Hotkeys and automation

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Hotkeys and automation

Post by Bisar » #743391

I recently got a new gaming mouse, and in fact this is the first time I've ever had such a thing that had rebindings as robust as this one.

It can click places on the screen for me and press multiple buttons with a single button press.

Recently, hotkeys for ability bars were instituted. Recently as in the last year ish.

At what point would having hotkeys that press multiple buttons for you be seen as cheating? I've been doinked by Sec officers who whipped their baton in and out of their bag so fast that I haven't taken a step before it's stashed away again, but I just set up a hotkey that lets me take something out of my bag and set to throw mode without adjusting my mouse position.

I know the blatant stuff -- aimbots, full automation, auto clickers and vision exploits -- are absolutely cheating. Where is the line here? Saving on the button presses is definitely helping with my carpel tunnel, but is the advantage for my gaming mouse unfair to someone who can't afford one, for instance?

EDIT: I have read the almost 5 year old thread back when someone else asked this. I want to see what the current attitudes are considering there have been hotkeys for inventory manipulation added since then.

Are we wanting to move in the direction of coding more built in inventory manipulation interfaces? How much of the combat challenge is meant to be struggling with the UI versus actually fighting?
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Re: Hotkeys and automation

Post by Bmon » #743407


In a nutshell, do not use macros of any kind that grant you an advantage over players

also about that baton thing the officer probably just pressed shift+e to quick draw it lmao
Last edited by Bmon on Sun Aug 25, 2024 5:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hotkeys and automation

Post by Itseasytosee2me » #743409

Perhaps we ought to hotkey everything we thing that should be reasonably hot keyed and ban everything else? 1 click baton draw - activate - stash combo seems especially dumb, but we do have hotkeys for drawing and stashing batons.
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Re: Hotkeys and automation

Post by RaveRadbury » #743411

I have an MMO mouse with a 12 button array and a shift key for a total 24 binds and I use it for emotes.
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Re: Hotkeys and automation

Post by JupiterJaeden » #748572

Bisar wrote: Sun Aug 25, 2024 3:51 am I recently got a new gaming mouse, and in fact this is the first time I've ever had such a thing that had rebindings as robust as this one.

It can click places on the screen for me and press multiple buttons with a single button press.

Recently, hotkeys for ability bars were instituted. Recently as in the last year ish.

At what point would having hotkeys that press multiple buttons for you be seen as cheating? I've been doinked by Sec officers who whipped their baton in and out of their bag so fast that I haven't taken a step before it's stashed away again, but I just set up a hotkey that lets me take something out of my bag and set to throw mode without adjusting my mouse position.

I know the blatant stuff -- aimbots, full automation, auto clickers and vision exploits -- are absolutely cheating. Where is the line here? Saving on the button presses is definitely helping with my carpel tunnel, but is the advantage for my gaming mouse unfair to someone who can't afford one, for instance?

EDIT: I have read the almost 5 year old thread back when someone else asked this. I want to see what the current attitudes are considering there have been hotkeys for inventory manipulation added since then.

Are we wanting to move in the direction of coding more built in inventory manipulation interfaces? How much of the combat challenge is meant to be struggling with the UI versus actually fighting?
No comment on the actual policy of this but you can already quickdraw from your bag with a hotkey. It’s shift+B, draws the item in the rightmost slot of your bag (the most recently added item). By default the throw mode hotkey is R, so shift+B and R would accomplish the same thing without requiring you to move your mouse, assuming you're trying to draw your rightmost item.
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Re: Hotkeys and automation

Post by DrAmazing343 » #749109

I would certainly be more in favor of code solutions to perceived and real hotkey issues over allowing much of any macros beyond like, emotes and such. Stuff like the grab out of bag and set to throw on a button instead of pressing like SHIFT + B + Spacebar/R is certainly an advantage over the other guy who HAS to do all of that, indeed. Thank you for doing your due diligence in creating this thread! Just don't use it to game on people over what's already in the settings menu and you'll be fine.
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Re: Hotkeys and automation

Post by dendydoom » #749160

there should be no use of automation/macros/hotkeys outside of what is enabled by the game itself. if the game lets you put x action on y key in the settings menu, or use a hotkey like ctrl+b to pull the last thing from your backpack, then these are things available to everyone equally. using third party software or hardware solutions to automate or hasten the rate at which you can do things is unfair. it's cheating, if we're going to get dramatic about it.
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