[Arianya] Week ban without warning or a bwoink

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[Arianya] Week ban without warning or a bwoink

Post by Dootdoom » #517146

BYOND account: Dootdoom
Character name: Andy Nyagsin
Ban type: Server ban
Ban length:a week
Ban reason: Rule 1-When you\'re going out of the way to cite suicide statistics at someone just because you don\'t like them, in a self admittedly targeted manor, perhaps you should re-evaluate yourself as a human being. Take a week to do so.
Time ban was placed: 9/27/19 ~4:50 PM
Server you were playing on when banned: Bagil
Round ID in which ban was placed:120219
Your side of the story: I saw that Cynic was on and decided to pull a funny and say, "Monkey stride, Monkey slide. 40% of all transgenders commit suicide." OOC was disabled admins talked shit, that was it.
Why you think you should be unbanned:To start, this ban was unjustified and nothing even indicated it was coming. Literally I could've been noted, I could've been warned actually anything but I get banned for a week without warning or even a bwoink. If I was seriously targeting Cynic and trying to get them mad or worse (I can't imagine what), I would've DM'd them on discord or some shit. Yes I admit this ban is /somewhat/ deserved, but I'd like to say I should've at least had some kind of warning or literally anything that could indicate a week ban was coming. This is a stupid ban and it might not even get appealed, in that case I'd like to at the very least appeal the note this is going to leave on my record/lower the ban time. All this ban is is just baby rage on the internet I didn't even do anything rule breaky IC.This was only my second time even saying it and OOC was disabled right after it. Hell I could've even been OOC banned or muted, why was OOC disabled in the first place? It's the internet, it's text on a screen why would you let this get on your nerves and even care about it.
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Re: [Arianya] Week ban without warning or a bwoink

Post by oranges » #517153

You broke the first rule doot, by being a cunt.

you're lucky it was only a week
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Re: [Arianya] Week ban without warning or a bwoink

Post by Arianya » #517154

A warning is not something that you've got a god given right to, especially when I don't have any reason to believe that you're acting in even misguided good faith.

To start, you said:
OOC: Dootdoom: oh shit Cynic is on
OOC: Dootdoom: time to say it
Followed by the part you quoted in your appeal split over 7 separate messages, you know, to make sure no one missed it, I guess.

Which is a pretty brazen display of saying stupid shit just to jab at an admin. But hey, let's go with heavy benefit of the doubt for a second, and assume you weren't aware that Cynic doesn't appreciate that kind of thing. I might accept your version of events that you weren't "trying to get them mad", if not for a later quote:
OOC: Dootdoom: cynic:
OOC: Dootdoom: pissed off
OOC: Dootdoom: time to go home
OOC: Dootdoom: we gottem boys
Which seems in direct contradiction to you claiming you weren't trying to get a rise out of them.

This wasn't part of snappy banter. It was not in response to anything. It was you targeting Cynic. I won't speculate as to your motive, whether you wanted to be mean or you just thought it was the hot meme of the day, but regardless I don't see anything in your appeal that dissuades me from this being a Rule 1 matter - most of your post is just making excuses for how the punishment should be lesser or invalidated because you weren't warned or because it wasn't an IC matter.

Feel free to provide an argument as to how you weren't being a dick, but so far I remain unconvinced.
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Re: [Arianya] Week ban without warning or a bwoink

Post by Dootdoom » #517159

Feel free to provide an argument as to how you weren't being a dick, but so far I remain unconvinced.
Im trying to make a point that the ban was dumb and being affected by 7 lines of text on a screen and thinking that's good enough to ban someone for a week is stupid. If anything you're being the dick here because it is SEVEN FUCKING LINES OF TEXT ON A SCREEN you got fucking butthurt and baby raged and banned me for a week. Seriously, what the fuck dude.
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Re: [Arianya] Week ban without warning or a bwoink

Post by wubli » #517160

Dootdoom wrote:I saw that Cynic was on and decided to pull a funny and say, "Monkey stride, Monkey slide. 40% of all transgenders commit suicide."
1. Don't be a dick. We're all here to have a good time, supposedly.
Dootdoom wrote:to start, this ban was unjustified
you decided to talk about trans people suicide because you knew a trans person you probably don't like was on in the server. 1. Don't be a dick. We're all here to have a good time, supposedly.
Dootdoom wrote:If I was seriously targeting Cynic and trying to get them mad or worse (I can't imagine what), I would've DM'd them on discord or some shit.
Dootdoom wrote:I saw that Cynic was on and decided to pull a funny and say, "Monkey stride, Monkey slide. 40% of all transgenders commit suicide."
blatant contradiction, you did it because they were on, but somehow it's not "seriously targetting"
Dootdoom wrote:Yes I admit this ban is /somewhat/ deserved,
Dootdoom wrote:to start, this ban was unjustified
make up your mind
Dootdoom wrote:I'd like to at the very least appeal the note this is going to leave on my record/lower the ban time.
i'm very glad it's going to be on your record that you pull out suicide statistics to target someone specific cause "it's funny"
Dootdoom wrote:All this ban is is just baby rage on the internet I didn't even do anything rule breaky IC This was only my second time even saying it and OOC was disabled right after it. Hell I could've even been OOC banned or muted, why was OOC disabled in the first place? It's the internet, it's text on a screen why would you let this get on your nerves and even care about it.
1. Don't be a dick. We're all here to have a good time, supposedly.
here's an example of a ban that included something similar. for those lazy, guy was banned for saying this: "to be fair you white south africans deserve the rape and violence. working to make a living is racist and youre denying your wealth to blacks" after a south african was talking about themselves. if you go out of your way to directly target someone and be fucking gross, expect a ban for being a dick.

it's beyond me how you think this is isn't justified and "you should've been warned". you shouldn't break rules for the sake of being an asshole, you broke rule 1. one week is nothing and you should be glad it wasn't a perma.
Dootdoom wrote:If anything you're being the dick here because it is SEVEN FUCKING LINES OF TEXT ON A SCREEN you got fucking butthurt and baby raged and banned me for a week. Seriously, what the fuck dude.
grow up dumbass, you talked shit to make someone mad, you got slapped on the wrist and now you dare to complain about it. you were looking for a reaction and you got one. i hope these sweet seven days are enough for you to give it some thought.
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Re: [Arianya] Week ban without warning or a bwoink

Post by Dootdoom » #517162

Close the thread then Im done here I have no argument time to fucking vanish because TG sucks and all of you can suck my dick
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Re: [Arianya] Week ban without warning or a bwoink

Post by Arianya » #517164

Dootdoom wrote:
Feel free to provide an argument as to how you weren't being a dick, but so far I remain unconvinced.
Im trying to make a point that the ban was dumb and being affected by 7 lines of text on a screen and thinking that's good enough to ban someone for a week is stupid. If anything you're being the dick here because it is SEVEN FUCKING LINES OF TEXT ON A SCREEN you got fucking butthurt and baby raged and banned me for a week. Seriously, what the fuck dude.
And I'm telling you that "the ban is dumb" is not a compelling argument. What you did was over the line from "witty internet banter" and into being a dick just to be a dick. Since you've not said anything to refute the Rule 1 implications other then "no u" I'm going to officially deny this appeal pending headmin review.

If it comes down to a binary choice between you being able to play on /tg/'s servers or not allowing/encouraging this kind of dickery, then I will always pick the latter. I hope after you've had a week to reassess the situation you rethink your approach and there's no need for that kind of binary choice.
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Re: [Arianya] Week ban without warning or a bwoink

Post by MortoSasye » #517165

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Honestly, no words can't describe how disappointed I am in you and this behaviour you have demonstrated today. Do you seriously think this is ok? That these are just some words in a screen?


News flash: It isn't. This isn't just calling someone an idiot, this isn't something that happened due to a rush of emotions; This was you purposely noticing someone in a server that gets affected by this type of comments, thought it may be funny to tell them to suicide, and proceeded to do so to then justify it as you ''pulling a funny off''.

I'm amazed you had the balls to come appeal here instead of reflecting about why what you did was wrong. Take this time off to do so, pull that shit again and you're out of this server.
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