What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

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What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by KingLouisXIV » #2816

When you're in a round, and you don't get flagged as a traitor.. Or a changeling.. Or a blob, or nuke ops, or wizard or ANYTHING! Time to go about your job, but where's the fun in that? You've done it a thousand times before. When all of a sudden... "WIZARD IN MEDBAY!"

What do you hope your enemy is like? Are there gimmicks you love to see more than others? What do you HATE seeing? Is it more fun to be pit up against a very obvious traitor, or one where you can't even tell they're a traitor at all? Mind you, this doesn't apply to just wizards or traitors; any sort of antag may apply.
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by Brotinheyst » #2836

KingLouisXIV wrote:When you're in a round, and you don't get flagged as a traitor.. Or a changeling.. Or a blob, or nuke ops, or wizard or ANYTHING! Time to go about your job, but where's the fun in that? You've done it a thousand times before. When all of a sudden... "WIZARD IN MEDBAY!"

What do you hope your enemy is like? Are there gimmicks you love to see more than others? What do you HATE seeing? Is it more fun to be pit up against a very obvious traitor, or one where you can't even tell they're a traitor at all? Mind you, this doesn't apply to just wizards or traitors; any sort of antag may apply.
Since I'm boring and I would like to learn a little more about some of the game mechanics involving engineering, atmospherics, virology, and general know-how to be confident enough to play Captain, I'll just state them.

Favorite enemies: Bleb, traitors, double agents, xenos.

Unfavorite enemies: nuke ops, cultists, lings, wizards (when they're overtly robust), security in general, Malf AI, and people that tend to push and steal other people without provocation.

I don't like it when wizards spawn guns and the whole crew decides to go 'fuck all' and shoot each other for their shit.
I like seeing good character interactions. I don't like it when there are certain people that try to push over other people and steal their shit for no reason.
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by Munchlax » #2946

I really like antags that use stealth, but most of the playerbase doesn't I suppose.
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by Stickymayhem » #2948

Antagonists that bring more people into the fun, such as a Tator QM doing A proper Cargonian rebellion, or lings that sow discontent among the crew.

Rare but always entertaining, and something I like to do when I can get the chance.
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by imblyings » #2966

the ones i robust

I actually hate dealing with antags but I also know that without them the round would die of boredom which sucks.

actually, I really enjoy breaking up the shit that happens in extended rounds as sec. I also like coworker antags that just admit to being an antag. They are usually pretty bro.
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by GoldenPotatoes » #2970

geilebeer wrote:I really like antags that use stealth, but most of the playerbase doesn't I suppose.
It just becomes an issue because some player's ideal of stealth is parac4 their target then doing nothing else the rest of their shift.
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by Tokiko2 » #2976

Any antags that cause chaos. It doesn't matter if they are loud or stealthy as long as they do their best to send everyone on the station into a panic. Plasma floods, mass killings, bombs, robot uprisings, AI subversions and malfunctions, blobs and killer diseases are all very fun things to see in my opinion.

I only really dislike stealth antags that only do their objective and then do nothing all round. It's a boring playstyle for everyone involved. Atleast get the shuttle called somehow if you play like this.
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by Kelenius » #2984

Ones that subvert me.

Or die trying.
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by Lovecraft » #3004

Playing against the Heads of Staff and Security as a Revolutionary Head is a type of fun I wish could happen more.
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by Anton Raginovsky » #3010

I prefer Antags who lead to the end of the round quickly, but not too quickly. I want a chance to do my job and roleplay a bit, but without the gradual slip into chaos the rounds get dull. Turning the crew against each other is a sign of a good traitor.
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by ThanatosRa » #3011

Smart Antags. "That Cheeky bastard!"

Any that make me laugh too. The best kind of Stealth antag is the one that you never suspected. If they can cause paranoia and never get caught I Love that.
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by ShizCalev » #3028

>Be ling
>Spread misinformation about how SM works to sabotage it
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by TheTerbs » #3054

I like to emag every single door open or release n2O everywhere. Huehuehuehueryeueyeghehue
you're gonna carry that weight
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by Comrade Leo » #3068

geilebeer wrote:I really like antags that use stealth, but most of the playerbase doesn't I suppose.
I stealth antag every time and use peoples naivety to blame my own criminal acts against innocents. Vast majority of my kill targets have been killed by another party whom I have convinced to do the deed. Not a fan of using TC from the PDA either.
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by Stickymayhem » #3070

I love it when people are just cool with antags.

I had a round as Tator AI where I killed my target and was just generally helpful, if a little laxxer with laws. Captain pops in to card me, realizes I'm a traitor, and decides to purge me so I can fight crime with violence since I was already helping the station.

My first win as a traitor AI.
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by Pandarsenic » #3086

I like antags who try to make things quietly fall apart while never letting anyone figure out it was them. The ones who do sneaky, tricky things like swapping their fingerprints in the sec database with a stolen ID, leaving package-wrapped signaller C4 in the hallways, swapping the O2 canister in the incinerator with a canister of N2O colored blue....
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by Psyentific » #3216

I enjoy playing against everything but changelings. Changelings suck, especially on 20-30 pop rounds, because you've got two to three changelings and between them all half the station disappears and nobody notices
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by SJ212 » #3244

nuke ops, aliums, traitors, and wizards that don't "MAGIC MISSILE EI NATH :^))"
ninja is broken and rarely happens
cult and rev are shit
changelings are usually as boring as shit
blob is only enjoyable when the crew is competent, which is never. there's always some shitter with a flamethrower or a plasma canister, or people don't know how to effectively kill it
malf is p much the same as blob except without the fire, and with people not knowing how to disassemble an apc or use a pinpointer
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by miggles » #3524

Psyentific wrote:I enjoy playing against everything but changelings. Changelings suck, especially on 20-30 pop rounds, because you've got two to three changelings and between them all half the station disappears and nobody notices
changelings cant do that anymore dude
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by Svendelton » #3562

miggles wrote: changelings cant do that anymore dude
Yes they can. I played a round on Sybil a week or so ago as QM ling where all the changelings identified themselves at roundstart. Everyone in Cargo, excluding two miners but including the HoP, was a ling, along with the RD and a few others; long story short someone took t-comms down and we ended up murdering at least half the station. Lings with e-guns and shotguns are nothing to mess with.
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by cultist-chan » #3570

Stealth ops that make me wonder if they were even there are amazing.
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by callanrockslol » #3739

cultist-chan wrote:Stealth ops that make me wonder if they were even there are amazing.
One parapen, 60 seconds, its easymode. Hardmode is storming the station by force and pulling it off.

The best antags are the ones that actual want to fight or just sneak around causing chaos and misdirecting everyone. None of that boring RP stuff, RP is for babbies etc etc etc.
The most excessive signature on /tg/station13.

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Cause it's a circle spinning around
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Do you think this is a game?
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7/8/2016 never forget
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John_Oxford wrote:>implying im not always right
all we're saying is that you're not crag son
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The evil holoparasite user I can't believe its not DIO and his holoparasite I can't believe its not Skub have been defeated by the Spacedust Crusaders, but what has been taken from the station can never be returned.

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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by miggles » #3749

ops cant order parapens
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by Incomptinence » #3767

Goon ling. Knock out stings and tracking spit. One cornered me in goon pathology (back when they had that) dodging those drat spits was actually thrilling. None of this IF THEY CONTROL EVERY WEAPON AND THE AI THEY ARE TOTES STRONK GUYS yeah anyone can look strong propped up on crutch mountain. Also way to make a long round with many dead which is one of the prime reasons people whined them down to near oblivion in the first place.
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by Psyentific » #3772

miggles wrote:
Psyentific wrote:I enjoy playing against everything but changelings. Changelings suck, especially on 20-30 pop rounds, because you've got two to three changelings and between them all half the station disappears and nobody notices
changelings cant do that anymore dude
Yes they fucking can, I've watched it happen

It's just that now, it's not Silence->Para GGNore. Instead, it's Silence -> Cryo and now you're screwed. Unless you're pre-filled with chems or coffee, the cold will do all the work and the ling can push you over. Or maybe the ling can use your slow-as-fuck speed to hack you apart with a C-Saw or Welder, while the cold murders you and also kills any edge in melee robusting you might have.

In a one-on-one combat scenario, changelings are stupidly stronk, and due to the nature of changelings they will almost never encounter a situation where they are outnumbered. Changelings still murder half the station with nobody the wiser, they still take half the server out of the round almost-permanently, and they still result in deadchats full of ghosts with no hope of being cloned or borged because their naked husk is in a locker in the ass end of maint, the lings subverted the AI/borgs and the RD is too stupid to upgrade cloning. The only thing Newling fixed was that now, instead of your muscles seizing up painfully as you think "WELP", you've got the most miniscule fighting chance, which the ling will negate with Stasis Regen if you (miraculously) (Shotgun doubletap) manage to take it down with you.

A Traitor has ten telecrystals, and that's it. A Changeling starts with a smaller number of points, but can potentially (And frequently does) wind up with all the toys. A Traitor can buy the Freedom Implant or the Emag Parapen C4. A half-decent changeling will take Lesser Form to bust cuffs and start with Silence/Cryo for a ParapenC4 and will never not take Armblade for an E-Sword equivalent. They have more/harder objectives, yes - Multiple murders and a high-security theft, but their toolkit is so much bigger and their selection is so much less limited.

Linear fighters, quadratic wizards.
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by miggles » #3776

changelings can only select 6 things. that isn't all the toys. changelings also literally have a much smaller selection of viable tools, as in they actually have less variety, factually.
the only possible way a changeling will kill you with cryo+mute is if you're an unrobust sob and you try to run away, or if they have an armblade. your click speed is still the same, so it's not like you can't hit them as fast as they can hit you.
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by Psyentific » #3777

Armblade is how much brute? On top of the DoT from Cryo?
the only possible way a changeling will kill you with cryo+mute is if you're an unrobust sob and you try to run away
Does this look like a load of bull to anybody else? Cryo/Mute is the standard changeling murder!
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by Septavius » #3982

revs, cult, anything that would result in tdm
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by Steelpoint » #3984

Ling arm blade deals 25 brute damage on hit, so 4 hits to knock an unarmored person into critical.

The changeling however is fantasticly well equipped to fight the AI and Borgs. Digital camo hides it from the AI, EMP damages and stuns cyborgs and a arm blade will finish it off in short order.
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by Hibbles » #4016

As a normal human crewman, nuke ops and murderbone traitors are tons of fun. Subtle traitors with plots and schemes can also be fun to bust. Lings in their current state aren't as much fun to deal with but they can still be tense if the ling plays them more 'lethal killer' and less 'griefing idiot'. Speaking of which... Revs and Cult are not exactly fun to fight either as a human, for me. They're basically the same now, and 'tora tora tora' 24/7 sure gets old fast. People always whine when the AI tries to hunt traitors but for some reason this literal Call of Duty deathmatch shit always goes really well with the players.

And yet some of the most fun, memorable, and tense moments I remember from this game were protracted Rev rounds that turned into sieges and desperate last stands, wandering amidst the wreckage of your own civilization with a small band of survivors, desperately trying to avoid bandit attacks or natural hazards like hull breaches... hm.

As AI, it's surprisingly fun to direct the fight against the Blob. You don't actually have to fight the big green thing, which is good because that can get tedious, but you get to basically be a huge Santa and bolt open everywhere, for everybody, and nobody so much as bats an eye at you because OH GOD BLOB FIGHT. You feel like you're really helping out in a way nobody else could. Nuke Ops are also a lot to fun to fight as AI, trying desperately to lock then down, seal them off, etc. Wizard is probably the least fun antag to have as an AI, because they tend to teleport right into your core past all your defenses and kill you mid-senten

Overall, 'loud' anatags are fun to play against usually, except Revs and Cult, Cult especially now, Quiet antags can be fun to figure out but eh.
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by Kangaraptor » #4018

Hibbles wrote:As a normal human crewman, nuke ops and murderbone traitors are tons of fun. Subtle traitors with plots and schemes can also be fun to bust. Lings in their current state aren't as much fun to deal with but they can still be tense if the ling plays them more 'lethal killer' and less 'griefing idiot'. Speaking of which... Revs and Cult are not exactly fun to fight either as a human, for me. They're basically the same now, and 'tora tora tora' 24/7 sure gets old fast. People always whine when the AI tries to hunt traitors but for some reason this literal Call of Duty deathmatch shit always goes really well with the players.

And yet some of the most fun, memorable, and tense moments I remember from this game were protracted Rev rounds that turned into sieges and desperate last stands, wandering amidst the wreckage of your own civilization with a small band of survivors, desperately trying to avoid bandit attacks or natural hazards like hull breaches... hm.

As AI, it's surprisingly fun to direct the fight against the Blob. You don't actually have to fight the big green thing, which is good because that can get tedious, but you get to basically be a huge Santa and bolt open everywhere, for everybody, and nobody so much as bats an eye at you because OH GOD BLOB FIGHT. You feel like you're really helping out in a way nobody else could. Nuke Ops are also a lot to fun to fight as AI, trying desperately to lock then down, seal them off, etc. Wizard is probably the least fun antag to have as an AI, because they tend to teleport right into your core past all your defenses and kill you mid-senten

Overall, 'loud' anatags are fun to play against usually, except Revs and Cult, Cult especially now, Quiet antags can be fun to figure out but eh.
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by SergeantSkread » #4022

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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by Kangaraptor » #4023

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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by Atticat » #4095

I spend every changeling round transformation stinging the crew into the same person until I get dunked

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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by Psyentific » #4096

git gud
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by Skorvold » #4131

To be honest almost every antag role minus Traitor and Wizard could do with a slower pace or more RP required. I don't want us to be like Bay, but what makes cult different from Rev is the RP value, not the items, and cults pretty 2fast right now. I enjoyed original cult where it was an achievement to win a round.

Anyway, Traitor is hands down my favorite, with old ling running a close second with old cult or a good Rev round of the likes I haven't seen since I play mostly on Artyom or Basil.
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by Psyentific » #4149

A good Rev round is fucking amazing. There's tons of storytimes about Good rev rounds. Unfortunately, good rev rounds are few and far between, much like good cult rounds.
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by SergeantSkread » #4205

Good rev rounds are the absolute shit. No matter what side you are on, the battles are always epic. Good cult rounds never happen. When i'm starting cult, I ask an admin to relegate the role to someone else, if that can't be done I just space myself.
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by Kelenius » #4206

SergeantSkread wrote:Good rev rounds are the absolute shit. No matter what side you are on, the battles are always epic. Good cult rounds never happen. When i'm starting cult, I ask an admin to relegate the role to someone else, if that can't be done I just space myself.
Why can't you just untick it?
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by Atticat » #4292

I hate wizard rounds and think they should be removed or toned down to a 1/100 chance of occurring. I'm genuinely shocked wizard rounds still happen so frequently. IN MY OPINIONNNNNNNNNN wizard rounds are one dude murderboning the station. It's no fun for anybody but the wizard and when he dies the round ends. This means whatever job I am playing is usually NOT worth doing because I'm either gonna get murdered with no way to defend myself or the round will abruptly come to a halt half-way through making progress.

Bae says, "IM starting to think Zeela is just an meme character that the admins have come up with to only piss everybody off"
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by 420goslingboy69 » #5014

Atticat wrote:I hate wizard rounds and think they should be removed or toned down to a 1/100 chance of occurring. I'm genuinely shocked wizard rounds still happen so frequently. IN MY OPINIONNNNNNNNNN wizard rounds are one dude murderboning the station. It's no fun for anybody but the wizard and when he dies the round ends. This means whatever job I am playing is usually NOT worth doing because I'm either gonna get murdered with no way to defend myself or the round will abruptly come to a halt half-way through making progress.
git gud. every single crew member can fight the wizard to some capacity
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by Pandarsenic » #5317

Floor tile the wizards erry day
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Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by ShadowDimentio » #5332

I enjoy playing against, traitors, lings, and (brace for the herecy) blobs.

Traitor is just general, balanced fun, and when the traitors are actually being subtle and not e-swording/bombing, there's a lot of fun to be had.

Ling is fun because of how slow it can be, and how it's easily the least destructive of all gamemodes, since lings don't really have anything that damages the station-- only really for killing the crew and being slimy bastards.

A good blob VS a good crew is an extremely interesting matchup and is a lot of fun to observe, or to play a part of, especially as a head or a borg.

Also: Shotguns VS Wizards for MAXIMUM DAMAGE. I once had a round end with a wizard getting absolutely WHACKED by someone with a shotgun. Two blasts, ANAL DEVASTATION.
"Clowns are different you can't trust those shifty fucks you never know what they're doing or if they're willing to eat a dayban for some cheap yuks."

"The amount of people is the amount of times the sound is played... on top of itself. And with sybil populations on the shuttle..."
-Remie Richards

"I just spent all fucking day playing fallen london and sunless sea and obsessing over how creepy the fucking dawn machine is and only just clocked now that your avatar is the fucking dawn machine. Nobody vote for this disgusting new sequence blasphemer he wants to kill the gods"

"Drank a cocktail of orange Gatorade and mint mouthwash on accident. Pretty sure I'm going to die, I am on the verge of vomit. It was nice knowing you guys"

"You're too late, you will have to fetch them from the top of my tower, built by zombies, slaves, zombie slaves and garitho's will to live!"

"This is like being cooked alive in a microwave oven which utilises the autistic end of the light spectrum to cook you."

"Penguins are the second race to realise 2D>3D"

"Paul Blart mall cops if they all had ambitions of joining the Waffen-SS"

"These logs could kill a dragon much less a man"

">7 8 6

"We didn't kick one goofball out only to have another one come in like a fucking revolving door"

"There's a difference between fucking faggots and being a fucking faggot."

"You guys splitting the 20 bucks cost to hire your ex again?"

"Wew. Congrats. It's been actual years since anyone tried to make fun of me for being divorced. You caught me, I'm tilted. Here is your trophy."

"I prefer my coffees to run dry too *snorts a line of maxwell house*"
-Super Aggro Crag

"You don't have an evil bone in your body, unless togopal comes for a sleepover"

">Paying over a $1000 for a lump of silicon and plastic

"Then why did you get that boob job?"

"You take that back you colonial mongrel"

"I don't care whether or not someone with an IQ 3 standard deviations below my own thinks they enjoy Wizard rounds."
Joined: Sun Apr 20, 2014 6:47 am
Byond Username: Mechoid

Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by Mechoid » #5449

I play silicons most of the time, so I'm not often fighting antags because human, but blobs, Xenos, malf AI's (When people are smart enough to take my wrecked borg body back to robotics for desyncing and repair, since borgs are their most reliable weapon against AI's), creative lings, and operatives are fun. Operatives being fun because it's rather funny seeing or being a secborg arresting an entire operative team. Rev, cult, and double agents are terrible to me, D.A. being terrible because they just Russian roulette for one death then team up and ignore their objective to kill one another. Rev and cult because no one thinks to get the AI on their side via laws without letting the other side know.
"If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him." - Johnathan Rigel, The Horizon Experiment
Little do people know, Imgur uploads save .DMI file data if you upload it as a .DMI, just download the .png file and open it with dreammaker, bam, correct file.
Silicon Scrapyard: http://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=290
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Joined: Wed Jun 01, 2016 5:55 pm
Byond Username: Calzilla1

Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by calzilla1 » #232727

Life is too short for anything meaningful and too long for anything memeingful
Super Aggro Crag wrote: The best shitpost youll ever be responsible for will be your obituary.
Quality debate brought to you by ColonicAcid wrote:imagine having this little empathy

do you have autism bud? does your brain not see these people as humans? are they just a faceless statistic to you?
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Joined: Sat Dec 13, 2014 9:15 pm
Byond Username: DemonFiren

Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by DemonFiren » #232752

calzilla1 wrote:Admins

non-lizard things:
Joined: Thu Dec 01, 2016 6:37 pm
Byond Username: Copybass
Location: Manitoba

Re: What sort of antags do you enjoy playing against?

Post by Copybass » #232788

Necromancers hands down
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