Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

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Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by peoplearestrange » #34150

A counter to the "Pet Peeves" thread. What makes you keep coming back to the game? What things make your in game day?

As a borg I like it when people actually give me a pet for doing a good job.
I also love finding random coins as an assistant/low level job, I treat it as my lucky coin for the round, flipping it for good luck.
oranges is the center point of rational and calm debate, where much of tg's issues are worked out in a fun and family friendly environment
miggles wrote:it must have been quite the accomplishment, killing a dead butterfly
WeeYakk wrote:If you take a step back from everything watching the community argue janitor related changes is one of the most surreal and hilarious things about this game. Four pages of discussing the merits of there being too much or too little dirt in a video game.
Operative wrote:Vote PAS for headmin! Get cucked and feel good getting cucked.
TheNightingale wrote:I want to get off Mr. Scones's Wild Ride...
NikNakFlak wrote:Excuse you, I was doing intentional bug testing for the well being of the server. I do not make mistakes.
Fragnostic wrote:stop cucking the first shitshow ever that revolved around me.
This is my moment, what are you doing?!
Anonmare wrote:Oranges gestures at the thread, it shudders and begins to move!
Saegrimr wrote:
callanrockslol wrote:all you have to do is ban shitters until the playbase improves/ceases to exist, whichever comes first.
Screemonster wrote:hellmoo is the mud for grown adults who main reaper in overwatch
Kor wrote:
confused rock wrote:...its like if we made fire extinguishers spawn in emergency boxes and have them heal you when you put out fires rather than them being in wall storages...
Are you having a stroke
bandit wrote:you are now manually GLORFing
MrStonedOne wrote:The best part about the election is when I announce my pick because I'm just as surprised as everybody else.
PM:[USER]->IrishWristWatch0: Yeah, im make it on but how im make the station to to sun and not go to sun

OOC: Francinum: Five Rounds at PAS's
"You are destinied to defeat Dr. Uguu and his 5 Robot Masters
(All-Access-Man, ShootyBlackCoat Man, ChloralHydrate Man, Singulo Man and TeleportArmor Man)"
I'm a box
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Byond Username: QuartzCrystal

Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by QuartzCrystal » #34154

When I arrest a traitor or get arrested as a traitor I love one final RP session with the HoS or captain before the execution/permabrigging.

People who actually do their jobs, or leave people to do their jobs (as someone who often plays CMO it's awesome seeing someone yell for help and then let the doctors do their job instead of just dragging their buddy to a sleeper and playing doctor themselves).

Elaborate murders. Something is particularly hilarious about cuffing someone and keeping them stunned as the cargo conveyor belt sends them off, or buckle cuffing someone to a chair wearing EVA equipment and oxygen, but they're right in the way of the emergency shuttle, or another shuttle.
Gun Hog
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by Gun Hog » #34161

People who say "Yes" to my heal viruses, Cargo techs that order the crate before I get the CMO stamp to save time, getting Armory access from the HoP so I can give Sec and Sci lovely AE guns, and people who enable their suit sensors when I am AI so my medhud works.

Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by Malkevin » #34169

Dead clowns and mimes.
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by Hibbles » #34226

The little heart thing Ian does when you pet him.

Engiborgs, most of the time, are absurdly cute.

Casual misspellings that have become memetic like fagit and tator.
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by Cuboos » #34229

I like it when you're an engineer, get the singulo running perfectly and the AI announces it over the Vox thing.

On a related note, i also like it when you're doing well in your department and your head makes a note of it. Even a simple "Thanks" or a "Good Work" can make my day.
/TG/ First and Only Sound guy
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by bandit » #34284

Clowns, in general.
"I don't see any difference between ERP and rape." -- erro

admin feedback pls
Gun Hog
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by Gun Hog » #34286

Speaking of petting, it makes me smile when I pet a borg, and it pings in response!
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by Reimoo » #34293

When clowns are actually funny.

Which usually involves them getting seriously injured
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by Stickymayhem » #34297

When engiborgs ask for pets after helping out, and wait around for it like a puppy.

When, as RD, I tell my department I'm a rogue as fuck changeling and they just think it's funny and send me debrained bodies to eat

When my borgs come back to cuddle me on the satellite as the station or drag me to the shuttle as it's about to take off.
Boris wrote:Sticky is a jackass who has worms where his brain should be, but he also gets exactly what SS13 should be
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 6:17 pm Dont engage with sticky he's a subhuman
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by cedarbridge » #34301

Borg pings in general.

Binary chat when the borgs and AI are veterans to the roles. Humans have no idea the shit we talk behind their backs.

When I drag somebody throwing a total shitfit in the brig over to interrogation and they actually settle down and talk to me like an adult. This has happened exactly twice.
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by UtterNewbie » #34302

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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by elyina » #34318

All 4 solars wired into the grid powering the station, with the singulo not set up and the parts locked away. I've done this as CE a few times, it didn't stop a traitor from coming and dismantling the smes in engineering anyway to try to release the non-existent singularity. Not only was there no singulo to release, but the station remained fully powered. More people need to use solars.
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by Fragnostic » #34335

When a tator pulls out a double bladed esword and rushes you, and you pull out a spear and wield it and the first hit was yours and a knockout. Didn't even kill the guy, just spaced the esword.
RNGesus answers prayers, m'boy. :^)
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by cedarbridge » #34336

I have found a new appreciation for shotguns.
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by Raven776 » #34371

When I am a chemist and the other chemist makes the cryo mix first. I don't care if I was halfway done, but just knowing that I'm not the only person who's not lazy as fuck is good.
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by QuartzCrystal » #34376

When I'm bartender and security doesn't get butthurt over me big game hunting the clown.
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Byond Username: Miggles

Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by miggles » #34383

when im bartender and people actually ask for drinks aside from black russians and cuba libres
dezzmont wrote:I am one of sawrge's alt accounts
dezzmont wrote:sawrge has it right.
Connor wrote:miggles is correct though

Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by Septavius » #34395

when the rev horde fights sec.
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by Saegrimr » #34410

tedward1337 wrote:Sae is like the racist grandad who everyone laughs at for being racist, but deep down we all know he's right.
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by cedarbridge » #34414

I have a special place in my heard for cargo that actually gives a shit about orders and after ordering them, uses the mail system to dump whatever it is into my office. I've had things missing from longer or complicated orders, but so far cargo is still hitting a better average than UPS.

Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by Malkevin » #34433

QuartzCrystal wrote:When I'm bartender and security doesn't get butthurt over me big game hunting the clown.
Implying security actually cares when someone hurts the clown
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by peoplearestrange » #34469

Reimoo wrote:When clowns are actually funny.
A clown once caused me to literately laugh out loud.

A clown also once asked me to tell a joke as a "clown apprentice". Told joke, long pause, Clown says "Well, my job is safe" 10/10 for timing.
oranges is the center point of rational and calm debate, where much of tg's issues are worked out in a fun and family friendly environment
miggles wrote:it must have been quite the accomplishment, killing a dead butterfly
WeeYakk wrote:If you take a step back from everything watching the community argue janitor related changes is one of the most surreal and hilarious things about this game. Four pages of discussing the merits of there being too much or too little dirt in a video game.
Operative wrote:Vote PAS for headmin! Get cucked and feel good getting cucked.
TheNightingale wrote:I want to get off Mr. Scones's Wild Ride...
NikNakFlak wrote:Excuse you, I was doing intentional bug testing for the well being of the server. I do not make mistakes.
Fragnostic wrote:stop cucking the first shitshow ever that revolved around me.
This is my moment, what are you doing?!
Anonmare wrote:Oranges gestures at the thread, it shudders and begins to move!
Saegrimr wrote:
callanrockslol wrote:all you have to do is ban shitters until the playbase improves/ceases to exist, whichever comes first.
Screemonster wrote:hellmoo is the mud for grown adults who main reaper in overwatch
Kor wrote:
confused rock wrote:...its like if we made fire extinguishers spawn in emergency boxes and have them heal you when you put out fires rather than them being in wall storages...
Are you having a stroke
bandit wrote:you are now manually GLORFing
MrStonedOne wrote:The best part about the election is when I announce my pick because I'm just as surprised as everybody else.
PM:[USER]->IrishWristWatch0: Yeah, im make it on but how im make the station to to sun and not go to sun

OOC: Francinum: Five Rounds at PAS's
"You are destinied to defeat Dr. Uguu and his 5 Robot Masters
(All-Access-Man, ShootyBlackCoat Man, ChloralHydrate Man, Singulo Man and TeleportArmor Man)"
I'm a box
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by LunchboxKilla » #34485

I love when a mime is beaten worse than a clown.

fuck mimes...
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by Mastigos » #34575

When I spawn as mime or clown and disposal my counterpart at roundstart
Hornygranny wrote: i was wrong
Paprika wrote:Saegrimr is right.
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by Hibbles » #34656

Almost any use of VOX. The day Gia helped me install it on Badger that first day, I was in a constant state of 'dying by laughter'. And even now, few things can make me laugh on the spot like hearing the AI call the crew abortions or say fuck the clown or whatever.
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by Silavite » #34661

Seeing other people get victimized in hillarious ways. I don't have any examples, but this Monty Python sketch goes quite well as an example.
(I suck at embedding)
Shoplifter - Random greyshirt(s)
Guy behind the counter - Chemist
Officer - Shitcurity
First guy in front of the counter - Someone who was getting chemicals before the whole thing started.
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by Whoisthere » #34716

When borgs/AI show personality.

When the captain is robust but RPs incompetence.

Sad elegy
Highly suitable for use in funerals
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by MedicInDisquise » #34892

Seeing a crew stop fucking around with each other and killing each other for fun when a confirmed nuke ops or blob or wizard is confirmed.

Warms my heart to see psychpoaths one minute killing eachother and the othe rminute killing an antag.
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by ThanatosRa » #34920

elyina wrote:All 4 solars wired into the grid powering the station, with the singulo not set up and the parts locked away. I've done this as CE a few times, it didn't stop a traitor from coming and dismantling the smes in engineering anyway to try to release the non-existent singularity. Not only was there no singulo to release, but the station remained fully powered. More people need to use solars.
Add in Engineers that do this without being ordered to by the CE. A competent Engineering team is an amazing thing.

And Engineers who drop off the Rig Suits when they're done with them instead of pretending to be Isaac Clark for the rest of the round.
my forum gimmick is that no one knows who i am

gender is irrelevant NO UR IRRELEVANT
u a bish
y u heff 2 b med
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Byond Username: JStheguy

Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by JStheguy » #34923

When people actually eat food the chef makes instead of shovling 4nos.
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by Cipher3 » #34926

JStheguy wrote:When people actually eat food the chef makes instead of shovling 4nos.
On that subject, when chefs and bartenders are actually robust/know what they're doing and do it.
Nathanael Greene has made a woman of Bryce Pax!

Valerie Sinnet says, "Nathaniel Greene charged the brig with a fucking HONK."

[Common] Assists-the-Crew hisses, "Walker Quinn s-s-s-ss-stole the HoP's-s-s-ss-s door"

OOC: HotelBravoLima: I literally can't be removed from power.

I demand this ban be lifted right now. ~Bibliodewangus

Erin Wake whispers, "You should ready up on Badger and boink with me..."

"I think you guys are just tired of drinking hitler and now you want diet hitler.
I've got all that great hitler flavor but only half the hitler calories." - Anon3

You seem to be under the mistaken assumption that PR matters. ~MisterPerson

DEAD: Ichigo Momomiya says, "Coravin's just an ass."

Linus Johnson says, "Hey you know I got this game Skyrim last week"
Linus Johnson says, "I have a level 19 ranger and its so fun"
Weston Zadovsky says, "did he just"
Weston Zadovsky says, "fucking hell"

The emergency shuttle has been called. It will arrive in 10 minutes.
Nature of emergency:
Coravin, just Coravin.

Beryl Nyuphoran says, "Fucking get out."
Coravin Vattes asks, "Please?"
Beryl Nyuphoran says, "Please get the fuck outta my lab."
Coravin Vattes exclaims, "Okay!"
[Common] Beryl Nyuphoran {RD} asks, "WHO GAVE CORAVIN ALL ACCESS?"

Lindsay Donk stammers, "L-Luc-ck w-was-s-s s-s-such-h a beaut-tifu p-p-p-pr-r-rom-m q-q-q-queen"

Ty Andrews curls up in a ball on the floor and purrs.

by oranges » Sun Feb 15, 2015 7:15 pm
Get out bluespace, you've not been relevant since you lost the elections

That said, I think there are a shitton of degenerates here and I'd probably gas the lot of you if I had the chance. ~Loonikus

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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by cedarbridge » #34956

Cipher3 wrote:
JStheguy wrote:When people actually eat food the chef makes instead of shovling 4nos.
On that subject, when chefs and bartenders are actually robust/know what they're doing and do it.
Related note: Botanists that actually make food instead of growing client crashing piles of spessweed
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Byond Username: Miggles

Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by miggles » #34962

bartenders who serve unmixed drinks, chefs who cook hamburgers ever, and botanists who grow nothing but dank are the opposite of things that make me smile
dezzmont wrote:I am one of sawrge's alt accounts
dezzmont wrote:sawrge has it right.
Connor wrote:miggles is correct though
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by srifenbyxp » #34974

Had a 1v1 sword fight yesterday, it came down to a bare knuckle match. Granted I lost it was still glorious

Also when being attacked by a sword user drop a box or bag with a space in it. Granted the user will accidently click the box and his weapon will be in the off state inside the container.
why is this allowed? The weapon is in bulkly mode this shouldnt be allowed
To be robust is not about combat prowess, it is the state of readiness for the situation at hand.
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by callanrockslol » #34981

I think its to allow traitors to pocket eblades and such quicker
JStheguy wrote:When people actually eat food the chef makes instead of shovling 4nos.
Scardeys Private Reserve is better.
The most excessive signature on /tg/station13.

Still not even at the limit after 8 fucking years.
Urist Boatmurdered [Security] asks, "Why does Zol have a captain-level ID?"
Zol Interbottom [Security] says, "because"

Sergie Borris lives on in our hearts

Anderson Conagher wrote:Callan is sense.
Errorage wrote:When I see the win vista, win 7 and win 8 hourglass cursor, it makes me happy
Cause it's a circle spinning around
I smile and make circular motions with my finger to imiatate it
petethegoat wrote:slap a comment on it and call it a feature
MisterPerson wrote:>playing
Do you think this is a game?
Gun Hog wrote:Untested code baby
oranges wrote:for some reason all our hosts turn into bohemia software communities after they implode
Malkevin wrote:I was the only one that voted for you Callan.
Miggles wrote:>centration development
ill believe it when snakes grow arms and strangle me with them

OOC: Aranclanos: that sounds like ooc in ooc related to ic to be ooc and confuse the ic
OOC: Dionysus24779: We're nearing a deep philosophical extistential level

Admin PM from-Jordie0608: 33-Jan-2552| Warned: Is a giraffe dork ~tony abbott

OOC: Saegrimr: That wasn't a call to pray right now callan jesus christ you're fast.

OOC: Eaglendia: Glad I got to see the rise, fall, rise, and fall of Zol

OOC: Armhulenn: CALLAN
OOC: Armhulenn: AND THEN
OOC: Armhulenn: you know what's hilarious though

7/8/2016 never forget
Armhulen wrote:
John_Oxford wrote:>implying im not always right
all we're saying is that you're not crag son
bandit wrote:we already have a punishment for using our code for your game, it's called using our code for your game
The evil holoparasite user I can't believe its not DIO and his holoparasite I can't believe its not Skub have been defeated by the Spacedust Crusaders, but what has been taken from the station can never be returned.

OOC: TheGel: Literally a guy in a suit with a shuttle full of xenos. That's a doozy
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by Mastigos » #35069

miggles wrote:bartenders who serve unmixed drinks, chefs who cook hamburgers ever, and botanists who grow nothing but dank are the opposite of things that make me smile
What about Super Bite Burgers, or Clown Burgers so you can feed him his mask?
Hornygranny wrote: i was wrong
Paprika wrote:Saegrimr is right.
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by cedarbridge » #35195

Mastigos wrote:
miggles wrote:bartenders who serve unmixed drinks, chefs who cook hamburgers ever, and botanists who grow nothing but dank are the opposite of things that make me smile
What about Super Bite Burgers, or Clown Burgers so you can feed him his mask?
Crayon colored burgers are the best burgers
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Byond Username: Miggles

Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by miggles » #35203

cedarbridge wrote:
Mastigos wrote:
miggles wrote:bartenders who serve unmixed drinks, chefs who cook hamburgers ever, and botanists who grow nothing but dank are the opposite of things that make me smile
What about Super Bite Burgers, or Clown Burgers so you can feed him his mask?
Crayon colored burgers are the best burgers
situationally acceptable
if its all you make youre bad
dezzmont wrote:I am one of sawrge's alt accounts
dezzmont wrote:sawrge has it right.
Connor wrote:miggles is correct though
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by Kangaraptor » #35242

srifenbyxp wrote:Had a 1v1 sword fight yesterday, it came down to a bare knuckle match. Granted I lost it was still glorious

Also when being attacked by a sword user drop a box or bag with a space in it. Granted the user will accidently click the box and his weapon will be in the off state inside the container.
why is this allowed? The weapon is in bulkly mode this shouldnt be allowed
what if I told you I got dunked as a nukeop last night because I accidentally clicked a crate with my dual esword out when fighting the captain and two cargonians that were trying to robust me with eguns?

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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by Kavaloosh » #35248

glorious last stands
Confront them with annihilation, and they will then survive; plunge them into a deadly situation, and they will then live. When people fall into danger, they are then able to strive for victory.
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by XSI » #35276

AI bolting the escape airlocks

Seriously, who thought all-access airlocks right across a long hallway are a good idea? Attention to detail like that makes me think the AI actually does care about law 1
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by Fragnostic » #35313

Mining in the Gulag.
Granted, I've never ever mined AT ALL before that, but I used a pickaxe and started hacking away at rock. Then had the sense to carrying a mining satchel and accidentally clicked at ores with it. It picked all the ore on that tile! I thought I wouldn't see iron anymore, so I go back and get a flashlight! More ore! I start to think this is too hard when I get a basic pair of mesons, and wonder what's so good and why miners love them. I walked down my tunnel and put them on. Glory.

I'm going to ask to be sent to Gulag now. Never done it ever before that, but mining is fun and I even found diamond ore in my haul in the Gulag. Granted it's only good if you're alone so no one can steal or something, but I think I want to main something else.
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Byond Username: Slettal

Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by Slettal » #35324

>get killed in maint
>get found by an Assistant and dragged to Medbay for cloning
>get cloned and still have all my stuff
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by bandit » #35326

Fragnostic wrote:mining is fun
it's like he's a newbie all over again

dawww so adorable
"I don't see any difference between ERP and rape." -- erro

admin feedback pls
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by Hibbles » #35394

When something mind-bending absurd happens. I don't mean the obvious stuff like big admin events; a lot of the time, just like Clown/Mime Security, or that one time recently we had to brig a monkey. Like, we welded the vent, and cuffed him in the cell, then uncuffed him. Proper brigging procedure down to the letter, gave him a few for assault and everything. It was an intelligent monkey, the Geneticist had become one to grief, but the very idea just made me laugh.

Drone hats.
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by Kangaraptor » #35485

When I don't get arrested as an all-access turbomime.

I usually go out of my way to help command and security if they don't make a point of trying to shit on me. Fun shit happens.
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Byond Username: Miggles

Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by miggles » #35673

yeah all access mimes/assistants/w.e who help people out and be useful instead of using it to be assholes is the best thing
dezzmont wrote:I am one of sawrge's alt accounts
dezzmont wrote:sawrge has it right.
Connor wrote:miggles is correct though
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Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by Vekter » #35729


Ass blast USA

Those rare rounds where Research and Mining are on point and everything is upgraded.

Subsidizing Cargo as a militia by giving them gun access and implanting them.

When the chef, bartender and Botany cooperate.

Creative traitors.

Billcyferka9 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:58 pm Bye bye asshole.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you
Joined: Sun Jun 29, 2014 5:51 pm
Byond Username: Raven776

Re: Pet Likes Thread - Little things that make you smile

Post by Raven776 » #45258

When a traitor fails to subvert an AI by onehumaning a non-asimov.
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