Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by lumipharon » #56374

Bottom post of the previous page:

Hm, 3rd game now, and I'm not running out of food, or getting wrecked by a rogue rodent.

An evil AI thing crash landed near my base, with some psychic drone. I unleashed the lynch mob on it (this time making sure people had clear lines of fire) And sure enough, two big worm thing came out with mini guns.
My two melee ranges flanked and took one each, and stunlocked them so they couldn't fire, and my shooters slowly ground them down. Got a neato AI core for my troubles, and the only injuries was one of the melee guys who got shot by friendlies a couple of time.

Then I captured three pirates, who literally had 1 leg (well, 1 leg and 2 footless legs) between them. Peglegs it is.
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by LunchboxKilla » #56377

first time bionics introduced... My best gunner lost his left leg... Ok Time for peg leg.... Lets cut off that right leg and install a peg leg....Wait why isn't he walking around.... *inspect* missing left leg peg right leg......Fuck

Save millions of shekels get trader to drop grade a cybernetics. Eyes wooden jaw cyber legs arms he has a lung damage I got a spare lung!

Doctor finishes all his implants.... then RIPS HIS FUCKING HEART OUT...Fucking clowns.....
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by lumipharon » #56611

So many of my guys have peglegs now, jesus christ. I had two attacks in a row from tribals, each about 20 strong, when I only had like 8 guys.
My only guy with a non shit medic skill had 6/10 brain damage from an old wound (ironic considering the only armor he has is a helmet) so that poor fucker was pushed almost to breaking point trying to heal everyone after, while hobbling at snail pace. Atleast after a trader came and I got lots of medicine, I was able to pegleg my 2nd doctor and get him out of bed.

Anyway, I have piles of herbal medicine, but it can't be used for surgery which is gay as dicks. For normal use however, is there a way to make them prioritise the shittier, herbal medicine over the good stuff? And is there a way to get proper medicine other then traders?
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by tedward1337 » #56614

lumipharon wrote:So many of my guys have peglegs now, jesus christ. I had two attacks in a row from tribals, each about 20 strong, when I only had like 8 guys.
My only guy with a non shit medic skill had 6/10 brain damage from an old wound (ironic considering the only armor he has is a helmet) so that poor fucker was pushed almost to breaking point trying to heal everyone after, while hobbling at snail pace. Atleast after a trader came and I got lots of medicine, I was able to pegleg my 2nd doctor and get him out of bed.

Anyway, I have piles of herbal medicine, but it can't be used for surgery which is gay as dicks. For normal use however, is there a way to make them prioritise the shittier, herbal medicine over the good stuff? And is there a way to get proper medicine other then traders?

Sometimes pirates/raiders drop medicine instead of food.
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by LunchboxKilla » #56718

lumipharon wrote:So many of my guys have peglegs now, jesus christ. I had two attacks in a row from tribals, each about 20 strong, when I only had like 8 guys.
My only guy with a non shit medic skill had 6/10 brain damage from an old wound (ironic considering the only armor he has is a helmet) so that poor fucker was pushed almost to breaking point trying to heal everyone after, while hobbling at snail pace. Atleast after a trader came and I got lots of medicine, I was able to pegleg my 2nd doctor and get him out of bed.

Anyway, I have piles of herbal medicine, but it can't be used for surgery which is gay as dicks. For normal use however, is there a way to make them prioritise the shittier, herbal medicine over the good stuff? And is there a way to get proper medicine other then traders?
you could add mods the best one i have so far is this mod https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=5450.0

lets you do brain surgery, life support, and make meds. Bonus.... Make soylent green meat out of dead raiders
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by LunchboxKilla » #56719

Also you can tell them not to touch the good meds
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by Jordie0608 » #56734

LunchboxKilla wrote:Wanna know something that is even more messed up? they can shell your base even if your balls deep inside a mountain.
I'm pretty sure mortars can't target anything under "Overhead Mountain" that you get a few tiles into a mountain.
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by LunchboxKilla » #56754

they can As o have said balls deep ina mountain they still shell your dumb ass
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by lumipharon » #56776

So I got some pro assassin guy I nicknamed Fatboy, with the careful aim trait (which I suspect might be useless with his super high stats). I had him with bionic legs, hunting and shit. Suddenly, 20+ tribals appear. I send Fatboy with his high speed and an m24 to check them out. He guns them down one by one, 7 shots, 7 kills, slowly kiting them towards base. Then I switched him out to a minigun and hosed the rest down as they tried to swarm through the door along with my other peons.

I was so impressed by him I gave him bionc eyes and arms, but I'm not sure if that will actually improve his shooting ability higher then it already is, oh well.
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by LunchboxKilla » #56780

It does
careful aim slows the fire rate and rases acc.
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by lumipharon » #56944

yeah but his accuracy in the info tab thing was 99. something, and after x2 bionic eyes and arms was 99.95 or some shit. Mentioned some curve thing where it was like, 200 odd % though.
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by LunchboxKilla » #56984

99.95% chance to hit shit now instead of 99% if you but the eyes on some one with shitty aim you would see a drastic increase
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by lumipharon » #58102

Poor prisoners.

I had about 20 colonists, but I had like, fucking 10 prisoners, but they were all like 99 difficulty and shit. I'd already been having food issues, with three cooking tables and chefs working all day, and was barely scrapping by.

Then three, rather unfortunate things happened. A heatwave occured, then 20 something natives attacked my base, and I captured another like, 5 guys. More significantly though, I had planned to mke another door to my cool room, so people could get there right from my dining area. Because of the attack, I had marked a wall for deletion, but forgot to set a door to be built.

Fatboy, my sole hunter literally killed every living thing on the map in his quest for 20 shooting (turns out he physically can't shoot fast enough to stay at 20), so my coolroom had like, 4000 meat. with a temp of 35+ degrees, even after I discovered the missing door, I wasn't able to replace it fast enough, and all the meat spoiled, and there was pretty much no animals on the map to hunt.

Shit got real desperate, real fast. 15 prisoner gobbling down food, colonists getting depressed from eating raw potato, I quicked set the chefs to cooking up human. As luck would have it, I had 15+ corpses from the raid to butcher (Also turns out human leather makes pretty snazzy coats), but sadly even eating the dead wasn't keeping starvation at bay. Prisoners kept losing their shit from their poor treatment, so I basically said fuck it, set them all to not get food, and one by one they starved or bled to death and went into the chef's pot.

From then on my chefs just kept butchering every attacker that came to the base, but fortunately without so many prisoners I was able to get a handle on the food situation, and didn't have to keep feasting on people for too long.

After I got about 40 people or so and was retard rich from selling dead people's stuff and wooden spears, I built a ribbed dildo with enough space for all my colonists and evacuated them all. It was a somewhat underwhelming end.

Also is hydroponics even that good? I replaced my tato farm with hydro shit, but it didn't seem to grow any faster. Also why the fuck do plants "rest".
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by Incomptinence » #58263

Some plants have dormancy periods in environments with harsh winters and engage in such despite being in tropical or semi tropical regions. Many trees imported from Europe to Australia still dump their leaves despite a much milder winter. Dormancy can be circumvented, but this is usually to the detriment of a plant used to a time out for part of the year.

You could also be referring to night time respiration by plants when they tide over the dark hours by taking in O2 like us and releasing CO2 much like us breathing, they don't magically extract energy from their stores of starch/sugar. Photosynthesis is also damaging causing leaves and other photosynthetic surfaces so plants do need some time to recover from the stress they aren't naturally immune to the sun or anything. This is why some house house hold plants don't require direct sunlight and may even suffer from exposure to it after having been grown in partial light, they evolved to succeed in the shadow of others. Parts of a leaf can die off in light levels a plant is unaccustomed to.

Or it could just be a gamey design choice to make hydroponics less efficient.
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by lumipharon » #58266

Plants respire 24 hours a day, regardless of light. And yes they do use more of their nutrients and jazz while in the dark, but that (as far as I remember) doesn't stop the plant actually growing. Where as in this, for a certain amount of hours a day (didn't bother checking) it just doesn't grow at all, because >plant is resting.
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by LunchboxKilla » #58288

hydoponic potatos make more taters instead of getting 5 you would get 10 its double the number in the ground. Also hydroponics lets you grow all year round
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by Incomptinence » #58618

Yeah they grow at night. Sounds like a game abstraction.

Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by deathhoof » #58759

From what I can tell, if you enclose a patch of dirt in a room with enough light from sunlamps and a heater to keep it at growing temperature, you can grow without hydroponics year round.
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by LunchboxKilla » #58950

its slower and it yelds the as if growing out side.. hydroponics is faster and more output.

Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by deathhoof » #59004

I just found out that with a cooler the exhaust can be used to make a super hot room. The door probably wont burn if they are made of something not flammable. I'm considering adding a freeze with the exhaust pointing towards the prisoner in every jail cell. When I dont want them, i can merely add a ceiling to their cell and they will burn. I'm not sure if this can be used as a trap against raiders however because the temperature might equalize immediately after they bust down the exterior door.
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by Milo » #59214

The AI is pretty retarded, so you can pretty much manipulate them into going inside a killing room full of turrets. This is useful for enemies who outrange the turrets, like snipers.
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by LunchboxKilla » #59360

deathhoof wrote:I just found out that with a cooler the exhaust can be used to make a super hot room. The door probably wont burn if they are made of something not flammable. I'm considering adding a freeze with the exhaust pointing towards the prisoner in every jail cell. When I dont want them, i can merely add a ceiling to their cell and they will burn. I'm not sure if this can be used as a trap against raiders however because the temperature might equalize immediately after they bust down the exterior door.
Any thign that can run a current through can be caught on fire... this means doors and so forth. Only thing i know that won't spread fires is stone, metal floors and stone walls.
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by lumipharon » #59535

afaik an open door (ie: a bit of stone parked in it) will not immediately equalise temp, just at some certain rate. so you can jam the door open, and just pour enough heat in to keep it at mechanoid melting temps.
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by EndgamerAzari » #59705

I played for the first time last night and realized why boomrats are called that when my hunter stabbed one.

And then, still burning, he got mangled by a tortoise.
Shaps wrote:I never thought I'd see the day where someone tried claiming the moral high ground on drinking a bottle of cough syrup
TechnoAlchemist wrote:dumb baby boo boo "i wish I enlisted then mom would be proud" ballistics.
Saegrimr wrote:
Wyzack wrote:Remove players 2016, they ruin everything they touch
Saegrimr wrote:
yackemflam wrote:It's like dish washing, someone has to do it.
FantasticFwoosh wrote:Zip ties are best applied on assistants and other nobodies because of the exact reason they are disposable (applies to both).
An0n3 wrote:Azari for headmin 2015
He's an admin you can trust because nobody remembers to involve him in their conspiracies.
Drynwyn wrote:hbrahlrlahrlharlahr FEATURE CREEP
ShadowDimentio wrote:Instructions too complex, spaced the clown
Akkryls wrote:I mean, we are rightfully pissed off, but let's be pissed off for the correct reasons.
Falamazeer wrote:I am sufficiently outraged for you
Maccus wrote:You look like the dad every teenage boy doesn't look forward to meeting at his girlfriend's house
nsos wrote:When I was a teen and did the inevitable trying to suck your own dick thing I managed to get the head in my mouth and I feel like the rest of my life is me being punished for that
miggles wrote:is that supposed to be a trick question or just a dumb one
cedarbridge wrote:My first idea is that everyone just stops being faggots to each other but that's not going to happen, obviously.
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:Most soap operas could be improved if every scene had a greyshirt in the background hooting "GIBE DE POOSIE BOSS" all the time
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:classic style is "shit on everyone from the greatest heights, so they cannot climb high enough to shit on you"
Super Aggro Crag wrote:you can't just use meme to mean "thing I don't like" you goatherd
Saegrimr wrote:"lel just go explore make YOUR OWN fun wow do you have NO IMAGINATION back in MY DAY we used to shove twigs in our urethras and PRETENDED WE WERE KNIGHTS"
An0n3 wrote:Fucking crystal ass wind chime lookin' bitch.
Saegrimr wrote:It should be common sense but this is /tg/.
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by EndgamerAzari » #120761


Started playing again a couple days ago and Jesus Christ I forgot how much I loved/hated this game. Not much can keep my attention nowadays, and the fact that I streamed it for four hours on Sunday really speaks to its immersiveness.

But for fuck's sake, I captured a raider and nursed him back to health, not noticing until he joined me that he'd caught a round right in the frontal lobe during the attack and now moves at an obese snail's pace. Trying to find a way to kill him.
Shaps wrote:I never thought I'd see the day where someone tried claiming the moral high ground on drinking a bottle of cough syrup
TechnoAlchemist wrote:dumb baby boo boo "i wish I enlisted then mom would be proud" ballistics.
Saegrimr wrote:
Wyzack wrote:Remove players 2016, they ruin everything they touch
Saegrimr wrote:
yackemflam wrote:It's like dish washing, someone has to do it.
FantasticFwoosh wrote:Zip ties are best applied on assistants and other nobodies because of the exact reason they are disposable (applies to both).
An0n3 wrote:Azari for headmin 2015
He's an admin you can trust because nobody remembers to involve him in their conspiracies.
Drynwyn wrote:hbrahlrlahrlharlahr FEATURE CREEP
ShadowDimentio wrote:Instructions too complex, spaced the clown
Akkryls wrote:I mean, we are rightfully pissed off, but let's be pissed off for the correct reasons.
Falamazeer wrote:I am sufficiently outraged for you
Maccus wrote:You look like the dad every teenage boy doesn't look forward to meeting at his girlfriend's house
nsos wrote:When I was a teen and did the inevitable trying to suck your own dick thing I managed to get the head in my mouth and I feel like the rest of my life is me being punished for that
miggles wrote:is that supposed to be a trick question or just a dumb one
cedarbridge wrote:My first idea is that everyone just stops being faggots to each other but that's not going to happen, obviously.
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:Most soap operas could be improved if every scene had a greyshirt in the background hooting "GIBE DE POOSIE BOSS" all the time
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:classic style is "shit on everyone from the greatest heights, so they cannot climb high enough to shit on you"
Super Aggro Crag wrote:you can't just use meme to mean "thing I don't like" you goatherd
Saegrimr wrote:"lel just go explore make YOUR OWN fun wow do you have NO IMAGINATION back in MY DAY we used to shove twigs in our urethras and PRETENDED WE WERE KNIGHTS"
An0n3 wrote:Fucking crystal ass wind chime lookin' bitch.
Saegrimr wrote:It should be common sense but this is /tg/.
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by Takeguru » #120763

I've been playing with an obscene amount of mods recently.

Sometimes pirates have augs and I've been going out of my way to club them into submission because tribal clubs tend to not kill them as much and I've been harvesting the augs from them

Also, glitterworld companies are fucking nasty but they have tasty tasty loot
And more augs to steal, though I won't risk clubbing them to death

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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by Skorvold » #120765

I use some big modpack that over complicates things.
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by EndgamerAzari » #120778

Has anyone managed to tame or kill a thrumbo yet?
Shaps wrote:I never thought I'd see the day where someone tried claiming the moral high ground on drinking a bottle of cough syrup
TechnoAlchemist wrote:dumb baby boo boo "i wish I enlisted then mom would be proud" ballistics.
Saegrimr wrote:
Wyzack wrote:Remove players 2016, they ruin everything they touch
Saegrimr wrote:
yackemflam wrote:It's like dish washing, someone has to do it.
FantasticFwoosh wrote:Zip ties are best applied on assistants and other nobodies because of the exact reason they are disposable (applies to both).
An0n3 wrote:Azari for headmin 2015
He's an admin you can trust because nobody remembers to involve him in their conspiracies.
Drynwyn wrote:hbrahlrlahrlharlahr FEATURE CREEP
ShadowDimentio wrote:Instructions too complex, spaced the clown
Akkryls wrote:I mean, we are rightfully pissed off, but let's be pissed off for the correct reasons.
Falamazeer wrote:I am sufficiently outraged for you
Maccus wrote:You look like the dad every teenage boy doesn't look forward to meeting at his girlfriend's house
nsos wrote:When I was a teen and did the inevitable trying to suck your own dick thing I managed to get the head in my mouth and I feel like the rest of my life is me being punished for that
miggles wrote:is that supposed to be a trick question or just a dumb one
cedarbridge wrote:My first idea is that everyone just stops being faggots to each other but that's not going to happen, obviously.
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:Most soap operas could be improved if every scene had a greyshirt in the background hooting "GIBE DE POOSIE BOSS" all the time
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:classic style is "shit on everyone from the greatest heights, so they cannot climb high enough to shit on you"
Super Aggro Crag wrote:you can't just use meme to mean "thing I don't like" you goatherd
Saegrimr wrote:"lel just go explore make YOUR OWN fun wow do you have NO IMAGINATION back in MY DAY we used to shove twigs in our urethras and PRETENDED WE WERE KNIGHTS"
An0n3 wrote:Fucking crystal ass wind chime lookin' bitch.
Saegrimr wrote:It should be common sense but this is /tg/.
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by Takeguru » #120798

Killing them is relatively easy once you have more than just your starting rifle and pistol.

They drop horns which sell for a decent chunk of change and outside of the endgame textiles their fur is one of the most valuable things to craft clothing out of
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by lumipharon » #120810

Is this game interesting yet, after the first few years?

It was always fun until you got to the point where your colony was stable, and nothing really threatened it (also you couldn't get assloads of guys because it would lag to shit and be horrible)
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by Bluespace » #120889

I dunno I lost my copy of the game.
I play Boris Pepper.
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by Wyzack » #120930

Someone should run a community tg game. I would do it but I seem to always run out of steam and drop them (see Axe carnage, souldefences and the kobold fort)
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by Takeguru » #120934

I'm too lazy to do so and the amount of mods I run would likely turn people off.

Also, I'm bad at screenshotting everything
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by TheWiznard » #121155

>Heat wave
>go outside
>guy goes to get them
>other guy goes to get Guy
>Only researcher is left
>Game over screen
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by TheWiznard » #121340

double post sue me

FUCK HEATWAVES wtf are you supposed to do to stop people from passing out and dying from Heat wave fever
this time I had four ACs set to 50F with vents in all the rooms connecting to the AC. The inside temp was at like 60-70F and the outside temp was near 120F. I think I need to not store my food outside so they stop walking out and instantly passing out or something. Same thing as last post happened to me 1 guy goes to get food and passes out the next guy goes out to get him and brings him to the inside medbay then goes back out and passes out. Then apparently somehow someone in my bunkhouse area passes out and my last guy goes out to get food and passes out. Then everyone starts dying. fuck. I've tried setting them to stay in an area but they still walk outside to get food.
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by lumipharon » #121352

If you're building a base that isn't under a mountain (bloody dwarves), then connect all your buildings with corridors, so your peons can move aroun the whole base without going outside - good for high or low temp.

I can't remember if vanilla has it, but there is a vent, which you can put on walls to connect the atmos of two (or more) adjoining rooms - makes it a lot easier to manage the temp of large bases with lots of inside rooms.
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by TheWiznard » #121356

I'm playing with the..I think it's called..ultimate mod pack or whatever. In this recent mountain base I had all the adjoining rooms with vents connected to the main room with the AC. I think I'll try leaving food/steel/wood inside from now on. but thanks for the tips maybe I'll just surround my outside stockpiles with walls and slap on some doors and connect it up to the mountain
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by Takeguru » #121357

Crash landing is such a fun mod.
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by srifenbyxp » #121359

To be robust is not about combat prowess, it is the state of readiness for the situation at hand.
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by Wyzack » #121440

There is something viscerally satisfying about annihilating a horde of bloodthirsty tribal primatives with my superior futuretech as they attempt to storm the barricades and destroy my glorious freedom. For whatever reason i am having a much harder time getting colonists then when i played v9, it has been an ingame year and we only just recently got to 5 members. More of a homestead than a colony really.

I had one settler come seeking asylum from a squad of corporate commados (from the glittertech mod). For some dumbass reason i clicked yes, and the bitch starts running towards my base. moments later a squad of like 6 corporate soldiers in really high tech gear come in behind her. I had not chance at killing these guys. They must have had some intense augs though because they were a lot faster than her. They tased her down before she could reach my base and carried her away, leaving me in peace. Definitely the quickest colonist turnover i have ever had.
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by Takeguru » #121445

The glittertech mercs are wearing nanofiber skins or something, if I recall

They increase speed, and fit under whatever they renamed power armor to
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by lumipharon » #121490

Jesus christ glittertech had some retardly unbalanced stuff.

Does it still have that massive aoe gun with range like double that of any other gun?
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by EndgamerAzari » #121516

I had one of my craftsman make an 'excellent' level bed.

It has a NAME.

He engraved a picture of one of our hunters hunting muffalo on it.

This bed is officially a WORK OF ART.
Shaps wrote:I never thought I'd see the day where someone tried claiming the moral high ground on drinking a bottle of cough syrup
TechnoAlchemist wrote:dumb baby boo boo "i wish I enlisted then mom would be proud" ballistics.
Saegrimr wrote:
Wyzack wrote:Remove players 2016, they ruin everything they touch
Saegrimr wrote:
yackemflam wrote:It's like dish washing, someone has to do it.
FantasticFwoosh wrote:Zip ties are best applied on assistants and other nobodies because of the exact reason they are disposable (applies to both).
An0n3 wrote:Azari for headmin 2015
He's an admin you can trust because nobody remembers to involve him in their conspiracies.
Drynwyn wrote:hbrahlrlahrlharlahr FEATURE CREEP
ShadowDimentio wrote:Instructions too complex, spaced the clown
Akkryls wrote:I mean, we are rightfully pissed off, but let's be pissed off for the correct reasons.
Falamazeer wrote:I am sufficiently outraged for you
Maccus wrote:You look like the dad every teenage boy doesn't look forward to meeting at his girlfriend's house
nsos wrote:When I was a teen and did the inevitable trying to suck your own dick thing I managed to get the head in my mouth and I feel like the rest of my life is me being punished for that
miggles wrote:is that supposed to be a trick question or just a dumb one
cedarbridge wrote:My first idea is that everyone just stops being faggots to each other but that's not going to happen, obviously.
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:Most soap operas could be improved if every scene had a greyshirt in the background hooting "GIBE DE POOSIE BOSS" all the time
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:classic style is "shit on everyone from the greatest heights, so they cannot climb high enough to shit on you"
Super Aggro Crag wrote:you can't just use meme to mean "thing I don't like" you goatherd
Saegrimr wrote:"lel just go explore make YOUR OWN fun wow do you have NO IMAGINATION back in MY DAY we used to shove twigs in our urethras and PRETENDED WE WERE KNIGHTS"
An0n3 wrote:Fucking crystal ass wind chime lookin' bitch.
Saegrimr wrote:It should be common sense but this is /tg/.
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by MMMiracles » #121583

If you don't have it yet, Combat Realism is probably one of the best mechanical reworks of the current combat system, actually makes some of the 60+ tribal raids beatable if you aren't just turtling with a killbox.

There's extreme satisfaction of watching one colonist mow down the 15-20+ melee raiders that thought rushing a guy with an LMG was a smart idea. Any of the ones that manage to survive the first round of ammo usually end up running for the nearest slag/rock rubble and hiding.
Submitted by: sandstorm

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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by Wyzack » #121586

Shit that sounds really cool, will it require a new colony to work?
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by MMMiracles » #121590

My experiences with it usually require a new colony, but its well worth it due to how much of an overhaul it is on the combat.
Submitted by: sandstorm

The best way to get a girl/boy friend is to click on them say "hi" then push enter
then say "your cute" then push enter,wait until they say somthing back if they
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by Takeguru » #121591

Isn't that the one that also adds mannable turrets to the combat suppliers?

The .50 mg mows down everything from tribals to mechanoids if you put it up behind some embrasures
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by Wyzack » #121597

welp, time to friggin restart again i guess
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by Wyzack » #121617

Doubleposting to say i cannot for the life of me figure out what the shit i am doing wrong here. My mod load order is core-CCL-CombatRealism-CombatRealismdefence and it is just not working. I had it working earlier when i was dicking with other mods in the mix but now i cannot get it to go. improvised turrets are missing from the construction menu and when a colonist picks up a gun they do not have the ammocount or anything
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by MMMiracles » #121619

Might want to check if you're using the most recent version of CCL.
Submitted by: sandstorm

The best way to get a girl/boy friend is to click on them say "hi" then push enter
then say "your cute" then push enter,wait until they say somthing back if they
don't go for another.
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Re: Teegee station 13: Rimworld.

Post by Takeguru » #121623

Oh, CR changes the improvised turrets.

You don't get them until you can build the workbench that lets you disassemble mechanoids
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