[Shaps] Trismegisto - Temporary

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[Shaps] Trismegisto - Temporary

Post by Trismegisto » #507728

Byond Account: Trismegisto

Character Name: Yoshikage Kira

Banning admin: Shaps

Ban type: Temporary

Ban reason and length: Ahelped getting killed by another scientist over an illegetimite reason, which was handled by admins and he was informed of. After getting borged and being told not to attack the scientist three times explicitly, still did so, then when admin-locked down, tried calling out the scientist as a rev despite being implanted. Repeated bad faith banbaiting and inability to follow directions, as well as breaking AI laws not to hurt the scientist.
This ban is temporary, it will be removed in 2 weeks. The round ID is 116025.

Time ban was placed: 2019-08-15 12:14:16I believe, on my timezone -3:00 Brasilia

Server you were playing when banned: Sybil 1

Your side of the story: As soon as I hop off the ship I go to see slimes because I wanted to try xeno for once, I'm 90% of the time CMO/Virology/Genetics so I'm not robust at all and am used to just healing and giving people powers, so I get in, and this guy kicks my shit, but I don't care I go in again I absolutely MUST play with the slimes or my day will be ruined, then he robusts me out of xeno, bashes my head with a fire extinguisher and throws me in the hallways to die saying I'm a revolutionary, I have some good hours of gameplay now and I swear no one ever killed me so unjustly before, I cry to the admins because I've seen people doing it and it worked for them, then I waited 20 minutes until someone borged me.

Why you think you should be unbanned: I told the admin that me suffering repercussions while the other player just kept doing what he was doing was unjust, I also believe it is normal to feel rage when someone ruins your game and gets YOU blamed for it, I was wrong but he was too, and I got fucked and he got away with a slap on the wrist, I did wrong but 2 weeks is too much for a petty thing like that, I am being deprived of something I greatly enjoy and take pleasure from doing everything right and knowing more about ss13, I just want to play in peace, I don't blame anyone for it, It was my bad and this never happened before, thank you sincerely.
- Trismegisto
Last edited by Trismegisto on Thu Aug 15, 2019 6:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
Joined: Thu Aug 15, 2019 3:30 am

Re: [Shaps] Trismegisto - Temporary

Post by Trismegisto » #507739

I just tried other Servers and they're hardly as good as /tg/ let me back please D;
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Re: [Shaps] Trismegisto - Temporary

Post by Timonk » #507758

The timezone in Brasília is GMT - 3 for reference.
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Re: [Shaps] Trismegisto - Temporary

Post by Shaps-cloud » #507939

I'll drop it to a server weekban, but no lower. You specifically requested that an admin handle the situation, and when I investigated it and found that the other guy was indeed at fault, I went out of my way to relay that back to you. And, since you now were put into a cyborg body and thus back in the round, I figured that would be enough. Yes, you had your round derailed (though by no means ruined, you were still a cyborg), but a single round is temporary, and the other person already got a permanent note on their record. Going out of your way to directly ignore the admin, who you and you alone had requested to deal with the situation in the first place, telling you several times to leave the conflict alone is obnoxious and shitty. Immediately calling me a hook nosed lawyer (even after ruling in your favor) is icing on that cake.

The silicon permas stay because you were going against both direct admin intervention and your laws.

Consider this resolved.
P.S. Shoot Dr. Allen on sight and dissolve his body in acid. Don't burn it.

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