[Stickymayhem]InsaneGamer574 - Permanant Ban

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[Stickymayhem]InsaneGamer574 - Permanant Ban

Post by InsaneGamer574 » #26024

[Stickmayhem] InsaneGamer574 - Permanent Ban from my Friend's Connection, if not Permabanned alltogether.

Byond account and character name: InsaneGamer574 & Aikuro Mikisugi

Banning admin: Stickymayhem

Ban reason and length: Permanent Ban (From what I can gather) and the ban exists due to OOC to IC communication between those I had introduced to the game.

Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2014-08-28 22:26:02

Your side of the story: I decided that SS13, especially when on the TG server, would be a fun game to introduce my friends to while I was staying at their house the evening in question. We all loaded up for our appropriate roles to where I could show them the ropes, but also get them to work on the supplies that the station would need. It seemed like a great system at the time, and with that in mind, they went to work and were having a blast, quite literally due to the fact they were the entire mining crew and I was the QM. After severely harming themselves, and joking about it, one friend collapsed and stated that he was hurt and needed help. As my responsibility, I completely and utterly forgot to tell them to look at the rules of the server, and it led into a really confusing situation. In character, as the QM, I DID message them over the comms and I also messaged their PDAs. One friend at the same house as me, came back to the station and I asked him to stay IC, because I looked on the cams and kept seeing lights with large enough radius's to be coming from either lanterns or hardsuit helmets, but the other two weren't responding in game. As a precaution I went to the mining station to see what was up, and as I did so, I found that the telecomms on the mining station were indeed down. As a slightly worried QM, I felt checking it out on my own was a really bad idea, for it could have been Xenos or some other thing killing my men, so I called security for aide. The mining shuttle returned before security arrived, and I saw the door welded shut, so I immediately thought that there was a traitor or some sort of changeling on the mining station. The mining shuttle took off as Security arrived and I helped them to the mining station by activating the console, for the terminal on the mining shuttle was malfunctioning. They dispatched forces and terminated the threat and that was the end of the story. OOC, they were talking about how they really died and I put two and two together, but I, in no way shape or form, used any form of OOC communication to determine there was something wrong on the mining station, or the course of my actions shortly after learning the truth in-character. As for my friends finding-one another's bodies through OOC communication, the only thing I can say in that regard is that they shouldn't have used OOC communication to help one another out, but in truth, I didn't say it was completely against server policy to do as such. I made a mistake in doing that, for they were my responsibility and I should have demanded they read the rules. And now, as you can see, I am suffering from the consequences of my inaction.

Why you think you should be unbanned: That's the thing. I don't feel I should be unbanned. I should have demanded they read the rules of the game and stressed the fact what they did with the body finding was wrong in every sense of the word. I should have demanded they stopped with the body searching immediately but I did not, for I wasn't really aware despite the fact we were in the same house. I was in another room to maintain the IC knowledge while keeping OOC knowledge to a minimum. They entered the room after they had died and were laughing about the deaths and such, but we were in separate rooms after the mining situation quelled to a close. Despite the fact that they completely and utterly broke server protocol, as I said, they were new to the server, but at the same time they were MY responsibility. There was far more I could have done when introducing them to the game, namely referring them to the rules, but I failed to do so, and in fact, I am truly sorry for not taking that responsibility more seriously, and if you feel the ban should stick, then let it stick. I just wanted to get my side of the story out there and hope that there can be at least some sort of lead-way given to my friends.
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Byond Username: Stickymayhem

Re: [Stickymayhem]InsaneGamer574 - Permanant Ban

Post by Stickymayhem » #26030

I figured this was the situation from what I gathered from the behaviour of the three of you. It was clear you were a lot more invested and experienced in the game than the others.

I'll deliberate on this tomorrow but really you should have contacted the admins and specifically informed them of the situation. There were several times you could have brought up your relationship as I probed at what was going on and you didn't and that's fairly disappointing as well.
Boris wrote:Sticky is a jackass who has worms where his brain should be, but he also gets exactly what SS13 should be
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 6:17 pm Dont engage with sticky he's a subhuman
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Re: [Stickymayhem]InsaneGamer574 - Permanant Ban

Post by Pandarsenic » #26041

I was watching the investigation. You had a lot of opportunity to handle this and go "Hey admins, uh, we done fucked up." And you didn't.
(2:53:35 AM) scaredofshadows: how about head of robutts
I once wrote a guide to fixing telecomms woohoo
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Re: [Stickymayhem]InsaneGamer574 - Permanant Ban

Post by InsaneGamer574 » #26114

Pandersenic, you are right. There was plenty of opportunity for me to state the full situation, including the fact we were all playing in the same house. We done goofed, Jim. They goofed by using OOC communication to help find one another's bodies, but as I said, I was in another room and was uncertain of what they were up to. Anything I knew in OOC didn't fuel my actions IC, including when I saw the comms on the mining station were down and that there was the fact that I was pinging PDAs that no one was responding. I treated the situation as I would have in character and the end result was the same. They did indeed find one another's bodies after the event had occurred through OOC means, but as I stated previously, I had no idea they were doing as such. Like I said, right now I don't feel I should be unbanned, because I should have explained the situation of all of us on the same IP and I had plenty of chances to explain what the situation was with them and how they were new. They were also my responsibility and I failed not just you guys to inform you of the situation sooner, but also that I tried to defend them when in fact they were guilty as all shit of their rule-breaking activities. Obviously, the final decision is up to you and I won't even think of trying to hop on the server from my own home until the situation is ultimately resolved. I know the rules and I know doing so is mega-permanent ban supreme and I am not going to poke the already aggravated pit viper. If there's any other questions, please let me know, but if it is my final hours apart of the /tg/ SS13 community, then I wish to bid you all farewell. I had an amazing time on the server, and this last series of events leading to the ban is all on me. I just hope people would see this and learn from my mistakes before they make it themselves.
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Byond Username: Stickymayhem

Re: [Stickymayhem]InsaneGamer574 - Permanant Ban

Post by Stickymayhem » #26120

I'm reducing this to a month ban.

Never ever have another computer connect from your ip at the same time again or it will be entirely permanent. You have a clean record and a good attitude so that goes a long way here.

In addition Ethanrat and Natwalk will not be unbanned.
Boris wrote:Sticky is a jackass who has worms where his brain should be, but he also gets exactly what SS13 should be
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 6:17 pm Dont engage with sticky he's a subhuman
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Re: [Stickymayhem]InsaneGamer574 - Permanant Ban

Post by InsaneGamer574 » #26132

I understand that they will remained banned, and I also thank you for lightening my sentence. /tg/ station has been nothing but good for me for the most part, and I know how hard it can be for you guys. Hell, I pity all of you half the time. haha Thank you for responding to me so swiftly, as always, and I appreciate the second chance I'm getting here. I won't be playing from the same IP as another player again, and I can assure you I won't make the same mistake twice. See you all in a month!

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