[Ausops] Insane Katrina - Metacomms ban

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Insane Katrina
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[Ausops] Insane Katrina - Metacomms ban

Post by Insane Katrina » #350953

Byond account and character name: Insane Katrina - Katrina Ostward
Banning admin: Ausops
Ban type: Metagaming/Metacomms
Ban reason and length: Metacomms between InsaneKatrina and Wilchen - Permanent
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 25-10-2017 - 12:08 (Server time)
Server you were playing when banned: Bagil

Your side of the story: I really don't know where to begin with this, so I'll try to go from the beginning whilst avoid making an overly long wall of text;
And I did it anyway, great job Kat.

I was playing along the round as a greyshirt. Having not a whole lot to do besides observe the chaos, I decide to follow around Sherrie Williams. Sherrie at one point begins to break into the captains office by dismantling a wall, all I do is just watch until the HoP comes in and stuns Sherrie, to which I immediately react by pulling her away from the HoP who starts firing from stuns to lasers at both of us. Reaching a point of safety I continue to follow Sherrie who then cuts into the caps office, raiding his EVA cabinet only to pull out a compli-o-tron and leaving all the swat equipment in. Later I simply decide to go along my way and part ways with Sherrie, calling the HoP a rogue as someone over the radio calls him on using lasers. A mere moment later Sherrie begins to yell over the comms that HoP is a ling, I yell along. Next thing I know the HoP says Sherrie has died to their hands, I ask since when he's calling executions. A few minutes pass and Ausops begins to question me on the spot as to why I was using metacomms with Sherrie, amongst this were other questions that threw me off track as I was giving myself very little time to think through my words, let alone come to understanding where all was going. Shortly after, I am put in a permanent ban off TG.

Now that I was given the liberty of time to correct myself and maybe appeal all this, since when I was being questioned I gave myself very little time to answer anything let alone let myself think through the number of fuck-ups I've done simply by saying something. So I'll try to present some points that will hopefully resolve this fiasco I've created for both me and Wilchen (Sherry, that is).

Point 1, my connection with Wilchen:
I have never talked to Sherrie outside of the IC on the station. Most of the time I'd just tag along with them whenever I'd see them on for no particular reason whatsoever, just observing what they do with little care and very bare communication. But this would mostly be if I were an assistant. A thing Ausops has mentioned made it seem that we were connected to metacomms because we both were seen as "two white haired cat girls" to which I have to say that my character looking identical to theirs is completely coincidential, as I base my look off a character I came up with a long while back, very likely unimportant to mention, but saying it anyway.

Point 2, the metacomms bogaloo and me being a dumb:
One point I'm yelling how HoP is a ling murdering Sherrie, next moment I'm asking since when the HoP is allowed to carry executions. Lo and behold, this is probably where I really messed this all up. Because I heard along what Sherrie was saying over comms about HoP being a ling, and me having nothing better to do yelled along. Ausops made a very strict note of this, but instead I made the IC 360 (as described by Ausops) by then saying since when the HoP is allowed to carry executions, practically moments later all because I read this one part. It only took me 5 times to read through the admin PM's to finally understand this is what I was being pointed at the whole time, and not the fact that the HoP said they've killed/executed Sherrie with me having no IC way of knowing (although once again looking at the quote in the image made by the HoP, I still would know), which is what I thought was the reason for the metacomms judgement. I would easily atone to this major fault for how frustiratingly stupid it is on my behalf, and seeing that may have been the reason for the bans to begin with, because I went from this to that all on an absolute accident.

Point 3, the greytide mania:
There isn't a whole lot to say here, besides the fact that yes, I have helped Sherrie avoid a brig by dragging them away the moment the HoP stunned them down. I had no reason whatsoever to help them escape that, yet I've done it just to see them break into the cap's room and create a secret passage way and with it take out a compli-o-tron from the swat outfits EVA cabinet, nothing else. From an admins perspecitve I see how that would've supported the metacomms case, and I know I can't exactly prove against what I did, besides to say I acted out of my own volition in that scene just for the hell of it.

Point 4, admitting.
This even now holds me baffled, I was asked to simply admit or get what Wilchen would get, what I assumed would be a ban at the time. But I didn't know what I was supposed to admit exactly, that I went with the grey tide, I would've admitted to doing foolish actions. Or that I did the beforementioned IC 360 and just made a clusterfuck, I would've most definitely atoned for that. Or simply admit to me and Wilchen using metacomms?
If I were to admit the latter, I would then be lying to save my own skin and watch another person I barely even know about take severe punishment because I, the one who was held questioned on the spot made a multitude of screw ups and discrepancies out of purely dumb acts, nothing more than a few words to cause this severe damage.

Why you think you should be unbanned: It is very difficult to say anything here since I managed to dig myself (and possibly Wilchen) into a deep hole with what was said through admin PM's, IC, and probably made it even deeper by saying all I had and could here. I only consider the permanent bans unjust as once more, I had no way of reaching Wilchen outside of the station IC. The other thing bothering the most is the fact that I don't know any other way of proving against the metacomms, if there is any way to it I am more than willing to answer.

Lastly I'd just like to (though probably unecissary) strictly apologize to Ausops and any other admin that put themselves through this appeal, I just don't see any other way of treating this situation otherwise (let alone how extensive or detailed I could be with my text, sorry!).
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Re: [Ausops] Insane Katrina - Metacomms ban

Post by D&B » #350962



Pictures that have been posted of previous probable metacoms made by Shezza.

Maybe the reason you were suspected as well.
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Re: [Ausops] Insane Katrina - Metacomms ban

Post by Pepper » #351080

If I'm reading this correctly Katrina was banned for solely meta comming with Wilchen, which really activates my almonds because a few weeks ago I dm'd Wilchen asking who Katrina was and he had no idea.
(for context: I was butthurt that katrina murdered me for chasing them around and was trying to vent like a sperg)

I seriously doubt they went from total strangers to devious metabuddies from the 10th to today.
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Re: [Ausops] Insane Katrina - Metacomms ban

Post by oranges » #351091

wow case solved guys this evidence has totally convinced me

anyway here's some say logs over the past two/three months
oranges@jumphost:~/logs/basil$ grep -r 'Katrina Ostward' | grep 'Sherrie' | grep 'SAY'
29/round-76771/game.txt:[17:30:36]SAY: Katrina Ostward/Insane Katrina : Dang, Sherrie you must really like getting beat up (113,169,2)
29/round-76774/game.txt:[18:46:32]SAY: Katrina Ostward/Insane Katrina : I wanted to ride Sherrie Williams (171,129,2)
29/round-76769/game.txt:[16:50:27]SAY: Katrina Ostward/Insane Katrina : Will the real Sherrie Williams please stand up. (166,131,2)
29/round-76769/game.txt:[17:00:25]SAY: Katrina Ostward/Insane Katrina : Sherrie Williams is the best Sherrie Williams around (157,134,2)
29/round-76769/game.txt:[17:01:07]SAY: Katrina Ostward/Insane Katrina : : but that Sherrie Williams is so crap, Sherry Williams is better, not to best Sherry Williams of course! (155,134,2)
29/round-76769/game.txt:[17:01:27]SAY: Katrina Ostward/Insane Katrina : but that Sherrie Williams is so crap, Sherry Williams is better, not to best Sherry Williams of course! (169,134,2)
18/round-77632/game.txt:[21:57:31]SAY: Katrina Ostward (as Sherrie Williams)/Wilchen : join us (81,134,2)
18/round-77632/game.txt:[21:58:03]SAY: Katrina Ostward/Insane Katrina : Sherrie is me now! (83,133,2)
18/round-77632/game.txt:[22:00:15]SAY: Katrina Ostward (as Sherrie Williams)/Wilchen : who (110,160,2)
18/round-77632/game.txt:[22:00:34]SAY: Katrina Ostward (as Sherrie Williams)/Wilchen : its them (110,159,2)
18/round-77632/game.txt:[22:00:56]SAY: Katrina Ostward (as Sherrie Williams)/Wilchen : THEY CHANGED YOU!! (110,159,2)
18/round-77632/game.txt:[22:01:38]SAY: Katrina Ostward (as Sherrie Williams)/Wilchen : halp (108,147,2)
18/round-77632/game.txt:[22:02:14]SAY: Katrina Ostward (as Sherrie Williams)/Wilchen : uncuff me please (108,145,2)
12/round-77329/game.txt:[15:44:44]SAY: Katrina Ostward/Insane Katrina : Why is there another Sherrie (135,183,2)
12/round-77331/game.txt:[16:18:23]SAY: Katrina Ostward (as Jayda Mcloskey)/Bawhoppennn : I think it might've been Sherrie who did this (184,141,2)
12/round-77331/game.txt:[16:54:16]SAY: Katrina Ostward (as Jayda Mcloskey)/Bawhoppennn : Caroline isn't the ling. Sherrie is. (202,129,2)
12/round-77325/game.txt:[12:37:51]SAY: Katrina Ostward/Insane Katrina : Sherrie, did you deliberately beat an assistant up for standing at the gates? (93,173,2)
12/round-77325/game.txt:[13:19:24]SAY: Katrina Ostward/Insane Katrina : 3 people coming after me and Sherrie (104,25,11)
22/round-77806/game.txt:[20:12:09]SAY: Katrina Ostward/Insane Katrina : Sherrie causing trouble as usual. Please never change Sherrie. (132,130,2)
22/round-77806/game.txt:[20:20:33]SAY: Katrina Ostward/Insane Katrina : People wanting genocide on the assistants and Sherrie doing her own thing. (131,130,2)
22/round-77806/game.txt:[20:24:54]SAY: Katrina Ostward/Insane Katrina : Hey Sherrie, you wouldn't mind if I joined your pirate ship, would you? (131,130,2)
22/round-77806/game.txt:[20:45:06]SAY: Katrina Ostward/Insane Katrina : Sherrie, get me the fuck out of here. NOW. (130,130,2)
22/round-77806/game.txt:[20:47:52]SAY: Katrina Ostward (as Gaw Ha Leccee)/Outsider_ex : So, Sherrie, do you have a crew of catgirl amazon slaves with rocking tits? (112,113,2)
22/round-77802/game.txt:[17:42:39]SAY: Katrina Ostward/Insane Katrina : Oh Sherrie, also got you your white russian if you're interested. (131,130,2)
22/round-77802/game.txt:[17:51:50]SAY: Katrina Ostward/Insane Katrina : Whoa, easy there buddy, Sherrie's a bit more than what meets the eye. (131,130,2)
23/round-77852/game.txt:[22:55:53]SAY: Katrina Ostward/Insane Katrina : Sherrie, I can give you mine if you want. (130,130,2)
23/round-77852/game.txt:[23:15:07]SAY: Katrina Ostward/Insane Katrina : Sherrie! (130,130,2)
some selected days

they have a close ic relationship as far as I can tell but there's no obvious metagaming
Last edited by oranges on Fri Oct 27, 2017 12:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Ausops] Insane Katrina - Metacomms ban

Post by iamgoofball » #351093

wilchen has vocally admitted to metagame in the past and was an active member in the slig metagame discord
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Re: [Ausops] Insane Katrina - Metacomms ban

Post by BeeSting12 » #351095

iamgoofball wrote:wilchen has vocally admitted to metagame in the past and was an active member in the slig metagame discord
I've only seen Wilchen metagame in the discord with Jmad and them. He was kicked out for that type of thing anyway so it's somewhat unfair to call it a "metagame" discord.
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oranges wrote:Bee sting is honestly the nicest admin, I look forward to seeing him as a headmin one day
[2020-05-21 01:21:48.923] SAY: Crippo/(Impala Chainee) "Shaggy Voice - She like... wants to get Eiffel Towered bro!!" (Brig (125, 166, 2))
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Re: [Ausops] Insane Katrina - Metacomms ban

Post by oranges » #351099

https://file.house/RxIw.txt here's a roughly sorted login/logout log for them both

edit: here's one trying to limit to new player logins (start of round) only
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Re: [Ausops] Insane Katrina - Metacomms ban

Post by oranges » #351102

any other real data you want?
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Re: [Ausops] Insane Katrina - Metacomms ban

Post by onleavedontatme » #351110

[11:44:16]SAY: Jake Northey/Maskoff : katrina is kill on sight she is a traitor i killed her meta bu- i mean friend (108,92,2)

[11:45:02]SAY: Katrina Ostward/Insane Katrina : Since when does HoP call the executions. (99,108,2)
[11:45:06]SAY: Katrina Ostward/Insane Katrina : AI, isn't that harm? (99,108,2)

[11:45:08]SAY: Jake Northey/Maskoff : im acting captain (108,181,2)
[11:45:13]SAY: Jake Northey/Maskoff : and your friend tried to murder me (108,181,2)
[11:45:19]SAY: Jake Northey/Maskoff : you are a traitor to the station (107,178,2)

[11:45:47]ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Ausops/(Allad Minsa Recucks)->Insane Katrina/(Katrina Ostward): since when did you know about what happened to sherrie so well you know they were executed?

Is there something I'm missing here? It looks like he said he killed her on the radio and then she got permabanned for replying to him?

I get there was surrounding stupidity with greytiding and false antag accusations but the trigger point for a metacomm permaban seems to have been knowing something that was said on the common radio
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Re: [Ausops] Insane Katrina - Metacomms ban

Post by Insane Katrina » #351111

Kor wrote:[11:44:16]SAY: Jake Northey/Maskoff : katrina is kill on sight she is a traitor i killed her meta bu- i mean friend (108,92,2)

[11:45:02]SAY: Katrina Ostward/Insane Katrina : Since when does HoP call the executions. (99,108,2)
[11:45:06]SAY: Katrina Ostward/Insane Katrina : AI, isn't that harm? (99,108,2)

[11:45:08]SAY: Jake Northey/Maskoff : im acting captain (108,181,2)
[11:45:13]SAY: Jake Northey/Maskoff : and your friend tried to murder me (108,181,2)
[11:45:19]SAY: Jake Northey/Maskoff : you are a traitor to the station (107,178,2)

[11:45:47]ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Ausops/(Allad Minsa Recucks)->Insane Katrina/(Katrina Ostward): since when did you know about what happened to sherrie so well you know they were executed?

Is there something I'm missing here? It looks like he said he killed her on the radio and then she got permabanned for replying to him?
Now that's one of the main kickers, but the real reason (I THINK) is because I first went from accusing the HoP for being a ling, to which Ausops told me a natural reaction would be for me to believe that they have in fact murdered Sherrie and succ'd them, but the moment HoP said that line where he has killed Sherrie, I have effectively read "He has executed her", because that's what captains (even acting ones) do in such events. And that's practically where it all went downhill and went somewhat neglected later in the questioning, mostly because I lost my train of thought and panicked, which I desperately tried to avoid getting to me.
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Re: [Ausops] Insane Katrina - Metacomms ban

Post by imblyings » #351117

guess I did miss the hop saying that! I'll lift both bans, my bad.
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