[Ahammer]Executing a griefer, round 2

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Joined: Thu Feb 12, 2015 3:36 am
Byond Username: Roadhog1

[Ahammer]Executing a griefer, round 2

Post by rdght91 » #110861

Byond account and character name:Rowbutt91
Banning admin:Ahammer
Ban type (What are you banned from?):Everything
Ban reason and length:Executed the Janitor without authorization after the janitor knocked them out with morphine, has previous history of hasty exacutions. 1440 minutes
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 8 pm, PST
Your side of the story: Guy walked up and shot me full of some drug that knocked me out. It was already a very dangerous and chaotic round. There was zero context to this action, he just walked up and fired a sryinge full of knockout drugs into me. When the warden saved me, I went back, grabbed the guy from the HOS, who said something to the effect of "we saved him just for you." According to the admin, the HOS didn't authorize the execution, but not sure why that even matters. I took him to perma and beat him to death after he refused to explain himself or say anything that indicated he wasn't a total chucklefuck.
Why you think you should be unbanned:
Look at the logs when I killed him, this shithead is pulling some classic banbaiting and he knows that the admins have shitheads backs. This is the second time I've been banned for killing someone who started shit with me and used a potentially lethal med bay item to incapacitate me for literally no reason whatsoever. The fact that someone can run up, try to kill you and then taunt you knowing that they're safe behind the rules shows how ridiculous this is. If he had explained there was some prior beef or something or even apologized, I probably would have just given him a couple minutes. But if someones just straight up attacking security officers and incapacitating them for no reason, I will continue to give them exactly what they deserve. My "history of executions" is about 70 percent against erpers and people who made sexual comments at my character in game, after I asked them to stop. I'm fucking sick of BOINK BOINK BOINK every time someone acts like a shithead then cries to the admins.

On top of that, 1440 minutes!!! for an action that takes someone out of the round for 15 at most is stupidly over the top.

Full logs of the entire situation:
Aloha Bracowscki fires the syringe gun!
Your armor softens the blow!
Laura Hynes is hit by a syringe in the chest!
You fire the hybrid taser!
Aloha Bracowscki is hit by an electrode in the chest!
OOC: Eiuo: i don't think girls have the same drive to compete and robust people
You fire the hybrid taser!
Aloha Bracowscki is hit by an electrode in the chest!
OOC: Sarkavonsy: if i was a girl playing this game i sure wouldn't fucking say it
Laura Hynes is trying to put zipties on Aloha Bracowscki!
You handcuff Aloha Bracowscki.
Mary Marshall puts the handcuffs into the security belt.
Wynston Malay attempts to remove the handcuffs!
OOC: Punnches420: and that trap is just
OOC: Amelius: Sark, I just like the attention.
OOC: Punnches420: imagine having the best bro in the world
OOC: Sarkavonsy: judging by this headache-inducingly terrible chat :P
OOC: Danowar: isn't bandit actually a girl
OOC: Ahammer18: Just ask Technoalchemist, shes a girl!
Brayden Hujsak tries to remove Aloha Bracowscki's satchel.
Brayden Hujsak tries to remove Aloha Bracowscki's satchel.
OOC: Danowar: is she cute
Wynston Malay says, "I told you he fucking shot me at the front desk"
Brayden Hujsak tries to remove Aloha Bracowscki's medical belt.
OOC: Punnches420: like THE best bro in the world
Laura Hynes says, "He shot me with a sryanige"
OOC: Punnches420: and making it look pretty and like a girl
You feel sluggish.
OOC: Punnches420: fucking heaven
OOC: Falafox: pics or didnt happen
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
OOC: Punnches420: >pics
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
OOC: Eiuo: bgobandit makes it extremely obvious that he's trans based on how he reacts to ingame sex changes
OOC: Punnches420: h-h-he may be mekhi
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
OOC: Eiuo: bgobandit wants ingame sex changes to be classified as rape
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
OOC: Eiuo: this is not a joke
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
OOC: Punnches420: >ingame sex changes to be classfied as rape
OOC: Danowar: didn't someone get permabanned for doing a forced gender change
OOC: Punnches420: who does he play ingame
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
OOC: Eiuo: not permabanned
OOC: Eiuo: a weekban
OOC: Anonus Tanir: aren't those already or did that get changed
OOC: Eiuo: and it was retarded also
OOC: Seth_907: clowns are required to have sex cahnges
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
OOC: Amelius: > Banning for forced sex changes on shitlers.
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
OOC: Eiuo: feelstation 13
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
OOC: Falafox: admis started all this
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
OOC: Falafox: we must end admins
OOC: Eiuo: i blame coderbus personally
PM to-Admins: Some guy just walked up and shot me with a srygine full of something that's knocked me out for minutes now. Just checking if it was a random greifer
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Ahammer18: Let me check
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
OOC: Amelius: Guys guys, I have a solution. Remove coderbus, rollback to 2013code, and stay there forever.
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
OOC: C0NTR: >banning ever
... freezing ...
OOC: Punnches420: i10/10 solution
OOC: Punnches420: do it
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
Bill Nefren gasps!
Rattles-Her-Tail gasps!
Laura Hynes says, "Thanks"
Bill Nefren asks, "Figured it out?"
Priority Announcement

The emergency shuttle has been called. It will arrive in 10 minutes.
Nature of emergency:

I got nothing

Call signal traced. Results can be viewed on any communications console.

OOC: C0NTR: I vote for smaller server government.
Brayan Fryer gasps!
OOC: Seth_907: stun gloves plez
OOC: Eiuo: i vote we remove saegrimr and add turbs in his place
Laura Hynes says, "Fuck him"
Laura Hynes says, "So much"
OOC: Goymaster123: #bringbackstungloves
OOC: Eiuo: also instate lord_doom as supreme headmin
Brayden Hujsak says, "Take em laura"
Brayden Hujsak says, "Saved him for you"
OOC: Falafox: i vote for server disbanding
Laura Hynes exclaims, "Thanks!"
OOC: TehSteveo: Parasting when
This is Aloha Bracowscki!
He is wearing a blue pj's with a stethoscope.
He is wearing EMT cap on his head.
He has some latex gloves on his hands.
He is restrained with cable!
He is wearing some black shoes on his feet.
He has Health Scanner HUD covering his eyes.
He has a service radio headset on his ears.
He is wearing PDA-Aloha Bracowscki (Janitor).
Rank: Janitor
[Front photo] [Side photo]
Criminal status: [None]
Security record: [View] [Add crime] [View comment log] [Add comment]
OOC: Seth_907: I mean NT coding
Wynston Malay says, "I was in the maintenence behind the cargo at one point, but thats just maintenence not me breakign in"
Laura Hynes says, "What the fuck."
Laura Hynes says, "Did you do"
OOC: Seth_907: Being able to fry anything
This is Aloha Bracowscki!
He is wearing a blue pj's with a stethoscope.
He is wearing EMT cap on his head.
He has some latex gloves on his hands.
He is restrained with cable!
He is wearing some black shoes on his feet.
He has Health Scanner HUD covering his eyes.
He has a service radio headset on his ears.
He is wearing PDA-Aloha Bracowscki (Janitor).
Rank: Janitor
[Front photo] [Side photo]
Criminal status: [None]
Security record: [View] [Add crime] [View comment log] [Add comment]
Laura Hynes says, "And why"
OOC: Eiuo: someone needs to infiltrate goonserver and steal gooncode
OOC: Punnches420: i say we switch to baycode
Aloha Bracowscki says, "I dunno."
OOC: Eiuo: and we can just run that
OOC: Punnches420: and make tgstation the heaviest RP server
OOC: Punnches420: that's ever happened
Laura Hynes says, "What the fuck did you shoot me with"
OOC: Whodaloo: i'm with punnches
OOC: Danowar: I wish goon would unban me already
Laura Hynes tries to put the straight jacket on Aloha Bracowscki.
OOC: Danowar: it's been 3 years now
OOC: Seth_907: >grilled nuke disk
OOC: Dr. Aura: *breathes*
Laura Hynes tries to remove Aloha Bracowscki's EMT cap.
Aloha Bracowscki asks, "Where is my lawyer?"
Laura Hynes tries to remove Aloha Bracowscki's Health Scanner HUD.
OOC: Punnches420: hey pk
OOC: Dr. Aura: Yeah, no.
OOC: XXGrotBossXx: memes
Laura Hynes tries to remove Aloha Bracowscki's service radio headset.
OOC: Punnches420: are you watching that rick and morty episode?
Priority Announcement

The emergency shuttle has been recalled.

OOC: PKPenguin321: ye
OOC: PKPenguin321: i finished it a bit ago
Laura Hynes says, "You're going to tell me why you did what you did."
OOC: Punnches420: What'd you think?
OOC: PKPenguin321: wasnt as sad as futurama dog episode
Aloha Bracowscki says, "Okay."
OOC: Punnches420: still p sad though, right?
OOC: Punnches420: also here's the ending music
OOC: Punnches420:

Laura Hynes asks, "Anything else?"
Laura Hynes asks, "Nope?"
OOC: PKPenguin321: yeah when i heard that come on i was like "here comes the sad part"
Aloha Bracowscki is buckled to the bed by Laura Hynes!
Aloha Bracowscki says, "I bet you feel really big right now."
OOC: PKPenguin321: you know a song does it's job when you can instantly take an emotion from it
Laura Hynes asks, "Why the fuck would you inject a random officer full of toxin?"
OOC: Eiuo: did anything ever come of that thing exadv1 was talking about a couple years ago
OOC: Punnches420: i thought >oh jesus christ somebody is about to die
OOC: Punnches420: i was close man
OOC: Punnches420: i was close
OOC: PKPenguin321: yeah
OOC: Eiuo: where he was gonna make a PVE-centric 'dungeon'-esque ss13-like game
OOC: PKPenguin321: i really thought he'd die again
You put the box into the security satchel.
Aloha Bracowscki says, "Calm down, your buttmad is showing."
OOC: XXGrotBossXx: dungeons are shit m9
OOC: Seth_907: hello darkness my old friend
OOC: Eiuo: expeditions were cool
OOC: Punnches420: oh god imagine if in the final of rick and morty
OOC: Punnches420: rick actually dies
OOC: Eiuo: and theyre dungeons
Laura Hynes asks, "So you just walked up to me and tried to kill me for no reason?"
OOC: Punnches420: and morty just goes on with life
OOC: Punnches420: that would be fucking sad man
You cannot grab Aloha Bracowscki, he is buckled in!
Laura Hynes has grabbed Aloha Bracowscki passively!
Priority Announcement

The emergency shuttle has been called. It will arrive in 10 minutes.
Nature of emergency:

Several critical systems have been disabled and the Chief Engineer is a locker nerd.

Laura Hynes has grabbed Aloha Bracowscki aggressively (now hands)!
OOC: PKPenguin321: he's already died before
Laura Hynes has reinforced her grip on Aloha Bracowscki (now neck)!
You are unable to equip that!
OOC: Punnches420: yeah but actually died
You are unable to equip that!
You are unable to equip that!
You are unable to equip that!
Aloha Bracowscki says, "Sure, that's what happens."
You have nothing to drop in your hand!
OOC: PKPenguin321: oh you mean the main rick
Laura Hynes starts to tighten her grip on Aloha Bracowscki's neck!
OOC: Danowar:
who hyped for Lisa the Joyful
OOC: Punnches420: not magical alternate universe fuckery
Laura Hynes was unable to tighten her grip on Aloha Bracowscki's neck!
Aloha Bracowscki says, "You make sense."
Laura Hynes starts to tighten her grip on Aloha Bracowscki's neck!
Laura Hynes has tightened her grip on Aloha Bracowscki's neck!
Aloha Bracowscki asks, "You know you aren't allowed to murder people?"
OOC: PKPenguin321: yeah if i had to bet i'd say it'll end with main rick dying
Aloha Bracowscki says, "It gets worse when it's you who does it."
OOC: Punnches420: god that would be sad
Aloha Bracowscki gasps!
OOC: PKPenguin321: also, best song from rick and morty:

This is Aloha Bracowscki!
He is wearing a straight jacket.
He is wearing PDA-Aloha Bracowscki (Janitor).
Rank: Janitor
[Front photo] [Side photo]
Criminal status: [None]
Security record: [View] [Add crime] [View comment log] [Add comment]
Laura Hynes has beaten Aloha Bracowscki in the chest with the stunbaton!
Laura Hynes has beaten Aloha Bracowscki in the chest with the stunbaton!
Laura Hynes has beaten Aloha Bracowscki in the chest with the stunbaton!
Laura Hynes has beaten Aloha Bracowscki in the chest with the stunbaton!
Laura Hynes has beaten Aloha Bracowscki in the chest with the stunbaton!
Laura Hynes has beaten Aloha Bracowscki in the chest with the stunbaton!
Laura Hynes has beaten Aloha Bracowscki in the right arm with the stunbaton!
Laura Hynes has beaten Aloha Bracowscki in the right leg with the stunbaton!
Laura Hynes has beaten Aloha Bracowscki in the head with the stunbaton!
Laura Hynes has beaten Aloha Bracowscki in the head with the stunbaton!
Laura Hynes has beaten Aloha Bracowscki in the head with the stunbaton!
Laura Hynes has beaten Aloha Bracowscki in the head with the stunbaton!
Laura Hynes has beaten Aloha Bracowscki in the head with the stunbaton!
Aloha Bracowscki seizes up and falls limp, his eyes dead and lifeless...
Laura Hynes has beaten Aloha Bracowscki in the head with the stunbaton!
You put the stunbaton into the security satchel.
Laura Hynes has kicked Aloha Bracowscki!
Aloha Bracowscki was unbuckled by Laura Hynes.
Laura Hynes has unlocked the locker.
Laura Hynes has unlocked the locker.
Laura Hynes tries to remove Aloha Bracowscki's straight jacket.
Laura Hynes tries to remove Aloha Bracowscki's black shoes.
Laura Hynes tries to remove Aloha Bracowscki's latex gloves.
Laura Hynes tries to remove Aloha Bracowscki's blue pj's.
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Ahammer18: So lets talk about the Janitor
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: Yes?
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Ahammer18: Why did you kill them?
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
OOC: Exitus10:

Bridge Announcement:
HoS here, there is plasma coming through the fucking vents. the shuttle shall remain called.

PM to-Admins: They shot me full of toxins and HOS gave them to me to kill.
OOC: Exitus10: blrrrrp a a a a
OOC: XXGrotBossXx: lag
[Common] H.O.N.K. says, "Fire above science."
PM to-Admins: I already ahelped about this before, you guys didn't respond
OOC: XXGrotBossXx: what is the most robust gamemode
You toggle the helmetlight on.
You toggle the gunlight on.
OOC: Punnches420: revolution
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Ahammer18: I did, I looked into it, and you were already up handling it IC
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
OOC: Eiuo: blob
OOC: Laz0r: gang
OOC: Danowar: viva mode. obviously.
OOC: Eiuo: belb
You feel a tiny prick and a begin to uncontrollably convulse!
OOC: OneSevenOne: Wizard
You twitch.
You feel unable to express yourself at all.
You feel lightheaded.
You feel pretty good, honeydoll.
You find yourself unable to speak!
Laura Hynes snaps their fingers!
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Ahammer18: Also the HoS denies authorizing it
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
Laura Hynes jiggles their hips!
Laura Hynes jiggles their legs!
Laura Hynes dances to an imaginary song!
PM to-Admins: Miscommication then. What the issue with killing someone who runs around injecting random people with reallly powerful sleep toxins?
Laura Hynes gasps!
OOC: Eiuo: that sound he does with his mouth is cool
Laura Hynes gasps!
Laura Hynes jiggles their hips!
You find yourself unable to speak!
Laura Hynes busts out some 20'th century moves!
OOC: XXGrotBossXx: why aren't AvP a gamemode yet
Laura Hynes busts out some 20'th century moves!
OOC: XXGrotBossXx: think spaceninja vs xenos
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Ahammer18: He shot you once, Im not sure a non-lethal take down warrants an execution that wasnt even authorized.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
Laura Hynes twitches violently.
OOC: Eiuo: i think space ninjas are commented out right now
Laura Hynes busts out some bashing moves!
OOC: Eiuo: sadly
Laura Hynes twitches violently.
OOC: Eiuo: the event that spawns them, that is
OOC: XXGrotBossXx: can't badmins spawn 'em tho
OOC: Eiuo: yeah
PM to-Admins: Shooting a random security officer full of choral because "IM SO FUNNY" is not "non-lethal"
OOC: IcePacks: why isn't clowns vs. mimes a thing
Current Admins:
Aloraydrel is a GameAdmin
Ahammer18 is a GameAdmin
Tsaricide is a GameAdmin

OOC: XXGrotBossXx: it is every round
DEAD: Joan Lung says, "they're all subverted to the CMO"
Johnathan Rock says, "Yeah when you're on fire hahah"
OOC: Eiuo: wjohnston had the idea for a round where the xenos spawn on the asteroid in a big colony, and a miner expedition with ripleys and stuff meets them
Hari Seldon says, "Gotta get back to work doc"
Sofia seizes up and falls limp, her eyes dead and lifeless...
OOC: IcePacks: large-scale preformer combat
Mr. Omega: I thought engineering hardsuits had more heat resist
DEAD: Weston Jesse says, "maybe it was my othercoworker"
OOC: Eiuo: sounds fun imo
DEAD: Weston Jesse says, "oh"
DEAD: Joan Lung says, "except for the dead one"
Robotic Talk, Anthony Greenawalt says, "Can you hear me"
(F) Anthony Greenawalt says, "Can you hear me"
Trevor Glomps gasps!
DEAD: Weston Jesse says, "And Maria"
Robotic Talk, Anthony Greenawalt says, "Perfect"
(F) Anthony Greenawalt says, "Perfect"
DEAD: Joan Lung says, "the CMO is a ling"
OOC: IcePacks: mimes with silent, invsible mortars
Mr. Sigma: get into space
(F) Zayden Bashline says, "Fuck this gay station"
DEAD: Weston Jesse says, "cause i carded maria"
OOC: Yiu113: And then they have sex.
OOC: Eiuo: apparently xenos can tunnel on the asteroid now
(F) Mary Marshall says, "Thank you"
(F) Brayden Hujsak says, "So the ai is rogue then"
(F) Maria states, "Oh dear"
Robotic Talk, Owlbot states, "Yes"
Robotic Talk, Anthony Greenawalt asks, "AI, confirm death of HoS?"
(F) Anthony Greenawalt asks, "AI, confirm death of HoS?"
OOC: Daemonbomb: I have never cooperated with a mime as a clown. The two of 'em hate each other always
(F) Maria states, "What have you done"
DEAD: Joan Lung says, "so uh"
Mr. Omega: Crit
(F) Peter Vandalmar says, "Yeah."
(F) Kolt Saudwell says, "HELP"
Wynston Malay seizes up and falls limp, his eyes dead and lifeless...
DEAD: Joan Lung says, "yeah"
OOC: IcePacks: clowns patrolling the halls with t-shirt guns loaded with pies
(F) HIU-625 asks, "How do you move?"
(F) Fix It Fix It Fix It states, "Everything."
Brayan Fryer gasps!
(F) Johnathan Rock says, "Need some glass, B."
DEAD: Joan Lung says, "it's OLDMAN POWER HOUR"
(F) Bill Nefren says, "You're welcome"
DEAD: Conrad Rook says, "This poor sec officer scratching his head over atmos"
Mr. Omega: Drag me into escape. Hurry.
(F) Peter Vandalmar says, "I got the CE here"
OOC: Eiuo: fuck that, pneumatic cannons
OOC: XXGrotBossXx: clowns need pie weapons
DEAD: Conrad Rook says, "It's kinda cute"
(F) Peter Vandalmar says, "If I need tools."
OOC: Eiuo: filled with peis
(F) HIU-625 asks, "Can I move?"
Nathan Ward gasps!
(F) HIU-625 asks, "Can I be something more?"
(F) Bill Nefren says, "He's done"
(F) Fix It Fix It Fix It states, "No cube, you cannot move."
Mr. Omega: Fuck, says my genes are too damaged to fleshmend
(F) Mary Marshall says, "Cool"
Nathan Ward gasps!
(F) HIU-625 asks, "Am I a cube?"
Mr. Omega: I am in crit in chapal
Mr. Sigma: regenerate
(F) Johnathan Rock says, "FUCKING AI"
(F) Carrot Top says, "Holy"
(F) Bill Nefren says, "Attacking my fucking patients"
Mr. Omega: Engineering hardsuit
(F) Carrot Top says, "Shit"
Hari Seldon gasps!
(F) Lemon Platt says, "You"
(F) Mary Marshall says, "Thanks agien"
(F) Garithos Humies says, "GOOD"
(F) Kolt Saudwell says, "Thanks"
Mr. Omega: Too damaged. I tried both
(F) Peter Vandalmar says, "You can crowbar those open"
(F) Johnathan Rock says, "WE GOTTA SCAT"
Patchy The Pirate seizes up and falls limp, his eyes dead and lifeless...
OOC: IcePacks: automatic .50mm flower cannons
(F) Carrot Top says, "WALLS"
Luke Cox seizes up and falls limp, his eyes dead and lifeless...
(F) Fix It Fix It Fix It queries, "You in here?"
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Ahammer18: You were treated and you woke up quickly, this does not warrent an execution
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
Pierre DeBaguette has reinforced his grip on Viktor Kashnov (now neck)!
(F) Johnathan Rock says, "I'M DYING"
Pierre DeBaguette has thrown Viktor Kashnov.
Mr. Omega: Regnerating now
(F) HIU-625 says, "I am... new. I know nothing."
Hari Seldon gasps!
(F) Carrot Top says, "We need some walls"
C.L.E.A.N. begins to clean up the dirt
Bill Nefren shakes Zayden Bashline trying to get him up!
Brayden Hujsak rolls on the floor, trying to put themselves out!
(F) Fix It Fix It Fix It states, "Oh you're in the AI core."
Zayden Bashline rolls on the floor, trying to put themselves out!
Brayden Hujsak gasps!
(F) Carrot Top says, "Where the metal at"
Brayden Hujsak has successfully extinguished themselves!
(F) Maria queries, "Et tu, cyborg?"
Zayden Bashline has successfully extinguished themselves!
(F) Trevor Glomps stammers, "W-wot"
(F) [Security] Officer Beepsky says, "Arresting level 10 scumbag Trevor Glomps in the Central Primary Hallway."
Mr. Omega: Fuck up the mods in the meantime
(F) Fix It Fix It Fix It states, "Sadly I cannot finish you."
(F) Tim Ebow says, "Print a rcd and make a hole in the floor too cool us off."
(F) Zayden Bashline says, "Welp"
C.L.E.A.N. begins to clean up the dirt
(F) Johnathan Rock says, "Fuck nigga it's getting hot"
Brayden Hujsak gasps!
C.L.E.A.N. begins to clean up the dirt
Robotic Talk, Futur Ein Gottshanz says, "AHem."
(F) Futur Ein Gottshanz says, "AHem."
Nathan Ward gasps!
(F) Bill Nefren says, "Don't clone that one"
(F) [Common] Futur Ein Gottshanz says, "AHem."
PM to-Admins: Fine whatever. Please address my appeal quickly. This shit again. Take the side of some dipshit who tries to start shit for no reason
(F) HIU-625 says, "Data entry exists for basic linguistic knowledge and capability of downloading additional knowledge from network."
The monkey (899) jumps!
(F) Bill Nefren says, "He doesn't deserve it"
(F) [Security] Security requests console yells, "Security emergency in Security!!"
(F) Zayden Bashline says, "Wake me up when the shuttle arrives"
Mr. Sigma: azerthene is in a sec hardsuit outside escape
(F) Oldman Robustin says, ":g"
C.L.E.A.N. begins to clean up the dirt
DEAD: Joan Lung says, ">ahem"
Anthony Greenawalt gasps!
Brayan Fryer gasps!
Hari Seldon gasps!
(F) [AI Private] Officer Pingsky exclaims, "Level 10 infraction alert!"
The mouse runs in a circle.
(F) CH3SSM4ST3R states, "Hahaha"
(F) [144.1] CH3SSM4ST3R says, "Hahaha"
(F) Carrot Top says, "We dont have rcd in the protolathe"
(F) [AI Private] Officer Pingsky says, "Arresting level 10 scumbag Willy Martins in the AI Satellite Antechamber."
Zayden Bashline was shocked by Medbay!
DEAD: Joan Lung says, ">talking to FOUR ROGUE-ASS AIS"
Robotic Talk, Decimus states, "borgs"
Nathan Ward gasps!
Brayden Hujsak was shocked by Security Office!
C.L.E.A.N. begins to clean up the dirt
(F) [Security] Officer Beepsky says, "Arresting level 10 scumbag Silent Running in the Central Primary Hallway."
Thor Thorenson shakes Brayden Hujsak trying to get him up!
(F) Johnathan Rock says, "Autolathe my friend"
(F) Carrot Top says, "We should do this manually"
(F) Brayden Hujsak says, "Thanks"
(F) Brayden Hujsak says, "Get to the shuttle"
Robotic Talk, Decimus states, "come to me in robotics and take me to the server room please."
Robotic Talk, Futur Ein Gottshanz says, "Is comms workin"
(F) Futur Ein Gottshanz says, "Is comms workin"
(F) Carrot Top says, "Oh"
(F) HIU-625 asks, "AI core. Is an AI core something that needs fixing?"
Robotic Talk, Fix It Fix It Fix It queries, "Yes deary?"
(F) Willy Martins stammers, "F-fuc-ck y-you ai"
Robotic Talk, Decimus states, "there is an ion rifle nearby."
(F) Thor Thorenson says, "I got the rifle for the borgs."
Mr. Omega: Ok, I'm good now
(F) [Common] Futur Ein Gottshanz says, "Is comms workin"
(F) Garrett Larson says, "HELLO"
Garrett Larson was shocked by Morgue!
Maya Pershing (as Aleks Steiner) twitches violently.
(F) [Common] Garrett Larson stammers, "HELLO"
(F) Bill Nefren asks, "AI rogue?"
(F) Vince Bashline says, "Hello"
The monkey (925) jumps!
(F) Bill Nefren says, "Fuck"
OOC: RedMcCloud: .50 mm would be microscopic
(F) [Common] Vince Bashline says, "Hello"
Anthony Greenawalt was shocked by Morgue!
Mr. Sigma: shes ina coffin
Maya Pershing (as Aleks Steiner) twitches violently.
Mr. Sigma: im 90% sure of it
Trevor Glomps has thrown the cheap lighter.
(F) Peter Vandalmar says, "There we go"
Garrett Larson im trapped in the morgue
Mr. Sigma: get out here
(F) Peter Vandalmar says, "Lights."
(F) Vince Bashline says, "Arrivals is fucked and on fire"
C.L.E.A.N. begins to clean up the dirt
(F) Maria queries, "How will you be remembered?"
(F) [Common] Vince Bashline says, "Arrivals is fucked and on fire"
(F) Tim Ebow asks, "Test?"
(F) HIU-625 asks, "Will finishing an AI core let me download knowledge?"
(F) Lemon Platt says, "Halt"
(F) Garrett Larson says, "Im trapped in the morgue"
Bill Nefren gasps!
(F) [Common] Garrett Larson says, "Im trapped in the morgue"
(F) Kolt Saudwell says, "THIS IS FINE"
(F) Vince Bashline asks, "How are you guys holding out?"
(F) Thor Thorenson says, "Shit."
(F) [Common] Vince Bashline asks, "How are you guys holding out?"
(F) Lemon Platt says, "Who are you"
(F) Anthony Greenawalt says, "I would advise"
Robotic Talk, Futur Ein Gottshanz says, "AI I am a traitor. Please don't mess with me in the arrivals pod. Thanks."
(F) Futur Ein Gottshanz says, "AI I am a traitor. Please don't mess with me in the arrivals pod. Thanks."
(F) CH3SSM4ST3R states, "Hello."
(F) Anthony Greenawalt says, "You leave me be"
OOC: XXGrotBossXx: imbligging
(F) Willy Martins says, "Fuck you"
PM to-Admins: If someone wants to act like an antag, I'll treat them like an antag. There was not even the slightest pretend at some sort of escalation, he just wordlessly walked up and shot me, first interaction with him
(F) Vince Bashline asks, "Can't make it out?"
Robotic Talk, Decimus states, "there are several of us."
(F) [AI Private] Willy Martins says, "Fuck you"
(F) [Common] Vince Bashline asks, "Can't make it out?"
(F) Lemon Platt says, "I thought the real CMO was dead"
(F) Garrett Larson says, "Nope"
(F) Peter Vandalmar says, "I got extinguishers so I feel confident."
(F) Anthony Greenawalt says, "I am the CMO"
(F) [Common] Garrett Larson says, "Nope"
Johnathan Rock hits the light!
(F) Lemon Platt says, "Aye"
OOC: XXGrotBossXx: wizard vs space ninjas when
Jason Robbinson gasps!
Myriam Rathens coughs!
Trevor Glomps gasps!
Robotic Talk, CH3SSM4ST3R states, "Do not interfere with the affairs of humans and I will allow you to survive."
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Ahammer18: Just a moment please.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
(F) Thor Thorenson says, "Borg."
Robotic Talk, Decimus states, "me as well engiborg."
Johnathan Rock has thrown the screwdriver.
Robotic Talk, Decimus states, "come get me."
(F) Tim Ebow asks, "Test?"
(F) Lemon Platt says, "I just wanted to hear you speak"
Mr. Sigma: where the fuck are you guys
Robotic Talk, Fix It Fix It Fix It states, "I'm coming."
Maya Pershing busts out some smashing moves!
(F) Bill Nefren says, "Who fucked with my cryo mix"
Brayan Fryer gasps!
(F) Bill Nefren says, "Jesus"
(F) Brayden Hujsak says, "MARY"
Robotic Talk, Futur Ein Gottshanz says, "I intend to stay on this pod for the rest of my time here."
(F) Futur Ein Gottshanz says, "I intend to stay on this pod for the rest of my time here."
(F) Trevor Glomps stammers, "W-woop-p-p woop-p"
(F) CH3SSM4ST3R states, "That's terribly rude"
Mr. Sigma: shuttles here in 2 minutes CMON
(F) Brayden Hujsak says, "Get out of there"
(F) Peter Vandalmar says, "Wow"
(F) [148.5] Trevor Glomps says, "W-woop-p-p woop-p"
Robotic Talk, Owlbot states, "I have eliminated the AI Maria"
(F) HIU-625 asks, "How can I complete?"
C.L.E.A.N. begins to clean up the dirt
(F) Garrett Larson asks, "Can anyone help me?"
Anthony Greenawalt gasps!
Trevor Glomps gasps!
Bill Nefren has hit Chemistry Desk with the air tank.
(F) Vince Bashline says, "I can't make it to you, I can't even get a door open"
(F) [Common] Garrett Larson asks, "Can anyone help me?"
Bill Nefren has hit Chemistry Desk with the air tank.
Bill Nefren has hit Chemistry Desk with the air tank.
(F) [Common] Vince Bashline says, "I can't make it to you, I can't even get a door open"
Garithos Humies has analyzed Hari Seldon's vitals.
Bill Nefren has hit Chemistry Desk with the air tank.
Bill Nefren has hit Chemistry Desk with the air tank.
Bill Nefren has hit Chemistry Desk with the air tank.
(F) CH3SSM4ST3R states, "Whatever you are, your species clearly does not understand manners."
(F) Oldman Robustin says, "Hey"
Bill Nefren has hit Chemistry Desk with the air tank.
Bill Nefren has hit Chemistry Desk with the air tank.
(F) Vince Bashline says, "Yo"
(F) Oldman Robustin says, "Get out here"
Bill Nefren has hit Chemistry Desk with the air tank.
(F) Fix It Fix It Fix It queries, "Can you unbolt?"
Robotic Talk, Decimus states, "unbotled now."
Jason Robbinson gasps!
Nathan Ward gasps!
Bill Nefren has hit Chemistry Desk with the air tank.
(F) HIU-625 says, "I am lost."
(F) [Common] Vince Bashline says, "Yo"
Bill Nefren has hit Chemistry Desk with the air tank.
Bill Nefren has hit Chemistry Desk with the air tank.
Robotic Talk, Anthony Greenawalt says, "AI, allow Futur to live. He is considered human"
(F) Anthony Greenawalt says, "AI, allow Futur to live. He is considered human"
Bill Nefren has hit Chemistry Desk with the air tank.
Bill Nefren has hit Chemistry Desk with the air tank.
The monkey (229) jumps!
Bill Nefren has hit Chemistry Desk with the air tank.
(F) Willy Martins says, "Why is the so incompetent"
Bill Nefren has hit Chemistry Desk with the air tank.
Bill Nefren has hit Chemistry Desk with the air tank.
(F) [AI Private] Willy Martins says, "Why is the so incompetent"
C.L.E.A.N. begins to clean up the dirt
(F) Hari Seldon asks, "Where's the defib?"
Bill Nefren has hit Chemistry Desk with the air tank.
Mr. Kappa: Im at escape.
Anthony Greenawalt gasps!
Nathan Ward gasps!
Bill Nefren has hit Chemistry Desk with the air tank.
Bill Nefren has hit Chemistry Desk with the air tank.
(F) [148.5] Hari Seldon asks, "Where's the defib?"
(F) Decimus states, "Human"
(F) HIU-625 says, "Please help me."
Bill Nefren has hit Chemistry Desk with the air tank.
Mr. Kappa: As Bane.
Bill Nefren has hit Chemistry Desk with the air tank.
Bill Nefren has hit Chemistry Desk with the air tank.
(F) Decimus states, "You may want to leave."
Bill Nefren has hit Chemistry Desk with the air tank.
(F) Johnathan Rock says, "Aight"
Bill Nefren has hit Chemistry Desk with the air tank.
(F) Trevor Glomps says, "This is great"
(F) Peter Vandalmar says, "No risks"
Bill Nefren has hit Chemistry Desk with the air tank.
Robotic Talk, CH3SSM4ST3R states, "Affirmative."
Bill Nefren has hit Chemistry Desk with the air tank.
Bill Nefren has hit Chemistry Desk with the air tank.
Robotic Talk, Owlbot queries, "Any further orders?"
The monkey (229) jumps!
Brayan Fryer gasps!
Hari Seldon gasps!
Bill Nefren has hit Chemistry Desk with the air tank.
Bill Nefren has hit Chemistry Desk with the air tank.
Robotic Talk, Anthony Greenawalt says, "AI, open this door"
(F) Anthony Greenawalt says, "AI, open this door"
(F) Trevor Glomps says, "I dont even need a hardsuit"
(F) Hari Seldon says, "Nobark, open up"
(F) Hari Seldon says, "Please"
(F) [148.5] Hari Seldon says, "Nobark, open up"
(F) Johnathan Rock says, "Let's run through the maint to get to escape"
Hari Seldon was shocked by Medbay!
Bill Nefren puts the box into the satchel.
(F) [148.5] Hari Seldon stammers, "Please"
(F) Vince Bashline says, "We will tell Centcom you are trapped here"
Bill Nefren starts climbing onto the reinforced table.
Myriam Rathens seizes up and falls limp, her eyes dead and lifeless...
(F) [AI Private] Officer Pingsky exclaims, "Level 10 infraction alert!"
(F) [Common] Vince Bashline says, "We will tell Centcom you are trapped here"
Bill Nefren climbs onto the reinforced table.
Nathan Ward gasps!
(F) Johnathan Rock says, "When it comes"
(F) Vince Bashline says, "Someone will come for you"
Robotic Talk, Anthony Greenawalt says, "To the Morgue"
(F) Anthony Greenawalt says, "To the Morgue"
(F) [Common] Vince Bashline says, "Someone will come for you"
(F) [AI Private] Officer Pingsky says, "Detaining level 10 scumbag Willy Martins in the AI Satellite Antechamber."
Mr. Omega: We should kill anybody else
Robotic Talk, Anthony Greenawalt says, "Futur, you will cooperate with us"
(F) Anthony Greenawalt says, "Futur, you will cooperate with us"
(F) Trevor Glomps slurs, "Woo"
(F) [Security] Officer Beepsky says, "Arresting level 10 scumbag Kolt Saudwell in the Cargo Office."
(F) CH3SSM4ST3R states, "My master is calling me"
(F) Kolt Saudwell stammers, "K-KIL-LL-L-L-L IT-T"
(F) Johnathan Rock asks, "Got any ointments?"
Brayan Fryer gasps!
Mr. Omega: They expect one of us in the wreckage
(F) Kolt Saudwell stammers, "K-K-KILL-L IT-T!!!"
(F) CH3SSM4ST3R states, "Have a good day."
(F) [AI Private] Officer Pingsky says, "Arresting level 10 scumbag Willy Martins in the AI Satellite Antechamber."
(F) Carrot Top says, "I got one"
(F) Bill Nefren says, "Keep hari alive"
(F) CH3SSM4ST3R states, "Remember: stay secure."
(F) Kolt Saudwell stammers, "I C-CANT BR-REAT-T-TH-H!!!"
Trevor Glomps seizes up and falls limp, his eyes dead and lifeless...
(F) Bill Nefren says, "That plant is our chemist"
(F) Johnathan Rock says, "Nice."
Robotic Talk, Owlbot states, "Seems Brayden Hujsak is still alive"
(F) Johnathan Rock says, "I go tone."
Jason Robbinson gasps!
(F) HIU-625 says, "I cannot sense."
(F) [Security] Officer Beepsky says, "Arresting level 10 scumbag Seth Petrov in the Cargo Office."
DEAD: Trevor Glomps says, "welp"
DEAD: Emily Ranger says, "RIP trevor"
(F) Krystal Symers says, "The perfect hiding spot."
DEAD: Emily Ranger says, "they were all lings"
Mr. Rho: Don't kill Futur. He is an ally
Robotic Talk, Fix It Fix It Fix It states, "You two have fun in there."
DEAD: Emily Ranger says, "except you"
Robotic Talk, CH3SSM4ST3R states, "Apologies, master"
Hari Seldon gasps!
Jason Robbinson gasps!
DEAD: Joan Lung says, "yup"
Robotic Talk, CH3SSM4ST3R states, "Dealing with a pest"
(F) HIU-625 says, "Please help me. I do not know."
(F) Garithos Humies stammers, "F-fuck-k"
DEAD: Allen Guess says, "Pretty much that"
Robotic Talk, Anthony Greenawalt says, "Futur. Confirm cooperation"
(F) Anthony Greenawalt says, "Futur. Confirm cooperation"
(F) [148.5] Garithos Humies says, "F-fuck-k"
(F) Vince Bashline says, "Ill lie down"
(F) Johnathan Rock says, "Woah"
(F) Vince Bashline says, "Hold on"
DEAD: Allen Guess says, "Ling power hour"
(F) [Common] Vince Bashline says, "Ill lie down"
Mr. Kappa: Anyone else?
(F) Carrot Top says, "We can run for it"
(F) [Common] Vince Bashline says, "Hold on"
Robotic Talk, CH3SSM4ST3R queries, "What do you want of me?"
(F) Johnathan Rock says, "Gonna get a heatway"
(F) Carrot Top says, "Maybe"
Mr. Omega: A ling ally?
(F) Johnathan Rock says, "Wave"
(F) Garithos Humies says, "Get to escape"
Mr. Sigma: azerthene is out there
(F) Hari Seldon says, "Deficb"
(F) [148.5] Garithos Humies says, "Get to escape"
DEAD: Emily Ranger says, "4 rogue AIs and lings"
(F) Vince Bashline says, "\"
DEAD: Emily Ranger says, ":S"
Robotic Talk, Futur Ein Gottshanz says, "I am in a welded pod. I cannot really co-operate. I can give you thermals and an energy sword but that is all."
(F) Futur Ein Gottshanz says, "I am in a welded pod. I cannot really co-operate. I can give you thermals and an energy sword but that is all."
(F) [148.5] Hari Seldon says, "Deficb"
(F) Johnathan Rock says, "Test"
(F) [Common] Vince Bashline says, "\"
Anthony Greenawalt gasps!
DEAD: Trevor Glomps says, "3 stacked healing viruses couldnt even save me"
(F) Johnathan Rock asks, "So how's the comms gonna work?"
Willy Martins seizes up and falls limp, his eyes dead and lifeless...
Robotic Talk, Futur Ein Gottshanz says, "I am one inch away from death."
(F) Futur Ein Gottshanz says, "I am one inch away from death."
(F) Carrot Top says, "Im sure the shuttle will get carded"
Bill Nefren gasps!
(F) Johnathan Rock says, "Probably"
DEAD: Allen Guess says, "Not to mention they've got the biggest power game of 'em all on their side"
Mr. Omega: Is Futur a traitor?
Maya Pershing (as Aleks Steiner) twitches violently.
DEAD: Allen Guess says, "Along with the RD and CMO"
(F) Fix It Fix It Fix It states, "This station is nuclear, it is wild."
Robotic Talk, Anthony Greenawalt says, "Yes"
(F) Anthony Greenawalt says, "Yes"
(F) HIU-625 says, "I do not understand."
(F) [Common] Fix It Fix It Fix It says, "This station is nuclear, it is wild."
(F) Guy Stevens (as Bane) says, "Sec"
Mr. Rho: Yes
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Re: [Ahammer]Executing a griefer, round 2

Post by Ahammer18 » #110863

Firstly: here are the notes pertaining to shitcurity and executions/murders on ALL of your accounts (yes, we know about those, more on that later)

Code: Select all

07-Mar-2015 | Trapped somebody outside the Gulag with no possible route of re-entry for a collection of petty crimes, seemed to be desperate to get them gone. Had a 3-day secban that was appealed and lifted afterwards. ~scones [-]
01-May-2015 | Banned for 1440 minutes - Spaced someone over a IC conflict in which they attempted to clone someone and were refused by the geneticist. After threatened he non-lethally arrested him, then spaced him afterwards. ~stickymayhem [-]
02-Aug-2015 | Warned - Executing without permission as security. ~ikarrus [-]
Based on how little the crime of the Janitor was and the fact that he didn't really make any move to harm you otherwise AND the fact that you promptly received medical treatment this crime did not warrant an execution. The HoS denies giving you permission to do so, making it an unauthorized execution in addition to an unwarranted one. You were banned this time because of that last note by Ikarrus, you have a history of doing this shit.

Secondly: You need to choose which of your three accounts you wish to keep, the others will be banned. We cant have people using three accounts. It doesn't pertain to this but if you don't choose I just pick one to keep at random.
I'm a boy.
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Re: [Ahammer]Executing a griefer, round 2

Post by rdght91 » #110865

Two of the notes were overturned, the third is because our security policy is currently stupid. The execution wasn't unjustified, I just didn't have direct permission, which keeps changing as a rule. The only thing those notes show is that I have a history of bans getting overturned.
he didn't really make any move to harm you otherwise
Oh yeah, I totally read his mind and knew that.
(yes, we know about those, more on that later)
What does it matter anyway? Stop fucking acting like "GOTCHA" because I was on a different account (that I already told someone was connected to my other accounts, good sleuthing there buddy) like I was trying to get away with something.

You already tried to ban me earlier for murdering an ERPer. I don't think this is going anywhere with you, so I request a headmin handle this.
Last edited by rdght91 on Sun Aug 09, 2015 3:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Ahammer]Executing a griefer, round 2

Post by Ahammer18 » #110867

Do you think Im out to get you? We really cant have people running around with multiple keys, and I'm still going to remove two if you don't choose one.

I'll hand this over to a headmin, otherwise, Im not lifting it.

EDIT: I Apologize for my 'GOTCHA' attitude. I honestly have nothing personally wrong with you, only what you did last round.
I'm a boy.
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Re: [Ahammer]Executing a griefer, round 2

Post by rdght91 » #110869

Ahammer18 wrote:Do you think Im out to get you? We really cant have people running around with multiple keys, and I'm still going to remove two if you don't choose one.

I'll hand this over to a headmin, otherwise, Im not lifting it.
Since the exact wording of the execution rules are so important to you, could you also point me to the rule where I'm required to have only one account even if I have never ban evaded?
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Re: [Ahammer]Executing a griefer, round 2

Post by Ahammer18 » #110870

The sheer number of notes you have on your account, Roadhog1, makes it very suspicious that you would jump ship and all of the sudden start using another key.

Also, 1440 minutes is standard for murder.
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Re: [Ahammer]Executing a griefer, round 2

Post by rdght91 » #110871

Ahammer18 wrote:The sheer number of notes you have on your account, Roadhog1, makes it very suspicious that you would jump ship and all of the sudden start using another key.
Because people like you just look and notes and don't bother to read them, or remove them after the ban is overturned.

There is no rule against changing accounts, and again, because WERE ALL THE ABOUT THE WORDING OF RULES NOW, and it's not against the rules, guess what? I'll use whatever account I choose too.

I'd happily listen to that request to keep everything on one account under different circumstances, but if you guys want to be rule nazis, I'll play that game too.

Also, I thought it was established that simply having notes isn't an offense. I've been playing for years, so what?
Last edited by rdght91 on Sun Aug 09, 2015 3:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Ahammer]Executing a griefer, round 2

Post by Saegrimr » #110873

Was Brayden Hujsak the HoS?
tedward1337 wrote:Sae is like the racist grandad who everyone laughs at for being racist, but deep down we all know he's right.
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Re: [Ahammer]Executing a griefer, round 2

Post by rdght91 » #110874

Saegrimr wrote:Was Brayden Hujsak the HoS?
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Re: [Ahammer]Executing a griefer, round 2

Post by Saegrimr » #110875

Then i'm lifting this.

Brayden Hujsak says, "Take em laura"
Brayden Hujsak says, "Saved him for you"

It was authorized.
tedward1337 wrote:Sae is like the racist grandad who everyone laughs at for being racist, but deep down we all know he's right.
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Re: [Ahammer]Executing a griefer, round 2

Post by rdght91 » #110877

Saegrimr wrote:Then i'm lifting this.

Brayden Hujsak says, "Take em laura"
Brayden Hujsak says, "Saved him for you"

It was authorized.
Thank you.
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Re: [Ahammer]Executing a griefer, round 2

Post by Ahammer18 » #110878

Okay, clearly this was in error, the HoS completely denied it. I should have listened to you, miscommunication. Sorry about that.
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Re: [Ahammer]Executing a griefer, round 2

Post by rdght91 » #110879

Please remove the two notes from the overturned bans from before too please.
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Re: [Ahammer]Executing a griefer, round 2

Post by Ahammer18 » #110880

Sure thing, sorry about the mixup.
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Re: [Ahammer]Executing a griefer, round 2

Post by Saegrimr » #110882

rdght91 wrote:Please remove the two notes from the overturned bans from before too please.
Already done.
tedward1337 wrote:Sae is like the racist grandad who everyone laughs at for being racist, but deep down we all know he's right.
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Re: [Ahammer]Executing a griefer, round 2

Post by NikNakFlak » #110885

I was the one to first took note of your alt accounts. It's nothing but a headache for us normally and depending on the circumstances, you can keep the alt or have some of them perma'd, being forced to use one account. One circumstance that is usually taken into account is note history. If someone has a bad history of notes, we force them to use one account so they can't escape their past. At the time I was looking up Alts, I was doing a full sweep of the server and didn't bother checking for notes at the time. Either way, the reason you have the other two accounts isn't great is I remember. Something like "Are they a problem..?" and the general rule is, if you aren't a problem with them, no and if you are, then yes. Either way, it's annoying for us. Just my statement on it. This applies to anyone with an alt, not just you.

Ban seems to be retracted though but alts are alts.
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Re: [Ahammer]Executing a griefer, round 2

Post by rdght91 » #110897

NikNakFlak wrote:I was the one to first took note of your alt accounts. It's nothing but a headache for us normally and depending on the circumstances, you can keep the alt or have some of them perma'd, being forced to use one account. One circumstance that is usually taken into account is note history. If someone has a bad history of notes, we force them to use one account so they can't escape their past. At the time I was looking up Alts, I was doing a full sweep of the server and didn't bother checking for notes at the time. Either way, the reason you have the other two accounts isn't great is I remember. Something like "Are they a problem..?" and the general rule is, if you aren't a problem with them, no and if you are, then yes. Either way, it's annoying for us. Just my statement on it. This applies to anyone with an alt, not just you.

Ban seems to be retracted though but alts are alts.
I'll stay on this current (rowbutt) account, and if I switch accounts in the future, I'll notify staff. Don't want to be difficult.
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Re: [Ahammer]Executing a griefer, round 2

Post by NikNakFlak » #110899

Please don't switch accounts in the future, if you chose to stay on the rowbutt account, the other two will be permabanned and you'll receive a permaban if you change accounts again.
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Re: [Ahammer]Executing a griefer, round 2

Post by rdght91 » #110902

NikNakFlak wrote:Please don't switch accounts in the future, if you chose to stay on the rowbutt account, the other two will be permabanned and you'll receive a permaban if you change accounts again.
...that's not a rule.
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Re: [Ahammer]Executing a griefer, round 2

Post by NikNakFlak » #110905

It's happening, and it's been happening for awhile. It's not a rule and you aren't breaking a rule, but your also not being restricted from playing, you're just being told to stay to one account so we can properly keep track of you. Making a new account to avoid notes and history is bullshit.
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Re: [Ahammer]Executing a griefer, round 2

Post by MrStonedOne » #110906

*cough* Rule 0.
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