Dragon Age- Cows from Rift edition

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Dragon Age- Cows from Rift edition

Post by srifenbyxp » #44466

So yeerp, Dragon age Inquisition. Not much to say but the story so far is neat, you get the reverse power wind tunnel that Miroku has and close rifts that demons pop out of. 3 hours in my first impressions are these: they made it possible to travel to the previous countries in the last dragon ages which is a plus and the in game areas that you roam around and fuck shit up is larger than before. The number of skills has been reduced compared to the last dragon age (IIRC) and warriors can no longer dual wield. Either way my biggest problem thus far is the graphics, but then again I'm on the 360 using a HDMI port. So a quick run down on what I think about the game for any lazy enough to not read all of this jazz here you go.

Larger areas
Decent Story
Varric came back
More stuff to do
Kept previous game mechanic/attack animations
Claim shit and establish bases within the area
Varric is top flight champ of the world and cool person of the game
Get to be the Big Horned Guy from Legend
Even on normal you'll find yourself dying more a tad bit more than usual(least in the beginning)
Get to indirectly affect areas with NPC units on map screen. Sort of like Half-assing creed Injin Edition.

I'm no sheep but this is baaaaaaaaaddddd
Less skills- tries to cover this up with upgraded skill versions
Warriors can't dual wield from the looks of it. It's either 2 Handed or Sword&Sheild
Every bodies voices but the Human MC and Varric is (in a sheeps voice) baaaaaaaaaaaaaadddd
Morrigan isn't in it
Graphics were rushed: more often I found blurry textures even on close ups in cut scenes.
Your AI buddies are slighty more retarded: More often than I liked I found my mage and archer thinking it was proper to attack up close. Your tank is piss poor at it's intended job.
Took a casual route of being able to get free refills of potions
I may have mislooked but I didn't see a actual healing spell on my mage except revive
Level designers were slightly lazy: retarded placement of invisible walls, grass and other shit popping from the floors of houses. That and I saw my fair share of sharp 90 degree angles on object that's suppose to look smooth/jagged.
Equipment that does the same exact thing has different names. Ring of <name 1, 2, 3>: same effect.
Can't remedy the AI's retardedness with custom conditions like in the previous dragon age.
You can't have this in a wholesome christian game

Typed this guys name into google and the first thing I see if him swaping spit with some elf. This fagget is full blown hard core gay. At least in the previous dragon age the gay guy was subtle about it.
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Re: Dragon Age- Cows from Rift edition

Post by Maccus » #44473

hoo boy this game's a doozy

>Writers don't even know their own lore or blatantly disregard it to shoehorn in progressive stuff
>Tevinter Imperium was known as a hedonistic nonstop orgy where anything goes but more often than not it goes into your anus
>They're apparently huge homophobes in a setting where literally 2/3 of the characters are gay and it's 100% okay for anyone to be gay, making the non-stop hedonism place the only place on earth apparently that's homophobic
>Dialogue is incredibly piss poor
>Animations are bad
>Writing is pretty bad
>There are hundreds of videos and screenshot that show it's a pretty big AAA turd
>Gay characters get less characterization beyond 1 archetype and the fact that they are gay
>Straight characters are almost non-existent

And Ikarrus said it was going to be good. Funnily enough, I think he was a level designer for it?
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Re: Dragon Age- Cows from Rift edition

Post by Ikarrus » #44475

I played through the game a couple times already. If you were disappointed with DA2 as I was, Inquisition should make you a lot happier. Not as good as Origins, though.

I'm probably biased though so take that with a grain of salt.

I don't recommend playing it on last gen systems.
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Re: Dragon Age- Cows from Rift edition

Post by Maccus » #44477

Do you recommend it because you genuinely like it that much or because you were paid by BioWare to work on it?
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Re: Dragon Age- Cows from Rift edition

Post by Reyouka » #44500

I don't work for Bioware and I genuinely like it so far.

Also I was not expecting Corypheus to come back at all. I thought for sure Legacy was all we were getting out of him.
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Re: Dragon Age- Cows from Rift edition

Post by XSI » #44515

Ikarrus wrote:If you were disappointed with DA2 as I was, Inquisition should make you a lot happier. Not as good as Origins, though.
I'd just like to point out this sounds like "If you were disappointed with me spending your college fund on booze and whores, me spending it on a car should make you a lot happier. Not as good as sending you to college with it though"
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Re: Dragon Age- Cows from Rift edition

Post by dezzmont » #44543

Less skills is a good thing in my opinion, at least compared to 1 where you were forced to get a ton of shit you didn't want. There was an awful lot of bloat there, but it sounds like it may be problematic for mage types who had this stupid tree system. They honestly could have reduced the bloat by letting you pick from any skill on the tree at any time and upgrading it rather than reducing the tree size.
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Re: Dragon Age- Cows from Rift edition

Post by srifenbyxp » #44546

But I like having options
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Re: Dragon Age- Cows from Rift edition

Post by Reyouka » #46043

Just wanted to say that Morrigan is ingame, and you can talk to her. Seeing her might be dependent on Dragon Age Keep choices though.
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Re: Dragon Age- Cows from Rift edition

Post by Maccus » #46051

how do people play this
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Re: Dragon Age- Cows from Rift edition

Post by Ikarrus » #46054

Reyouka wrote:Just wanted to say that Morrigan is ingame, and you can talk to her. Seeing her might be dependent on Dragon Age Keep choices though.
You can also talk to
Morrigan's kid if she got pregnant in DAO
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Re: Dragon Age- Cows from Rift edition

Post by Maccus » #145015

Yo what's up it's a year later and I'm replaying it and I think this might actually be worse than DA2.

>The animations are even worse than they were in DA2.
>Nobody has idle animations.
>Conversations are people freezing in t-poses or default poses until it's their turn to talk and i'm not making that up
>There's like, literally no quests that aren't standard MMO fare
>A single-player MMO, with all the fun that entails
>The major quests with actual plots to them are instead off-screen War Table operations that are just backdrop to more MMO grinding
>If you try to kill Cole he pulls something more retarded than *teleports behind you*
>Quests are Close Rifts, Kill Guys, Kill Demons, Find Landmarks, and minor variations of that
>Someone okayed the character of Cole
>And the character of Sera

I mean DA2 was pretty bad but at least it had like, quests with actual stories in them and stuff. This is just an MMO without friends.

Oh yeah, I don't like to get autistic about graphics and everything, but why does everyone look oiled-up in this game? Like, literally everyone?
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Re: Dragon Age- Cows from Rift edition

Post by lumipharon » #145045

All I remember from that pile of shit that was da2 was the completely over the top hip sway the female MC had.
That and the rediculous amount of 'progressive' shit that they shoehorned into a fantasty game.

Oh, also how the grey dudes in the first game become these sub human grey ork dudes in the 2nd one.
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Re: Dragon Age- Cows from Rift edition

Post by Timbrewolf » #145052

Inquisition gave a lot of my art friends a lot of work in doodling commissions of tumblrinas ORIGINAL INQUISITOR DONUT STEEL characters.



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Re: Dragon Age- Cows from Rift edition

Post by Ikarrus » #145066

Maccus wrote:Yo what's up it's a year later and I'm replaying it and I think this might actually be worse than DA2.

>The animations are even worse than they were in DA2.
>Nobody has idle animations.
>Conversations are people freezing in t-poses or default poses until it's their turn to talk and i'm not making that up
>There's like, literally no quests that aren't standard MMO fare
>A single-player MMO, with all the fun that entails
>The major quests with actual plots to them are instead off-screen War Table operations that are just backdrop to more MMO grinding
>If you try to kill Cole he pulls something more retarded than *teleports behind you*
>Quests are Close Rifts, Kill Guys, Kill Demons, Find Landmarks, and minor variations of that
>Someone okayed the character of Cole
>And the character of Sera

I mean DA2 was pretty bad but at least it had like, quests with actual stories in them and stuff. This is just an MMO without friends.

Oh yeah, I don't like to get autistic about graphics and everything, but why does everyone look oiled-up in this game? Like, literally everyone?

DAI wasn't the greatest, but you must be misremembering how awful DA2 really was. This is just the same "new game is shit and makes the last game look good" syndrome talking.
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Re: Dragon Age- Cows from Rift edition

Post by Maccus » #145073

I rebought all the Dragon Age games last month to try to complete the trilogy. I started DAI right after DA2, last week. I can even show you the receipts.

That's a really short time to misremember how the game is.

I'll admit this: I at least like how they tried the idea of letting you assign the non-important stuff to be done off-screen instead of wasting hours doing it like in Fallout 4. What I don't like is how the quests with actual interesting-sounding plots (Like the Successor in Lydes or anything Starkhaven-related) are the only ones done off-screen.
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Re: Dragon Age- Cows from Rift edition

Post by Ikarrus » #145074

You know something is wrong when the purely text-based quests are more fun than the ones you actually do in the game.

You can actually feel the disconnect.
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Re: Dragon Age- Cows from Rift edition

Post by Zilenan91 » #145075

Did that game come out in 2015 or 2014?
Zilenan91 wrote:
Just replace both their arms with chainsaws.

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Re: Dragon Age- Cows from Rift edition

Post by Ikarrus » #145077

It was
GOTY 2014
What a terrible year it was
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Re: Dragon Age- Cows from Rift edition

Post by Zilenan91 » #145078

2014 really was awful for games
Zilenan91 wrote:
Just replace both their arms with chainsaws.

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Re: Dragon Age- Cows from Rift edition

Post by onleavedontatme » #145079

I watched my girlfriend play it. The EVIL SJW PROPAGANDA panic was really overblown. We werent specifically hunting down every last gay dialogue option to get angry though so maybe we missed something.

Gameplay was pretty dull though. Never actually finished.

Environments were pretty at least (and I got to tell her I knew the person who made them!)
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Re: Dragon Age- Cows from Rift edition

Post by Zilenan91 » #145080

Iron Bull was pretty great. Iron Bull was the only thing that was great in that game.
Zilenan91 wrote:
Just replace both their arms with chainsaws.

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Re: Dragon Age- Cows from Rift edition

Post by Ikarrus » #145086

I hated him and couldn't stand his humor
I liked Sera though so ??????
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Re: Dragon Age- Cows from Rift edition

Post by Maccus » #145090

I guess I'm mad mostly because I genuinely preferred Dragon Age to Mass Effect when Origins came out, but I have a bias for Fantasy over sci fi so maybe that's why. To see all that potential go down the tubes blows.
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Re: Dragon Age- Cows from Rift edition

Post by ThanatosRa » #145159

Finally felt like picking it up myself since it was on sale. I'm actually enjoying it so far. Iron Bull is neat, but I haven't seen much of him yet.

I'm already starting to dislike Sera because she reminds me of every bad lesbian roleplayer ever.
I actually like Dorian. Despite his Gayness being apparently a central part of the character, it doesn't seem like it so far and his dialogue amuses me.

I was unhappy about DAII because existence shit on Hawke CONSTANTLY. he never gets a break. Too much tragedy is a bad thing I think.
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Re: Dragon Age- Cows from Rift edition

Post by capi duffman » #145549

Do remember to get him killed, that'll teach him.

Also, from a game so advertised as "choices matter" there is simply no way to avoid the baddie from setting the next game's plot, or to strangle half of your henchmen for being deviants, idiots, both or Sera.
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Re: Dragon Age- Cows from Rift edition

Post by Drynwyn » #145581

I played this a while back. It was enjoyable, but not spectacular.

It was nice seeing some of the events of Origins and 2 swing back into play (pregnant morrigan primarily, in my case).

Can't really speak to the difficulty because I played a knight-enchanter, which was just overpowered as all get out.

There was a lot of Stuff To Do, but most of it wasn't really needed. It would have been nice if some of the MMO quests had been in-depth version sf some of the war table shit instead.

I liked Black Priest Lady Whose Name I Don't Recall, Iron Bull, and Lissandra Strikes Back (who ended up becoming Assassin Pope). I romanced Scribbles, who was also fun.

I have mixed feelings about Cole. Interesting concept (we haven't seen hardly any non-evil Fade spirits thus far in series. Afaik he's the third, after Valor in 1 and justice/vengeance in 2) and the only one really developed. Poor to middling execution, though, mostly due to mediocre dialogue.
In game, I play the A.I Firmware, the French cyborg C.U.R.I.E, Aubrie Allen, and the lizard scum Skulks-Through-Maintenance.
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