[Stickymayhem] Jobban appeal

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Joined: Wed Jun 25, 2014 12:19 am
Byond Username: RG4ORDR

[Stickymayhem] Jobban appeal

Post by RG4 » #15685

Byond account and character name:RG4ORDR/Elshellin Vasileva
Banning admin:Stickymayhem
Ban reason and length:Suiciding after becoming HoP and leaving the server/Perma
Time ban was placed (including time zone):Like 6-7ish AM?
Your side of the story: I had been playing since like 12-1 AM that night and I wanted to get off, I got HoP of course and I went to the bridge, dropped my ID and committed suicide. I was questioned by Sticky and I told him. "I'm logging." which is more than enough to leave the serve after becoming a head.
Why you think you should be unbanned: After playing quite a long time and getting bored I was within my rights to actually do that, and the banning admin knew I was getting off when he got the message. "I'm logging." which would indicate that I intended to leave the game, also noting that my ID and such were on the bridge for the chain of command to be passed upon to the next person.
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Joined: Mon Apr 28, 2014 6:13 pm
Byond Username: Stickymayhem

Re: [Stickymayhem] Jobban appeal

Post by Stickymayhem » #15791


Next time please adminhelp before suiciding at roundstart, and don't log the moment you get PMed either.

This can be locked. I spoke to him in-game.
Boris wrote:Sticky is a jackass who has worms where his brain should be, but he also gets exactly what SS13 should be
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 6:17 pm Dont engage with sticky he's a subhuman

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