[Shad0k] Arathian Kebabopoulos - ban and science job ban

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Byond Username: Arathian

[Shad0k] Arathian Kebabopoulos - ban and science job ban

Post by Arathian » #491421

Byond account and character name:

Arathian - Arathian Kebabopoulos

Banning admin:


Ban type (What are you banned from?):

Normal ban for 20 days. Job ban from science for 60 days.

Ban reason and length:

I unleashed spiders from xenobiology as a non-antag during an extended round.

Time ban was placed (including time zone):

2019-04-18 15:42:26, Round ID 106421

Server you were playing when banned:


Your side of the story:

I stated from the start that I believed a ban is appropriate. I knew that I broke the rules and I did it deliberately. I never instructed the spiders to outright kill everyone, but i did create hundreds of them and told them to do "whatever they want" and then unleashed them believing they will cause mayhem. It was a boring ass extended round and the spider apocalypse resulted in ~~fun~~ according to most players afterwards. It was still against the rules.

Why you think you should be unbanned:

I am mostly appealing the job ban. Science is too broad (since there is no xenobio specific job) and, well, I already did unleash the spider horde. If I am gonna do it again, it will be while traitor. I am (relatively) a new player and would like to be able to learn more science roles. If I wanted to blow up the station again, there are more ways than just monsters really.

However, the normal ban is already up 2 weeks now. I will soon start seasonal work and won't be able to really play properly again for many months. I would like to be able to play again the next few days before I gotta go due to RL. It's less than a week left on the ban anyway. I understand if that's not really a good unban reason though.
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Byond Username: Shad0k

Re: [Shad0k] Arathian Kebabopoulos - ban and science job ban

Post by Shad0k » #491432

I agree, extended rounds can be boring but that's certainly not a good excuse to break the rules, you know it. You've made a bad decision but we can't deny the fact that you had the best interest of other players at heart: Most of them seemed to enjoy that spider outbreak and if I remember correctly, while I was logdiving to estimate the number of victims, some of them said their deaths "didn't count" as an attempt to lower your ban.

You've never abused this role before, the jobban wasn't necessary. I'll lift it.
However I won't lift the server ban. It would set a precedent and I really don't want people to think they can release spiders and get away with it, regardless of the roundtype.
I won't shorten it either. As you know, more than 20 players died to the spiders, this is just a lower estimate.

Good luck with your job, I hope you'll have enough time to join Terry every now and then. Thanks for taking the time to appeal!
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Joined: Mon Apr 29, 2019 4:02 pm
Byond Username: Arathian

Re: [Shad0k] Arathian Kebabopoulos - ban and science job ban

Post by Arathian » #491433

Thanks for the quick reply and the job un-ban! I'll see you guys in about a week (hopefully) :)
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Byond Username: Wubli

Re: [Shad0k] Arathian Kebabopoulos - ban and science job ban

Post by wubli » #491444

This seems resolved for both parties! I'm glad.
Locking the thread!
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