[subtlegraces] Captain "Mutiny" Ban Appeal

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Screaming Idiot
Joined: Sat Sep 06, 2014 8:50 pm

[subtlegraces] Captain "Mutiny" Ban Appeal

Post by Screaming Idiot » #27529

Byond account and character name: Screaming Idiot / Kane Frost

Banning admin: subtlegraces

Ban reason and length: "Lead a mutiny against the Captain because he was slightly shady and had unknowingly associated with a traitor. Real pattern of jumping-to-valids here." 12 hours

Time ban was placed (including time zone): 5pm EST

Your side of the story: So I was playing a round in Sybil as the HoS when, early on, I learned the Captain had IEDs. I sought him out for questioning, but he was nowhere to be seen and was being very shady. Later, we found an assistant impersonating him, carrying an E-Gun along with Syndie docs.
The assistant admitted to cooperating with the Captain to subvert the station. At this point, I really needed to find the Captain and question his behavior. Later still, an officer found him trying to get into the AI Upload in the Bridge. I ran to stop him, since I feared he would tamper with the AI. I managed to stun and cuff him, and I took him to the brig. He kept trying to get sec to kill/arrest me the entire way through his headset before I could even tell him I needed to question his activities, not mutineering.
At this point, he continued to deny interaction with the assistant previously mentioned, and instead continued to make threats on my life. After safekeeping his belongings to prevent him from assaulting me, I took him to court and try to question him. However, an admin then banned me despite my clear and concise explanation of my suspicion towards the captain.

Why you think you should be unbanned:
I'd like to appeal this ban, as I feel I was acting upon reasonable suspicion due to the Captain's covert behavior, knowledgeable association with a syndie (who confessed to the Captain's subvertion of the station) and his caustic behavior/threats.
Last edited by Screaming Idiot on Sat Sep 06, 2014 9:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Captain "Mutiny" Ban Appeal

Post by Ikarrus » #27530

Insufficient information is being provided.

See http://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=44
Former Dev/Headmin
Who is this guy?
Screaming Idiot
Joined: Sat Sep 06, 2014 8:50 pm

Re: Captain "Mutiny" Ban Appeal

Post by Screaming Idiot » #27532

Fixed, sorry
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Byond Username: SubtleGraces

Re: [subtlegraces] Captain "Mutiny" Ban Appeal

Post by Subtle » #27675

I stressed that your bad feelings about the Captain weren't enough to justify removing him from command and throwing him in perma. Also, while your responses to my questions were very long and vague none of that actually answered anything, most pressing of which being "What were his crimes?" If you had proof that he was cooperating with a traitor (other than an IED and accepting said traitor's story at face value) I'd have heard it and moved on.

Instead we went in literal circles with your jittery reasoning being repeated in lieu of any actual proof or attempt to communicate with the Captain about the issue. The only thing I managed to glean between the lines was that he had IEDs and you'd assumed he was "subverting the station" (a claim you never elaborated on or specified, despite my repeated attempts to ask exactly what that means) Also the Captain obviously has access and the ability to enter the upload. You've been banned before for shooting first and asking questions later and this seems to be another case of that.

I checked in on the traitor and saw no reason to assume the Captain knew his status. The Captain himself was rotting naked in a permacell when I contacted you so I really have to ask when and how you planned on performing that "questioning." When somebody appears out of nowhere and shoots you for doing your job without a reasonable attempt to handle the situation otherwise most people in video games tend to get pissed off.

Idiot? Maybe. Deserved to be thrown in perma on your paranoid valid-hunch? Not at all.
Screaming Idiot
Joined: Sat Sep 06, 2014 8:50 pm

Re: [subtlegraces] Captain "Mutiny" Ban Appeal

Post by Screaming Idiot » #27695

Hmmm. I see your reasoning behind this, although I admit there was some miscommunication. I wasn't keeping him in perma, I was just safekeeping his items before I took him to court. Also, by "subverting the station" I meant that he was involved in several incidents throughout the station, such as a bombing in cargo and an attempted break-in to the vault, along with his association with a traitor. I will admit that I should have asked him first what was going on, but I never intended to remove him from the Chain of Command, only figure out what the hell he was doing. HoP cooperated with my efforts, as he also reported several incidents of caustic and suspicious behavior the Captain was partaking.
In any case, I'll be more cautious when dealing with sensitive matters regarding those above me in the Chain of Command.
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Byond Username: SubtleGraces

Re: [subtlegraces] Captain "Mutiny" Ban Appeal

Post by Subtle » #27700

Thank you, and likewise I apologize for being brief with you in our original conversation.

For what it's worth the ban is lifted as of the time of this post.

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