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Post by Steelpoint » #363644

This feature has been test merged on the server, or at least Sybil, for a while so I wanted to give some feedback.

While I find the feature to be a very useful addition, in that it makes the game feel far more nicer to look and play with, I do find the balance issues to be a problem, as the widescreen does grant the user three extra tiles of vision from the left and right side.

I also really dislike the stop-gap measure of disabling Widescreen when you draw a firearm of sorts to be extremely jarring but also another balance issue (greytiders or antagonist have a easier time evading someone if they have widescreen but the pursuer does not)

What are your thoughts?
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Re: Widescreen

Post by ShadowDimentio » #363648

Remove the extra tile additions or make it standard for everyone.
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Re: Widescreen

Post by oranges » #363679

or just make a subclass of poor people who can't afford extra tiles
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Re: Widescreen

Post by Oldman Robustin » #363738

Jesus is that how it works? It disables the vision when you draw a firearm?

Just make it the new standard vision range who the fuck still uses 4:3 ratio.
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Re: Widescreen

Post by Steelpoint » #363744

Yes, the screen reverts to the old 4:3 ratio the moment you wield a firearm, it does not do this for any other melee weapons or items in the game.

Its clearly a balance mechanic but its extraordinarily jarring.

If we are going to go widescreen, it should be all the way. If everyone is on the same playing field then no one is disadvantaged.
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Re: Widescreen

Post by Deitus » #363801

im heavily against this change because for some reason it unironically, seriously hurts my eyes to look at. like normally they dont hurt unless i look at flashing lights or something since i have minor epilepsy but this really hurt them for some reason.

we dont really need it either.
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Re: Widescreen

Post by kevinz000 » #363805

I fail to see why it would make sense to have extra view horizontally but not vertically. The game is not a 1080p video.
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Re: Widescreen

Post by SpaceInaba » #363806

i hate widescreen because it makes everything too small on my poorfag monitor so i cant use it
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Re: Widescreen

Post by PKPenguin321 » #363815

sneaky nerf to stealth, good luck running away from sec down a horizontal hallway for example

i dont think a bigger game window is inherently a good thing at all, kind of like kevinz said. it only really serves to affect game balance and it does it in a really weird way that i kind of dislike.
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Re: Widescreen

Post by Anonmare » #363835

It makes me ill to look at, the lack of symmetry between the X and Y axis' also bothers me a lot
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