Temp banned (10000 minutes)

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Temp banned (10000 minutes)

Post by Hellafied » #29455

Post Content:
Byond account and character name: xx_hellafied_xx Jack Rustle
Banning admin:ikarrus
Ban reason and length: reason meta gaming to kill wiz (in short) length 7days
Time ban was placed (including time zone): central 10:00 pm
Your side of the story: Wiz round, heR over sec radio that jack stiner (cap) killed wiz. I ask where and he does not respond. Someone says he mindswapped with cap and I become suspicious jack goes to gib te wiz corpse where I ask him why he does not awnser me, he freaks and taxes three people an runs out if cold room. I lost sight if him and later find him cuffed dead to a chair in security. I brin him to robotics and borg him before shuttle comes. Banned for meta killin cap.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I did bot even kill jack, nor did I meta, I was asking him a question and e freaked so I became suspicious.

(Sorry for all the spelling mistakes I'm typing this on my phone)
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Re: Temp banned (10000 minutes)

Post by Ikarrus » #29456

I tried to reach you over the BYOND pager to tell you, but the ban's been lifted.

However, I still need to talk to you next time you are online.
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Re: Temp banned (10000 minutes)

Post by Hellafied » #29529

Okay, I'll pm admins next time I'm on
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