[Sagrimr]Pascal123-Non-Existent Rule, Refusing to Co-operate

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[Sagrimr]Pascal123-Non-Existent Rule, Refusing to Co-operate

Post by Pascal123 » #109947

Byond account and character name:Pascal123 - Betrays-Its-Kin

Banning admin: Saegrimr

Ban type (What are you banned from?):Temporary Ban - Bagil

Ban reason and length:Preventing the HoS from escaping as a nonantag, refusing to cooperate in PMs
This is a temporary ban, it will be removed in 2880 minutes.

Time ban was placed (including time zone):This ban was applied by saegrimr on 2015-08-05 08:50:45, This ban is for 2880 minutes and expires on 2015-08-07 08:50:45.

Your side of the story:Essentially, i was doing my gimmick which involves being rude to specific characters, as usual. We all played a long nicely until Sequoia Irons/Rsmr signs up as captain and gets all defensive, to the point of claiming that she hates the job (Captain) but the upside is her ability (As captain) to issue death warrants, Threatening to throw us out airlocks and refuse cloning. Meanwhile, me and Turgent/Covers-Her-Tail had been reading the PDA messages through the T-Comms satellite and learned of her plan to attack and kill us with two others (The other two being in on the gimmick), and stating that she was in engineering. We ambushed her, and took all her firearms, A revolver, a telebaton, and an energy gun, she had her weapons drawn, we assumed the worst. After a bit of talking we where about to let her go, When one of Stans characters breaks in, tazes us and fires lethals on us. and took her friend Stan Studnick/Some Gimmick Character's firearms as-well, which was two tazers, two energy guns, a spear, and a stunbaton and essentially vanish onto T-Comms for the rest of the shift. She then attempts to rally the entire crew to help her kill us both through PDA and Comms as we listened, (Which none other than her participated in.) Eventually she decides to call the shuttle and they make the connection that we may be on T-Comms, to which we waited, around the two minute mark we departed for a pod, only to be greeted by her outside the door with another stunbaton, so we stun her and cuff her with nearby cable coils, to which she explains that she only wanted to talk, we did not buy it, and left her in a security post to handle herself and took a pod.

Why you think you should be unbanned:I feel as though we had legitimate reason to act the way we did, a quick check of the logs would show that she was merely acting like a "Hitler" and playing along. (Though its RP, i do not feel ill-will towards Rmsr, His character is interesting.) I also skimmed the Rules a bit (http://www.ss13.eu/wiki/index.php/Rules) And could not find anything definite stating that preventing a head of staff who was speaking of murdering you from boarding the pod you planned to take at the last second to prevent any conflict as a nonantag is a terrible ban-worthy offense. Though, honestly, Forty-Eight hours is hardly a problem to me, this is more to bring it to attention than hoping for a shorter sentence/unban.

I've even taken screenshots from my little chat with Saegrimr which he himself confirms that he was likely only hoping to get a ban done, nothing else.
In Order:

Yes, after seeing these screenshots i can attest that perhaps i should have just co-operated, but i simply felt that the admin investigating the matter wasn't proper and he was refusing my request to speak to another. Saegrimr himself confirmed it by stating that it was a bad time and he was the "Worst admin of the bunch" to come investigate.

Edit: As of posting this appeal he decided to include OOC in IC, (Preventing the HoS from escaping as a nonantag, OOC in IC, refusing to cooperate in PMs) hilarious... i presume this is about our knowledge of what they say through PDA using T-Comms and thus, effectively being one step ahead of them?
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Re: [Sagrimr]Pascal123-Non-Existent Rule, Refusing to Co-ope

Post by Saegrimr » #109955

So you believe it was me now?

I added the OOC in IC afterwards while going through the logs because of
[08:24:52]SAY: Betrays-Its-Kin/Pascal123 : Ssshesss a validhunting captain, coversss.
and changed HoS to captain because apparently she was the captain dressed up as the HoS, I don't quite know what their deal is with costumes so whatever.

Anyway here's some logs. Trimmed to show all instances of both of your ckeys an "PDA:"
[08:07:26]SAY: Betrays-Its-Kin/Pascal123 : Your musssic sssucksss, by the way.
[08:07:49]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : Whose music?
[08:07:57]SAY: Betrays-Its-Kin/Pascal123 : Sssucksss'sss.
[08:08:01]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : I like her music.
[08:08:13]SAY: Betrays-Its-Kin/Pascal123 : That'sss your opinion.
[08:08:25]SAY: Betrays-Its-Kin/Pascal123 : Aww.
[08:08:30]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : Yes, it is. I said I like her music, not that it was good.
[08:08:37]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : You're just itching for an argument, aren't you?
[08:08:37]PDA: Sucks-her-Tail (PDA: PDA-Sucks-her-Tail (Janitor)) sent "How do I change a freezer into a heater?" to PDA-Sequoia Irons (Captain)
[08:08:42]SAY: Betrays-Its-Kin/Pascal123 : And i sssaid it wasss your opinion.
[08:08:49]SAY: Betrays-Its-Kin/Pascal123 : You're the one itching for an argument here.
[08:08:52]PDA: Sequoia Irons (PDA: PDA-Sequoia Irons (Captain)) sent "Screwdriver the circuitboard, I think." to PDA-Sucks-her-Tail (Janitor)
[08:09:02]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : No, I'm usually itching for a fight with you.
[08:09:04]PDA: Sucks-her-Tail (PDA: PDA-Sucks-her-Tail (Janitor)) sent "Thank you." to PDA-Sequoia Irons (Captain)
[08:09:08]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : Because you're so pathetic.
[08:09:11]SAY: Betrays-Its-Kin/Pascal123 : I didn't know you liked me that much.
[08:09:25]SAY: Betrays-Its-Kin/Pascal123 : Kind of cute, really.
[08:09:33]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : While I hate this job, I can legally just assign people death warrants.
[08:09:37]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : It's a nice perk.
[08:09:40]SAY: Betrays-Its-Kin/Pascal123 : Ayy.
[08:09:56]SAY: Betrays-Its-Kin/Pascal123 : What?
[08:10:08]SAY: Betrays-Its-Kin/Pascal123 : Haha.
[08:10:11]SAY: Betrays-Its-Kin/Pascal123 : Thisss isss great.
[08:10:13]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : Not to mention, I'm the only security and medical. Which means I can choose who's cloned after I personally follow up on any death warrants.
[08:10:24]SAY: Betrays-Its-Kin/Pascal123 : Ssshould we tell them we can sssee thisss?
[08:10:25]SAY: Betrays-Its-Kin/Pascal123 : Haha.
[08:10:33]PDA: Sequoia Irons (PDA: PDA-Sequoia Irons (Captain)) sent "Expect me to die this shift." to PDA-Sucks-her-Tail (Janitor)
[08:10:45]PDA: Sucks-her-Tail (PDA: PDA-Sucks-her-Tail (Janitor)) sent "I might die too." to PDA-Sequoia Irons (Captain)
[08:11:01]PDA: Sequoia Irons (PDA: PDA-Sequoia Irons (Captain)) sent "Same reason as myself, I'm sure?" to PDA-Sucks-her-Tail (Janitor)
[08:11:09]SAY: Betrays-Its-Kin/Pascal123 : We could jussst ssset them all to arressst.
[08:11:17]SAY: Betrays-Its-Kin/Pascal123 : Before they have a chance to react.
[08:11:21]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : Just reminding you where you stand.
[08:11:23]SAY: Betrays-Its-Kin/Pascal123 : Eh.
[08:11:23]PDA: Sucks-her-Tail (PDA: PDA-Sucks-her-Tail (Janitor)) sent "No, because I have to go into engineering and Covers threatened to gib the next person to break in." to PDA-Sequoia Irons (Captain)
[08:11:28]SAY: Betrays-Its-Kin/Pascal123 : Hmm.
[08:11:34]PDA: Sequoia Irons (PDA: PDA-Sequoia Irons (Captain)) sent "Guess where I'm going." to PDA-Sucks-her-Tail (Janitor)
[08:11:37]SAY: Betrays-Its-Kin/Pascal123 : You're in no higher a posssition than the ressst of the crew, thisss ssshift.
[08:11:48]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : You always were funny. Not really, though.
[08:11:56]SAY: Betrays-Its-Kin/Pascal123 : Aww, thanksss.
[08:12:13]SAY: Betrays-Its-Kin/Pascal123 : Ssshesss going to engineering.
[08:12:15]SAY: Betrays-Its-Kin/Pascal123 : Letsss ambusssh her.

[08:12:42]PDA: Sequoia Irons (PDA: PDA-Sequoia Irons (Captain)) sent "No one's even in engineering." to PDA-Sucks-her-Tail (Janitor)
[08:13:11]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : Heeelp
[08:13:14]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : TThey'vvve got me
[08:13:18]SAY: Betrays-Its-Kin/Pascal123 : Ssshut up.
[08:13:19]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : EEEngineeringg
[08:13:25]SAY: Betrays-Its-Kin/Pascal123 : Dumb traitor.
So after some mildly passive aggressive exchanges of mean words, you take the initiative to jump her. Stun her, and then proceed to claim it was in self defense because she was threatening you. To quote you, "[08:46:23]ADMIN: PM: Pascal123/(Betrays-Its-Kin)->Saegrimr/(Curtis Bennett): How is it against the rules to take precautionary measures to save yourself?"

Attack logs also show zero attacks coming from Sequoia, they were all received starting with when you first tazed her.
So congratulations on instigating the fight, you can take a couple days off from the server and maybe cool down from your basil metacircle fighting.
tedward1337 wrote:Sae is like the racist grandad who everyone laughs at for being racist, but deep down we all know he's right.
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Re: [Sagrimr]Pascal123-Non-Existent Rule, Refusing to Co-ope

Post by Pascal123 » #109956

Welp, i guess you can't play around on these servers, huh?

Guess we might as-well bore ourselves to death, then.
As I've stated before. it's called playing along.
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Re: [Sagrimr]Pascal123-Non-Existent Rule, Refusing to Co-ope

Post by Saegrimr » #109957

Just because there isn't a specific rule of "Rule 854: You cannot ambush and strand the captain for saying mean things to you" doesn't mean its okay.
Your "fun" does not come at the expense of others. Save it for when you're an antag.

Secondly if I get any word of you holding grudges for things that have happened in past rounds, i'll be removing you permanently.
Shit like this

[08:24:52]SAY: Betrays-Its-Kin/Pascal123 : Ssshesss a validhunting captain, coversss.
[08:24:55]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : ...Fire?
[08:24:55]SAY: Betrays-Its-Kin/Pascal123 : Like...
[08:25:01]SAY: Betrays-Its-Kin/Pascal123 : Ssshe jussst wantsss to kill people.
[08:25:02]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : I'm calling it, then.
[08:25:06]SAY: Betrays-Its-Kin/Pascal123 : One ssshift ssshe killed multiple people for fun.

Does not fly here.
tedward1337 wrote:Sae is like the racist grandad who everyone laughs at for being racist, but deep down we all know he's right.
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Re: [Sagrimr]Pascal123-Non-Existent Rule, Refusing to Co-ope

Post by Pascal123 » #109958

Sure sounds like you're cherry picking and dodging some things here.

Not sure why I'd expect any better, Lmao.
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Re: [Sagrimr]Pascal123-Non-Existent Rule, Refusing to Co-ope

Post by Saegrimr » #109959

If you feel like you have a specific instance to prove me wrong where you
1: Didn't ambush the captain and prevent her from escaping on the shuttle because of mean words
2: Didn't accuse someone of "validhunting" and killing people in previous rounds, using that as some sort of justification of your actions during the conflict.
Please inform me, otherwise i'll just be closing this.
tedward1337 wrote:Sae is like the racist grandad who everyone laughs at for being racist, but deep down we all know he's right.
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Re: [Sagrimr]Pascal123-Non-Existent Rule, Refusing to Co-ope

Post by TheNightingale » #109960

Anyone mind if I just...
I believe Pascal's defense is based on the fact that she attempted to do this (and cited the evidence as her '[t]hreatening to throw us out airlocks and refuse cloning', as well as 'the PDA messages [...] of her plan to attack and kill us with two others'. That Betrays called attention to Sequoia's previous behaviour is not an indication of his motive - indeed, persisting character relationships (whether friendly, or otherwise) are a mainstay of Basil, this being a roleplaying game and all. This was not a justification, but a remark, and not an uncommon one at that.

And, this being a roleplaying game, characters have personalities - and both Sequoia and Betrays are (no offense) abrasive-yet-lovable assholes, most of the time. To one familiar with their personalities, this was a predictable outcome, I'd bet (barring the one incident of 'a validhunting captain' - which, though not quite OOC in IC, is an odd thing to say) well-RPed through all sides confirmed.

Furthermore, the claim of 'self-defence' by the accused indicates he felt a clear and present threat to the station or himself - the statement 'he then attempts to rally the entire crew to help her kill us both through PDA and Comms as we listened' supports this, as well as Sequoia's presence outside their (limited-space) escape pod with a stunbaton in hand, indicating a hostile motive. This, combined with her previous (but the same round) history of making threats and attempting to incite a lynchmob against the accused, proves that Ms. Irons was, in fact, a clear and present threat to Betrays.
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Re: [Sagrimr]Pascal123-Non-Existent Rule, Refusing to Co-ope

Post by Saegrimr » #109962

All PDA messages sent/recieved by Sequoia that round.
There were no threats or rallies to kill anybody. At most is "I'm probably going to get killed because I have to check in on this guy talking shit in engineering"
[08:06:26]PDA: Sequoia Irons (PDA: PDA-Sequoia Irons (Captain)) sent "Don't mention it." to PDA-Sucks-her-Tail (Janitor)
[08:06:32]PDA: Sucks-her-Tail (PDA: PDA-Sucks-her-Tail (Janitor)) sent "Covers is Betrays's sister and on his side." to PDA-Sequoia Irons (Captain)
[08:07:16]PDA: Sequoia Irons (PDA: PDA-Sequoia Irons (Captain)) sent "Figures I'd be outnumbered. Where's Mr. Brando when he's needed? I don't like uneven numbers." to PDA-Sucks-her-Tail (Janitor)
[08:08:37]PDA: Sucks-her-Tail (PDA: PDA-Sucks-her-Tail (Janitor)) sent "How do I change a freezer into a heater?" to PDA-Sequoia Irons (Captain)
[08:08:52]PDA: Sequoia Irons (PDA: PDA-Sequoia Irons (Captain)) sent "Screwdriver the circuitboard, I think." to PDA-Sucks-her-Tail (Janitor)
[08:09:04]PDA: Sucks-her-Tail (PDA: PDA-Sucks-her-Tail (Janitor)) sent "Thank you." to PDA-Sequoia Irons (Captain)
[08:10:33]PDA: Sequoia Irons (PDA: PDA-Sequoia Irons (Captain)) sent "Expect me to die this shift." to PDA-Sucks-her-Tail (Janitor)
[08:10:45]PDA: Sucks-her-Tail (PDA: PDA-Sucks-her-Tail (Janitor)) sent "I might die too." to PDA-Sequoia Irons (Captain)
[08:11:01]PDA: Sequoia Irons (PDA: PDA-Sequoia Irons (Captain)) sent "Same reason as myself, I'm sure?" to PDA-Sucks-her-Tail (Janitor)
[08:11:23]PDA: Sucks-her-Tail (PDA: PDA-Sucks-her-Tail (Janitor)) sent "No, because I have to go into engineering and Covers threatened to gib the next person to break in." to PDA-Sequoia Irons (Captain)
[08:11:34]PDA: Sequoia Irons (PDA: PDA-Sequoia Irons (Captain)) sent "Guess where I'm going." to PDA-Sucks-her-Tail (Janitor)
[08:12:42]PDA: Sequoia Irons (PDA: PDA-Sequoia Irons (Captain)) sent "No one's even in engineering." to PDA-Sucks-her-Tail (Janitor)
[08:26:19]PDA: Sucks-her-Tail (PDA: PDA-Sucks-her-Tail (Janitor)) sent "It's in the middle of the command hallway. That's where it's starting." to PDA-Sequoia Irons (Captain)
[08:26:28]PDA: Sequoia Irons (PDA: PDA-Sequoia Irons (Captain)) sent "okay" to PDA-Sucks-her-Tail (Janitor)
All lines of text spoken by Sequoia from the time she logged in to the time you jumped her in engineering.

Again, no rallies to the crew to take down anybody, except for some unknown "spear guy" who broke into the armory.
[07:54:03]ACCESS: Login: Rsmr/(Sequoia Irons) from *** || BYOND v506
[07:54:16]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : I hate this job.
[07:55:34]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : She's got you there.
[08:01:44]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : Spearguy broke into the armory, you say?
[08:02:04]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : Hrmm.
[08:02:54]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : Praise hunting.
[08:03:12]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : I'd rather not.
[08:03:29]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : Someone's left the station a mess.
[08:03:53]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : I'm hunting them, I guess you could say. There's broken glass and stolen things.
[08:04:03]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : And someone broke into my office.
[08:04:09]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : That would be me.
[08:04:18]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : The leader of leaders.
[08:04:47]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : Hrmm.
[08:04:54]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : I'm not sure. Cargo?
[08:05:28]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : It happens.
[08:05:57]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : Poly is annoying, yes.
[08:06:15]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : That's not very practical.
[08:07:49]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : Whose music?
[08:08:01]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : I like her music.
[08:08:30]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : Yes, it is. I said I like her music, not that it was good.
[08:08:37]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : You're just itching for an argument, aren't you?
[08:09:02]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : No, I'm usually itching for a fight with you.
[08:09:08]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : Because you're so pathetic.
[08:09:33]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : While I hate this job, I can legally just assign people death warrants.
[08:09:37]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : It's a nice perk.
[08:10:13]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : Not to mention, I'm the only security and medical. Which means I can choose who's cloned after I personally follow up on any death warrants.
[08:11:21]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : Just reminding you where you stand.
[08:11:48]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : You always were funny. Not really, though.
[08:13:11]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : Heeelp
[08:13:14]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : TThey'vvve got me
[08:13:19]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : EEEngineeringg
tedward1337 wrote:Sae is like the racist grandad who everyone laughs at for being racist, but deep down we all know he's right.
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Byond Username: Pascal123
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Re: [Sagrimr]Pascal123-Non-Existent Rule, Refusing to Co-ope

Post by Pascal123 » #109963

As stated above.

It is purely RP and neither of us had any ill-will and simply seeked to play the game as In-Character as possible.
My reasoning for stating that she was a valid-hunting captain, Is because Covers was expressing fear of punishment simply for defending her own department, To which betrays attempted to comfort her by stating that, quite frankly, Sequoia has done far worse. hence why i believe you are cherry picking. You are not taking the entire thing into context, just bits and pieces and then posting those bits and pieces.

We ambushed her for logical reason, she was attempting to fight us and had firearms at the ready and refused to heed our request for her to steer clear of our location.

To you, it may seem odd. To everyone else? Again, it's our characters being our characters, and us trying to enjoy a shift.

But since you're doing that, i may as-well point out some things myself from your little log excerpts. Keep in mind, Logs are not visual. You do not know where she was, what she was doing, or when she was saying it.
08:09:02][07:54:03]ACCESS: Login: Rsmr/(Sequoia Irons) from *** || BYOND v506
[07:54:16]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : I hate this job.
[07:55:34]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : She's got you there.
[08:01:44]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : Spearguy broke into the armory, you say?
[08:02:04]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : Hrmm.
[08:02:54]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : Praise hunting.
[08:03:12]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : I'd rather not.
[08:03:29]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : Someone's left the station a mess.
[08:03:53]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : I'm hunting them, I guess you could say. There's broken glass and stolen things.
[08:04:03]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : And someone broke into my office.
[08:04:09]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : That would be me.
[08:04:18]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : The leader of leaders.
[08:04:47]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : Hrmm.
[08:04:54]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : I'm not sure. Cargo?
[08:05:28]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : It happens.
[08:05:57]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : Poly is annoying, yes.
[08:06:15]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : That's not very practical.
[08:07:49]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : Whose music?
[08:08:01]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : I like her music.
[08:08:30]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : Yes, it is. I said I like her music, not that it was good.
[08:08:37]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : You're just itching for an argument, aren't you?
[08:09:02]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : No, I'm usually itching for a fight with you.
[08:09:08]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : Because you're so pathetic.
[08:09:33]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : While I hate this job, I can legally just assign people death warrants.
[08:09:37]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : It's a nice perk.
[08:10:13]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : Not to mention, I'm the only security and medical. Which means I can choose who's cloned after I personally follow up on any death warrants.
[08:11:21]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : Just reminding you where you stand.
[08:11:48]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : You always were funny. Not really, though.
[08:13:11]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : Heeelp
[08:13:14]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : TThey'vvve got me
[08:13:19]SAY: Sequoia Irons/Rsmr : EEEngineeringg
And then theres this, from the very previous shift, which would (At least to me) imply that this is Sequoias form of RP.
Candice Moore shivers.
Sucks-her-Tail begins to place the defibrillator paddles (Wielded) on Sucks-her-Tail's chest.
Sucks-her-Tail places the defibrillator paddles (Wielded) on Sucks-her-Tail's chest.
Officer Beepsky exclaims, "Level 6 infraction alert!"
Officer Beepsky points at Betrays-Its-Kin!
The defibrillator buzzes: Patient is not in a valid state. Operation aborted.
Officer Beepsky has stunned you!
Officer Beepsky is trying to put zipties on you!
Officer Beepsky is trying to put zipties on you!
Kathleen Compton unbuckled themselves!
Betrays-Its-Kin asks, "You too ssscared to do thisss yourssself?"
Sequoia Irons exclaims, "I am proxy acting captain, so I can do this!"
Betrays-Its-Kin asks, "Ssso you hide in a locker and ussse beepsssky?"
Betrays-Its-Kin hisses, "That'sss funny."
Sequoia Irons fires the revolver point blank at Betrays-Its-Kin!
Betrays-Its-Kin is hit by a bullet in the head!
You're too exhausted to keep going...
Sucks-her-Tail has thrown the syringe (epinephrine).
Sequoia Irons asks, "No?"
Kathleen Compton says, "Rude."
Sequoia Irons fires the revolver point blank at Betrays-Its-Kin!
Betrays-Its-Kin is hit by a bullet in the head!
Betrays-Its-Kin asks, "Thisss sssupposssed to ssscare me?"
You're too exhausted to keep going...
Sequoia Irons fires the revolver point blank at Betrays-Its-Kin!
Betrays-Its-Kin is hit by a bullet in the head!
You're too exhausted to keep going...
Stan Studnick says, "What."
Sequoia Irons fires the revolver point blank at Kathleen Compton!
Kathleen Compton is hit by a bullet in the head!
Stan Studnick says, "Why."
Candice Moore yells, "You monster!!"
[Common] Sucks-her-Tail exclaims, "Hssstop ssshooting him!"
Betrays-Its-Kin hisses, "You're a real pussssssy, bruv."
Sequoia Irons fires the revolver point blank at Betrays-Its-Kin!
Betrays-Its-Kin is hit by a bullet in the head!
Candice Moore unbuckled themselves!
Sequoia Irons fires the revolver point blank at Betrays-Its-Kin!
Betrays-Its-Kin is hit by a bullet in the head!
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
Your eyes sting a little.
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
You're too exhausted to keep going...
Sequoia Irons has attacked Kathleen Compton in the chest with the seclite!
Sequoia Irons has attacked Kathleen Compton in the chest with the seclite!
Kathleen Compton has been knocked down!
Candice Moore attempts to force Betrays-Its-Kin to apply the brute patch.
Sequoia Irons has attacked Kathleen Compton in the chest with the seclite!
Sequoia Irons has attacked Kathleen Compton in the chest with the seclite!
Sequoia Irons has attacked Kathleen Compton in the chest with the seclite!
Candice Moore forces Betrays-Its-Kin to apply the brute patch.
You feel your wounds knitting back together!
You can't hear yourself!
Sucks-her-Tail puts the bruise pack into the first-aid kit.
Sucks-her-Tail has analyzed Betrays-Its-Kin's vitals.
Stan Studnick hugs Kathleen Compton to make her feel better!
You can't hear yourself!
Sucks-her-Tail puts the health analyzer into the first-aid kit.
You can't hear yourself!
Priority Announcement

The Emergency Shuttle has left the station. Estimate 2 minutes until the shuttle docks at Central Command.

Candice Moore says, "Deaf"
Sequoia Irons says, "Eh whoops"
You attempt to unbuckle yourself... (This will take around one minute and you need to stay still.)
Candice Moore says, "I can hear again."
Sequoia Irons fires the hybrid taser!
Betrays-Its-Kin is hit by an electrode in the head!
Sequoia Irons fires the hybrid taser!
Betrays-Its-Kin slurs, "Ssss'he juchsssst tri'e'd too kill the bootahnichsssstt for tryin'g to sscholv'e her powe'r ahbus'sche."
Stan Studnick has analyzed Kathleen Compton's vitals.
Sequoia Irons fires the hybrid taser!
You fail to unbuckle yourself!
Betrays-Its-Kin hisses, "Thisss isss amazing."
You attempt to unbuckle yourself... (This will take around one minute and you need to stay still.)
Stan Studnick applies the bruise pack on Kathleen Compton.
Sequoia Irons puts the hybrid taser into the security satchel.
Sequoia Irons has attacked Betrays-Its-Kin in the chest with the seclite!
Sequoia Irons has attacked Betrays-Its-Kin in the left arm with the seclite!
Stan Studnick puts the first-aid kit into the satchel.
Betrays-Its-Kin hisses, "Look at thisss."
Sequoia Irons has attacked Betrays-Its-Kin in the chest with the seclite!
Sucks-her-Tail exclaims, "Htop pleassse!"
You were unbuckled from the chair by Kathleen Compton.
Betrays-Its-Kin hisses, "Thisss isss what ssshesss devolved to."
Kathleen Compton tries to remove Betrays-Its-Kin's zipties.
Betrays-Its-Kin hisses, "Beating a ressstrained perssson and the crew."
Sucks-her-Tail has thrown the first-aid kit.
Betrays-Its-Kin hisses, "Thisss isss your captain."
Betrays-Its-Kin asks, "Are you not assshamed?"
Kathleen Compton attempted to disarm Sequoia Irons!
Kathleen Compton attempted to disarm Sequoia Irons!
Betrays-Its-Kin has slashed Sequoia Irons!
Betrays-Its-Kin has slashed Sequoia Irons!
That's a plating.
You put the first-aid kit into the satchel.
Kathleen Compton has pushed Sequoia Irons!
Betrays-Its-Kin has attempted to slash Kathleen Compton!
Kathleen Compton has grabbed Sequoia Irons passively!
Betrays-Its-Kin has kicked Sequoia Irons!
Stan Studnick has disarmed Sequoia Irons!
Kathleen Compton has grabbed Sequoia Irons aggressively (now hands)!
Kathleen Compton has thrown Sequoia Irons.
Kathleen Compton has pushed Sequoia Irons!
Betrays-Its-Kin has slashed Candice Moore!
Betrays-Its-Kin has kicked Sequoia Irons!
Kathleen Compton has pushed Sequoia Irons!
Betrays-Its-Kin has kicked Sequoia Irons!
Stan Studnick buckles themselves to the chair.
Betrays-Its-Kin hisses, "Nice work."
Kathleen Compton has thrown the zipties.
Candice Moore yells, "SO FUNNY!!!"
Sucks-her-Tail has thrown the syringe (epinephrine).
Kathleen Compton buckles themselves to the chair.
Stan Studnick says, "And gone of trash to make clean of shuttle."
Betrays-Its-Kin hisses, "Sssucksss, go fuck yourssself, you worthlessssss ssshit."
Candice Moore laughs.
Betrays-Its-Kin hisses, "You didn't even help in the leassst."
Kathleen Compton says, "Fuck those abusive cunts."
You buckle yourself to the chair.
Candice Moore yells, "I DID IT!!!"
Betrays-Its-Kin hisses, "Mhm."
Stan Studnick says, "She healed up you, dipshit."
Candice Moore laughs.
Candice Moore buckles themselves to the chair.
Betrays-Its-Kin has thrown the first-aid kit.
You are buckled to the chair by Kathleen Compton!
You unbuckled yourself from the chair.

The round has ended.
You managed to survive the events on Orbital Hub Seventeen as Betrays-Its-Kin.
If this doesn't indicate that she has no qualms with murdering people as Captain then i don't even know what to say.
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Re: [Sagrimr]Pascal123-Non-Existent Rule, Refusing to Co-ope

Post by TheNightingale » #109964

It's not a long stretch to believe that this...

[08:11:23]PDA: Sucks-her-Tail (PDA: PDA-Sucks-her-Tail (Janitor)) sent "No, because I have to go into engineering and Covers threatened to gib the next person to break in." to PDA-Sequoia Irons (Captain)
[08:11:34]PDA: Sequoia Irons (PDA: PDA-Sequoia Irons (Captain)) sent "Guess where I'm going." to PDA-Sucks-her-Tail (Janitor)

... indicates implied intent to kill Covers (and her friend Betrays, who would inevitably try to help her) in Engineering. I draw attention to the timestamp of the last message - 08:11:34. This was after she said "I can legally just assign people death warrants" (08:09:33), and "I can choose who's cloned after I personally follow up on any death warrants" (08:10:13). The fact that she said 'I personally follow up' indicates she herself would be following through with any threats she made or people she wanted killed, and so, combined with the fact that she was going to Engineering to stop Covers (which Betrays knew, though Sequoia did not know he knew this), indicates hostility.

This hostility led the accused to prepare a weapon and restrain Sequoia (indeed, that she carried a revolver - a lethal weapon - hints at her intent there), invoking her ire. That the accused let her go anyway indicates their lack of hostile intent and hope for an ultimately peaceful resolution - however, she was not prevented from leaving because of these mean words, but rather because of what followed after her release: I believe Pascal claimed the "rallies to the crew" were after being taken down in Engineering (and after Stan's arrival) - so the logs before Engineering would, naturally, not show this.
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Byond Username: Saegrimr

Re: [Sagrimr]Pascal123-Non-Existent Rule, Refusing to Co-ope

Post by Saegrimr » #109966

Pascal123 wrote:It is purely RP and neither of us had any ill-will and simply seeked to play the game as In-Character as possible.
My reasoning for stating that she was a valid-hunting captain, Is because Covers was expressing fear of punishment simply for defending her own department, To which betrays attempted to comfort her by stating that, [...]

We ambushed her for logical reason, she was attempting to fight us and had firearms at the ready and refused to heed our request for her to steer clear of our location.
Gee golly maybe its because of threatening to gib people while being antagonistic to everything? Oh wait that's your "RP".

If your entire roleplay gimmick is to be a confrontational asshole looking to start a fight, maybe you should consider a new gimmick. Or a new server.

Pascal123 wrote:quite frankly, Sequoia has done far worse. hence why i believe you are cherry picking. You are not taking the entire thing into context, just bits and pieces and then posting those bits and pieces.
Pascal123 wrote:And then theres this, from the very previous shift, which would (At least to me) imply that this is Sequoias form of RP.
Do you not understand what I mean when I say "holding grudges for things that have happened in past rounds"?
Do not do it. This is not allowed in the slightest, not a single fucking bit. I give absolutely zero fucks what she's done to you last round, a week ago, or three years ago.

Suck it up and play out the current round.
tedward1337 wrote:Sae is like the racist grandad who everyone laughs at for being racist, but deep down we all know he's right.
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Re: [Sagrimr]Pascal123-Non-Existent Rule, Refusing to Co-ope

Post by Pascal123 » #109967

You really like to insinuate some sort of metagrudging, especially when practically demanding logs that would imply there is logical reasoning behind the fear of being murdered by somebody, I did NOT, anywhere, ever. state that it was THE reason for preventing them from boarding a pod after numerous threats. is this what you do on all appeals? I feel like it may be.

I don't even know why you're so concerned with the final two minutes of a round, anyways.

As you said yourself. "Suck it up and play out the current round."
Last edited by Pascal123 on Wed Aug 05, 2015 11:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Sagrimr]Pascal123-Non-Existent Rule, Refusing to Co-ope

Post by Saegrimr » #109968

You make it really easy when part of your argument is "But previous rounds! Its our RP!"

Closing this until another admin wakes up to review this with, because arguing with you is going nowhere.
tedward1337 wrote:Sae is like the racist grandad who everyone laughs at for being racist, but deep down we all know he's right.
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Re: [Sagrimr]Pascal123-Non-Existent Rule, Refusing to Co-ope

Post by Vekter » #114089

This ban has been expired for ages.
Billcyferka9 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:58 pm Bye bye asshole.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you

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