[Coconutboy97] - 3 Day Ban Without Speaking to Me or Me Having Harmed Anyone

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[Coconutboy97] - 3 Day Ban Without Speaking to Me or Me Having Harmed Anyone

Post by Toronto88 » #461820

Byond account and character name: Spankmaster, Fregogliobara Teracucci
Banning admin: Coconutboy97
Ban type (What are you banned from?): 3 day ban from all servers
Ban reason and length: "As captain set the hand teleporter to the abandoned teleporter. Then went around opening portals resulting in two deaths as well [EDITOR'S NOTE: FALSE] as teleporting numerous people who were fortunate enough not to die [EDITOR'S NOTE: BECAUSE I ALWAYS MADE SURE ANYONE WHO ENTERED THE PORTAL HAD A WAY BACK] You should know better than this [EDITOR'S NOTE: FALSE]"
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2018-12-12 22:04:17
Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil): Bagil
Your side of the story: I am not one to appeal bans, but this is ridiculous! First of all I had no idea Coconutboy97 was even online, let alone an admin as he never spoke a single word to me! Not one! I had no idea any of this was happening! We were engaged in a wizard round where there were multiple survivalists running around gunning down the crew and causing chaos. I had taken the hand teleporter and decided I'd make a mission of stocking the abandoned teleporter. I was going to various rooms and pushing oxygen lockers, bottles of alcohol, potted plants, chairs, etc into portals so that the supply stock at the teleporter would be LARGE and FRUITFUL.

Let's stop here:
up to this point THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH DOING ANY OF THIS. As captain I am fully within my right to open a portal to the abandoned teleporter, and I am FULLY within my right to throw alcohol into it.

Now let's continue: I did NOT kill two people. I haven't the foggiest idea where Coconutboy97 got this idea. I was at one point killed by a survivalist and had the opportunity to jump over to the abandoned teleporter to examine all of the supplies we had stocked there. Among them there were two bodies, both of which were suicide victims (UNABLE TO REVIVED) who had been tossed into portals. Besides this, WHENEVER someone entered a portal, it was because they had wandered into it while I was throwing items from the room we were in into the portal. If this ever occurred, I would open another portal immediately and wait for the person to return to ensure they were ok. Never once did I not do this. There was not a single time during the duration of my playtime that I saw someone enter that portal and not return, because I was ensuring they'd come back. Had Coconutboy97 actually spoken to me, EVER, he would've been more than aware of this fact.


"You should know better than this"

Better than what?!?!

Coconutboy NEVER messaged me. EVER. If he had, I would have been happy to explain the situation to him. After I died I spent quite a while idling as a ghost and discussing the abandoned teleporter with other ghosts. No one complained about dying. Not one time was I contacted by admins, ESPECIALLY not Coconutboy97. This is absolutely ludicrous.

Why you think you should be unbanned: For the reasons I posted above. I am fully within my rights to open portals and throw things into them. Furthermore the logs will show I took every step to ensure that no one was trapped, and that I never pushed or threw anyone into it except two completely braindead corpses. The logs will also show 0 contact from Coconutboy97.

The only thing I am guilty of is opening portals to space using a hand teleporter and throwing inanimate objects into them. Unless this behavior is worthy of a 3 day ban, Coconutboy97 has only proven himself to be a Cuckoonutsboy97.
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Re: [Coconutboy97] - 3 Day Ban Without Speaking to Me or Me Having Harmed Anyone

Post by Toronto88 » #461821

I'd like to take a moment to adjust what I've written. I have been informed that the banning admin's name is not Coconutboy97 but CoconutWARRIOR97.

Please take this into consideration.
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Re: [Coconutboy97] - 3 Day Ban Without Speaking to Me or Me Having Harmed Anyone

Post by Toronto88 » #461828

Coconutwarrior97 viewed this thread and then left the subforum. This is now the second time I have encountered severe consequences by the hand of Coconutwarrior97 without him giving me the courtesy of any interaction whatsoever.

I cannot help but feel I've been wronged here!
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Re: [Coconutboy97] - 3 Day Ban Without Speaking to Me or Me Having Harmed Anyone

Post by Coconutwarrior97 » #461832

Hey there! Thanks for making this appeal.

While its unfortunate you were not online so that I could question you about the situation, I felt the logs and the information from a player involved was sufficient enough for me to apply this ban.

Here you can see the two individuals involved who teleported and soon died due to your negligent use of the hand teleporter:

[2018-12-12 21:25:25.525] GAME: 21:25:25.525] GAME: Bumtickley00/(Dan McCutcheon) has teleported from (Central Primary Hallway (88, 140, 2)) to (Abandoned Teleporter (212, 60, 4))
[2018-12-12 21:26:49.652] EMOTE: 21:26:49.652] EMOTE: Bumtickley00/(Dan McCutcheon) gasps! (Abandoned Teleporter (212, 59, 4))
[2018-12-12 21:26:59.118] EMOTE: 21:26:59.118] EMOTE: Bumtickley00/(Dan McCutcheon) seizes up and falls limp, his eyes dead and lifeless... (Abandoned Teleporter (212, 59, 4))
[2018-12-12 21:26:27.649] GAME: 21:26:27.649] GAME: AwA DwD UwU/(Hayden Archibald) has teleported from (Port Primary Hallway (67, 135, 2)) to (Abandoned Teleporter (212, 60, 4))
[2018-12-12 21:27:13.601] EMOTE: 21:27:13.601] EMOTE: AwA DwD UwU/(Hayden Archibald) gasps! (Abandoned Teleporter (213, 59, 4))
[2018-12-12 21:27:14.736] EMOTE: 21:27:14.736] EMOTE: AwA DwD UwU/(Hayden Archibald) seizes up and falls limp, her eyes dead and lifeless... (Abandoned Teleporter (213, 59, 4))

Originally I thought your intent was purely in bad faith; however upon reading your appeal I can understand your reasons for messing around with the hand teleporter. I also appreciate the fact you made an effort to help people back who you saw enter. However; I still feel your use of the hand teleporter was negligent and a direct cause of the death of two crewmembers. As a result, I will reduce your server ban to two days for two deaths.

Additonally, I ask that you please refer to me as CoconutMAN97 as I am above the age of 18 and am thus a legal adult.
Thank your for your time.

Logs taken from: https://tgstation13.org/parsed-logs/bas ... und-98510/ The incident in question took place the round before the ban was applied.
Last edited by Coconutwarrior97 on Sat Dec 15, 2018 7:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Coconutboy97] - 3 Day Ban Without Speaking to Me or Me Having Harmed Anyone

Post by Toronto88 » #461834

I appreciate YOUR leniency and candor, however this still does not seem right at all. Considering that I had made a consistent effort (literally any time anyone entered a portal I opened) to open a new one and wait for them to come, I don't see how I can be blamed for two people entering a portal and dying. I was not pushing people into them or purposely putting them in places that'd trap people, what I was doing would be along the lines of:

1. Walk into tool storage
2. Open portal
3. Begin throwing tools into it
4. Someone walks in, sees the portal and hops in wordlessly.

then I would sit and wait for them to return. I honestly had no idea two people did not return, and furthermore as I said I was speaking to the dead chat and not one person brought up that I had killed them. I would have ahelped had I known and spoken to you. I do not think that this constitutes malicious behavior or is banworthy. If using the hand teleporter to reach abandoned tele is a bannable offense, I will refrain from doing it.
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Re: [Coconutboy97] - 3 Day Ban Without Speaking to Me or Me Having Harmed Anyone

Post by Coconutwarrior97 » #461835

While I agree your intent was likely not malicious, which is why I reduced the ban from 3 days to 2 days, I still believe you deserve a two day ban for this. Five months ago you received a warning for teleporter related deaths so I felt this time a ban was in order. In the future I would recommend you mess with the hand teleporter in more secure areas, such as the captains office, where its much more reasonable to think a passerby will not run into the portal as easily as in the main hall.
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Re: [Coconutboy97] - 3 Day Ban Without Speaking to Me or Me Having Harmed Anyone

Post by Toronto88 » #461839

Yes but in the previous case I had told people to enter the teleporter (not hand tele portals). This situation is entirely different, and the logical consequence is that anyone who dies by virtue of choosing to enter a portal you opened ends with you getting severe bans.
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Re: [Coconutboy97] - 3 Day Ban Without Speaking to Me or Me Having Harmed Anyone

Post by Coconutwarrior97 » #461840

The issue here is not that they are "choosing" to enter the teleporter, but running into it by accident while running in the hallway, where they would not expect a random portal.

The logs show evidence that they did not by choice choose to go into the portal:

[2018-12-12 21:25:25.525] GAME: 21:25:25.525] GAME: Bumtickley00/(Dan McCutcheon) has teleported from (Central Primary Hallway (88, 140, 2)) to (Abandoned Teleporter (212, 60, 4))
[2018-12-12 21:25:31.815] SAY: 21:25:31.815] SAY: Bumtickley00/(Dan McCutcheon) "JESUS FUCK" (Abandoned Teleporter (213, 60, 4))
[2018-12-12 21:25:52.721] SAY: 21:25:52.721] SAY: Bumtickley00/(Dan McCutcheon) "Fuck me" (Abandoned Teleporter (214, 59, 4))
[2018-12-12 21:25:57.923] SAY: 21:25:57.923] SAY: Bumtickley00/(Dan McCutcheon) "Should have kept that hardsuit" (Abandoned Teleporter (214, 59, 4))

Due to your negligence you created a situation in which unaware individuals were killed, and as such I believe you are deserving of a two day server ban.
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Re: [Coconutboy97] - 3 Day Ban Without Speaking to Me or Me Having Harmed Anyone

Post by ghostecho » #461858

I would like to add that he was taking multiple, non survivalists guns and tossing them into the teleporter, with demons running amok, he wasn't just stockpiling alcohol or shit like that. While it may be fair to take away guns from a summon guns event, he didn't seem to do it to protect the crew, but just simply out of an intent to fuck with them
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Re: [Coconutboy97] - 3 Day Ban Without Speaking to Me or Me Having Harmed Anyone

Post by Toronto88 » #461863

ghostecho wrote:I would like to add that he was taking multiple, non survivalists guns and tossing them into the teleporter, with demons running amok, he wasn't just stockpiling alcohol or shit like that. While it may be fair to take away guns from a summon guns event, he didn't seem to do it to protect the crew, but just simply out of an intent to fuck with them
Considering I was killed by someone using a gun I feel it was warranted... this is anti-killing.

When the round began I walked up to the HOP line and saw a WOMAN opening FIRE on the CLOWN. I tried to save the clown and ran up, she shoots me WITH LASERS. Right? And then I dispatched her with the clown and the ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE locks me down and accuses me of being a MURDERER.

I was in major distress!

And frankly, I am in distress now. I am in tears. I'm going to fry up some bratwursts and see if that helps.. I doubt it will. Do we even know who was killed? Why didn't they ahelp until I logged off? surely if it was me who killed them they would have ahelped... perhaps it was someone else... my heart sits clogged with snivels and tallow.
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Re: [Coconutboy97] - 3 Day Ban Without Speaking to Me or Me Having Harmed Anyone

Post by Coconutwarrior97 » #461866

I'm not lifting the 2 day ban for the reasons I've stated above. If a Headmin disagrees feel free to unlock and post.

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