[okand37] BlueBuilding - Eng Jobban

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[okand37] BlueBuilding - Eng Jobban

Post by HihixilRBLX » #357549

Post Content:
Byond account and character name: BlueBuilding, Kenny Kavalera
Banning admin: okand37
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Engineering Jobban
Ban reason and length: Throughout the course of two months has gained multiple notes or warnings for situations regarding tampering, ruining, or messing with the supermatter engine as a nonantagonist bordering intentional sabotage. You are asked to excuse yourself from working on the engine and, when playing as a security officer assigned to engineering, to please try to keep out of way of the engine.
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2017-11-12 21:43:40 UTC
Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil): Bagil
Your side of the story: I was annoying the CE, which was wrong and was not my job as a sec officer. I went into SM and turned on the emitters when the CE was not present.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I broke Rule 1 in Main rules, Rule 5 In rule 1 precedents, and Rule 4 in rule 5 precedents. I should not have entered SM and turned the emitters on, because SM was not set up, Gas was not connected to the loop, and no engineers were present. Let alone that I was security and my job was to guard engineering, not mess up the engine. I have tampered with SM in the past, but through those mistakes I learned how to set up the gas loop, and how to siphon the air in the SM chamber. I also know that in the event that the emitters are triggered before the engine is set up SM will explode, and that is not good. And yes, I do now know how to adequately play an Station Engineer, and how to set up SM.
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Joined: Sat Feb 20, 2016 5:37 pm
Byond Username: Okand37

Re: [okand37] BlueBuilding - Eng Jobban

Post by Okand37 » #357566

A surprisingly well written out appeal that demonstrates your understanding of what you did wrong and why you shouldn't do it! I'll go ahead and lift these jobbans, just try to remember to be careful when messing with dangerous/important equipment and that you can always adminhelp or read the wiki when you need help with gameplay mechanics! Enjoy! : )
Are you being the neighbour Mr. Rogers would've wanted you to be?

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