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Please give engineering an early warning system

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 12:49 am
by Oldman Robustin
Engine is the biggest fucking antag in this game and its getting released WAY too often. Not even intentionally. Give it a system like the supermatter for the emitters/SMES/containment if they are incomplete or losing power, and it announces over Engi Radio.


Re: Please give engineering an early warning system

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 12:49 am
by InsaneHyena

Re: Please give engineering an early warning system

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 10:50 am
by Super Aggro Crag
Whitelist engineering when?

Re: Please give engineering an early warning system

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 11:20 am
by Weepo
I'm for it, anything for early warning that isn't SINGLOOSE SHUTTLE CALL

Re: Please give engineering an early warning system

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 12:27 pm
I would even make releasing the engine require an equivalent of the nuke disk, it's hugely destructive for how easy it is to release.

Re: Please give engineering an early warning system

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 3:38 pm
by D&B

Re: Please give engineering an early warning system

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 4:12 pm
by ShadowDimentio
Pay attention and acquire skill

Re: Please give engineering an early warning system

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 4:52 pm
by Davidchan
You could easily remove engineering as a job and barely notice.

Re: Please give engineering an early warning system

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 5:50 pm
by Aloraydrel
Just check on it every 10 minutes not everything needs a hugbox alarm

Re: Please give engineering an early warning system

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 6:10 pm
by Oldman Robustin
What magical game are you playing where 10m checkups are sufficient to prevent a release.

95% of the crew doesnt have engine access and would be denied access since letting randos "check" the engine is a greeat way to have it sabotaged.

Re: Please give engineering an early warning system

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 6:44 pm
Just replace the sing/tesla with suppermatter.

Re: Please give engineering an early warning system

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 6:49 pm
by Aloraydrel
Thats what the engineer/CE job is. To maintain the station and the engine :shades:

Re: Please give engineering an early warning system

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 7:27 pm
by Cobby
The best answer is to just use solars because they power everything just fine.

Re: Please give engineering an early warning system

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 7:33 pm
by danno

the thing is intentionally lethal because the point of it is to get out and fuck stuff up
"ummm no danno the point is to provide power to the station"
not an argument

Re: Please give engineering an early warning system

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 8:02 pm
Aloraydrel wrote:Thats what the engineer/CE job is. To maintain the station and the engine :shades:
A traitor engi or even CE will 100% release the engine if they feel like it, nobody's gonna stop them unless they're stupid and do it before people leave to go build autism forts.

Re: Please give engineering an early warning system

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 12:18 am
by Luke Cox
engine killed me nerf now

Re: Please give engineering an early warning system

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 12:20 am
by PKPenguin321
i remember when people actually took "CHECK THE ENGINE YOU CHUCKLEFUCKS" seriously now it's a meme and now somebody wants it automated

Re: Please give engineering an early warning system

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 1:06 am
by Aloraydrel
30 second respawn timers next

Re: Please give engineering an early warning system

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 2:00 am
by Oldman Robustin
Certain forms of sabotage will guarantee the engine gets loose, this is more to act as a check against incompetence and the lowest effort sabotage. Nobody wins when an idiot accidentally releases the Tesla 2 minutes into the round.

Re: Please give engineering an early warning system

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 3:55 am
by D&B
Deadchat does

Re: Please give engineering an early warning system

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 8:03 pm
by Munchlax
InsaneHyena wrote:H U G B O X

Re: Please give engineering an early warning system

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 10:09 pm
Sing/tesla is just boring because:

A: it is impossible to prevent someone from releasing it. (Unless of course you are completely autistic and check the emitters literally every minute because that is about how long the field lasts).

B: There is no counter play once it is released.

The engine inspires complete boredom instead of it's supposed terror.

Re: Please give engineering an early warning system

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 10:13 pm
by Tokiko2
You could add a machine that repels the singulo/tesla away from the station. To balance the added safety, you could also add a way to hack it in order to attract tesla/singulos instead of repeling it.

Re: Please give engineering an early warning system

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 10:49 pm
by AnonymousNow
It's a difficult balance, because yes, the singularity should get out and fuck things up every so often, especially if it's intentionally released, but the number of rounds that it escapes because of engineering incompetence and ends those rounds is too damn high.

Re: Please give engineering an early warning system

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 6:57 am
by Dagdammit
Automated warnings on engineering channel when emitters that were switched on go offline due to power outage, or when the relevant APC falls below 20% charge. Multiple ways for a saboteur to work either.

Re: Please give engineering an early warning system

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 7:02 am
by Steelpoint
The game lets you lock down emitters and similar, why not code it so if someone unlocks a emitter then a warning is sent to the Chief Engineer.

This incentivises you to remember to lock you're stuff down, but also allows a way for antagonists to better get away with sabotage by either hoping for engineering incompetence or by taking out the CE (or at least his head set)

Re: Please give engineering an early warning system

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 8:39 am
by Screemonster
Allow engineers to build "canary beacons". Fluff is that you turn them on and they have some radio ping that the telecomms server listens for. Once paired with the telecomms server and activated, the telecomms server will issue an alert a short time after it fails to receive a signal, something like "Canary failure in <location>".

Park some next to the containment field and they'll be the first things to get destroyed in a containment failure. Can set them up near potential bombing targets too.
If they need power, then you'll be alarted when equipment power fails.

tl;dr, you want an early warning system? Build one.

Re: Please give engineering an early warning system

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 8:42 am
by DemonFiren

Re: Please give engineering an early warning system

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 5:23 pm
Steelpoint wrote:The game lets you lock down emitters and similar, why not code it so if someone unlocks a emitter then a warning is sent to the Chief Engineer.

This incentivises you to remember to lock you're stuff down, but also allows a way for antagonists to better get away with sabotage by either hoping for engineering incompetence or by taking out the CE (or at least his head set)
Not really useful because people just cut the wires.

Re: Please give engineering an early warning system

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 5:24 pm
by Steelpoint

(Or just warn that power is draining)

Re: Please give engineering an early warning system

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 5:48 pm
by Tokiko2
On a second thought, why not try porting goons power transmission laser instead? Maybe then engineers would have an actual reason to stay in engineering and optimize/expand the engine instead of wandering off.

Re: Please give engineering an early warning system

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 5:38 pm
by cocothegogo
the replies in this thread are laughable get a grip
Oldman Robustin wrote:Certain forms of sabotage will guarantee the engine gets loose, this is more to act as a check against incompetence and the lowest effort sabotage. Nobody wins when an idiot accidentally releases the Tesla 2 minutes into the round.
make a machine like the one for announcing people coming to the station but for engineering so if you destroy that no more announcements, that means sabotage is still a good tactic and idiots cant pretend they let it out on "accident"