[exalted12] Vaba300 - Ancient ban, want to come back

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[exalted12] Vaba300 - Ancient ban, want to come back

Post by Vaba » #215570

Byond account and character name: vaba300, I have long since forgotten my character's name
Banning admin: exalted12
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Server
Ban reason and length: "Metagaming with Zoozle," and it's permanent
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2014/08/15, 22:02:30

Your side of the story: Honestly, this ban was placed so long ago that I no longer personally remember some of the specifics, so some of the following details may be off. I had to piece the story together by asking Zoozle what he remembered of it and combining it with my knowledge. Our ban apparently had something to do with me being murdered by some antagonist and Zoozle finding my body a few minutes later. I remember being interrogated by an admin (presumably exalted12), who demanded to know how Zoozle found my body so quickly, and if we were friends outside the game. I presume that I was honest with the admin and told him that, yes, we were friends outside of SS13, and that I wasn't initially sure how he found my body.
This single admission of friendship was apparently enough to get us permabanned after around 2 YEARS of playing on /tg/station.
For some context before I continue, Zoozle and I worked together pretty often, most of the time in botany. We were talented botanists with a rigid routine that we always followed, and we chatted constantly over our radio to prevent fuckups. You'd be SHOCKED how much a difference of a few seconds makes when growing the hottest chilies known to humanity. 5 seconds of inattention can dehydrate and kill a whole crop, making you start over, losing a half hour of work. Shortly after we were banned for "Metagaming," I asked Zoozle how he found my body, and he apparently became concerned after I stopped responding on the radio and went to check on me in the back room. There, he witnessed the killer drag me, handcuffed, into maint, screamed for Sec over the radio, and, after no one responded, he went looking for me himself. He followed a blatant blood trail that ended just beyond a locker to find me. I was already long dead. Immediately following the discovery of my body, exalted12 began interrogating us.

What I think this ban was really about: It is likely that admins witnessed Zoozle and I fucking around with each other for a while prior to this incident. We were pretty tight-knit, we'd combine roles like Chef and Botanist, or ChemChef (with HoP's permission, so we could extract mushroom toxin) and Botanist, or Scientist/Roboticist, so that we could function better in tandem and learn more about the game. We became extremely talented players who could create lategame items very quickly, almost always for the benefit of the station. Before long, our scientific shenanigans would have us farming gold slimes within a few minutes of the round being up, or creating the most fattening, lard-injected dishes known to man, or illicitly distributing positive viruses through burgers. I remember a round where I was able to produce a ton of potent, hallucinogenic Blue Waffles with Zoozle's help within ten minutes, which was basically record-breaking, considering the steps needed to make this dish. This food was given to the station. Collaboration is the only way to create foods such as these waffles. We would occasionally do less benevolent things to each other; ie. spray pesticide in each others eyes, slip each other on Max. Potency banana peels, and engage in less-than-lethal brawls for the sake of roleplay, but it was all just for laughs, and we would take our beatings and prison sentence in Sec with stride. I have to ask you, since when is ingame collaboration metagaming?

Why you think you should be unbanned: Zoozle and I got to reminiscing about old times together, and the topic of SS13 came up. I just want to come back and play on my favorite server with one of my buddies. There are dozens of other servers we COULD play on, but they just don't compare to /tg/station. I don't understand why simply being friends with someone outside of SS13, and them having the necessary detective skills to find my body ONE TIME, when there was a MOUNTAIN of evidence that helped him find me, automatically means we metagame, and this was apparently the conclusion of the admins at the time. I'm certain we didn't even do anything wrong. We had been playing together on the server for a LONG time before this happened. Sure, we had occasionally misbehaved; who hasn't, but we had never metagamed. Metagaming takes ALL OF THE FUN out of SS13. It RUINS the experience for everybody, especially us. Our main goal was to elongate rounds so that we could accomplish more within the confines of the game. Metagaming accomplishes the EXACT opposite of our main goal.

I'm no saint. I'm not trying to paint myself or Zoozle in an angelic light. I got banned once for a few hours after underestimating the power of a bomb I used to escape a slow death by starvation in the Cargo Bay, after no one responded to my pleas for help. I was slowly starving, and had to escape. The only thing I had that could get me through the door was this bomb I had made. I thought it was 1/3 power, and BOY was I wrong. It wound up being maxcap. Instead of blowing a hole in the wall to let me free into arrivals, it blew a massive hole into space, and blew me to smithereens. But I'm no griefer. Neither is Zoozle. I was the only casualty of the bomb. Fucking up is just a part of the SS13 experience. Can you forgive us?
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Re: [exalted12] Vaba300 - Ancient ban, want to come back

Post by Krusvik » #215599

Either you're fabricating an extremely elaborate story and you're hiding out of game communication, or you were just two friendly players in tune with the others mojo.

This is a two year old ban and the banning admin is no longer on staff. I would be willing to lift this ban and give you another chance. Zoozle will need to make a separate ban appeal similarly, and make no mistake, you will be watched if you are both playing at the same time. If either of you two are bwoinked please just be cooperative and if there's no crime, there's no time.

That said, welcome back, and have a good time.
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Joined: Mon Oct 03, 2016 7:06 pm
Byond Username: Vaba300

Re: [exalted12] Vaba300 - Ancient ban, want to come back

Post by Vaba » #215601

Krusvik wrote:Either you're fabricating an extremely elaborate story and you're hiding out of game communication, or you were just two friendly players in tune with the others mojo.

This is a two year old ban and the banning admin is no longer on staff. I would be willing to lift this ban and give you another chance. Zoozle will need to make a separate ban appeal similarly, and make no mistake, you will be watched if you are both playing at the same time. If either of you two are bwoinked please just be cooperative and if there's no crime, there's no time.

That said, welcome back, and have a good time.
Thanks, man. It's good to be back. He'll probably be making an unban request soon.
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Joined: Mon Oct 03, 2016 7:06 pm
Byond Username: Vaba300

Re: [exalted12] Vaba300 - Ancient ban, want to come back

Post by Vaba » #215602

-double post, snip-

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