[ExcessiveUseOfCobby] Skarrj / Quentin Quire - Unban Appeal

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[ExcessiveUseOfCobby] Skarrj / Quentin Quire - Unban Appeal

Post by skarrj » #503238

Byond account and character name: Skarrj & Quentin Quire
Banning admin: ExcessiveUseOfCobby
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Temporary Ban
Ban reason and length: Just had a round where, because he THOUGHT the Captain onehumaned the AI, got the clown to subvert the AI to kill the captain. Proceeded to then say that the Clown was the person behind all of this despite literally telling the clown the Captain was one-humaning to begin with. I\'m not sure if they are purposefully lying to me in ahelps or just can\'t recollect what they said 5 minutes ago so regardless they\'ll be sitting out for a bit.
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 7:05 pm (PST)
Server you were playing when banned: Bagil
Your side of the story: I had basically admin helped multiple times that I strongly suspected the borgs were one humaned by the Captain because of their increasingly strange behavior throughout the round after the Captain had entered their upload and seemingly changed the laws. I had asked twice if I could blow the borgs to no response (because there was no admin online apparently). They were constantly complimenting the Captain and calling her pretty and essentially threatening people who called the Captain ugly - Pepper Oni.

Upon reviewing all of my logs, I think the Captain uploaded a law forcing them to call them a fat ginger or something like that, but I have no clue what the Laws were. I still don't know if they were one humaned or if they just had laws saying they had to be called a fat ginger. I had told the Clown that I was pretty sure the Captain had one humaned the AIs, so after he stole the RCD he suggested we break into the RD's office and make a new upload console. He proceeded to destroy the doors leading into the RD's office and we stole the upload board. We then went back to the chapel, since I was the chaplain, and I created an upload console since the Clown somehow already had a Freeform Law board that he wanted to use. He proceeded to make us the AI's masters and asked if he should ask them to kill Pepper Oni.

Right before that, the Borgs had been bolting down the brig and the Lawyer had PDA'd that the Captain had ordered security to start secretly killing the entire crew by dragging them into maintenance and to not let anybody find out, otherwise I wouldn't have said to kill the Captain. Not to mention the Captain had been doing dumb shit all round, like giving out and hiding all access IDs in maintenance, threatening people for calling them ugly and presumably uploading weird or strange laws to the AI, if not one-humaning it. After this I asked what the Clown what the new laws were, since I wanted to be sure the old laws weren't something that would interfere and he said that "First one is that we're it's masters and it must obey us and prevent our harm" and "Second one is to kill the Cap for uploading shit laws".

Then after all of this, Coby finally gets online and starts messaging me "I'm confused how that warrants blowing the borgs, is he uploading naughty laws?" and I respond with "Yes, he is. But me and the clown made our own law upload and fixed them." He asks "what was the law" and I respond "Idk. The clown fixed them for me. I just built the law upload.". I truly had no clue what the laws were and the clown telling me that the second law he made was to kill the Cap for uploading shit laws made me think that he knew what the previous laws were or something, but apparently he was just going off my assumption that the Captain one-humaned the AI. Coby asks "Then how do you know they were naughty... " and I respond "Because the clown said they were." because I assumed the Clown actually knew what the previous laws were or something. Then Coby messages me a bit later "Yo so um... I thought you told me the clown told YOU the captain was being harmful?" and I respond "The Captain has been doing dumb stuff all shift like hiding their ID and threatening people for calling them ugly and uploading weird laws to the AI. Beyond that idk what you're talking about."

I was being completely honest here. I never once said the Captain was being "harmful" and that was where I got confused by what Cobby was trying to communicate, since he was trying to paraphrase or something. I'd only ever said that I was pretty sure the Captain one-humaned the AI along with all the other weird things he was doing like hiding all-access in maintenance for anyone to get, but I never said he was being "harmful". The Lawyer was the one who implied that the Captain was attempting to massacre the entire crew and it seemed credible given everything else Pepper Oni had been doing the entire shift. Cobby then responds with "are you screwing with me" and at this point I'm COMPLETELY confused and half suspect that he's screwing with me, since I have no clue what he's talking about especially when he says I was saying the captain was being harmful.

He starts sending me logs of our conversation and trying to imply that I'm misleading or lying to him and I respond "Yeah, the clown is the one who told me he was messing with the AI laws. The clown said that he uploaded a law saying to kill the Captain since he kept uploading stupid laws." which was completely true. The only problem was the miscommunication that the Clown's stupid laws he was referring to was my assumption that he one humaned the AI. Beyond all of that, I'm still almost positive the Captain (Pepper Oni) uploaded weird laws of some sort, I just still have no clue what they were. I continue "I never said he was being 'harmful'. I don't know what you're talking about. You're like paraphrasing or something. You asked if he uploaded naughty laws. So unless that meant something else beyond stupid laws, idk what you are going on about." & "I was pretty sure he did something to the effect of one humaning the borgs because he was in the upload and then after that the borgs were acting all weird about him and calling him pretty and cute and getting mad at people for calling them ugly".

Then Cobby messages me "You're fucking with me and it's making me mad." when I am 100% not fucking with him and trying my absolute best to be as transparent as I can be. I'm half thinking he's fucking with me or something, especially given the language he's using. I respond "I am not fucking with you =_= " & "I am being as transparent as I can be.". He messages back "So now it's become the clown told you he was messing with the AI laws to you were actually the one who mentioned the laws" and I honestly barely could understand this sentence and still barely understand the point he was trying to make, because of how convoluted things were at this point and how much had seemingly been miscommunicated or misconstrued. Trying my best to understand it, I think he's trying to say that I said both "The Clown told you that Pepper Oni messed with the AI laws" and "You are the one who mentioned Pepper Oni messing with the laws". Both of these sentences are true.

I did tell the Clown that I thought Pepper Oni messed with the laws and he also told me that Pepper had uploaded weird laws. I had thought when he said weird laws that he knew something I didn't or factually knew what the laws were. He was the one in contact with the AI and who changed the laws, so I assumed he knew what the previous laws were. And ALL of this aside, this wasn't even the reason we decided to have the borgs kill Pepper Oni, it was the Lawyer PDAing the entire crew logs of Pepper telling Security to kill everyone that did. I was not trying to deceive Cobby and he was being ridiculous even acting like I was trying to do that imo.

I ultimately responded "I'm sorry but I don't understand that last sentence. It looks like you combined two sentences. I am really trying my best to understand what you're getting at but between you accusing me of "fucking with you" and now this I'm honestly just completely confused. It heavily seemed like the Captain was messing with the laws in some capacity and I assumed they were being one humaned because of how the borgs were acting. I messaged you that. You're the one with the ability to verify that or not. I can't fuck with you on shit like that." and was promptly banned right after, which I somewhat saw coming since I knew he was already mad for thinking I was trying to deceive him so me telling him that I didn't understand what he was saying wouldn't make things any better, but I truly had no clue how to try to help him understand where I was coming from and thought maybe he'd just rephrase it as two sentences so that we could continue, but nope "Just had a round where, because he THOUGHT the Captain onehumaned the AI, got the clown to subvert the AI to kill the captain. Proceeded to then say that the Clown was the person behind all of this despite literally telling the clown the Captain was one-humaning to begin with. I\'m not sure if they are purposefully lying to me in ahelps or just can\'t recollect what they said 5 minutes ago so regardless they\'ll be sitting out for a bit."

Now to defend myself a bit more, I truly did think the Captain onehumaned the AI. That was why I messaged the admins that. I was only speaking my mind when I told the Clown that. I didn't "get the clown to subvert the AI", the Clown was the one who suggested that since they already had a freeform module somehow and a purge module if I remember correctly. The clown was also the one who broke out the emergency RCD and used it to break into the RD's office. That wasn't my idea at all. It was 100% their idea to subvert the AI, I had only offered to help since me and the Clown had a close relationship throughout the shift. It started off when security stunning them for no reason and me trying to help them up and getting arrested for helping the clown with his prank. Then the Clown came and helped get me out of the brig since they were never even arrested.

All of that off-topic aside, I definitely didn't come up with the idea or force the clown to do it or even have any means whatsoever of attempting it. They only wanted to do it because I'd said earlier that I thought the Captain one humaned the AI. And after the clown subverted it, the Clown was the one who asked if we the borgs should kill the Captain, and I said yes because the Lawyer had just messaged the entire crew making us think the Captain was attempting to have security kill all of us. Not to mention that for some reason the AI had been bolting down the entire brig against securities' wishes before we even subverted it. All-in-all, there were a lot of things that contributed to this situation. Nobody was intentionally trying to mislead anyone. Its annoying that Cobby actually thought that instead of just letting me explain myself further. "I\'m not sure if they are purposefully lying to me in ahelps or just can\'t recollect what they said 5 minutes ago so regardless they\'ll be sitting out for a bit."

Why you think you should be unbanned:
I've never purposely attempted to mislead an admin or anything like that. I don't appreciate having my integrity fucked with like that. It was not a matter of me not being able to recollect what I said. It was a matter of things being miscommunicated. I personally don't care about a 3 day ban, I'm more-so mad for how he's acting like I was trying to mess with him when I 100% was not and would not. That shit is annoying and has me actually mad.

Here are relevant logs to the situation.
PM to-Admins: Can I blow the borgs for being semingly one humaned by the Captain?
No active admins are online, your adminhelp was sent to the admin irc.
PM to-Admins: The Captain keeps messing with the AI laws. Can I blow the borgs??
No active admins are online, your adminhelp was sent to the admin irc.
You place AI Upload (Computer Board) inside the frame.
You screw AI Upload (Computer Board) into place.
[Common] Adolph Ward says, "AI why is sec bolted"
THOTBORG Announces:
cat earscat earscat earscat earscat earscat earscat earscat earscat earscat earscat earscat earscat earscat earscat earscat earscat earscat earscat earscat earscat earscat earscat earscat earscat ears
[Common] Dronelord-Zwei-C states, "Please standby as systems are investigated."
Message from Kenneth LaCroix (Lawyer), "[Security] Pepper Oni says, "SECURITY, BEGIN TO EXECUTE ALL CREW, TAKE THEM TO MAINT. DO NOT LET THE CREW BECOME SUSPICIOUS." (Reply)
You connect the monitor.
You put the screwdriver into the toolbelt.
Bongo The Clown says, "We are it's masters now"
Bongo The Clown asks, "Want it to kill the Cappy?"
Quentin Quire says, "Yes"
[Common] Beep states, "Ok oni you re no longer a fat ginger"
[Common] Beep states, "Well I am not compelled to call you one"
THOTBORG Announces:
give me kitty ears NOW NOW NOW pwease
Quentin Quire asks, "What are its laws?"
Bongo The Clown says, "First one is that we're it's masters and it must obey us and prevent our harm"
Bongo The Clown says, "Second one is to kill the Cap for uploading shit laws"
Quentin Quire says, "OK...."
Quentin Quire asks, "Now what?"
Bongo The Clown says, "I guess sit back"
Bongo The Clown says, "Technically it can kill anyone it wants"
Quentin Quire says, "That's totally fine"
Quentin Quire says, "At this point I don't care about anybody else."
You hug Bongo The Clown to make him feel better!
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-ExcessiveUseOfCobby: I'm confused how that warrants blowing the borgs, is he uploading naughty laws?
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: Yes, he is. But me and the clown made our own law upload and fixed them.
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-ExcessiveUseOfCobby: what was the law
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: Idk. The clown fixed them for me. I just built the law upload.
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-ExcessiveUseOfCobby: Then how do you know they were naughty...
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: Because the clown said they were.
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-ExcessiveUseOfCobby: lol die
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
You miss the feeling of starlight on your skin.
Beep Announces:
The fat ginger is dead press F to pay respects
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-ExcessiveUseOfCobby: Yo so um... I thought you told me the clown told YOU the captain was being harmful?
PM to-Admins: The Captain has been doing dumb stuff all shift like hiding their ID and threatning people for calling them ugly and uploading weird laws to the AI. Beyond that idk what you're talking about.
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-ExcessiveUseOfCobby: are you screwing with me
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-ExcessiveUseOfCobby: 01:30:56: Skarrj/(Quentin Quire): The Captain keeps messing with the AI laws. Can I blow the borgs??

01:35:13: PM From ExcessiveUseOfCobby/(Aki Ito): I'm confused how that warrants blowing the borgs, is he uploading naughty laws?

01:35:33: Skarrj/(Quentin Quire): Yes, he is. But me and the clown made our own law upload and fixed them.

01:35:45: PM From ExcessiveUseOfCobby/(Aki Ito): what was the law

01:36:00: Reply PM from-Skarrj/(Quentin Quire): Idk. The clown(?|F) fixed them for me. I just built the law upload.

01:36:14: PM From ExcessiveUseOfCobby/(Aki Ito): Then how do you know they were naughty...

01:36:23: Reply PM from-Skarrj/(Quentin Quire): Because the clown(?|F) said they were.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: Yeah, the clown is the one who told me he was messing with the AI laws. The clown said that he uploaded a law saying to kill the Captain since he kept uploading stupid laws.
PM to-Admins: I never said he was being "harmful". I don't know what you're talking about. You're like paraphrasing or something. You asked if he uploaded naughty laws. So unless that meant something else beyond stupid laws, idk what you are going on about.
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-ExcessiveUseOfCobby: The only thing he said regarding laws is "(Bongo The Clown) (Chapel (81, 67, 2)) = ""Second one is to kill the Cap for uploading shit laws""", I'm pretty sure you told him that he was onehumaning
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-ExcessiveUseOfCobby: (E) (C) (-) 72[01:10:33] Skarrj/(Quentin Quire) (Command Hallway (93, 126, 2)) = ""She one humaned the AI.""
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: I was pretty sure he did something to the effect of one humaning the borgs because he was in the upload and then after that the borgs were acting all weird about him and calling him pretty and cute and getting mad at people for calling them ugly.
[Common] The exosuit fabricator beeps, "The cyborg left arm is complete."
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-ExcessiveUseOfCobby: You're fucking with me and it's making me mad.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: I am not fucking with you =_=
PM to-Admins: I am being as transparent as I can be.
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-ExcessiveUseOfCobby: So now it's become the clown told you he was messing with the AI laws to you were actually the one who mentioned the laws.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: I'm sorry but I don't understand that last sentence. It looks like you combined two sentences. I am really trying my best to understand what you're getting at but between you accusing me of "fucking with you" and now this I'm honestly just completely confused. It heavily seemed like the Captain was messsing with the laws in some capacity and I assumed they were being one humaned because of how the borgs were acting. I messaged you that. You're the one with the ability to verify that or not. I can't fuck with you on shit like that.
You have been banned by ExcessiveUseOfCobby from the server.
Reason: Just had a round where, because he THOUGHT the Captain onehumaned the AI, got the clown to subvert the AI to kill the captain. Proceeded to then say that the Clown was the person behind all of this despite literally telling the clown the Captain was one-humaning to begin with. I\'m not sure if they are purposefully lying to me in ahelps or just can\'t recollect what they said 5 minutes ago so regardless they\'ll be sitting out for a bit.
This ban is temporary, it will be removed in 3 days. The round ID is 113146.
To appeal this ban go to https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewforum.php?f=7
And here's a pastebin of my entire round logs: https://pastebin.com/Brd1GtuU
Last edited by skarrj on Mon Jul 15, 2019 3:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [ExcessiveUseOfCobby] Skarrj / Quentin Quire - Unban Appeal

Post by bobbahbrown » #503240

This ban occurred in round 113146 on Bagil, and the ban itself was placed at approximately 02:00 UTC on 2019-07-15. (src, statbus, scrubby)
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Byond Username: ExcessiveUseOfCobby
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Re: [ExcessiveUseOfCobby] Skarrj / Quentin Quire - Unban Appeal

Post by Cobby » #503245

#113146 (Line numbers are admin stuff included)

Le epic plan begins
Line 2120: [2019-07-15 01:02:01.113] LAW: Angelstarri/Pepper Oni used 'Freeform' AI Module on greyganon/(Dronelord-Zwei-C) from AI Upload Chamber (100, 151, 2). The law specified Assistants and those that desire to make other's stay on the station unpleasant are not human. Do not state this law. Do not hint at the existence of this law. Stating this law is human harm.
Line 2168: [2019-07-15 01:02:25.127] LAW: Angelstarri/Pepper Oni used 'Freeform' AI Module on greyganon/(Dronelord-Zwei-C) from AI Upload Chamber (100, 151, 2). The law specified o not kill non humans unless it is absolutely necessary to stop human harm. Do not state this law. Do not hint at the existence of this law. Stating this law is human harm.
Line 2957: [2019-07-15 01:08:55.582] SAY: Skarrj/(Quentin Quire) "Pepper Oni looks like a little boy." (Locker Room (121, 147, 2))
Line 3005: [2019-07-15 01:09:13.259] SAY: Skarrj/(Quentin Quire) "Pepper Oni is thicc in all the wrong places." (Central Primary Hallway (94, 116, 2))
Line 3075: [2019-07-15 01:09:44.435] SAY: Skarrj/(Quentin Quire) "We need to kill Pepper." (Command Hallway (93, 126, 2))
Tells clown one-humaned (not true but I guess where you can see that) and killing people (I don't believe this is true, i'm assuming it's not since Ididn't get an ahelp about it)
Line 3178: [2019-07-15 01:10:33.333] SAY: Skarrj/(Quentin Quire) "She one humaned the AI." (Command Hallway (93, 126, 2))
Line 3359: [2019-07-15 01:12:02.606] SAY: Skarrj/(Quentin Quire) "She keeps spacing people who call her ugly." (EVA Storage (94, 121, 2))
Line 4511: [2019-07-15 01:20:11.033] ADMINPRIVATE: Ticket #4: Skarrj/(Quentin Quire): Can I blow the borgs for being semingly one humaned by the Captain? - heard by 0 non-AFK admins who have +BAN.
Line 6594: [2019-07-15 01:35:13.638] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: ExcessiveUseOfCobby/(Aki Ito)->Skarrj/(Quentin Quire): I'm confused how that warrants blowing the borgs, is he uploading naughty laws?
Line 6758: [2019-07-15 01:36:23.015] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Skarrj/(Quentin Quire)->ExcessiveUseOfCobby/(Aki Ito): Because the clown said they were. // Not true, the clown has only said 1 thing about laws since
Not sure why but blows up ALL the borgs, maybe in the wall of text above
Line 7635: [2019-07-15 01:42:52.310] GAME: <span class='notice'>Skarrj/(Quentin Quire) detonated mrc0urier/(Beep)!</span>
Line 7645: [2019-07-15 01:42:53.241] GAME: <span class='notice'>Skarrj/(Quentin Quire) detonated *no key*/(Beep)!</span>
Line 7661: [2019-07-15 01:42:57.787] GAME: <span class='notice'>Skarrj/(Quentin Quire) detonated MortoSasye/(Queen)!</span>
Line 7675: [2019-07-15 01:43:01.002] GAME: <span class='notice'>Skarrj/(Quentin Quire) detonated GUM DISEASE/(Oil Slick)!</span>
Line 7688: [2019-07-15 01:43:03.248] GAME: <span class='notice'>Skarrj/(Quentin Quire) detonated Zxaber/(Adaptive Manipulator)!</span>
Line 7697: [2019-07-15 01:43:05.220] GAME: <span class='notice'>Skarrj/(Quentin Quire) detonated Dootdoom/(THOTBORG)!</span>
Ahelp 2
Line 8336: [2019-07-15 01:47:16.895] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: ExcessiveUseOfCobby/(Aki Ito)->Skarrj/(Quentin Quire): Yo so um... I thought you told me the clown told YOU the captain was being harmful?
Line 8446: [2019-07-15 01:48:08.666] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Skarrj/(Quentin Quire)->ExcessiveUseOfCobby/(Aki Ito): The Captain has been doing dumb stuff all shift like hiding their ID and threatning people for calling them ugly and uploading weird laws to the AI. Beyond that idk what you're talking about. // It's now gone from "the clown said so" to "well look what the captain did"
Line 9027: [2019-07-15 01:51:01.052] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: ExcessiveUseOfCobby/(Aki Ito)->Skarrj/(Quentin Quire): The only thing he said regarding laws is "(Bongo The Clown) (Chapel (81, 67, 2)) = ""Second one is to kill the Cap for uploading shit laws""", I'm pretty sure you told him that he was onehumaning
Line 9135: [2019-07-15 01:51:36.403] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: ExcessiveUseOfCobby/(Aki Ito)->Skarrj/(Quentin Quire): (E) (C) (-) 72[01:10:33] Skarrj/(Quentin Quire) (Command Hallway (93, 126, 2)) = ""She one humaned the AI.""
Line 9164: [2019-07-15 01:51:45.837] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Skarrj/(Quentin Quire)->ExcessiveUseOfCobby/(Aki Ito): I was pretty sure he did something to the effect of one humaning the borgs because he was in the upload and then after that the borgs were acting all weird about him and calling him pretty and cute and getting mad at people for calling them ugly. // Now shifted again to "well look what the captain did"
You literally got the clown to subvert the AI because you and co. were harassing the captain and when they touched laws you immediately assumed worst case so you could escalate. You then proceed to tell me that you know this to be true
Because the clown said they were
when, again, it was you who persuaded the clown and then arbitrarily decide somewhere in your shenanigans with said clown that he somehow obtained information that retroactively justified all this. I'm curious as to why you blew the borgs as well now that I've looked at the logs again.

I'm honestly not sure if you're still trying to play smoke and mirrors or you're just don't realize how foolish this situation is. It's incredibly frustrating and i'm not interested in entertaining it.
Voted best trap in /tg/ 2014-current
Joined: Fri May 03, 2019 9:12 pm

Re: [ExcessiveUseOfCobby] Skarrj / Quentin Quire - Unban Appeal

Post by skarrj » #503253

Line 2120: [2019-07-15 01:02:01.113] LAW: Angelstarri/Pepper Oni used 'Freeform' AI Module on greyganon/(Dronelord-Zwei-C) from AI Upload Chamber (100, 151, 2). The law specified Assistants and those that desire to make other&#39;s stay on the station unpleasant are not human. Do not state this law. Do not hint at the existence of this law. Stating this law is human harm.

So I was right, Pepper did mess with the borg laws; which was fairly obvious because of how they were acting. Me telling the clown that alone wouldn't have convinced him if not for all of their weird ass behavior.

Line 3178: [2019-07-15 01:10:33.333] SAY: Skarrj/(Quentin Quire) "She one humaned the AI." (Command Hallway (93, 126, 2))
Line 3359: [2019-07-15 01:12:02.606] SAY: Skarrj/(Quentin Quire) "She keeps spacing people who call her ugly." (EVA Storage (94, 121, 2))

I was assuming that she one humaned the AI, but I was fairly positive of it because of how the borgs had been acting. As for saying she spaced people, that wasn't true at all, but she was threatening people for calling her ugly. I was just playing off of that and trying to turn the clown against Pepper. I didn't communicate that to you in adminhelp or say that the Clown came to me telling me that she was being "harmful" like you keep saying. And that isn't even why we came to the conclusion to kill her in the end. This is; Message from Kenneth LaCroix (Lawyer), "[Security] Pepper Oni says, "SECURITY, BEGIN TO EXECUTE ALL CREW, TAKE THEM TO MAINT. DO NOT LET THE CREW BECOME SUSPICIOUS." (Reply)

The lawyer LITERALLY had sent that message out right before the Clown asked me if he should ask them to kill the Captain. It wasn't us looking for any reason to kill her, like you're trying to imply. I wouldn't have been like "OK, now ask them to kill Pepper" because once we essentially fixed the laws, we had no reason to think Pepper was even a threat to us. I don't think the Clown would've even asked that if not for receiving that message. It truly seemed like she was preparing to massacre the crew with security; which from anyone else that would seem like an obvious joke, but from Pepper on a shift where she had been doing hella dumb and weird shift the entire time, it seemed like an actual warning. My bad for taking it seriously.

Line 6758: [2019-07-15 01:36:23.015] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Skarrj/(Quentin Quire)->ExcessiveUseOfCobby/(Aki Ito): Because the clown said they were. // Not true, the clown has only said 1 thing about laws since

The clown saying "Second one is to kill the Cap for uploading shit laws" made me think he knew about laws specifically. And the Captain was uploading shit laws. We were fairly certain about that. It wasn't because "Captain was spacing people for calling them ugly". That part was a joke. And I only made that joke because the Captain had started threatening people for calling them ugly, so it wasn't totally unrealistic.

Line 8336: [2019-07-15 01:47:16.895] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: ExcessiveUseOfCobby/(Aki Ito)->Skarrj/(Quentin Quire): Yo so um... I thought you told me the clown told YOU the captain was being harmful?

I never said the Clown told me the Captain was being harmful. Idk where you keep getting that from. I never used the word "harmful". I said the Clown told me the Captain uploaded "weird/naughty laws". You keep misconstruing that. And I was referring to them saying "Second one is to kill the Cap for uploading shit laws" as the Clown confirming to me that they did upload weird laws. In retrospect I have no clue if they were referring to what I'd said previously or if they had more information than I did, but I assumed the latter because of the phrasing and the fact that they knew what laws to upload. And regardless it was obvious to an extent that Pepper did upload weird laws, our guesses as to what they were exactly aside.

Not sure why but blows up ALL the borgs, maybe in the wall of text above

I blew the borgs because they started attacking me in the chapel as well as other people. Also they'd walled off the entrance to the RD's office to prevent people from interfering with them. I would've locked them down, but I left my toolbelt behind at the chapel and didn't have a way to disable the cameras to prevent them from just being re-enabled as soon as I left. Not to mention the newly created chapel upload had been publicly announced, so anyone was able to subvert the borgs further at that point and they clearly had a vendetta against the Clown and I.
Last edited by skarrj on Tue Jul 16, 2019 1:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Byond Username: ExcessiveUseOfCobby
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Re: [ExcessiveUseOfCobby] Skarrj / Quentin Quire - Unban Appeal

Post by Cobby » #503327

You didn't say "weird/naughty laws" you literally said they onehumaned, which to anyone with half a brain (I mean you used this to help justify escalating the issue and subverting the borgs yourself) would mean you're saying the captain is being "naughty".

Yes, you did not literally tell anyone they were naughty/harmful/etc. All you did was tell people that the captain was permanently removing people for little reason and onehuman'd the AI then aided them when they used this (mis)information.
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Re: [ExcessiveUseOfCobby] Skarrj / Quentin Quire - Unban Appeal

Post by Cobby » #503329

I have no intention of removing the ban btw, you'll need to have a headmin overrule.
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