[justicegoat] SpaceSeal - Metagaming

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[justicegoat] SpaceSeal - Metagaming

Post by SpaceSeal » #429929

Post Content:
Byond account and character name: SpaceSeal, I think character name was Albert Hunt
Banning admin:justicegoat
Ban type (What are you banned from?) metagaming, I was in a discord call with FatCat919, banned from all offical servers.
Ban reason and length:metagaming
Time ban was placed (including time zone):Yesterday 10-11 CST (Saturday)
Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil):Sybil
Your side of the story:I was metagaming with fatcat919, I don't really have a excuse.
Why you think you should be unbanned:Because I won't do it again, I said it the first time but I auctaully wont. I just had a hard time getting over it since me and him would always play together so please give me a 3rd chance.
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Byond Username: JusticeGoat

Re: [justicegoat] SpaceSeal - Metagaming

Post by JusticeGoat » #429976

I'm reducing your ban to 14 days, if there is a next time it will be for much longer. I understand that you two want to have communication but due to the nature of the game its a massive disadvantage to anyone else on the server so we take this issue seriously.
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Byond Username: Krusvik

Re: [justicegoat] SpaceSeal - Metagaming

Post by Krusvik » #430029

As I explained to your friend, I don't agree with the reduction of your sentence. JusticeGoat is putting a lot of faith in the two of you, and like him I want to see the two of you do the right thing.

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