[thelongbowman] NunsNAmmo - Permaban

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[thelongbowman] NunsNAmmo - Permaban

Post by NunsNAmmo » #174827

Byond account and character name:
NunsNAmmo as Kebabus Removius

Banning admin:

Ban type (What are you banned from?):
Both /tg/ Sybil and Basil servers

Ban reason:
Committing Antag acts as Non-Antag (Releasing Nitrous oxide somewhere flooding the entire station or at least a large section of it significant enough to disrupt the round for most players.) and subsequent disconnecting from server after being arrested by Sec.

Ban Length:

Time ban was placed (including time zone):
2016-05-07 @ 06:22:11

Your side of the story:

Prior to incident:
Returned home from uni last night (2016-05-06 at around 8:30 PM US Central Time), friend came over to help unpack and I mentioned this game to him, knowing he would be interested. Invited him to play as I had to go drop off some things, mentioned that several days prior I had released laughing gas into the ventilation system for fun. (This was a separate incident that did not result in administrative action. I was present in-game as myself and was subsequently hunted down and sacrificed by the occult atmos techs as revenge).

From what he told me after a couple beers, he had re-created what I had done before and broke into the atmos office and released nitrous into the hallway, mentioned the fire alarm going off and being beaten by Sec, he decided to disconnect after what sounded like him getting arrested.

tl;dr Friend uses my account on good faith and took it too far.

Why you think you should be unbanned:

Primarily, because I didn't actually do this. Although I was definitely an associate of it to allow him to ruin a round.
I genuinely enjoy playing the game, even though I have only a few hours experience in it so far. The meme-lording will end after this. It is entirely understandable to take this appeal at face value if in fact I made all of this shit story up to get un-banned, being the Internet after all, but I affirm that this will not happen again.

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Joined: Sun Feb 22, 2015 12:40 am
Byond Username: TheLongBowMan

Re: [thelongbowman] NunsNAmmo - Permaban

Post by TheLongbowMan » #174900

Alright then, if you affirm that you will not do it again then I will unban you.

Have your friend make their own account too.

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