Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (delayed?)

For feedback on the game code and design. Feedback on server rules and playstyle belong in Policy Discussion.

Do you want shadowlings back?

Doesn't matter to me.
Total votes: 64

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Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (Now on GitHub!)

Post by D&B » #265797

Bottom post of the previous page:

Do you like write all that stuff with a straight face
[20:26:02]ADMIN: PM: [censored admin]->[censored]: Welp. It was just a prank bro isn't a very good excuse when it comes to unprovoked nonantag murder, but since this is your first time doing it and you seem to understand the problem instead of a bannu I'm just going to leave you with a warning. Please PLEASE don't do this again in the future, as funny as crackhead broken bottle memes can be. Alrighty? Do you have any input on this?
[20:26:39]ADMIN: PM: [censored]->[censored admin]: Alright, no problem. I have some input. Fuck my boy pussy.
[20:27:06]ADMIN: PM: [censored admin]->[censored]: Okay then. Have fun.
[20:31:29]ADMIN: PM: [censored admin]->[censored]: Excuse me?
J_Madison wrote: that's a stupid fucking stat
you don't play, you've never played
lying little shit with your bullshit stat
fuck you
ColonicAcid wrote:and with enough practise i too could blow my own dick so well that only the gods know how it feels.
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Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (Now on GitHub!)

Post by ShadowDimentio » #265798

No I'm usually smugly grinning to myself in my darkened room.
"Clowns are different you can't trust those shifty fucks you never know what they're doing or if they're willing to eat a dayban for some cheap yuks."

"The amount of people is the amount of times the sound is played... on top of itself. And with sybil populations on the shuttle..."
-Remie Richards

"I just spent all fucking day playing fallen london and sunless sea and obsessing over how creepy the fucking dawn machine is and only just clocked now that your avatar is the fucking dawn machine. Nobody vote for this disgusting new sequence blasphemer he wants to kill the gods"

"Drank a cocktail of orange Gatorade and mint mouthwash on accident. Pretty sure I'm going to die, I am on the verge of vomit. It was nice knowing you guys"

"You're too late, you will have to fetch them from the top of my tower, built by zombies, slaves, zombie slaves and garitho's will to live!"

"This is like being cooked alive in a microwave oven which utilises the autistic end of the light spectrum to cook you."

"Penguins are the second race to realise 2D>3D"

"Paul Blart mall cops if they all had ambitions of joining the Waffen-SS"

"These logs could kill a dragon much less a man"

">7 8 6

"We didn't kick one goofball out only to have another one come in like a fucking revolving door"

"There's a difference between fucking faggots and being a fucking faggot."

"You guys splitting the 20 bucks cost to hire your ex again?"

"Wew. Congrats. It's been actual years since anyone tried to make fun of me for being divorced. You caught me, I'm tilted. Here is your trophy."

"I prefer my coffees to run dry too *snorts a line of maxwell house*"
-Super Aggro Crag

"You don't have an evil bone in your body, unless togopal comes for a sleepover"

">Paying over a $1000 for a lump of silicon and plastic

"Then why did you get that boob job?"

"You take that back you colonial mongrel"

"I don't care whether or not someone with an IQ 3 standard deviations below my own thinks they enjoy Wizard rounds."
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Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (Now on GitHub!)

Post by oranges » #265804

[quote="Xhuis"Thank you again to everyone who supported the gamemode. I think I'm going to reflect on things for a while.[/quote]
maybe you should reflet on the fact it would have taken a few minutes to remove the conversion aspect and then your PR probably would have been merged, instead you dug in your heels and went running to MSO instead.
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Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (Now on GitHub!)

Post by Xhuis » #265806

Before you read this, take heed: this write-up was written when I was in a state of extreme emotional turmoil. Take all you read with a grain of salt.
I'd like to make a proper write-up about this in response to the drama that just happened. This will be a long read, so please look through all that I have to say.

Umbrage did not start several months ago. It started almost two years ago, when the pull request to revert shadowlings was merged. I knew that I had made many mistakes with the gamemode, but I still liked it. I liked my concept and wanted to do more with it. But tg was sick of shadowling, so I instead decided to finish a mode that vg never did: clockcult. That is another story but to make it short it was merged and I think it did reasonably well given how shadowling was originally received.

Several months ago I decided that I was going to work on shadowlings again. I put the initial code in place and day by day made a sort of pseudo-shadowling. Conversion would not be their primarily goal but would still hold a key place in the gamemode. After a while, a core idea formed, and I edited this forum thread to a question to the players asking if they would like shadowlings back to a design commentary and update feed about the new version of the gamemode which I called umbrage. I was very excited for it. Other people were excited for it as well. I wanted umbrage to fill the niche that shadowlings did not and worked mindful of how the conversion was received. When inevitably it was complained about, I decided to move it to play a smaller role. At this time, I had not been informed of a "conversion mode ban" that apparently exists so I continued to work on it.

When I made the pull request is when the problems started. KorPhaeron was the main person to dislike the mode and brought up very valid concerns about conversion. I continued to make changes, although maybe not as actively as I would have liked, as I still wanted conversion to be a part of the mode. We had our disagreements and he clearly dislikes me but I soldiered on. I thought enough people liked the mode and wanted it back that it would be okay in his and the other maintainers' eyes if it was merged despite some complaints. And if it was bad oh well. I could always make a change, tweak stuff, or even do a revert if need be.

For the better part of three months now I had been working on umbrage in my spare time. It took up a lot of my schedule and I looked forward to continuing it a good bit. This went on until today when Korphaeron announced that he would be closing the pull request if I did not remove conversion. An argument ensued and I lost my cool and became very passive aggressive, but razharas pointed it out and I retired for a little bit to gather my thoughts. When i came back I talked some more about the issue although I was not going to remove conversion unless I had to. In the end mrstonedone said that I should work on the mode until it got to a testmergeable stage so I decided I would do that.

Then I had to go because my wow guild needed me to raid. When we finished up later I was removed (i'm undergeared so I just tag along for farm nights) and came back to find that my pr was closed. I was upset by this but I figured that I could ask why and talk about what had happened that warranted it being closed. I went in coderbus and asked (yes, angrily) why it was closed and was told dismissively by oranges that because I had not agreed to korphaeron (design lead)s decisions that it had been closed and that I was being a whiny bitch (quote oranges).

After that I left coderbus and deleted the branch, made the above posts and sat down for twenty or so minutes to reflect on things.

I am not attempting to garner sympathy for myself but only to state a fact. I have shed tears over what happened today and I am not ashamed to admit it. As corny as it may sound, I was truly happy about this and I can tell that all but a select few were at least indifferent to it too. This project was a three-month labor of love and to see it so suddenly and dismissively destroyed by a small minority who think that it might cause problems cut very deep. I do not think that it is a wound that will heal for a very long time and, forgive me if this sounds like its too much out of a hollywood movie, but I will never forgive oranges and kor for doing what they did today.

This being said, I would like to save my opinions for last on this matter.

Korphaeron is without a doubt one of the worst maintainers/headmins that I have seen. Many times he has shown me that he does not care about what the players think and holds his own opinion above all others. Because he disagreed with me he used his position as a "design lead" to shoot me down and I hate him for it. Kor has shown disdain to me as long as I can remember and I will never see him in a positive light for a long time after this.

Oranges is what is wrong with tg. It has been a very long time since he has made a project of this scale or even played the game but he continues to do this. he constantly sucks up to the maintainers, being one himself, and freely closes prs and bans people that he does not like or simply because he believes that it is funny. I have no idea how he got to the position he is in but I hope that someone will see what they are doing and remove them from being a maintainer.

Here are my concluding thoughts. I spent a lot of time on this mode because I really liked making it and I wanted to see people like playing it too. I know that there are problems as this is not my first rodeo in gamemodes and I was willing to fix them but I didnt want to forfeit a feature just because one person didnt like it and I hoped that the player vote would override it. It seems however that kor, who is claimed as design lead yet does nothing more than make unfinished projects and close other peoples, did not want it in the game and so he offered me an ultimatum that the host himself rejected, but I was overriden by oranges who called me childish and ignorant despite being the one to close my pull rqeuest with "lol" beforehand. And even today there is no clear evidence of a conversion ban outside of the key circle of maintainers that seem to agree amongst themselves that it exists.

Again. I have wept over this mode because it was a labor of love to me. I know you are probably rolling your eyes but I really wanted this to succeed. I knew there would be problems and I would have fixed them. To everyone who has stuck with me and contributed to the mode, thank you very much. I really appreciate what you did to help. To everyone who believed in me, thank you for thinking that umbrage could be great. To everyone who disliked the mode from the beginning, you are okay too. You have a right to your opinion. To kor and oranges, despite all that I have said about you, I do not hate you as people and I hope that you will consider one day letting me continue work on this project again despite its flaws.

Thank you guys for giving me a chance. I am sorry that I wasnt able to do what I promised in the end and I accept that it is my full responsibility that I have failed you. if you are wondering if I will continue this or not I probably wont. I will not code for a long time I think, or maybe just go back tomorrow. I need a break but I don't know how long I need.
Last edited by Xhuis on Sat Mar 11, 2017 3:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I'm an ex-coder for /tg/. I made the original versions of clockcult, shadowlings, revenants, His Grace, and other stuff.
I don't play, code, or participate in the community, but I occasionally post dumb stuff in the hut.
Kraso wrote:hi gay
wubli wrote:xhuis you said you were feeling better but every thread you make makes me worry more about your sanity
ExcessiveUseOfCobblestone wrote:Sorry I was making fun of xhuis' """""compromise""""" who insisted that was the correct term to use.
CitrusGender wrote:We've ended up disabling clockcult on sybil and bagil now (terry is having some problems.) We will give Xhuis some time until he wishes to work upon it again. As of now, please use this thread for ideas and not for bickering.
wubli wrote:you are a cultist of the gay
IkeTG wrote:It's a reflection of humanity, like all of man's creation. You cannot divorce this act from yourself, in a way there's a big titty moth inside all of us.
wesoda25 wrote:yeah no one was curious what it was from. Imagine choosing being a degenerate as your forum gimmick, LOL
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Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (Now on GitHub!)

Post by oranges » #265811

right, it's still everyone elses fault and not your own, the only person standing in the way of the finishing of your mode is you with your refusal to remove the conversion aspect.

You only had to make one change and you still wont' do it. Instead you'll just blame everyone else.

You're invested because it's your code. I review 52+ pr's a month, I don't have time to form an attachement to every single one.
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Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (canceled)

Post by ShadowDimentio » #265814

You're both wrong. Kor is wrong for having a vendetta against conversion modes, Xhuis my dude you're wrong for refusing to capitulate for Kor's admittedly stupid demand.
"Clowns are different you can't trust those shifty fucks you never know what they're doing or if they're willing to eat a dayban for some cheap yuks."

"The amount of people is the amount of times the sound is played... on top of itself. And with sybil populations on the shuttle..."
-Remie Richards

"I just spent all fucking day playing fallen london and sunless sea and obsessing over how creepy the fucking dawn machine is and only just clocked now that your avatar is the fucking dawn machine. Nobody vote for this disgusting new sequence blasphemer he wants to kill the gods"

"Drank a cocktail of orange Gatorade and mint mouthwash on accident. Pretty sure I'm going to die, I am on the verge of vomit. It was nice knowing you guys"

"You're too late, you will have to fetch them from the top of my tower, built by zombies, slaves, zombie slaves and garitho's will to live!"

"This is like being cooked alive in a microwave oven which utilises the autistic end of the light spectrum to cook you."

"Penguins are the second race to realise 2D>3D"

"Paul Blart mall cops if they all had ambitions of joining the Waffen-SS"

"These logs could kill a dragon much less a man"

">7 8 6

"We didn't kick one goofball out only to have another one come in like a fucking revolving door"

"There's a difference between fucking faggots and being a fucking faggot."

"You guys splitting the 20 bucks cost to hire your ex again?"

"Wew. Congrats. It's been actual years since anyone tried to make fun of me for being divorced. You caught me, I'm tilted. Here is your trophy."

"I prefer my coffees to run dry too *snorts a line of maxwell house*"
-Super Aggro Crag

"You don't have an evil bone in your body, unless togopal comes for a sleepover"

">Paying over a $1000 for a lump of silicon and plastic

"Then why did you get that boob job?"

"You take that back you colonial mongrel"

"I don't care whether or not someone with an IQ 3 standard deviations below my own thinks they enjoy Wizard rounds."
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Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (canceled)

Post by Xhuis » #265817

I know that it was my fault. I said myself that I fully accept that it was my own choice not to agree to the demand and I wanted to have some time to think it over as it had been made apparently clear that I had two days to do it. I was presenting arguments to see if I could sway him in the time that I had and, while I do not hold myself responsible for the instant, premature closing, I do for my own complaints and refusal to comply. I thought that I had had time to debate but it seems that I was wrong.
I'm an ex-coder for /tg/. I made the original versions of clockcult, shadowlings, revenants, His Grace, and other stuff.
I don't play, code, or participate in the community, but I occasionally post dumb stuff in the hut.
Kraso wrote:hi gay
wubli wrote:xhuis you said you were feeling better but every thread you make makes me worry more about your sanity
ExcessiveUseOfCobblestone wrote:Sorry I was making fun of xhuis' """""compromise""""" who insisted that was the correct term to use.
CitrusGender wrote:We've ended up disabling clockcult on sybil and bagil now (terry is having some problems.) We will give Xhuis some time until he wishes to work upon it again. As of now, please use this thread for ideas and not for bickering.
wubli wrote:you are a cultist of the gay
IkeTG wrote:It's a reflection of humanity, like all of man's creation. You cannot divorce this act from yourself, in a way there's a big titty moth inside all of us.
wesoda25 wrote:yeah no one was curious what it was from. Imagine choosing being a degenerate as your forum gimmick, LOL
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Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (canceled)

Post by oranges » #265818

Closing a pr doesn't mean you can't keep debating it or bring it back later, maybe I was hasty in closing it but from my position it looked like a lot of people just abusing someone with a shitty job to do.

You're the one who seems to think I have brought your entire world to an end with a single action.

All you and Kor have to do is find some quiet time alone in pm's and sort something out, but why would they want to now after all this abuse they got.
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Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (Now on GitHub!)

Post by Armhulen » #265819

"48 Hours to remove conversion"

Closed within an hour

ShadowDimentio if he knew oranges would kill his project in an hour he wouldn't have considered otherwise
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Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (canceled)

Post by oranges » #265821

Yeah because we all know I'm apparently the last word on everything, it's not like I have been overruled before because I have a shadow hand controlling everyone else that prevents anyone from telling me what to do.
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Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (canceled)

Post by Xhuis » #265823

Every time a maintainer has closed one of my pull requests it has never been opened again. It is usually a death sentence for the pr and I know that unless you actively take steps to reopen it that this will be the same. Knowing how people feel about it among the higherups has killed my motivation at any rate, and I would rather let the mode die with what was there as good then finish it as a bad gamemode.
I'm an ex-coder for /tg/. I made the original versions of clockcult, shadowlings, revenants, His Grace, and other stuff.
I don't play, code, or participate in the community, but I occasionally post dumb stuff in the hut.
Kraso wrote:hi gay
wubli wrote:xhuis you said you were feeling better but every thread you make makes me worry more about your sanity
ExcessiveUseOfCobblestone wrote:Sorry I was making fun of xhuis' """""compromise""""" who insisted that was the correct term to use.
CitrusGender wrote:We've ended up disabling clockcult on sybil and bagil now (terry is having some problems.) We will give Xhuis some time until he wishes to work upon it again. As of now, please use this thread for ideas and not for bickering.
wubli wrote:you are a cultist of the gay
IkeTG wrote:It's a reflection of humanity, like all of man's creation. You cannot divorce this act from yourself, in a way there's a big titty moth inside all of us.
wesoda25 wrote:yeah no one was curious what it was from. Imagine choosing being a degenerate as your forum gimmick, LOL
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Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (canceled)

Post by Armhulen » #265827

Man this shit sucks, at least let the poor man have a testmerge with or without it. Xhuis is right in that this killed his PR. Nobody is going to reopen it so Xhuis can do what the design lead asks and you know it
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Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (canceled)

Post by oranges » #265829

if he removed conversion I'd reopen it immediately assuming that was the primary reason kor was planning to close it.
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Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (canceled)

Post by Xhuis » #265830

Thank you for the sympathy but the gamemode is not in a state where it can be testmerged. There is not even a win condition implemented yet. As I said I do not want to continue on it but it might change later in the weekend. I will keep the code on my local branch in case I decide to continue.
I'm an ex-coder for /tg/. I made the original versions of clockcult, shadowlings, revenants, His Grace, and other stuff.
I don't play, code, or participate in the community, but I occasionally post dumb stuff in the hut.
Kraso wrote:hi gay
wubli wrote:xhuis you said you were feeling better but every thread you make makes me worry more about your sanity
ExcessiveUseOfCobblestone wrote:Sorry I was making fun of xhuis' """""compromise""""" who insisted that was the correct term to use.
CitrusGender wrote:We've ended up disabling clockcult on sybil and bagil now (terry is having some problems.) We will give Xhuis some time until he wishes to work upon it again. As of now, please use this thread for ideas and not for bickering.
wubli wrote:you are a cultist of the gay
IkeTG wrote:It's a reflection of humanity, like all of man's creation. You cannot divorce this act from yourself, in a way there's a big titty moth inside all of us.
wesoda25 wrote:yeah no one was curious what it was from. Imagine choosing being a degenerate as your forum gimmick, LOL
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Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (canceled)

Post by Armhulen » #265835

Please continue working on it. I'm a huge fan of what you made, the Being was fun reading the document every other day for new changes, Shadowling was extremely fun to play and Revenant is my second favorite sideantag.

You can still make Umbrage good, without conversion. Even though you never announced it, Listening bug is extremely cool.
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Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (canceled)

Post by Haevacht » #265842

[quote=Xhuis]I know you are probably rolling your eyes[/quote]
You know me very, very well.

You're great at desperate grabs for sympathy. Come back tomorrow and make it not convert. It'll get reopened, probably merged.

It's not fucking over until you delete it.
1% of a coder, 2% of a spriter, 97% >:3c

Random name on Bagel, usually assistant.
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Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (canceled)

Post by Xhuis » #265849

I already did delete it, Haevacht. What do I have to gain by grabbing sympathy? People who like the mode have already liked it and people who do not will not. I am, speaking truthfully and from my heart, very distressed that umbrage is, in fact, kill, and I for the time being have lost motivation to work on it, but it may return later.

In the meantime, please do not make assumptions about me. I never attempt to garner sympathy from people, at least not consciously. I do not like manipulating people.
I'm an ex-coder for /tg/. I made the original versions of clockcult, shadowlings, revenants, His Grace, and other stuff.
I don't play, code, or participate in the community, but I occasionally post dumb stuff in the hut.
Kraso wrote:hi gay
wubli wrote:xhuis you said you were feeling better but every thread you make makes me worry more about your sanity
ExcessiveUseOfCobblestone wrote:Sorry I was making fun of xhuis' """""compromise""""" who insisted that was the correct term to use.
CitrusGender wrote:We've ended up disabling clockcult on sybil and bagil now (terry is having some problems.) We will give Xhuis some time until he wishes to work upon it again. As of now, please use this thread for ideas and not for bickering.
wubli wrote:you are a cultist of the gay
IkeTG wrote:It's a reflection of humanity, like all of man's creation. You cannot divorce this act from yourself, in a way there's a big titty moth inside all of us.
wesoda25 wrote:yeah no one was curious what it was from. Imagine choosing being a degenerate as your forum gimmick, LOL
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Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (canceled)

Post by Haevacht » #265851

Xhuis wrote:I already did delete it, Haevacht. What do I have to gain by grabbing sympathy? People who like the mode have already liked it and people who do not will not. I am, speaking truthfully and from my heart, very distressed that umbrage is, in fact, kill, and I for the time being have lost motivation to work on it, but it may return later.

In the meantime, please do not make assumptions about me. I never attempt to garner sympathy from people, at least not consciously. I do not like manipulating people.
Then game over.
And you don't have to do something intentionally to be good at it. I'm pretty good at breathing, myself.

Always next time, whenever that may be.
1% of a coder, 2% of a spriter, 97% >:3c

Random name on Bagel, usually assistant.
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Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (canceled)

Post by Cheridan » #265861

branches can be un-deleted and all the code changes are still on the pr

just saying.
/tg/station spriter, admin, and headcoder. Feel free to contact me via PM with questions, concerns, or requests.
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Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (canceled)

Post by Xhuis » #265862

I know, don't worry. I may be overly dramatic but I still can into github. As I've mentioned though my enjoyment of the project is currently facedown in the shallow pool of our game's depth (get it because of the thread going on right now haha) but everything is subject to change. Although my long writeup is quite dramatic in saying that I failed everyone and would not bring it back, the chances are that in a few weeks I may revive it when I am feeling up to it again. Writing when you are very strongly emotional tends to make one blow things out of proportion.
I'm an ex-coder for /tg/. I made the original versions of clockcult, shadowlings, revenants, His Grace, and other stuff.
I don't play, code, or participate in the community, but I occasionally post dumb stuff in the hut.
Kraso wrote:hi gay
wubli wrote:xhuis you said you were feeling better but every thread you make makes me worry more about your sanity
ExcessiveUseOfCobblestone wrote:Sorry I was making fun of xhuis' """""compromise""""" who insisted that was the correct term to use.
CitrusGender wrote:We've ended up disabling clockcult on sybil and bagil now (terry is having some problems.) We will give Xhuis some time until he wishes to work upon it again. As of now, please use this thread for ideas and not for bickering.
wubli wrote:you are a cultist of the gay
IkeTG wrote:It's a reflection of humanity, like all of man's creation. You cannot divorce this act from yourself, in a way there's a big titty moth inside all of us.
wesoda25 wrote:yeah no one was curious what it was from. Imagine choosing being a degenerate as your forum gimmick, LOL
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Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (canceled)

Post by Bluespace » #265936

I wonder what direction the design lead(s) intend for tgstation to take tbh.
Can we expect the removal of both cults and rev?
Every round a toss up between traitor and ling?
SS13 becoming "do your job until a traitor kills you?"
I am a mere player, when the design lead cums in my mouth I either swallow or put my heels on and leave.
I play Boris Pepper.
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Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (canceled)

Post by Steelpoint » #265939

If one maintainer says you have 48 hours to effect a change before they will close it, that essentially states for fact that you have 48 hours to either make your case or make the requested change.

oranges closing the PR barely a hour after the proclamation is not only a poor PR move, but it shows a lack of professionalism or integrity.

On principle the PR would be reopenend and given 47 hours to effect the demanded changes.
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Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (canceled)

Post by Armhulen » #265941

Steelpoint wrote:If one maintainer says you have 48 hours to effect a change before they will close it, that essentially states for fact that you have 48 hours to either make your case or make the requested change.

oranges closing the PR barely a hour after the proclamation is not only a poor PR move, but it shows a lack of professionalism or integrity.

On principle the PR would be reopenend and given 47 hours to effect the demanded changes.
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Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (canceled)

Post by TrustyGun » #265946

Yeah, even ignoring the rest of the drama, closing the PR without giving the chance for Xhuis to work on it is really fucking shitty. Especially considering that Kor told him he had 48 hours to do that 2 hours prior. Even moreso that Orange's reason was "lol".

Open the PR back up, give him another 48 hours.
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Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (canceled)

Post by Xhuis » #265966

Follow-up post the day after now that the dust has cleared. List of stuff in no real order:
  • I'm no longer immensely frustrated over the whole ordeal and I can think on things more.
  • I respect Kor's decision to give me an ultimatum, although I don't like it. With oranges giving his reasoning I can see from his perspective but I do not respect it. Closing PRs because I have a disagreement with the design lead - who has a higher position than you and said that I had time to think and work on it - is not the right thing to do.
  • I have less motivation to work on this but it's still there. Just not right now. I will probably wait for a while before I continue but the code and assets remain in case I want to continue at some point.
  • Although maintainers have extended an olive branch and offered to open the PR again, for now I will let it stay closed. I do not want to cause more drama by pushing commits that go against what they requested. When I am ready to work on it again I will request its reopening or make another PR.
  • Because of how distressed I was last night, my write-ups and general attitude was extremely dramatic. I said a lot of things that weren't true and sounded nothing but petulant. I was pretty whiny but I think that my jabs were justified at the time and I don't regret saying them. I still dislike oranges for sucking up to Kor and taking matters into his own hands when the situation wasn't as bad as it was, and I still dislike Kor for valuing his own opinion above everyone else's (yes, even as the design lead. He hasn't done much in that position. The only post about direction came up after the whole drama with oranges' post.)
Can't think of anything else at the moment. If you have any questions I'm all ears, but I can't stick around for long.
I'm an ex-coder for /tg/. I made the original versions of clockcult, shadowlings, revenants, His Grace, and other stuff.
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Kraso wrote:hi gay
wubli wrote:xhuis you said you were feeling better but every thread you make makes me worry more about your sanity
ExcessiveUseOfCobblestone wrote:Sorry I was making fun of xhuis' """""compromise""""" who insisted that was the correct term to use.
CitrusGender wrote:We've ended up disabling clockcult on sybil and bagil now (terry is having some problems.) We will give Xhuis some time until he wishes to work upon it again. As of now, please use this thread for ideas and not for bickering.
wubli wrote:you are a cultist of the gay
IkeTG wrote:It's a reflection of humanity, like all of man's creation. You cannot divorce this act from yourself, in a way there's a big titty moth inside all of us.
wesoda25 wrote:yeah no one was curious what it was from. Imagine choosing being a degenerate as your forum gimmick, LOL
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Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (delayed?)

Post by danno » #275626

11 paragraphs in one post alone
Hornygranny wrote: wtf i like danno now
I don't even play ss13 anymore, pretty much due to dannos stupid bullshit
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Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (delayed?)

Post by Armhulen » #275637

danno wrote:11 paragraphs in one post alone
reviving this sad ass thread

feels p bad man
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Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (delayed?)

Post by onleavedontatme » #275638

Reminder I'd still merge shadowling if it had no conversion in it.
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Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (delayed?)

Post by Armhulen » #275639

Most active topic:Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (delayed?)

i'd be ready to remove conversion and add this already
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Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (delayed?)

Post by ShadowDimentio » #275646

Kor wrote:Reminder I'd still merge shadowling if it had no conversion in it.
Reminder you're a rude dude
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Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (delayed?)

Post by oranges » #275658

ShadowDimentio wrote:
Kor wrote:Reminder I'd still merge shadowling if it had no conversion in it.
Reminder you're a rude dude
That's rich david
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Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (delayed?)

Post by onleavedontatme » #275795

Armhulen wrote:Most active topic:Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (delayed?)

i'd be ready to remove conversion and add this already
You are free to do so, the code is there for anyone to edit and finish.
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Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux (delayed?)

Post by Xhuis » #276606

Eh? Who hath awak'd me from my slumber?

Anyway yeah. I know that this is fine without conversion, and I'll probably continue it when I get the motivation. Right now, however, I am in a turbulent time (moving to another state) and I also have little motivation to continue it. The code is open for anyone who wants to work on it, but until then, just wait until I can pick it up.
I'm an ex-coder for /tg/. I made the original versions of clockcult, shadowlings, revenants, His Grace, and other stuff.
I don't play, code, or participate in the community, but I occasionally post dumb stuff in the hut.
Kraso wrote:hi gay
wubli wrote:xhuis you said you were feeling better but every thread you make makes me worry more about your sanity
ExcessiveUseOfCobblestone wrote:Sorry I was making fun of xhuis' """""compromise""""" who insisted that was the correct term to use.
CitrusGender wrote:We've ended up disabling clockcult on sybil and bagil now (terry is having some problems.) We will give Xhuis some time until he wishes to work upon it again. As of now, please use this thread for ideas and not for bickering.
wubli wrote:you are a cultist of the gay
IkeTG wrote:It's a reflection of humanity, like all of man's creation. You cannot divorce this act from yourself, in a way there's a big titty moth inside all of us.
wesoda25 wrote:yeah no one was curious what it was from. Imagine choosing being a degenerate as your forum gimmick, LOL
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