Welcome... to Catwalk Station.
Design doc: https://hackmd.io/@kNRZ9uxhShS3s2N9scOX ... alkStation
(I recommend at least skimming through the design doc; it's not long, it's pretty short).
When playing on Tram or Icebox, have you ever felt the verticality? Have you ever said "That's up there and this is down here"? Have you ever felt like you were in a 3D space rather than merely a 2D space? This is what this station aims to achieve.
The main gimmick of the station is the catwalks. The main corridoors are higher than that of your average space station, extending to a level above. In that level, there is the catwalks, an extension of maintenance that extends above the coridoors.
Another important aspect of Catwalk is how I specifically am NOT going to do what Tram did, putting departments on top of eachother. Instead, Catwalk has 2-floors departments. Take a look at Engineering, for example:
Image NOT in proportion; image for layout purpouses only.
Here's the map of the station. Looks familiar? It's very much so from the Meta/Delta family, with the Cargo changed out of place. In this new map, Science is both close to Medical AND to the Ore Redemption Machine - pretty nifty, hm?
The map is the exact same on the top Z-Level, as every department stretches out vertically.
This is what I have so far - Cargo and Engineering complete. The way I'm doing is I'm doing first the department I least like to do (Engineering), then the one I most like to do (Cargo), then the second one I least like to do (Science), then the second one I most want to do (Security) so on and so forth.
That way I can make sure that for every slog there's a cool part at the end, helping with motivation n' such. That's why Engineering was already done; I'd love to show the Multi-Z things I'm planning for Security or Medbay, but sadly I had to do Engineering first.
Of course, this isn't EVERYTHING about Catwalk Station - if you want to do so, check the design doc up there. It goes more in-depth in some things, namely how antagonists can use the multi-Z and how this station aims to make sabotaging the gravity generator a big deal.
Thoughts? Comments? Questions?