Dwarf Fortress: Stockpiling my Time

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Joined: Mon May 04, 2015 11:25 pm
Byond Username: FantasticFwoosh

Dwarf Fortress: Stockpiling my Time

Post by FantasticFwoosh » #136177

I recently cast my hand at some DF it actually turned out much better than i expected given about 7 restarts 2 semi successful forts that didn't collapse and starve (one of them was in a artic ocean biome suprisingly enough, i really outdid myself that sesh until i had a cave in directly over my food supplies due to snow being too heavy on the surface atop my base i had built into the beach sand of the ocean suspicious as to whether it would thaw or not *spoilers it didnt*) I now have the skill i think to make a stable and efficient base and play the game with it's controls to a relatively competent level.

For anybody else who is interested i would really recommend playing it with a visual graphic mod as i did to start, it'll run slower but it really helps if you can correlate what you see with your eyes between what you are trying to learn. With safety in mind, you can get information off the Dwarf Fortress Wiki about graphic sets, though i found mine off a third party site with the graphics preinstalled to a older update model of the game, i've attached the DFW Wiki link about availble graphic sets below, I personally used Mayday, its quite good for illustrating a wide variety of objects and it frames blocks in squares as well though jugs and anvils share the same sprites so it's not flawless)

Link - http://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/ ... repository

(Keep in mind you can swap between versions on the LIFESAVER wiki *seriously bookmark it, it is a lifesaving bible, 9 - 10 Armok honouring dwarves agree, the remaining one of those dwarves have been pitted/AND OR chained to a to pitted area post haste* for relevant information in regards to the version you are playing, pre installs are recommended if you dont like getting your hands dirty in files and seperate shortcuts can be made to your desktop to activate and locate the right version)

Once you got a grasp of it i would recommend weening yourself off into the base game, preferably the latest version, its really rewarding and suddenly opens up with familiarity despite being still a bit of a clustercuck of sprites. Fruit trees are annoying to look at in earlier versions (anything earlier than the *2015* edition) because you'll starve and simultaneously be unable to pick any fruit at all even if you ramp up to it (like i did once much to my dissappointment)

As to my personal progress, i must be doing something right because i manage to acommodate my dwarves very well, and recieved a HUGE migrant wave before the year was out of about 21 people and 5 - 9 tame animals (5 rangers, 2 fishermen, 2 farmers and 12 children approx bah humbug, beggars can't be choosers) , preceeding migrants then proceeded to destroy all my work and i abandoned my base game, no modded jewel of the savannah *ironically full of bauxite and jewels that are supposedly valuable i hear. Turkeys are also really OP (too many eggs, definitely recommend bringing 12 hens and 2 gobblers for egg laying, can stack up to 175 bucks for early game trades for practically only the cost of the nests and the barrels you are losing in the trade when the dwarf caravans arrive (still trying to grasp trading, challenging but getting there)

What about you folks if you enjoy some DF every now and again, how are your games coming along or how are you finding/found DF so far?

Joined: Thu Feb 12, 2015 3:36 am
Byond Username: Roadhog1

Re: Dwarf Fortress: Stockpiling my Time

Post by rdght91 » #136393

I used to be pretty good at it. Managed to get a very stable fort running with dozens of stupidly elite troops (yes, I used danger rooms), got bored after murdering thousands of invaders (I got a mod that added a bunch of various races, most of whom were hostile, so I'd get invaded constantly once my fort was wealthy, dug into hell, managed to kill a few hundred demons before some stupidly OP demon with some weird disease dust caused all my supersoldiers to die horribly and nearly instantly.

Good times.

Also, I made a basic modern firearms mod when I was bored that was actually pretty playable in adventure mode, there just wasn't a lot of things that you could tweak with the weapon characteristics when it comes to rates of fire not being skill based so you have to make sure everyone is only using firearms, otherwise one guy with a knife could just run at a whole squad of poorly trained guys with assault rifles and clear the visual range in about 2-3 shots. Also, to get the lethality down right while keeping the bullets blunt, they'd have to impart an insane amount of force, so if you shot someone with the .50 cal I made it'd knock them like 100 yards. 5.56 and 7.62 weapons would still toss humanoid races 10-30 squares. Despite this, smaller caliber weapons were actually just right, they wouldn't kill instantly and shred limbs but would seriously injure whatever part of the body was hit. It actually made combat pretty fun except when you caught a headshot. Most of my guys only lasted about 3 or so gunfights before catching a round in the head or getting crippled, which I guess is kinda realistic.
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