[subtlegraces] - Draulius - Banned from sec jobs

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[subtlegraces] - Draulius - Banned from sec jobs

Post by Draulius » #24009

Byond account and character name: Draulius (Urist Mikael).
Banning admin: subtlegraces.
Ban reason and length: Permanent security jobban, for putting the CE down disposals during a rev round for breaking into armory.
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 10-Aug-2014, can't remember the time, probably sometime late US central time.
Your side of the story: It was a rev round and I was in the armory getting suited up. There was an engineer there who appeared to be breaking into the armory, and he was not saying anything. I tried detaining him but he kept resisting. I was worried he was a rev. Unbeknownst to me this was the CE. I put him down disposals to get him out of the room as I didn't intend on wrestling with someone near a bunch of weaponry. This was of course entirely my fault for not examining him and seeing he was CE.
Why you think you should be unbanned: It was a stupid mistake. I didn't examine players as much as I should have. Had I done that, I would have known it was the CE and not done anything. From now on I will make sure to examine players before taking action, especially during a rev round, where if it's a head I will aid them and not be suspicious of them. And I will handle detainment properly instead of throwing people into disposals.
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Joined: Fri Apr 18, 2014 8:45 pm
Byond Username: SubtleGraces

Re: [subtlegraces] - Draulius - Banned from sec jobs

Post by Subtle » #24370

I think it's been long enough to make the point.

Playing security generally means taking the high route, especially during an emergency. Tone down the trigger-happy stuff and we'll be fine.

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