[scaredofshadows] Twentytwo22 - supermatter misunderstanding

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[scaredofshadows] Twentytwo22 - supermatter misunderstanding

Post by Twentytwo22 » #53789

Byond account and character name:
Twentytwo22 - Heidy Lucy

Banning admin:

Ban type:
Permanent Job Ban from Captain, Head of Personnel, Research Director, Chief Engineer, Head of Security, Chief Medical Officer, Cargo Technician, Quartermaster

Ban reason and length:
Quote from BYOND menu: Ordered a supermatter shard as a non-antag CE. Drug it around the station resulting in a few deaths. Brought it back unto the station from space resulting in an 8, 16, 24 sized explosion. Does not seem to understand why this is bad. This ban was applied by scaredofshadows on 2014-12-26 19:58:31, (the rest of the message was about when the temporary ban would end) (also, it should be dragged SOS :P )

Length of Job Ban:

Time ban was placed:
2014-12-26, 19:58:31 PST

Your side of the story:
At the beginning of the round, I made sure to receive permission right away to build a super matter engine. I got the okays from the AI and the Captain, and the RD offered to help me. The AI said we should have an armed transport team and we accepted.The captain did not want me to tell the crew about the supermatter so that no one would intervene or try to "help". I received access to science and cargo so that I may order the crates without alerting the crew and then set up the engine in miscellaneous science. The original QM feigned to have a problem with it so he could kill me but that situation was resolved. ( He may have actually had a problem with it, but I believe he was also a rev. He did scream something like "I told you so." in dead-chat. ) While the crate was arriving, I went to medbay to get scanned in the cloner just in case the supermatter exploded (irony is everywhere). I can't remember why, but it took longer than usual to get back to cargo. I think I went to eat something, but I am not sure. When I came back, the HOP had just dared the cargo tech to open the crate and then touch the crystal shard. I objected immediately, but someone had already opened the crate. I was faced with a choice: to drag it through maintenance or to drag it through the halls. I knew I could not wait for the armed transport and that I had to act quickly. I know I could've attempted to go through space, but that would've made me go through maintenance AND the halls, and it would've caused more crystal instability because of the longer trip. I decided to go through the halls because it is a wider area and people could rush by without getting killed if they were paying attention. I also knew that the radiation and hallucinations would've worn off eventually, and that medbay ( just the lobby ) was right in the area of the irradiation zone so people could get help without dying. Going through maintenance would've also irradiated more of the inner parts of medbay and any fast moving assistants would be killed. I went south from cargo as to avoid security so that the law enforcement would not get irradiated. I ended up making it to science with 4 or 5 people instantly killed and a few more people in the hallways ( probably about 15- 20 ) injured. ( I now know that some of the people who got instantly killed or injured were revolutionaries that were trying to push me into the crystal, but I did not know that at the time. ) I made sure to have my hardsuit on so that I would go slower so that people could avoid me in the halls, and so that I would not get irradiated. I know that going slower means more irradiation, but radiation is treatable and instant vaporization is not. I was messaged by scaredofshadows in the hallway ( He said something to the effect of "You know supermatter kills, right?". I responded, saying something like "I am trying to minimize casualties.") I got the crystal into the chamber, but the RD did not set it up right and the crystal started to become unstable. I had to act quickly again and I decided to put it on the science solars. It lit the RD and another person on fire, but they were not there later so I assumed they were saved ( or, now that I think of it, killed by revs ). I got it onto the solars, but it kept giving an instability alert over the radio. The instability percentage was the same in each alert, but I knew that the station would never be safe as long as an unstable supermatter crystal was anywhere near it. I went back and dragged it through space towards the chapel in an attempt to mass driver it. I asked for someone to come and help me dispose of it, and the HOP said he would come. I went there and there was a huge crowd of people in the chapel. ( I think that they were probably revolutionaries too and that they were there because the HOP was there too. ) I kept asking for someone to open the mass driver so I could shove the supermatter crystal in, but the radiation had knocked everyone unconscious. I broke into the chapel from space and attempted to drag the supermatter onto the mass driver. I was almost successful, but the crystal caught on fire and the air pushed it into me and I was instantly killed. Moments after, the crystal exploded gibbing everyone in the chapel and injuring people in the escape hallway and library. I was eventually cloned, captured by revolutionaries ( which is when I discovered there even WAS a revolution ), and then banned.

Why you think you should be unbanned:
I believe that scaredofshadows and the other admins on at the time did not get the full story and had misunderstand my intentions. I was only trying to make an efficient, minimally-deadly power source. As you can tell by my detailed story above ( that could probably be classified as a short novel :lol: ), I put a lot of thought into not killing people and I had very little time to act or think. I believe that I performed well in the situation and attempted to work in the best interest of the crew ( the job of any good CE ). The people that were online and understood the story above were supportive of my actions and believed that it was the original sin of opening the crate that caused the rest of the bad events to unfold. Some ( like the admins, I believe ) condemned me for my actions because they only saw part of the picture, and not the entirety. I may not be completely blameless, as there is always a better course of action than the one taken, but I think I did the best that I could in the situation. I believe I should be unbanned because it was the actions of the incompetent people around me that I trusted that turned the supermatter into a very deadly device and not me. ( I will NEVER do this again on [Sybil, but I may try it on Basil at a fairly unpopulated time. I will probably use supermatter again as an antagonist, but for less wholesome and more creative reasons, obviously.) I put too much faith into the people that were around me, and I should've made sure that everything was in order before even ordering the supermatter. ( Hindsight is always 20/20. ) All in all, I understand that the supermatter is deadly and that the consequences of the incompetence of those around me killed all those people. I understand that I did put people in danger by trying to mass driver the supermatter, but it was the co-mob-mentalities of the revolution and those banded together trying to help get rid of the supermatter that caused the explosion in the chapel. The situation is not that I did not understand that what I did was wrong, it is that the administrators did not fully understand my intentions by ordering the supermatter.
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Re: [scaredofshadows] Twentytwo22 - supermatter misunderstan

Post by Ahammer18 » #53799

SoS has been notified but according to this the bans were only for 5000 minutes each
I'm a boy.
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Re: [scaredofshadows] Twentytwo22 - supermatter misunderstan

Post by scaredofshadows » #53800

All of the jobbans expire on December 30th. They were not intended to be permanent jobbans.

EDIT: you killed 2 rev-heads and 2 heads of staff during a rev round by dragging the supermatter shard back onto the station from space. You wound up killing around a dozen people in the explosion. There was a warning being printed to the console saying something to the effect of 'supermatter shard explosion imminent' and you still dragged it back onto the station from space. I had adminPMed you earlier telling you to be mindful of the fact that the supermatter shard you were dragging around in the hallways had already killed at least 2 people.

Do not do this. There is no possible justification for doing this.

Re: [scaredofshadows] Twentytwo22 - supermatter misunderstan

Post by Malkevin » #53859

I was the HoS this round.

I'll just say that cargo and mining were a bunch of space assholes.
After the ce ordered the shard she was attacked by the promoted qm and miners
Short time later a miner breaks into the armoury and kills the warden, then other miners assault the brig
Turns out it was stealth revs and most of supply were revs

The original hop was a fuck tard that spent the round in the closet talking about his tight ass, he tossed his ID to some greyshirt

So yeah, not really the ces fault the shard was exposed outside containment.
They probably should have used the disposal mass driver instead though
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Re: [scaredofshadows] Twentytwo22 - supermatter misunderstan

Post by peoplearestrange » #54086

Ban expires with 24 hours. Resolving topic.

If done in error PM me.
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