[okand37] DanielCS - Multikeying and ban evasion

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[okand37] DanielCS - Multikeying and ban evasion

Post by TotallyNotAWizard » #232874

Ckey: DanielCS (forgot the IC name)
Banning admin: Okand37, Then Saegrimr made it perma
Ban type: Server
Ban reason and lenght: Permanent. /Multikeying, Grieffing, Evasion and trying to lie to the staff.
Time ban was placed: Monday, June 20.

My side of the story: Well. To be honest, i know that is exactly what admins said. And i am sorry about that.

Why should i be unbanned:
https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=7006 <- Remember this guy? Yep. Thats me. (I dont even use that ckey anymore though)

So, Well, After 5 months (Almost 6) I am finally here. I know it was fucked up to evade, and even trying to lie to you. It was disrespectful. I eventually understood, That the harm punishment in part, wasnt just for griefing and multikeying. It was for trying to fool you. For thinking you are stupid, and that would make anyone angry. I learnt the lesson. And i am back to make my appeal, since this server is great and i miss playing there. I even got an Admin from yogstation to back me up. (As Saegrimr asked) I really hope things go well here, And i get a second chance, since i understood my errors, and i think i am good to come back and appeal.
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Re: [okand37] DanielCS - Multikeying and ban evasion

Post by SirCodey » #232877

I'm an Admin for Yogs o/ Apparently it was suggested that DanielCS/TotallyNotAWizard get an endorsement from an admin of another server whilst he was permanently banned from this one, so here I am.

This is a list of TotallyNotAWizard's notes on Yogstation
Banned for 1440 minutes - "Nigga, are you listening?" disconnected before I could contact him about it, you're welcome to appeal.

2016-10-16 00:30:33
13:22:00 - TotallyNotAWizard - Look, he told me to murderbone. Now, you can suck my robotic wiener. 13:28:55 - TotallyNotAWizard - Suck my silicon wiener, Potato. Non murderboning antags? What kind of shit is that?

2016-10-16 00:42:30
Banned for 43200 minutes - Called me a faggot in OOC because he was upset he was frozen for murderboning. His master did tell him to murderbone though his master was not allowed to.

2016-10-24 11:40:25
Attacking security during an arrest. Ban on next greytide offense.

2016-10-24 11:48:06
Light bigtory, warned

2016-11-04 14:12:44
As assistant, after hearing the detective was possibly rogue, tried to break into brig. Once arrested, stole the detective's ID and escaped.

2016-11-04 14:36:38
Slightly assisted another player in greytide.

2016-11-25 21:18:59
Banned from Cyborg - As medical cyborg on ROBOCOP lawset, was circular sawing criminals because they had it coming because he believed they were powergaming. Cyborg-Jobban leveled, please go read the silicon policy before this expires, and as always you may appeal this if you wish.

2016-11-25 21:18:59
Banned from Head of Security, Warden, Detective, Security Officer - As medical cyborg on ROBOCOP lawset, was circular sawing criminals because they had it coming because he believed they were powergaming Security-Jobban leveled, please go read the space law before this expires, and as always you may appeal this if you wish.

2016-11-27 22:15:18
Detected as using a cid randomizer.
Though he has a fair few recent notes, all from his time spent banned from /tg/ , from my experiences with him as a player, I do not believe him to be a malicious person. That said, I think he would benefit from a calmer frame of mind whilst playing and a very thorough understanding of the rules of whichever server he is playing on at the time. I personally don't play on /tg/ but I'm sure you can place him onto a watchlist and force him to have to agree that he's read the rules every time he connects if you need to. After almost 6 months hopefully you'll find he's changed into a more mature and rule abiding player.

I'm happy to answer any other questions, or verify that I am actually SirCodey from Yogstation if I need. o/
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Re: [okand37] DanielCS - Multikeying and ban evasion

Post by Saegrimr » #232882

SirCodey wrote: Banned for 1440 minutes - "Nigga, are you listening?" disconnected before I could contact him about it, you're welcome to appeal.

2016-10-16 00:42:30
Banned for 43200 minutes - Called me a faggot in OOC because he was upset he was frozen for murderboning. His master did tell him to murderbone though his master was not allowed to.

2016-10-24 11:48:06
Light bigtory, warned
Are you guys over at Yog serious? These notes are the most hilariously worthless bullshit i've seen.
tedward1337 wrote:Sae is like the racist grandad who everyone laughs at for being racist, but deep down we all know he's right.
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Re: [okand37] DanielCS - Multikeying and ban evasion

Post by SirCodey » #232885

Saegrimr wrote:
SirCodey wrote: Banned for 1440 minutes - "Nigga, are you listening?" disconnected before I could contact him about it, you're welcome to appeal.

2016-10-16 00:42:30
Banned for 43200 minutes - Called me a faggot in OOC because he was upset he was frozen for murderboning. His master did tell him to murderbone though his master was not allowed to.

2016-10-24 11:48:06
Light bigtory, warned
Are you guys over at Yog serious? These notes are the most hilariously worthless bullshit i've seen.
That's why they're notes and not all bans! Bear in mind we have a different ruleset to you. But this thread isn't about Yogs, it's about TotallyNotAWizard/DanielCS's ban. If you think the notes are hilariously worthless bullshit I'm sure that they should demonstrate to you how TotallyNotAWizard has changed.
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Re: [okand37] DanielCS - Multikeying and ban evasion

Post by Okand37 » #232886

I don't think there is much harm in allowing you one more chance, as you've had the courtesy to bring a recommendation as suggested. Though evidently our standards compared to yogstation differ-and that's alright, there's different servers to accommodate different people and their playstyles, and that's A-OK!

I'm not sure why you'd switch to a new ckey to appeal a ban about multikeying, seems a bit silly and redundant to me personally. I'll go ahead and unban you with one more chance, but all previous notes and existing bans (aside from the permanent) on other accounts will be transferred to your newest ckey if you are planning on playing it. I'd ask you please don't go switching between various ckeys for aforementioned and obvious reasons. With that said, if you can agree to stick to one ckey and read and follow these rules https://tgstation13.org/wiki/Rules then I don't see much harm in giving you one more chance. Does that sound ok?
Please make sure to list which ckey you'll be using!!
Are you being the neighbour Mr. Rogers would've wanted you to be?
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Re: [okand37] DanielCS - Multikeying and ban evasion

Post by TotallyNotAWizard » #232888

Okand37 wrote:I don't think there is much harm in allowing you one more chance, as you've had the courtesy to bring a recommendation as suggested. Though evidently our standards compared to yogstation differ-and that's alright, there's different servers to accommodate different people and their playstyles, and that's A-OK!

I'm not sure why you'd switch to a new ckey to appeal a ban about multikeying, seems a bit silly and redundant to me personally. I'll go ahead and unban you with one more chance, but all previous notes and existing bans (aside from the permanent) on other accounts will be transferred to your newest ckey if you are planning on playing it. I'd ask you please don't go switching between various ckeys for aforementioned and obvious reasons. With that said, if you can agree to stick to one ckey and read and follow these rules https://tgstation13.org/wiki/Rules then I don't see much harm in giving you one more chance. Does that sound ok?
Please make sure to list which ckey you'll be using!!

I will be using this one [TotallyNotAWizard] And i will have a time reading the rules of the server, Thank you for giving me one more chance, I really appreciate it
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Re: [okand37] DanielCS - Multikeying and ban evasion

Post by Okand37 » #232889

Alrighty! You're unbanned! We'll make sure to transfer all existing notes and everything should be a-ok. Make sure to follow the rules and have fun! Cheers! : )
Are you being the neighbour Mr. Rogers would've wanted you to be?
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Re: [okand37] DanielCS - Multikeying and ban evasion

Post by oranges » #232926

SirCodey wrote:I'm an Admin for Yogs o/ Apparently it was suggested that DanielCS/TotallyNotAWizard get an endorsement from an admin of another server whilst he was permanently banned from this one, so here I am.
Thanks for taking the time to give us a reference
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Re: [okand37] DanielCS - Multikeying and ban evasion

Post by peoplearestrange » #233168

SirCodey wrote: That's why they're notes and not all bans! Bear in mind we have a different ruleset to you. But this thread isn't about Yogs, it's about TotallyNotAWizard/DanielCS's ban. If you think the notes are hilariously worthless bullshit I'm sure that they should demonstrate to you how TotallyNotAWizard has changed.
As oranges has said, we appricate you're feedback. I'd like to imagine we can all freely share infomation to help each other, even if our rules differ as some of our more, vocal, admins say.
oranges wrote:singulo.io is the center point of rational and calm debate, where much of tg's issues are worked out in a fun and family friendly environment
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This is my moment, what are you doing?!
Anonmare wrote:Oranges gestures at the thread, it shudders and begins to move!
Saegrimr wrote:
callanrockslol wrote:all you have to do is ban shitters until the playbase improves/ceases to exist, whichever comes first.
Screemonster wrote:hellmoo is the mud for grown adults who main reaper in overwatch
Kor wrote:
confused rock wrote:...its like if we made fire extinguishers spawn in emergency boxes and have them heal you when you put out fires rather than them being in wall storages...
Are you having a stroke
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PM:[USER]->IrishWristWatch0: Yeah, im make it on but how im make the station to to sun and not go to sun

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Re: [okand37] DanielCS - Multikeying and ban evasion

Post by Krusvik » #233284

oranges wrote:
SirCodey wrote:I'm an Admin for Yogs o/ Apparently it was suggested that DanielCS/TotallyNotAWizard get an endorsement from an admin of another server whilst he was permanently banned from this one, so here I am.
Thanks for taking the time to give us a reference
Affirmative. Thank you, SirCodey.

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