[Okand37] James Wanderer - 24 Hour Ban

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[Okand37] James Wanderer - 24 Hour Ban

Post by DankAnimeme » #217022

Byond account and character name:
DankAnimeme, James Wanderer
Banning admin:
Ban type (What are you banned from?):
The server
Ban reason and length:
Murdered the detective that was in their department with a fireaxe because they thought they were a traitor because they were trying to joke around with them in a nonharmful nor nonaggressive manner. You can take this time to read and understand the rules, especially those regarding escalation. This ban is for 1440 minutes
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2016-10-09 05:00:38 (My time zone is EST, but I do not know if that is the time listed)
Your side of the story:
I was working as an atmos-tech, I had just finished setting up the turbine. As I re-enter atmos through maintenence, A man in a chicken costume ran by me into atmos. I asked him to leave, he made no response. I tried to pull him out, he just ran right back in. He started throwing things around and making a general mess. I asked him again to leave, he still made no response. I hit him one time, my goal was to make him easier to drag out. At this point the first metal foam grenade (He had triggered it before I hit him) went off flooding atmos with metal foam, He then proceeded to throw a second metal foam grenade trapping me on the other side, me and the other atmos tech bashed down the foam, and I killed him. I then proceeded to help clear the remaining metal foam, and search the body for traitor items. It was only at this point when I removed the chicken suit that I learned it was the detective, I was just about to bring him to medbay for cloning when the rest ofthe engineers showed up. A doctor took him to cloning, and after a short conversation with Okand, where I tried to explain myself I was banned
Why you think you should be unbanned:
Contrary to what the ban text suggests I did follow escalation. I asked him to leave, I tried to pull him out, and then harmed him. Also I believe that this situation is covered by rule 4, since he was acting in an antagonistic manner, he was treated as an antag. I feel that considering that I did follow escalation,and was in a situation covered by rule 4, that the ban (Or at least the length of the ban) was unjust.
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Re: [Okand37] James Wanderer - 24 Hour Ban

Post by TehSteveo » #217037

I usually don't comment on other admins bans as I wasn't there and we have different styles. Yet something about this...If what you say is true, then I don't really get the joke of trashing a department and throwing metal foam grenades thus wasting them. It really sounds like the detective was being like a typical greytider and not like someone on security is supposedly is meant to present themselves as. While I would agree and say the escalation was poor as death by fireaxe probably wasn't needed nor the best solution...that detective really is something special here to the point I'd probably tell them they deserve that for being an idiot in the first place.
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Re: [Okand37] James Wanderer - 24 Hour Ban

Post by Krusvik » #217096

TehPear wrote:I usually don't comment on other admins bans as I wasn't there and we have different styles. Yet something about this...If what you say is true, then I don't really get the joke of trashing a department and throwing metal foam grenades thus wasting them. It really sounds like the detective was being like a typical greytider and not like someone on security is supposedly is meant to present themselves as. While I would agree and say the escalation was poor as death by fireaxe probably wasn't needed nor the best solution...that detective really is something special here to the point I'd probably tell them they deserve that for being an idiot in the first place.
Let me start by stating I've done zero investigation into this matter, as far as I'm aware this story could be an outright fabrication.

That established, I myself have killed greytiders or knocked them into crit for the same thing, and I've followed the same process of strip searching them to try and find out why they're acting like a literal crazy person (assuming everyone on the station is "sane" as you're suppose to do when non-antag) and would I have met the same conclusion that it was the detective, then I will bring them to cloning and ensure they are returned to the round.

For example, about two weeks ago I was CE and a greytider busted into engineering by hacking the doors, and then proceeded to run around my Engineering bay and fuck everything. They disarmed me for my baton, they stole some gloves, they pushed my PA all out of place, they ran in circles and refused to leave when I told them to get out, so I got my baton back and beat them until they were in critical condition, and I hauled their ass to medbay.

Could I have turned the cable coils in my tool belt to restrains? Yes, and then I could have resolved the situation non-lethally. Did I remember while we were duking it out and they were spamming disarm on me to get my baton then knocking me flat on my ass every chance they got while spiriting up and down Meta's engine room? Nope, I was actually pretty livid because the process took so long to resolve and to get them back into the round that I never set the engine up and we lost power.

Once again, for no reason. The assistant was not an antag, just a griefer, busting into engineering to take some coveted insulated gloves and troll the CE who had the audacity to tell them "please leave" like it was a challenge to see who was more robust and the rightful owner of Engineering.

I might be a dick, but this entire situation is made worse if this story is true, and it was the detective in disguise. At that point I can relate to the frustration of having someone fuck with you because "it's funny", then subsequently when you get angry, you get punished because "it was just a prank bro".

In summary, if you have an inkling this story might be true, I think it's worth investigating and I would be happy to help.
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Re: [Okand37] James Wanderer - 24 Hour Ban

Post by DankAnimeme » #217099

Krusvik wrote:If you have an inkling this story might be true, I think it's worth investigating and I would be happy to help.
My story is true, I do not know of any way that I can check the logs, but it should have happened a few minutes before the time I listed. I want to re-iterate that after cleaning up the mess, and searching him I WAS going to take him to medbay, but the other engineers and a doctor got there before I had the chance
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Re: [Okand37] James Wanderer - 24 Hour Ban

Post by Okand37 » #217100

From what I saw, neither side stated that there were multiple entrees into atmospherics. You stated you tried to get them out a few times but they wouldn't, but nothing about an enter/leave scenario. As for the foam grenades, while shitty, doesn't really leave a reason to escalate to axe-murder, but critting and throwing them out to medbay or someone else would be fine. While verifying to see who they were was fine, you took your time to strip and search their contents. When an admin asks you to elaborate, you really need to give all the details imaginable opposed to leaving out factors, as I never saw you mention anything about him using foam grenades, merely that 'he was in atmospherics, wouldn't leave so i thought he was a traitor' in short.

I'll lift the ban, but I cannot stress more on fully explaining into the situation next time opposed to giving slight detail.
Are you being the neighbour Mr. Rogers would've wanted you to be?
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Re: [Okand37] James Wanderer - 24 Hour Ban

Post by Krusvik » #217104

When an admin asks you to elaborate, you really need to give all the details imaginable opposed to leaving out factors, as I never saw you mention anything about him using foam grenades, merely that 'he was in atmospherics, wouldn't leave so i thought he was a traitor' in short.
^ this 100%.
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Re: [Okand37] James Wanderer - 24 Hour Ban

Post by DankAnimeme » #217112

Thank you, I will make sure to list all factors in the future, and will be more careful about ecalation

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