[KangTut] Bikibuu - AI Jobban Meant For Someone Else

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Joined: Thu Nov 22, 2018 5:14 pm
Byond Username: Bikibuu

[KangTut] Bikibuu - AI Jobban Meant For Someone Else

Post by Bikibuu » #456062

Byond account:
Character's Name: Hunts-The-Monkeys, technically but played the game as a cyborg from the beginning KILLBORG 420, and then later under another player's AI name, [Something AI 2.0], I confess I forget exactly.
Banning admin: KangTut
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Job Ban of AI and Cyborg
Ban length: 7 day ban.
Ban Reason: Killed the human HoS as an Asimov AI based on a PDA message that he was half-lizard. They made no attempts to confirm this and simply killed him the first chance they got.
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2018-11-21 06:09:54.
Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil): Bagil
Your side of the story: I started the round as a Cyborg, went Engineer module. Went about setting up the solars as I usually do when playing Borg. I didn't read any radio messages like 'OPS' or 'REVS' or anything so I generally didn't pay much attention to the radio as I worked. Eventually re entered the station, found everything in chaos. At some point Atmos was compromised by a traitor or a ling or something, as the hallways began filling with dangerous flammable pressured gasses. I welded a bunch of vents shut on my way to Atmos to try and stop the gasses if I could. Atmos was completely dark, found a dead borg in the darkness. Got ambushed and flashed by the antagonist and then murdered to death with a large axe.

While dead, I got the option to rejoin the game as the already established AI, whose exact moniker I forget but it was [Something Something] AI 2.0 or something like that. Thought that odd but okay, I get to play more.

Once I rejoined the game I found the HoS in the upload chamber getting lasered over and over by the turrets. I turned off the lasers and told any living borgs to go get him for cloning, thinking he was dead. HoS stood up and said "man that really hurt" or something, I guess admins brought him back. Got some small trickles of information as to what happened so I tried to play off the other player's action by saying "uhh rebooted" or something and continued the round as the AI. The round was pretty short from there, I called the shuttle on account of the flaming pressure gasses everywhere and tried to help the few survivors that were on the radio with safe paths back to the shuttle and helped the HoS with a safe path to his office so he could get on a space suit. At the end of the round I asked in OOC what happened and was told why the other player AI was kicked out in more depth.

Why you think you should be unbanned: I guess since I was the player associated with the AI at the end of the round it was assumed I was the one who did the non-asimov murderboning on the game log, a clerical error. I don't honestly care about not being able to play AI or Cyborg for a week, but I would rather not have someone else's bad behavior reflect on my personal record permanently.
Joined: Wed Feb 14, 2018 11:50 pm
Byond Username: KangTut

Re: [KangTut] Bikibuu - AI Jobban Meant For Someone Else

Post by Kangtut » #456197

That's odd. I thought I was still using the other AI's player panel when I applied the AI ban. Sorry about that I'll get rid of that if someone else hasn't already.
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Joined: Tue Jan 23, 2018 11:27 pm
Byond Username: Subject217
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Re: [KangTut] Bikibuu - AI Jobban Meant For Someone Else

Post by subject217 » #456822

it's all removed so gonna mark this as resolved

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