Want to be a Forum Mod? [Update 6th May]

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Want to be a Forum Mod? [Update 6th May]

Post by Jordie0608 » #584

Jordie Update 6th May
Now that it has been decided we have enough moderators, applications in this thread are closed and there probably won't be any more moderators appointed for the present time. People are welcome to send applications to me by PM and they will still be considered for when we next need more moderators.
If you want to apply be a forum mod fill out the following. Doing this doesn't guarantee anything.

You will be required to enforce the forum policy which is still being written up. We are trying something new here where we have a lot of moderators vs very few like the previous forum. We do not want this forum to turn into a propaganda machine like the previous one did. We want to work together to create a better game and community.

Forum mods can

Why do you want to be a mod?

Which forums do you want to moderate? (Note: It is much easier to be accepted as a moderator for a specific forum than global)

Why do you think you would be a good mod?

Anything bad in your past related to SS13 we should know about?

Asking me to look at your application results in your application becoming void.

Abuse of mod powers results in a forum ban.

Only post if you are applying all other posts in this thread will be deleted.

What can a mod do?
  • Can lock topics
    Can merge topics
    Can move topics
    Can split topics
    Can manage bans (Global Forum Mods Only)
    Can view post details
    Can issue warnings
    Can approve posts
    Can delete posts
    Can edit posts
    Can close and delete reports
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Re: Want to be a Forum Mod?

Post by Stephie » #586

Why do you want to be a mod?

I want to moderate Stenography ;_; Ban Appeals and Ban Requests.

Why do you think you would be a good mod?

Because I'm literally hitler, I enjoy drama and I know a good shitpost when I see one. But, at the same time, I deeply dislike political shit stirring and personal attacks. I also already spent more time on this forum that I did in the game without observing.

Anything bad in your past related to SS13 we should know about?

I once accidentally released a hallucigen virus on the escape shuttle and got banned from virology for a week. I also got away with killing a bunch of nonantags as a nonantag CMO. That's kinda it. No, seriously, that's it.

Last edited by Stephie on Sun Apr 20, 2014 12:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Want to be a Forum Mod?

Post by Rockdtben » #587

Stephie wrote:Why do you want to be a mod?
I want to moderate Stenography.
Stenography is not coming back. So if you want to moderate another forum let me know. Right now your application won't be considered until then.
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Re: Want to be a Forum Mod?

Post by MrSnapwalk » #589

Why do you want to be a mod?

I'd like to moderate the /NT/station forum section, if at all possible.

Why do you think you would be a good mod?

I check the forums very frequently during the day, so I would be able to handle situations at almost all times. I also dislike large arguments that devolve into name calling and personal attacks upon each other. Even if there is no drama occurring, I'd be happy to move, merge, and lock topics. Also, I'm quite involved in the /NT/station codebase, so I would not be just another random forum moderator. Lastly, I would like to help out this new, developing forum in any way I can. Seeing as the old forum is shifting it's focus away from Space Station 13, we need all the bastions of robustness we can get.

Anything bad in your past related to SS13 we should know about?

I got weekbanned from Science for teleporting the HoS into space as a non-antag, and I got yelled at for not setting up the singularity in my first round as Engineer. That's all that I know of, although I may have notes that I do not know about.
Petethegoat wrote:we need to procedurally generate asses so they can actually be used as evidence
JStheguy wrote:Being a closet serial killer is not polite, helpful, truthful, or clean.
I am the last of the moderators for the /NT/station subforums. Please don't PM me any questions, comments, or complaints, because there is nothing I can do about them.
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Re: Want to be a Forum Mod?

Post by Munchlax » #595

Why do you want to be a mod?
-I check the forums very frequently every day, especially in the weekends.
-The one thing that turned me off about the old forums was the negative vibe of too much drama,I would like to prevent this.
-I lurked enough on the old forums to know what is tolerable and what should be kept away from our boards.
-I think of myself as a friendly person and probably know how to explain to people why their behaviour is shit in a manner that wont make them mad.

Which forums do you want to moderate? (Note: It is much easier to be accepted as a moderator for a specific forum than global)
The Space Station 13 board, preferably (the general chat-section would please me too)

Why do you think you would be a good mod?
I have a very mellow temper and I think that is what makes a good moderator.

Anything bad in your past related to SS13 we should know about?
0 bans or warnings in my 2 years of playing.
Last edited by Munchlax on Sat Apr 19, 2014 7:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Want to be a Forum Mod?

Post by Spacemanspark » #601

Why do you want to be a mod?

I don't want to see this forum go to hell like the last one.

Which forums do you want to moderate?

Video Games Subforum, perhaps?

Why do you think you would be a good mod?

When needed, I can be fairly mature and coolheaded. I will say I can get a bit over my head at times, so feel free to hit me with the bat if that occurs.

Anything bad in your past related to SS13 we should know about?

Unfortunately, yes. I reflex murdered a janitor once (Once I figured out the situation, I attempted to clone him, but was shortly afterword murdered by nuke ops.). I also once spammed the vox as an AI, netting a 3 day jobban. That won't happen again, rest assured.
Last edited by Spacemanspark on Sat Apr 19, 2014 8:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Want to be a Forum Mod?

Post by Nienhaus » #604

Why do you want to be a mod?
I have a good amount of free time and most of it is used on forums.

Which forums do you want to moderate?
Spriting and Mapping.

Why do you think you would be a good mod?
That's mostly going back to the first question, I have a lot of free time and able to tell what shouldn't be allowed on a forums Spriting and Mapping board.

Anything bad in your past related to SS13 we should know about?
I got banned from Goon sometime in 2009 and was unbanned early 2010.
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Re: Want to be a Forum Mod?

Post by Skorvold » #613

Why do you want to be a mod?

To moderate the Administration Section of the forum, keep Ban Appeals and Ban Requests nice and neat.

Which forums do you want to moderate?

Ban Appeals, Ban Requests, Admin Feedback, Admin Complaints.

Why do you think you would be a good mod?
I moderate on the servers as a trialmin, I know how to handle a position such as this with relative ease or lack of drama.

Anything bad in your past related to SS13 we should know about?

Never give up! Trust your instincts!
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Re: Want to be a Forum Mod?

Post by Scott » #621

Why do you want to be a mod?

I want to help.

Which forums do you want to moderate?

Spriting and Mapping, or the whole SS13 section.

Why do you think you would be a good mod?

Presence (lurk frequently), I don't care who posts what, unless it's offtopic.

Anything bad in your past related to SS13 we should know about?

Flipping out at erro for locking threads and getting banned for a week is the baddest thing I can think of. I haven't had any lengthy bans.
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Re: Want to be a Forum Mod?

Post by KingLouisXIV » #631

Why do you want to be a moderator?

In short, I want to contribute to the community. Through all the bullshit, I do love what this community is, and I would enjoy being able to give back in some way. If there's any way to mediate the asinine amount of smack-talk that went on and will transfer over into this forum, I'm up for it.

Which forums do you want to moderate?

"Space Station 13" or "Administration" ... If the Roleplaying subforum is coming back, I would like to oversee that as well.

Why do you think you would be a good moderator?

I believe I'd be a good candidate for the job because I'm levelheaded, fair and a stickler for the rules, while still knowing when and in what context they can be applied. I'm largely unbiased towards most issues that arise around here, save for the ones where somebody just seems to be completely wrong or arguing themselves in circles, in which case that's mostly all I try to point out.

Anything bad in your past related to SS13 we should know about?

I mistook an innocent engineer for a criminal with a similar name once, as the Warden and only security on board the station. After locating him, I gunned down the engineer just as he was trying to get his mack on with an atmos tech. This resulted in a lot of BOINK ping-pong and I made ghostchat howl with laughter.

I'm otherwise a model player~
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Re: Want to be a Forum Mod?

Post by Jalleo » #641

Why do you want to be a mod?

To learn and understand a new aspect of this community and to try and keep it completly impartial and open to why things got closed or moved.

Which forums do you want to moderate?

I personally do not mind I would rather not do off topic or the specific coding sections but i am willing to do any you are willing to let me do.

Why do you think you will be a good moderator?
Well really its simple i mainly lurked befpre i only started taking a big interest because i wanted to code then drama exploded.
I try to look at things from both peoples sides i probably would only deleate blank posts and merge them all into one saying these people support this statement.

Previous stuff should be aware of

I got banned once or twice a few years ago on goon when i was hot headed and got warned once a while back for straight out borging a antag who attacked me in my office near roundstart on basil. May have other notes on silly things but i believe not probably only on me peaving often a while ago when i was only allowed on 2 hours a day for the computer. (that was over a year ago at least)
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Re: Want to be a Forum Mod?

Post by Neerti » #666

Why do you want to be a mod?

I want to continue serving the community be ensuring the forums are clean, as I do already in-game.

Which forums do you want to moderate? (Note: It is much easier to be accepted as a moderator for a specific forum than global)

I'd perfer global.

Why do you think you would be a good mod?

I am already an administrator in-game, I desire fairness for all parties, and the duties of adminning in-game has hardened me against stress and pressure somewhat. I've also read almost every single thread on the old forums, minus some things in General.

Anything bad in your past related to SS13 we should know about?

I've played for over a year (and a half?) with zero bans, and only one note involving a failed blob bombing from space.
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Re: Want to be a Forum Mod?

Post by miggles » #693

Why do you want to be a mod?
I'm one of 3 "leaders" of NTStation, so being able to moderate the NT subforum seems pretty self explanatory.

Which forums do you want to moderate? (Note: It is much easier to be accepted as a moderator for a specific forum than global)
The NT subforums.

Why do you think you would be a good mod?
Well I mean danno and I pretty much wrote the rules for NT so I know how to enforce them.

Anything bad in your past related to SS13 we should know about?
I was banned for IC in OOC for 15 minutes once. That's about it.

I would like to extend my request to a Community Advocate rank with read and write (but no mod privs) for all subforums, as was on SS13.eu. All the Community Advocates should have this rank.
dezzmont wrote:I am one of sawrge's alt accounts
dezzmont wrote:sawrge has it right.
Connor wrote:miggles is correct though
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Re: Want to be a Forum Mod?

Post by Reyouka » #697

Why do you want to be a mod?

Try and help out the community.

Which forums do you want to moderate? (Note: It is much easier to be accepted as a moderator for a specific forum than global)

Video games section, and possibly any related sections that may/may not appear.

Why do you think you would be a good mod?

I frequently check the forums, and I'm somewhat active in the video game community we had over at Erro's place. I try not to take sides without hearing facts from both sides, and I prefer to follow the rules if possible.

Anything bad in your past related to SS13 we should know about?

I think I may have gotten a day-ban on Goonstation once? Dunno to be honest.
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Re: Want to be a Forum Mod?

Post by mrpain » #703

Why do you want to be a mod?
In my opinion this is the best SS13 out there, I want to do everything I can to maintain that

Which forums do you want to moderate? (Note: It is much easier to be accepted as a moderator for a specific forum than global)
General Chat, Ideas and Feedback, maybe ban requests/appeals if you need it, as I see a lot of badly made requests and appeals pop up in there from time to time

Why do you think you would be a good mod?
I try to browse the forums every day to see what's going on, as we integrate into these new forums I plan on coming here at least once or twice a day as my time allows it. I think active mods well versed in policy would be very helpful.

Anything bad in your past related to SS13 we should know about?
A accidental, late night IC in OOC ban when I was playing when I was half awake. I also killed a fellow cultist when I played a juggernaut one time, some time ago. I didnt realize he was a cultist until after I killed him. I felt horrible about it and ahelped right away, Jordie gave me a warning.
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Re: Want to be a Forum Mod?

Post by Vekter » #736

Why do you want to be a mod?
Wanna help out the forums. I'd like to help keep the administration stuff (ban requests, appeals, etc) clean.

Which forums do you want to moderate?
I wouldn't mind modding ban requests/appeals, if that's not kosher I'm good with doing general forums.

Why do you think you would be a good mod?
I already read the ban requests religiously, also I think I have a lot to bring to the table as far as moderation goes. Very patient, good at keeping the peace, etc.

Anything bad in your past related to SS13 we should know about?
Was deadmin for leaving like a year ago, also was kinda shitty at adminning for SS13 but that's way different than doing forum mod stuff.
Billcyferka9 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:58 pm Bye bye asshole.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you
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Re: Want to be a Forum Mod?

Post by TehSteveo » #1084

Why do you want to be a mod?
I like to assist whenever help is needed. As such I have free time currently and this community is one I have been more active in recently.

Which forums do you want to moderate?
Just the Space Station 13 section which would be General Chat, Off Topic, Spriting and Mapping, and video games.

Why do you think you would be a good mod?
In general I'd say I am usually fair and generally keep cool under pressure which is a plus when dealing with people in a diverse community. As such this won't lead to getting upset and using moderation to win the day. Experience wise I have done forum moderation before in the past, although nothing serious for larger community.

Anything bad in your past related to SS13 we should know about?
Accidental IC in OOCs at times by not paying attention in which I get upset at myself for being stupid. Otherwise I have never been banned, but only boinked for matters at time which have been resolved by admins. Otherwise I'd check my player notes to see if there is anything else outstanding that raises concern.
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Re: Want to be a Forum Mod?

Post by peoplearestrange » #1111

Why do you want to be a mod?
I like to keep things organised and constructive. I enjoy the SS13 project and would like to see it remain drama free, organised and a enjoyable experience for all.

Which forums do you want to moderate? (Note: It is much easier to be accepted as a moderator for a specific forum than global)

"Space Station 13" section. Mainly interested in the general topics and possibly (if it is created) a RP section as we had on previous forums.

Why do you think you would be a good mod?
I have experience in forum and game moderation from previous gaming communities (Such as SKG and ESG, though they all died a death eventually). I tend to be fairly organised and have a reasonable understanding of phpBB's already. I like to think i'm fairly neutral or a small timer in terms of the community, so bring no drama with me. I also have a lot of time where I would be able to moderate (work access and most evenings).

Anything bad in your past related to SS13 we should know about?
Not that I know of.
oranges wrote:singulo.io is the center point of rational and calm debate, where much of tg's issues are worked out in a fun and family friendly environment
miggles wrote:it must have been quite the accomplishment, killing a dead butterfly
WeeYakk wrote:If you take a step back from everything watching the community argue janitor related changes is one of the most surreal and hilarious things about this game. Four pages of discussing the merits of there being too much or too little dirt in a video game.
Operative wrote:Vote PAS for headmin! Get cucked and feel good getting cucked.
TheNightingale wrote:I want to get off Mr. Scones's Wild Ride...
NikNakFlak wrote:Excuse you, I was doing intentional bug testing for the well being of the server. I do not make mistakes.
Fragnostic wrote:stop cucking the first shitshow ever that revolved around me.
This is my moment, what are you doing?!
Anonmare wrote:Oranges gestures at the thread, it shudders and begins to move!
Saegrimr wrote:
callanrockslol wrote:all you have to do is ban shitters until the playbase improves/ceases to exist, whichever comes first.
Screemonster wrote:hellmoo is the mud for grown adults who main reaper in overwatch
Kor wrote:
confused rock wrote:...its like if we made fire extinguishers spawn in emergency boxes and have them heal you when you put out fires rather than them being in wall storages...
Are you having a stroke
bandit wrote:you are now manually GLORFing
MrStonedOne wrote:The best part about the election is when I announce my pick because I'm just as surprised as everybody else.
PM:[USER]->IrishWristWatch0: Yeah, im make it on but how im make the station to to sun and not go to sun

OOC: Francinum: Five Rounds at PAS's
"You are destinied to defeat Dr. Uguu and his 5 Robot Masters
(All-Access-Man, ShootyBlackCoat Man, ChloralHydrate Man, Singulo Man and TeleportArmor Man)"
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Re: Want to be a Forum Mod?

Post by AseaHeru » #1122

Well, here goes...
And here is my first real try at getting to be an admin/mod. Gag I hope this is a good idea...
What am I kidding? Its a great idea aslong as I dont go near the moron regons!

Why do you want to be a mod?
To help out, probably by trying to limit the number of duplicate threads in ideas/

Which forums do you want to moderate? (Note: It is much easier to be accepted as a moderator for a specific forum than global)
Ideas is probably safest.

Why do you think you would be a good mod?
Large quantities of time spent here, takes a bit to get into anger mode.

Anything bad in your past related to SS13 we should know about?
I think I was banned from /tg/ once, for what I don't remember. Also, I am kinda obsessive about RP, but that shouldent affect the ideas thread.
I am located here, lurking in your posts, leaving piles of transparent wordings and being confused. Oh, I also try to map...

This, this is an example of what I leave for you.
Also, these days I mostly play Ursit McStation, mostly because I like roleplay.
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Re: Want to be a Forum Mod?

Post by Ikarrus » #1189

Why do you want to be a mod?

If you guys need a hand I can pitch in. One of the things I want to cut down on compared to the other forums is the amount of shitposting and the awful vitriol towards opinions.

Which forums do you want to moderate? (Note: It is much easier to be accepted as a moderator for a specific forum than global)
I can handle Global, but you can put me anywhere you need help

Why do you think you would be a good mod?

I've been a server administrator for several years with a good track record, and I generally keep a pleasant but professional disposition when speaking officially.

Anything bad in your past related to SS13 we should know about?

My record is clean as a whistle. My karma rarely dipped below +20 when we still had that, too :)
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Re: Want to be a Forum Mod?

Post by Jwakefield » #3826

Why do you want to be a mod?

I want to help you guys keep the forum clean of shitposting and family friendly. I heard you guys want a ton of mods so I wanna help by being one

Which forums do you want to moderate? (Note: It is much easier to be accepted as a moderator for a specific forum than global)

General chat or Off Topic but any you need moderators on is fine

Why do you think you would be a good mod?

I am polite and I have good manners and I have almost no life so I can be on all the time

Anything bad in your past related to SS13 we should know about?[b/]

One 12 hour ban for ic in ooc, nothing else, I'm a good boy
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Re: Want to be a Forum Mod?

Post by JokerNotBatman » #4066

Why do you want to be a mod?

I'd like to moderate Ban Appeals or Requests.

Why do you think you would be a good mod?

I try to keep a level head in discussions in general and nobody really knows who I am so taking sides wouldn't be an issue. I read the forums almost if not daily and as such am familiar enough with sticking to policy.

Anything bad in your past related to SS13 we should know about?

Nah, nothing. Got banned from Hypatia once back in the day for shuttle griff but I'm better than that now.
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Re: Want to be a Forum Mod? [Update 6th May]

Post by Jordie0608 » #6675

De-globalling topic.
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