[rex9001] evafan - blammed again

Appeals which have been closed.
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Byond Username: Evafan

[rex9001] evafan - blammed again

Post by CHEEZBURGER » #764203

BYOND account: evafan

Ban/note type (Server Ban/Discord Ban/Forum Ban/Note): server

Ban/note duration: permanent
Ban/note reason: metagrudging, being a dick and being a bigot. a round after having an altercation with a player proceeded to attack them for no reason in the following round. then started calling them a transvestite before saying "i get off to being meta grudged by trannies you stupid dickhead!!!!" in the ahelp. then spammed WGW in ahelps
Time ban was placed: 2024-11-07
Server you were playing on when banned: terry
Round ID in which ban was placed: 73260

Why are you making this appeal? (Put an x in the boxes)
() - The ban/note is factually incorrect
() - The ban/note is not against the rules
() - The ban/note needs modification
() - The ban was unjustifiably harsh
(x) - I was permabanned and I want another chance

Why should this appeal be accepted?: Well what can I say, it was silly of me to call people t-words ngl, I was upset because I was metagrudged by that person for 4 shifts in a row and no admin action was done against them despite my multiple ahelps, and they were also acting like a creep, i decided to leave the server but not without creatively written parting words to the staff and the member in question so i agree it was pretty cringe ( ; ω ; ) !!
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Re: [rex9001] evafan - blammed again

Post by TheRex9001 » #764212

Hey, this is wayyy too close to the original time the ban was placed and in this appeal I don't think it comes across as if you actually regret doing it. You are still just trying to justify it and that takes up more lines than any admittance of fault. You will have to appeal in a year (2025-11-07) or appeal with a vouch from another ss13 server.
Joined: Mon Dec 02, 2024 8:07 pm
Byond Username: Evafan

Re: [rex9001] evafan - blammed again

Post by CHEEZBURGER » #764218

monkestation vouch allowed?
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Re: [rex9001] evafan - blammed again

Post by TheRex9001 » #764221

Joined: Mon Dec 02, 2024 8:07 pm
Byond Username: Evafan

Re: [rex9001] evafan - blammed again

Post by CHEEZBURGER » #764224

(* ̄▽ ̄)b
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Re: [rex9001] evafan - blammed again

Post by TheBibleMelts » #764245

CHEEZBURGER wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2024 8:27 pm BYOND account: evafan

Ban/note type (Server Ban/Discord Ban/Forum Ban/Note): server

Ban/note duration: permanent
Ban/note reason: metagrudging, being a dick and being a bigot. a round after having an altercation with a player proceeded to attack them for no reason in the following round. then started calling them a transvestite before saying "i get off to being meta grudged by trannies you stupid dickhead!!!!" in the ahelp. then spammed WGW in ahelps
Time ban was placed: 2024-11-07
Server you were playing on when banned: terry
Round ID in which ban was placed: 73260

Why are you making this appeal? (Put an x in the boxes)
() - The ban/note is factually incorrect
() - The ban/note is not against the rules
() - The ban/note needs modification
() - The ban was unjustifiably harsh
(x) - I was permabanned and I want another chance

Why should this appeal be accepted?: Well what can I say, it was silly of me to call people t-words ngl, I was upset because I was metagrudged by that person for 4 shifts in a row and no admin action was done against them despite my multiple ahelps, and they were also acting like a creep, i decided to leave the server but not without creatively written parting words to the staff and the member in question so i agree it was pretty cringe ( ; ω ; ) !!
heya, it looks like this ban was placed on 10-13-24, not 11-07-24. you might be confusing it with the permaban you copped from beestation a month after ours. https://centcom.melonmesa.com/viewer/view/evafan
Joined: Mon Dec 02, 2024 8:07 pm
Byond Username: Evafan

Re: [rex9001] evafan - blammed again

Post by CHEEZBURGER » #764296


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