they should never need to use hacking tools but rather call on an engineer.

Security under no circumstances should start with syndicate gear or equivelant. Security's first instict when it comes to contraband should be to lock it up or destroy it. Not add it to their personal arsenal.

Re: Replace the arnory toolbox with a suspicious looking too

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 5:20 am
by Saegrimr
Davidchan wrote:Security doesn't need round start hacking tools. Realistically they should never need to use hacking tools but rather call on an engineer.

Security under no circumstances should start with syndicate gear or equivelant. Security's first instict when it comes to contraband should be to lock it up or destroy it. Not add it to their personal arsenal.
At least on Meta, sec has a full blue toolbox in the warden's office and a contraband locker with actual contraband in it.

Re: Replace the arnory toolbox with a suspicious looking too

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 6:22 am
by InsaneHyena
Meta is a powercreep station, everybody knows that.

Re: Replace the arnory toolbox with a suspicious looking too

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 7:30 am
by Davidchan
Unless its speshul snowflaked it won't have a multitool or insuls, which a syndibox will have both and a better welder.

As for contraband spawning in sec, I can guess who made that happen but its plain stupid and literal powercreep.

Re: Replace the arnory toolbox with a suspicious looking too

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 9:46 am
All science can do with illegal 2 is the Tyrant AI board and the cyborg illegal module. IF they get diamonds.

Re: Replace the arnory toolbox with a suspicious looking too

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 10:26 am
by Slignerd
Davidchan wrote:Science shouldn't be garunteed illegal tech everyround. Cancerous as the rnd overhaul was, this is not the way to remedy it.
This is not guaranteed at all. It takes security's permission to try to get it at all. This will about as guaranteed as it is to get EMP 6 or Power 6 - meaning, most of the time it just won't happen at all.


It's about as likely as getting any of those to RnD, and I've never seen the captain, xenobio or botany deliver any of this. So, it's not for every round. It's for the rare rounds where sec chooses to be nice.
Falamazeer wrote:The last thing we need is for you to have another reason to meander into secure security areas.
The shades were never the point
Shitsec has spoken. 8-)
Back to cuck shed with your shit.
Davidchan wrote:Security doesn't need nor should have free insuls. Not only would this be a direct buff to the HoS it breaks the only reliable means a rogue AI has to temporarily shut down securtiy.
It would be possible to remove the combat gloves from the toolbox and just replace it with a red cable. I'm sure such a variant already exists, actually. So it wouldn't be that much of a buff at all.

Re: Replace the arnory toolbox with a suspicious looking too

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 10:35 am
by J_Madison
>start with suspicious toolbox
>take armoury rad suit
>take suspicious toolbox combat gloves
>break into vault
>steal plutonium core with the thin screwdriver in the toolbox
==red text for days==

That's why you're not getting a toolbox.

Re: Replace the arnory toolbox with a suspicious looking too

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 10:42 am
by Slignerd
I'm pretty sure I said that combat gloves would be removed from the toolbox? Also, is the screwdriver in that toolbox really the thin screwdriver? All I've really ever seen was a regular red one.

Pretty sure that anyone using any toolbox, suspicious or not, to do stuff like this would be dealt by the admins in the same way they deal with spacing high-risk items roundstart to deny any greentext. That's as much of a player problem as it gets, it's not that common, and it would not be a stretch to crack down on security stealing plutonium core roundstart at all.

Re: Replace the arnory toolbox with a suspicious looking too

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 10:52 am
by J_Madison
I am a very experienced space traveller. Every toolbox I've come across had a set of gloves and a thin screwdriver.

Unless it was a very recent change, I'm sure that every toolbox I've come across has had this.

And no. It's flat out impossible for crew to steal the core. You need the thin screwdriver which is assignment only or in the toolbox. Nowhere else.

Re: Replace the arnory toolbox with a suspicious looking too

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 11:14 am
by Slignerd
Well, this one would have its contents edited to only include red screwdriver, and red cable coil instead of thin screwdriver and combat gloves. I see no issue.

Re: Replace the arnory toolbox with a suspicious looking too

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 11:26 am
by J_Madison
Then the entire rational boils down to free illegal 2 technology since we already have a full toolbox.

Re: Replace the arnory toolbox with a suspicious looking too

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 11:44 am
by Slignerd
Indeed, that's the point.

It's not free. It comes from the cross-departmental cooperation which I feel is something we should encourage. If security doesn't feel like it, it will never happen. If security does feel like it, it might get security some cool RnD items in return. As XTDM pointed out, it doesn't give that much either - just a lawset board or cyborg upgrades, which the crew might want to use.

Re: Replace the arnory toolbox with a suspicious looking too

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 11:49 am
by J_Madison
Not "free".

The only thing that'll come out of it is either the warden/HOS gives it away, or someone breaks in to get it.

It's a stupid idea. I don't approve of this.

I've enough trouble from assistants greytiding the brig because I wouldn't give the RD the Esword from a traitor.

So what if I don't want illegal research?

Re: Replace the arnory toolbox with a suspicious looking too

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 11:54 am
by Slignerd
Then you're free to arrest whoever tries to break in. If someone's inside the armory, even lethals are acceptable. If you don't want anyone to use it, just use the toolbox yourself or stash it in the contraband locker.

Re: Replace the arnory toolbox with a suspicious looking too

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 11:56 am
by J_Madison
This sounds like it causes more trouble than it's worth. It's only going to cause a rift between "muh free illegals".

Re: Replace the arnory toolbox with a suspicious looking too

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 12:00 pm
by Slignerd
That, or it will allow security to cooperate with research and offer said low-level illegals, and then get advanced mindshield pin eguns and night vision security HUDs later in return. It can go both ways, which is why I feel there's some potential in it.

Players can either help eachother out, or be shit towards eachother. It's like this for everything, and I feel that would be a fitting addition to the game.

Re: Replace the arnory toolbox with a suspicious looking too

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 12:50 pm
by Bawhoppennn
dumb idea

Re: Replace the arnory toolbox with a suspicious looking too

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 1:15 pm
by Cheridan
Interdepartmemetal cooperation should only count if it's something that actually requires both sides to have an actual effort.
A 2 second interaction of "'Hey warden can I has toolbox' 'k' *throws over table*" is not cooperation.