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Endgame Events/Supermatter Cascade

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 6:36 pm
by kevinz000
Porting SM cascade from /VG/station
Basically it's when the universe ends due to Supermatter cascading instead of blowing up. On VG it is triggered when a singularity eats a big shard (not the cargo one)
However we don't have xenoarch here and I'd like to make it very hard to trigger so antags don't do this round start
As well as a way to stop it before it is too late

Basically I need any ideas related to how to trigger a cascade
How to stop a cascade
And what it will do.

Originally it was going to involve a power transmission laser to trigger but I'm not working on that much so it's going to be made before PTLS get made.

Re: Endgame Events/Supermatter Cascade

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 6:47 pm
by Remie Richards
on vg there is no stop to the cascade (you just jump in the totally-not-a-re-skinned-singularity "portal" to escape)
also how would it be "endgame" if you can stop it mekhi? cmon now.

"what it will do"
well it's the supermatter cascade, port it as it is, supermatter walls appear and spread until everything's supermatter.

Re: Endgame Events/Supermatter Cascade

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 6:56 pm
by TribeOfBeavers
It could be interesting to have mutiple stages to it, where the effects get more intense and dangerous as it gets closer to ending the universe or whatever.

Maybe have it create a bunch of anomalies around the station that need to be disarmed in time, otherwise the cascade happens. The longer you take, the more spawn.

As for what it does if you fail to disarm it, I guess that depends on how dangerous you want it to be. Is it like a nuke that instantly ends the round? Or something that forces a shuttle call?

Re: Endgame Events/Supermatter Cascade

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 7:17 pm
by kevinz000
Remie Richards wrote:on vg there is no stop to the cascade (you just jump in the totally-not-a-re-skinned-singularity "portal" to escape)
also how would it be "endgame" if you can stop it mekhi? cmon now.

"what it will do"
well it's the supermatter cascade, port it as it is, supermatter walls appear and spread until everything's supermatter.
Eh I'm feeling very hugboxy ^_^

Re: Endgame Events/Supermatter Cascade

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 7:19 pm
by kevinz000
TribeOfBeavers wrote:It could be interesting to have mutiple stages to it, where the effects get more intense and dangerous as it gets closer to ending the universe or whatever.

Maybe have it create a bunch of anomalies around the station that need to be disarmed in time, otherwise the cascade happens. The longer you take, the more spawn.

As for what it does if you fail to disarm it, I guess that depends on how dangerous you want it to be. Is it like a nuke that instantly ends the round? Or something that forces a shuttle call?
The "bad ending" is the universe unravels and everyone dies.
The "good ending" if I decide to make one is the crew somehow stops it but ehhh it's hugboxy lol
Goal of the crew however is to escape via the portal.

Re: Endgame Events/Supermatter Cascade

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 7:35 pm
by D&B
Isn't the cascade triggered when the SM crystal delaminates?

Re: Endgame Events/Supermatter Cascade

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 7:49 pm
by kevinz000
D&B wrote:Isn't the cascade triggered when the SM crystal delaminates?
Naaah then it'd happen on a round by round basis lol.

Re: Endgame Events/Supermatter Cascade

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 7:50 pm
by Remie Richards
kevinz000 wrote:
D&B wrote:Isn't the cascade triggered when the SM crystal delaminates?
Naaah then it'd happen on a round by round basis lol.
no it wouldn't because we don't have the crystal, we only have the shard.

Re: Endgame Events/Supermatter Cascade

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 8:03 pm
by D&B
kevinz000 wrote:
D&B wrote:Isn't the cascade triggered when the SM crystal delaminates?
Naaah then it'd happen on a round by round basis lol.

Re: Endgame Events/Supermatter Cascade

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 10:30 am
by Whoisthere
Remie Richards wrote: well it's the supermatter cascade, port it as it is, supermatter walls appear and spread until everything's supermatter.
Do it please.
Imagine: supermatter cascade happens. Walls turn to supermatter. Doors turn to supermatter. FLOORS turn to supermatter, you can only move around the station without turning to ash if the gravity's off. Even then you bump into a wall, you die. You push off, you die. You throw your pen to float to escape, the pen hits the wall, turns to ash AND THE WALL STARTS DELAMINATING.


Re: Endgame Events/Supermatter Cascade

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 10:51 am
The reason the universe dies after delamination is lag

Re: Endgame Events/Supermatter Cascade

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 8:21 pm
by kevinz000
Subsystem for endgame stuff is semi finished but can probably use tweaks. Right now I'm just coding effects and deciding whether it'll be able to be stopped and coder spriting.
If someone could get me sprites for space tiles parallax space backgriunds, sound effects, and visual effects that'd be awesome.

Re: Endgame Events/Supermatter Cascade

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 8:41 pm
by Cobby
There is no hidden supermatter level.

Re: Endgame Events/Supermatter Cascade

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 1:54 am
by D&B
Shilling this again

Re: Endgame Events/Supermatter Cascade

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 3:39 am
by kevinz000
D&B wrote:Shilling this again
im way too busy to be coding this better luck with someone else.

Re: Endgame Events/Supermatter Cascade

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 4:42 am
by Jacough
TribeOfBeavers wrote:It could be interesting to have mutiple stages to it, where the effects get more intense and dangerous as it gets closer to ending the universe or whatever.

Maybe have it create a bunch of anomalies around the station that need to be disarmed in time, otherwise the cascade happens. The longer you take, the more spawn.

As for what it does if you fail to disarm it, I guess that depends on how dangerous you want it to be. Is it like a nuke that instantly ends the round? Or something that forces a shuttle call?
If we're going the vg route it should basically be the nuke because well, the universe is fucked. I think lore wise with vg it apparently sends out a massive emp that kills everyone at Centcomm too so there's no hope for a shuttle.

As for ideas for the stages, I've got like a three stage idea

Stage 1: An aurora appears around the SM shard and lightning starts shooting out of it that zig zags through the z level. Anything it hits is critted instantly. To make it not complete bullshit though you'd have a bit of warning in that a small beam of energy will appear along the path the lightning chain will take and a small humming noise will play a second before it actually hits.

Stage 2: A loud rumble will play throughout the station once the crystal hits this point. A massive ring of energy will fly from the SM shard spanning across the entire z level. Anything hit by it is killed instantly although you can reduce the effect to a small amount of damage if you lay down. The effects of the first stage still persist during this though so don't lay down in the path of a lightning chain like an idiot

Stage 3: Game over, everyone's fucked. There's no stopping it now. The shard explodes killing anyone nearby and Bluespace tiles quickly spread across the station, destroying anyone and anything they touch until the entire z level is covered. Once the entire z level is covered a special game over screen plays (could just be the entire screen filled with Bluespace tiles as a placeholder) and everyone, regardless of what z-level they're on dies.

As for stopping it, it could be disarmed in the same way you disarm anomalies. The catch would be that in addition to all the crazy shit emitting from the crystal, the aurora surrounding it would be EXTREMELY radioactive and kill anyone standing in it in a matter of seconds without proper radiation protection equipment, although you might just have enough time to scan it and call out the frequency before you die if you can't get the proper gear and feel like being a hero.

Once disarmed, the stage effects will fade away as the cycle reverses until they stop completely. Then everyone can hit the bar and get completely loaded to celebrate the fact that they literally just saved the entire fucking universe and most likely to cope with the combat fatigue from diving and dodging their way through and under countless waves and beams of energy.

Re: Endgame Events/Supermatter Cascade

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 8:29 pm
by Selea
I think, that singulo just should become sufficiently bigger, start to open random portals and zap everything with huge chain lightnings.
But basically it isn't game or universe can even use it as reactor if you are crazy enought.

Re: Endgame Events/Supermatter Cascade

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 6:13 am
by cedarbridge
Selea wrote:I think, that singulo just should become sufficiently bigger, start to open random portals and zap everything with huge chain lightnings.
But basically it isn't game or universe can even use it as reactor if you are crazy enought.
This is called "The tesla" and its already a thing.

Re: Endgame Events/Supermatter Cascade

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 6:18 am
by EagleWiz
cedarbridge wrote: This is called "The tesla" and its already a thing.
I'd call it "thread necromancy" and it's been dead for three years. I ... don't think this is gonna get coded.

Re: Endgame Events/Supermatter Cascade

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 5:23 pm
by Selea
1.No, It isn't tesla.It is unholy chimaera of SM, singulo and tesla.
gravitation and radiation from singulo.
lightnings from tesla.
anomalies and hallucinations from SM.
2.Yes, it is necromancy.As I said before, if you can do something to encourage black messes,dark arts and crossing the Veil, you should do it.

Re: Endgame Events/Supermatter Cascade

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 9:54 pm
by kevinz000
zzzzz code universal_state already so i can port meteors over to it or something :^)