[HornyGranny]Kingofcarrotflowerspt1 - Rule 0

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[HornyGranny]Kingofcarrotflowerspt1 - Rule 0

Post by someguy » #246470

I was banned for one week by Saegrimr for "metagaming the game mode" about a year and a half ago. While I disagree with the ban I accept that given the information that Saegrimr had it was not unjustified, even if they were wrong about my intent in the end. After talking to my good friend Punnches420 :^) over BYOND pager, he posted my appeal in OOC. This attracted the attention of Hornygranny and elicited a wave of "thank god he is gone" in OOC. My appeal was closed with about.. 7 posts and my ban was raised to a perma. As I've never interacted with him in IC or OOC ever, I'd say he was motivated by the OOC response to my week ban and a potential conversation he had with the other admins. If a majority of the player base had an issue with me, then some of my behavior needed to be changed. Well not really, my guess is that Hornygranny just likes banning people, and that he didn't really care if people liked/disliked me. I offered solutions a year and a half ago, but was denied. I forget what happened after that, but this is what I said I would do:

- I will not execute a traitor who has harmed nobody unless it is impossible to hold them in a secure place.
- I will not execute anyone without the Captain's permission unless it is a field execution where my life is in danger.
- Those who are confirmed antagonists and have murdered only their target or a single person will be borged instead of executed.
- When I do execute someone, I will not space or incinerate their body unless they were a particularly bad Dante Smith murderbone tier criminal. I will borg them if I am feeling secure about the AI.

Lastly I will play my other characters such as King Cuckhold more often. These characters have drastically different play styles when compared to Futur and are more laid back. The exception being when I accidentally joined as Head of Security as one of these characters and was more or less forced to break character a bit. All in all this means that I will be playing Security much less frequently then I do, and that when I do play I will be less harsh and more fair to antagonists. I feel that these changes will do a lot to fix the issues many people have with me. Though I am not sure.

That's about it, if you want go ask the Hippie people for opinions. I'm not optimistic about the result of this appeal however.

If it's not clear what the Rule 0 was for, it was for incinerating people (traitors) as HoS. Also the username I was using was Kingofcarrotflowerspt1, I lost access to the account when my computer crashed and I couldn't remember the password. The username I'm using now is Esumlogos.
Last edited by someguy on Sat Jan 21, 2017 10:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [HornyGranny]Kingofcarrotflowerspt1 - Rule 0

Post by someguy » #246474

Also pretty sure Hornygranny or someone was so butthurt at my shitposting on singulo that he banned me from posting on the forums too.
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Re: [HornyGranny]Kingofcarrotflowerspt1 - Rule 0

Post by someguy » #246498

Also since I switched computers, got a new place to live, and have a new account, I could have very easily just created a new account free of any ties, and played normally. I just logged in and PM'd some guys the link to this thread though.
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Re: [HornyGranny]Kingofcarrotflowerspt1 - Rule 0

Post by MrStonedOne » #246509

Please put your byond username in the thread body. I can't copy and paste from the topic because its a link and i'm lazy.
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Re: [HornyGranny]Kingofcarrotflowerspt1 - Rule 0

Post by someguy » #246514

Yeah I updated the OP with the username I used at the very end.
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Re: [HornyGranny]Kingofcarrotflowerspt1 - Rule 0

Post by Sweaterkittens » #246521

You had me until I realized you play Futur. Your extensive rules-lawyering and shitty behavior in the past forces me to assume that behind all of these good intentions and well-written plans, you'll still be the same awful person in-game. While I don't often see eye-to-eye with HG on his decisions, this is one of the times that I do. There were very few people who would've argued to keep you around, admins and players alike.

In the end, it's up to the headmins/HG to decide whether or not to allow you back, so I'm merely giving my opinion. I suggest that if you want a better chance of this appeal being accepted, do the following: Really look at why you were banned in the first place and be honest with both us and yourself. Saying that the main reason you were banned is because HG likes banning people or that it was just because you were incinerating people isn't really accurate. I also suggest that you use the ban template and fill it out fully with both the given ban reason and time. Lastly, getting some specific references from Hippie Station beyond "go ask the Hippie people" will help your case a lot.

EDIT: I'll add that calling the banning admin "butthurt" is probably not in your best interest.
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Re: [HornyGranny]Kingofcarrotflowerspt1 - Rule 0

Post by MrStonedOne » #246531

if you want go ask the Hippie people for opinions.
"he did some weird shit with another player on our server, harassed/metastalked and talked about their character in-game constantly to the point where it was genuinely creepy."

Also, shit posting in hippies OOC about how all womens are whores while i was in there asking the admins about you didn't do you any favors.

I have all of your notes on both accounts, but i don't think the headmins will need them to make a decision.
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Re: [HornyGranny]Kingofcarrotflowerspt1 - Rule 0

Post by lzimann » #246536

I don't believe you bring anything good to the server. Appeal denied.
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Re: [HornyGranny]Kingofcarrotflowerspt1 - Rule 0

Post by Saegrimr » #246570

Just to add onto this for future reference when you inevitably make another appeal and give next to zero information on why you were removed.

Here's just a sample of your other ckeys


You admitting to those being your ckeys, as well as evading.
http://ss13.moe/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4 ... 03&#p10203

A couple of your previous appeals, i'd probably find more if Search wasn't being a pain in the ass right now.
Another treasure: http://i.imgur.com/0QUtlAk.png
Floor 100 of the treasure vault: http://i.imgur.com/6J952Z5.png

Some from /vg/.
[whoops apparently that other one was wild conjecture on the other forums]

And let's not forget how we buddied up with /vg/ to make sure you and your various evading alts stayed banned on both our servers, and your strange mental illness where you can't seem to take responsibility for shit you did in-game because "My character did it, not me!"
tedward1337 wrote:Sae is like the racist grandad who everyone laughs at for being racist, but deep down we all know he's right.

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