[unknown admin] - Cuboos - Virology Job Ban

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[unknown admin] - Cuboos - Virology Job Ban

Post by Cuboos » #129933

Byond Account: Cuboos
Character Name: Johnson Fitzwell
Banning admins: Don't remember, got job banned a while ago.
Ban Type: Job Ban from Virologist.
Ban reason and length: I'm pretty sure it was because i released a bunch of harmful viruses while i wasn't an antag, honestly it's been so long i don't even remember. Obviously it's permanent since i'm still job banned.
Time of ban: i don't even remember... a couple years ago at the least.
Your side of the story: Well, i'm pretty sure i spread some nasty diseases as a non-antag, after getting job banned from it, i decided to let it go, the temptation was too strong for me at the time and figured it was for the better. Now i actually want to take the job seriously for once.
Why you think you should be unbanned: 'cause it's been a year or so.
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Re: [unknown admin] - Cuboos - Virology Job Ban

Post by imblyings » #129940

dont release any more bioweapons invalidly else I'll crash a plane into your home, tit for tat


this wasn't even a good virus to grief with
>Symptoms: Shivering, Itching, Cough, Sneezing and Fever"
what a waste of a jobban.
The patched, dusty, trimmed, feathered mantle of evil +13.

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