[Skoglol] SasukexSakura1337 - Blatant metacomms.

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[Skoglol] SasukexSakura1337 - Blatant metacomms.

Post by SasukexSakura1337 » #553312

BYOND account: <SasukexSakura1337>
Character name: <Adrian Willey>
Ban type: <Server>
Ban length: <Permanent>
Ban reason: Blatant metacomms with darek143. Warned about this before. In this case, Darek rolled wizard, had sasuke ghost from his crew role and bought apprentice for him. Upon getting on ship, neither of them spoke a single word but got loaded up on gear just fine. Admitted to it in ahelp.>
Time ban was placed: <Try to get this from the server when you get the ban reason. If it was a note, the note has a timestamp. If it was a server ban, it will also have a timestamp. Both of these times are in UTC.>
Server you were playing on when banned: Eventhall>
Round ID in which ban was placed: <133937>
Your side of the story: <I spawned as a Robotics and was gonna build some borgs until my mate told me and said "i'm a wizard, wanna try become a apprentice", I straight up ghosted and spawned as a wizard's apprentice, While i did spawn as his apprentice. My mate "Darek143" just bought 2 healing spells and 2 spellblades for each of us to use. At time of this event was happening, We were still in the call originally from when he called me. And ended up "Accidently metacomming unintentionally" >
Why you think you should be unbanned: <I am personally a dedicated or atleast trying to get dedicated to TG. I've sent ALOT of help questions to admins help and alot of them been answered by a chill admin called "FatalX1" I don't even know how he has the patience to keep up with my questions because they seem bit "special". I always asked him questions regards loopholes i might end up doing by mistake for example. I asked "is it okay if i subvert AI and make it protect me as a clown because i get harassed" and i got the response of "yes but not using human harm that's on you". The reason i'm mentioning this is because this is a fact and a personal feeling that i ask questions and really wanna learn the game. I actually try to avoid doing some form of mistakes and when i feel like i died because someone broke the rules, i report it. But in this case i ended up metacomming with the person that got me into "Tg station" and space station 13. I really love TG station and wish to become better. I've been banned once i believe for 15 minutes because i tried starting the shuttle earlier and ended up spamming.
While playing TG station, A admin talked to me about Darek143 and my connection to him and wish i responded honestly that he was my my mate and tried learning to me the game. His brother played this game but he stopped soon after. I don't have much to say really, I got proof of me trying to learn the game, Master arts of robotics and science. There's alot i haven't done and it's a cruical mistake of mine that I've not read the rules properly of metacoms. I do know what meta coms however i didn't understand the concept in which how we metacommed. I know metacomming is strongly offensive in RPG based games, Since i played other Rpg games like Arma 3 altis life and so on. It was a reflex of mine where i and darek unconciouslly stayed in the call and still continued to talk about the fun shit we were gonna do. I blatantly sucided and became a wizard apperantice. This is just proof that i weren't even aware of that i was metacomming and just "Accidently metacommed" and even tho my mate darek is quite experienced didn't even realize himself that we were currently breaking the rules. We really enjoy tg, We play it for the experience it has to offer which no other server does and honestly, we aren't really that smart.
the admins here are dope, Please give us the chance and let us become a better player. It isn't worth getting banned and risking a round of fun when you'll get permad. Please i don't even have 100 hours onto the server and earlier when i first played tg i was also afk time to time aswell. >
References of good conduct:[/b] <Not really much to say, TG is pretty much the only good server and if i'll stay permad i'll pretty much quit the game because nothing will replace it or try get into beestation for future unban appeals to get that good conduct. I really,really tried not breaking the rules and trying to contact the admins much as possible. All i can say. I have spent 30 hours total on beestation and not done anything fucked up, i don't recall fucking anyone over but beestation was the very first server i started and do not have a ban on i believe. I think this a good sign. >
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Re: [Skoglol] SasukexSakura1337 - Blatant metacomms.

Post by skoglol » #553918

Allright. Sorry for taking a while to respond to this one. I wanted to focus on one side of the situation at a time, in this case I started with Darek's appeal since he is the older player and also the one who had given us a bit of back and forth about your relation in the previous interactions. I believe I got it cleared up now, so lets get into this.

Please see my decision in Dareks appeal: https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic ... 15#p553915
Let me first off be very clear about the metacomming and metagaming rules. You are not allowed to give or use any information about the current round outside the game. That includes but is not limited to telling someone what job you currently are, what is happening in the round, or asking them for help/assistance. If you are introducing a friend to the game, you are allowed to take on a teaching role over comms if you clear it with the admins beforehand.
Another thing you should be aware of is the rules against antag rolling. These cover suiciding or ghosting roundstart when you didnt get antagonist, and only playing the game when you are. Telling your friend to suicide to roll for ghost roles also makes him break this rule.

I am considering reducing this ban to three months, at which point you will still be on the watchlist for a time and admins will be keeping an eye on you. Any suspicion of metacomming with anyone will lead to a new permanent ban after which you can expect no leniency. If you have questions or concerns regarding this as you start playing, you can talk with the admins in game. Let me be extremely clear: Most people who get a metacomming ban is not coming back from the first one.
The same thing pretty much applies to you, but since you have been very straight forward with us, are a newer player and may have merely been influenced into breaking the metacomming rules by darek who introduced you to the game, I offer a reduction to a one month ban. Watchlist and zero tolerance still apply.

Will you play by the rules if I do so?
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Re: [Skoglol] SasukexSakura1337 - Blatant metacomms.

Post by SasukexSakura1337 » #553922

Yes sir, i shall play on beestation while waiting my return upon tg station13. I really didn't expect to make a return due me realizing how harsh it is to meta com. I will and shall follow the rules and be under watch list. i accept
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Joined: Wed Jun 13, 2018 5:25 am
Byond Username: Skoglol
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Re: [Skoglol] SasukexSakura1337 - Blatant metacomms.

Post by skoglol » #553971

Allright, good. Ban reduced to 30 days, expires 2020-05-04 23:59:28. See you then.

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